The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men))

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The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)) Page 3

by Quinn, Shelli

  Gio was waiting for him at a table near the back of the Italian restaurant with a glass of wine in hand and a plate of chicken Marsala in front of him. He stood when he saw Pierce approaching; they greeted each other with their usual brotherly embrace as Gio asked.

  “So did you talk to the mother of your baby?”

  Pierce took a sit in the empty chair across the table. The waiter was there at his side to take his order as soon as he sat down. “I'll have what he's having, thanks Marco.”

  “Yes, I spoke with her.” Pierce replied.

  “And how did that go?” Gio responded as he used the cloth napkin to wipe the corners of his mouth, before replacing it on the table next to his plate.

  “I'm not sure yet, she was tired from waiting tables in the dining room of the Inn, so I told her that I'd see her tomorrow.” Pierce answered, placing a linen napkin over one of his muscular thighs.

  “This is probably a stupid question but why was she waiting tables in her condition?”

  “She said that they were short staffed so she was filling in.”

  Gio glanced at Pierce with a raised brow as he slung one arm over the back of his chair. “I hope you plan to do something to make sure that doesn’t happen again. She is seven months pregnant she doesn’t need to be on her feet all day like that. ”

  Before Pierce could respond Marco brought his order to the table after he thanked the young man he turned his attention back to Gio. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his wide chest.

  “Hell, don’t you think I know that, but there’s not much I can do until she agrees to marry me.” Pierce snapped.

  “Well I suggest you stop getting mad at me and figure out how to make that happen.” Gio said not bothered the slightest bit at Pierce snapping. He was the only one that could handle Pierce no matter what mood he was in. Everyone else ran for cover when Pierce was in one of his less than pleasant moods. Of the four brothers he and Pierce were the closest growing up the two had been practically inseparable even now they the best of friends.

  Giovanni and Pierce had similar facial features high cheekbones, a perfectly shaped nose, a handsomely squared jaw line and sexy cleft chin. But unlike Pierce, Giovanni’s skin tone was much darker almost bronze in color. His eyes were a mixture of green and gold with flecks of blue, the color was very unusual. His raven black hair was extremely wavy unlike his brothers whose hair was just as black but silky straight.

  Pierce glanced up at Giovanni before taking a sip of his wine as he placed the glass on the table in front of him he spoke to his brother and best friend in much calmer tone. “What do you suggest I do to convince her Gio?”

  “Hey you’re a smart man I know you can think of something. Think about it, what’s important to her?” Gio said with a smile as he lifted his wine glass to his lips.

  Pierce thought for a moment before a smile spread across his face. “Landry’s Landing Inn, that’s pretty important to her and so are her sister’s.”

  Gio laughed. “Now you’re thinking big brother.”

  Pierce didn’t waste any time pulling his cell phone from his pocket he went to work on his plan.

  Egypt lay in bed later that night unable to sleep. Her mind was filled with images of Pierce Fabrizio every time she closed her eyes she could see his grey eyes staring back at her. He had to be the sexiest man she’d ever seen. Well except for Dwayne “the rock” Johnson, but that didn’t count because she’s never had the pleasure of seeing him in person.

  What she couldn’t seem to figure out was why would a man that fine and that rich want to marry her? Even if she was carrying his baby that didn’t mean they should get married, this was not the old days women raised children alone all the time. In her case she had her family so she wasn’t alone.

  There had to be more to this story. Why else would he want to marry somebody like her? Before she agreed to anything she needed to know the whole story. It didn’t matter that she was attracted to him. What warm blooded woman wouldn't be? She was pregnant not blind. Even so this time she was not going to let attraction dictate her actions.

  “Darn you Pierce Fabrizio for turning my life upside down.” Gigi said to the empty room. Just then the baby picked that moment to do a tumble and roll in her belly. She rubbed her stomach in an attempt to calm the baby down which was a waste of time because it didn’t work. The more she thought about Pierce the more the baby moved within her womb.

  “What the heck is going on little one? You’re really having a field day in there tonight.” She said laughing. “This is just wonderful I’ll never be able to get to sleep with you doing cartwheels in there.” She dropped her legs over the side of the bed placing her feet on the floor as she sat up. She thought having a snack and a glass of milk would help calm the baby. She was about to head for the kitchen when her cell phone rang.

  Frowning at the phone on her bed side table she wondered who could possibly be calling her. She glanced at the clock before picking up her phone it was twelve forty seven, not recognizing the number but she answered with curiosity.

  “Hello!” Egypt said softly into the phone. There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.

  “Egypt, What are you doing up this time of night?” Pierce asked in a demanding tone.

  She frowned again. “Hello to you too sunshine and excuse me but you called my phone at twelve forty seven in the morning remember?”

  “I’m sorry hello Gigi, I called because I was expecting your voicemail to pick up. Why are you awake is everything okay?” He asked sounding very concerned.

  “I’m fine the baby is just having a soccer game in my stomach and I can’t seem to put an end to it. For some reason this baby has decided that it’s going to be a night owl tonight.” She said as she leaned back against the headboard and lifted her feet onto the bed. “So why were you calling my voicemail?”

