The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men))

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The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)) Page 4

by Quinn, Shelli

  “Indy you know how Asia gets and you were a little rough on her.” Egypt said as she looked over at her older sister.

  India glanced over at Egypt. “Oh, so because I told her to go do her job I’m being rough on her. Well if you think that was rough you’re definitely not going to like what I’m about to do.”

  Egypt saw the devious gleam in her eyes and then the slow smile that spread across her face. “Indy you better not be about to do what I think you’re about to do.”

  Pierce and Gio exchanged questioning looks before returning their gazes back to the two women before them.

  “Indy I’m warning you don’t you dare say it.” Egypt said through tightly clenched teeth as she narrowed her honey colored eyes at her.

  “Say what Gigi, you mean Pierce Fabrizio.” Indy said his name slow and drawn out before smiling at her sister. Egypt placed her hands over her stomach as the baby began to have its own little dance party which could be seen quite clearly through her cotton t-shirt dress. Pierce let his gaze shift over to Egypt were she was gently rubbing her stomach, moving over to the sofa where she was sitting he placed his hand on her stomach.

  “What happen why did the baby start moving so much?” Pierce asked as he felt his baby move for the first time.

  “Nothing the baby’s fine it just gets a little active at times.” Gigi said.

  “The funny thing is that it mostly happens when someone says your name out loud.” India said with a smile.

  “That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.” Gio said looking from one woman to the other.

  “It may be crazy but it’s true every time that kid’s hears its father’s name vibrate through the air, that’s what happens. The kicking and tumbling is five times worse than usual.” India said with a little too much amusement in her voice.

  Pierce slid off the sofa to kneel beside Gigi as he placed both his hands on Gigi’s stomach so that it was cradled between them. Leaning over towards her belly where his baby was actively playing tumble, roll and kick mommy.

  “Listen poco uno this is your padre I want you to calm down and stop giving your madre a hard time il mio bambino.”

  India leaned towards Gio. “What did he say?”

  Gio smiled as he answered he in english but with his Italian accent it still sounded sexy. “He said listen little one this is your father I want you to calm down and stop giving your mother a hard time my child.”

  Indy giggled. “Yeah that’s cute but I don’t think it’s going to work.” But she looked on with amazement as the baby’s movement slowed from tumble and rolls to light fluttery barely visible bumps. “You have got to be kidding me! There is no way that baby knows who he is already.”

  Gio laughed. “It’s probably the accent.” He said as he winked at Indy.

  “I bet it is.” She mumbled as she looked away.

  “Well I really don’t care what it is I’m just happy that he could calm this baby down.” Egypt said with a smile. “So guys what brings ya’ll here so early this morning?” She asked as her gaze shifted between the two.

  Pierce retook the seat next to Gigi before speaking. “I told you last night that I had something for you.”

  “Looks like I made it back just in time, so what did you get her?” Asia asked as she walked into the room.

  “Dang it, Asia will you be quiet and let the man talk.” Indy said as she glared at her little sister.

  “Don’t you dare start on me again Indy I’ve had enough of your abuse for one day.” Asia said looking like a pouty brat.

  “Asia, I swear if you open your mouth one more time before someone asks you to, I’m going to gag you, hog tie you and lock you in a closet. Now how’s that for abuse you whiney little brat.” India said as she continued to glare at Asia.

  Asia quickly and quietly took a seat folding her arms over her chest she nibbled at her bottom lip. India turned her gaze to Pierce who looked a bit stunned but didn’t comment on the situation.

  “Sorry about that please excuse our dysfunctional family you were saying.” Indy said as she glanced at Gio who looked amused by her and her sisters.

  “No problem. I was about to tell Gigi what I have for her well actually it’s for the three of you really.” Reaching for his back pocket he removed some papers and handed them to Gigi.

  “What are these?” She asked as she unfolded the papers and read the heading on the first page. “Pierce I can’t let you do this it’s too much.” India and Asia exchanged glances before turning their attention to Egypt.

  “What can’t he do? What are those papers Gigi?” India asked. Egypt looked at both her sisters before holding the papers up in front of her.

  “Pierce paid off our bank loan we no longer owe the bank any money.” Gigi looked at Pierce with confusion in her eyes. “Why did you do this?” She asked softly.

  “Who cares why he did it just be happy that he did, besides his interest rate has to be more reasonable than the bank he just paid off.” Asia said.

  “Wow! You know Asia sometimes your stupidity really shocks me. Come on let’s go downstairs; this is something that Gigi and Pierce need to discuss without an audience. Come on Gio I’ll buy you brunch.” India said as she ushered them from the living room.

  Gio glanced at India as he followed her out the door. “So you’re what’s called a take charge kind of woman aren’t you?” He said smiling down at here.

  India stopped as she placed both hands on her hips and glared up t him. “You got a problem with that buster?” She demanded to know.

  Gio laughed as he raised both his hands in surrender. “I was just making an observation that’s all.”

  Asia grinned at the two of them. “Yeah, um you may not want to go there, Indy takes her job as big sister and substitute mommy very seriously. That’s one of the reasons she doesn’t have a life of her own she’s too busy taking care of everyone else.”

  Indy shifted her gaze to Asia narrowing her eyes. “Little girl has anyone ever told you that you talk entirely too damn much?”

  Chapter Six

  Egypt pushed herself to her feet and walked a few feet away. “Pierce will you please explain to me why you paid off our loan?” She placed her hand over her stomach when the baby became active again.

  Pierce leaned forward on the sofa bracing his elbows on his knees. “Well one of the reasons I paid off the loan is because I don’t want you stressing out about bills while you’re carrying our baby.” He stood up and walked over to stand in front of Gigi placing both his hands on her shoulders.

  “The other reason is because I wanted you to know that your needs are important to me and as my wife and the mother of my child I will always make sure that your needs are taken care of.”

  Gigi looked up into Pierce’s grey eyes. “I haven’t agreed to marry you yet so don’t you think that maybe you jumped the gun just a bit?”

  He smiled at her as he reached into his front pocket. “Well I guess maybe I shouldn’t have bought you this then huh?”

  Gigi gasped.

  Between his thumb and forefinger he held a brilliant twelve carat square shaped diamond ring. The ring was set in platinum with a row of smaller diamonds around the band. It was the most beautiful and expensive looking thing she’d ever laid eyes on.

  “Pierce it’s beautiful, but I can’t accept it.” She said as she pushed the ring away. He grabbed her hand in his when she reached out to push the ring away. Bring her hand towards him he held it against his chest.

  “This ring pales in comparison to your beauty Gigi. I know you haven’t decided to marry me yet but would you just wear the ring while you think about it?” He asked in a tone oozing with charm.

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, I know this ring cost a small fortune. Are you sure you want me to wear it while I decide? What if something happens to it?”

  “I trust that you’ll keep it safe.” He said laughing as he slipped it on her finger.

  Gigi held her hand out in fro
nt of her as she admired the ring with the other hand she gently rubbed her stomach. She smiled up at him again. “You certainly make it hard for a girl to say no to you.”

  He leaned down and pressed his lips lightly to her forehead. “I certainly am trying.” He whispered.

  Gigi pressed her ringed hand to his chest as her gaze shifted to the ring once again. “Pierce if I decide not to marry you, are