  “Oh I was going to leave you a message about what time I’d be by tomorrow I have something for you, but now I’m worried that you won’t get any sleep tonight.” He said.

  “I’ll be fine the baby should calm down soon. So what do have for me is it a prenup?” She asked.

  “No it’s not a prenup and you’ll have to wait until tomorrow. Now let me talk to the baby.”

  “Hmm you do remember that the baby’s in my stomach right?”

  “Yes Gigi just put the phone next to your stomach. It can’t hurt to try right?” He asked.

  “Hey at this point I’ll try anything if it’ll calm this kid down.” Gigi put the phone on speaker and held it next to her stomach. “Okay give it a try.” She said skeptically.

  “Listen up buddy it’s time for you to calm down and go to sleep. Your mom needs her rest and she can’t do that with you playing kick ball in her tummy. You’re a Fabrizio and the Fabrizio men are good to the women in our life so you might as well learn that now, your father has spoken so go to sleep little one.”

  Egypt was giggling so hard she didn’t notice that the baby had stopped all the tumble and all she felt was tiny flutters. She stopped laughing she couldn’t believe that had worked.

  “Did it work has the baby calmed down?” Pierce asked hopefully.

  “You’re not going to believe this but yes it worked the baby has calmed down completely. Wow now I know who to call when this happens again.” She said smiling uncontrollably.

  “Well hopefully if it happens again you won’t have to call, but we’ll talk about that tomorrow.

  Good night Gigi sleep well.”

  “Good night sunshine see you tomorrow.”

  “You certainly will.”

  They ended the call with both of them unable to stop smiling and both looking forward to what tomorrow would bring.

  Chapter Five

  The next morning Egypt still couldn’t stop smiling when she walked into the kitchen where both her sisters were. The two exchanged questioning looks as they wondered what had put such a smile on her face.

  “That must
have been some dream you had?” Indy asked.

  “Yeah I bet that it was about Pierce.” Asia teased. But little did she know she was right. After they ended their phone conversation she went to sleep with visions of her baby’s father dancing in her head. They were the most delightful dreams she’d ever had in all her twenty six years of living. She could barely wait to see him today. He’d sounded so sexy on the phone last night.

  “Hello Gigi did you hear us talking to you?” Indy asked.

  “I’m sorry what were you saying?” Gigi asked as she continued to gaze starry eyed at nothing in particular.

  “Girl where is your mind this morning?” Indy asked.

  “I’m telling you she’s thinking about Pierce Fabrizio.” Asia said grinning. Just then the baby started doing cartwheels again.

  “Shh! Would you please not say his name. Every time his name is said out loud this baby tries to kick its way out of my stomach.” Gigi said as she took a seat at the table.

  “You’re making that up?” Asia said skeptically.

  “I wish I was, last night I couldn’t sleep and I was blaming Him and said his name and this baby would not calm down.” Gigi told her sisters.

  “So how did you get to sleep?” Indy asked.

  “He called last night and when I put him on speakerphone the baby calmed down after that I was able to go to sleep.”

  “What was he calling you for?” Indy asked.

  “Indy would you stop with the questions, I feel like I’m being interrogated by the secret service.”

  “You know how Indy is she’s big sister and mother all wrapped into one.” Asia said teasingly.

  “I know but I don’t have time this morning he is coming by so that we can talk and I haven’t even gotten dressed yet.”

  India crossed her arms over her chest as she gazed at Egypt. “You need to eat something.”

  Egypt poured herself a glass of orange juice and grabbed a banana from the fruit basket on the counter as she headed for the door that lead to her room. “Happy?”

  “No and I’m sure Pierce Fabrizio won’t be either when he finds out your starving his baby.”

  As soon as India said his name the baby started with the somersaults again. “Do you see what you did?” Gigi asked as she pointed towards her belly.

  India laughed. “Well I be darn the baby really does go crazy when he hears his name.”

  Egypt growled at her sister before stomping out of the kitchen.

  “That was mean of you.” Asia said.

  “Oh shut up, I swear I don’t know which of you is worse you or Gigi.” She said to Asia.

  “We love you too Indy.” Asia replied with a smile.

  The phone rang before India could say anything she narrowed her eyes at her little sister as she walked passed her to answer the phone.

  “Hello. No that’s fine send them up. Thanks Lois.” India said before clicking off the cordless.

  “Who is she sending up?” Asia asked.

  “That would be Pierce and Giovanni Fabrizio.” India answered.

  “What! Are you kidding me they’re on their way up here right now?” Asia asked sounding panicked.

  “What are you so frantic about they’re not here to see you now go check on Gigi I’ll get the door when they arrive.”

  “Are you sure it was a good idea to bring me with you?” Gio asked as they made their way up to the top floor.

  “Look there’s no way I was going to face her and her sister’s alone this morning and having you with me calms my nerves.” Pierce said to his best friend and brother.

  “You’ll be fine you’re a Fabrizio remember we don’t take no for an answer if we can help it.”


  A few seconds later they were standing in front of the Landry sister’s door. Pierce inhaled deeply before he exhaled the breath then knocked gently on the door. A split second barely passed before the door was flung open by a tall woman about five nine with skin the color of a walnut and auburn shoulder length hair, honey colored eyes and hips that flared slightly below the waist.

  She was gorgeous, that was the only thing Giovanni could think of as he stared at her. She smiled and his heart almost stopped in his chest.

  “Hello you must be Pierce and Giovanni please come in.” India said as she stepped back to let them in. “I’m Egypt’s sister India. Gigi should be out soon. Have a seat may I get either of you something to drink?”

  “Thank you India I’d like a cup of coffee if you have it?” Pierce said.

  “Would you like a cup also?” She asked Gio. When he didn’t answer and just continued to stare. One of her eyebrows arched slightly. Turning her attention back to Pierce she asked. “Does he speak or just stare?”

  “Gio, India wants to know if you want coffee.” Pierce asked him close to his ear. Gio shook his head slightly. “I’m sorry uh yes coffee will be fine thank you.”

  “You got it, I’ll be right back.” India said with a smile as she turned and headed into the kitchen.

  Gio let his gaze follow her watching the gentle sway of her hips as she walked away on long shapely legs. No woman had ever made him this dumbfounded. The minute he laid eyes on her he became speechless she was breathtaking from her honey colored eyes to her perfectly manicured toes.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at a loss for words Gio.” Pierce said jokingly.

  “Shut up who asked you anyway?” Gio snapped.

  “India is quite pretty isn’t she?”

  “Pretty? Pretty? Man she is gorgeous those pictures didn’t do her justice.” Gio said.

  “Oh so you did notice?” Pierce asked with a smirk.

  “Do I look blind to you?” Gio replied.

  India leaned against the counter to catch her breath. She thought that Pierce was cute but his brother Giovanni was too handsome to be real. He was the most delicious looking man she’d ever met.

  That deeply tanned skin of his was almost bronze in color and those eyes they had so many colors in them she couldn’t figure out which one dominated. His raven black wavy hair looked baby soft and these black jeans hugged his narrow hips nicely as they caressed his long legs He looked to be about the same height as Pierce somewhere around six, three. Oh and that long sleeved black and green shirt fit over his finely muscled upper body divinely.

  Gio was definitely every woman’s dream, but she didn’t do relationships at least not until each of her sisters had secure, lasting relationships of they’re own. Which meant no matter how hot he was she would not be getting involved with him not now anyway.

  Indy returned carrying a tray with two cups of coffee, cream, sugar and homemade pound cake. She leaned over and placed the tray on the table in front of the sofa.

  “I wasn’t sure if either of you wanted cream and sugar.” She said handing a cup to Pierce then a cup to Gio.

  “Black is fine thank you.” Gio said as his eyes darkened and a half smile lifted one corner of his lips. India smiled but quickly wiped the smile from her face as her sisters entered the room. She took a step away from Gio. He noticed the slight change but didn’t say anything.

  Pierce stood as the two women walked into the room.

  “Good morning.” Egypt said as she moved over to the sofa that was directly across from the sofa Pierce and Giovanni.

  “Good morning Gigi did you sleep well?” Pierce asked as he retook his seat on the sofa. Gigi smiled at him before answering.

  “Yes I did thank you. I see you’ve met Indy. This is my baby sister Asia.”

  “Good morning Asia.” Pierce said with a smile before returning his attention to Egypt. “Gigi I’d like for you to meet my brother Giovanni.”

  “Good morning Giovanni it’s nice to meet you.”

  “Please call me Gio and its nice meeting you also, all of you.” He said as he let his gaze shift to India. She looked away from his intense gaze as she lowered herself into the recliner a few feet away from the sofa.

  Asia batted h
er long lashes at Gio and flashed him a smile so big it almost took over her entire face. She was very attractive with a slender figure and standing at five six she was just slightly taller than Gigi. Her honey blonde highlighted hair hung in layered waves down her back and framed her pretty face in front. Her skin tone was the same walnut color as India’s, but unlike her two sisters her eyes were hazel instead of honey.

  “So Gio, it looks like we’re going to be family soon. Maybe we should have dinner and get to know each other better.”

  India didn’t miss the way Asia looked at Gio. She was eyeing him like he was a fresh piece of meat in a lion cage. That girl loved to flirt with good looking men and by the looks of it she was about to try and sink her claws into the wrong man.

  “Back off Asia the man didn’t come here to be pounced on.” India said as she gave Asia a look of warning.

  Gio gave Indy a questioning glance but when she looked away he shifted his gaze to Asia. “Thanks for the offer but I have plans for the next few nights maybe some other time.”

  Asia smiled. “Sure maybe so.”

  India snorted. “Asia shouldn’t you go check on the kitchen staff, I’m sure they’re wondering where you are.”

  Asia gave Indy a mean look before responding. “I should check in to make sure everything is going alright, if you’ll excuse me.” She stood from the sofa and walked out the door.

  India rolled her eyes at the way Asia stormed out of the living room like a spoiled brat. “I swear one day I’m going to strangle that girl.” India mumbled.


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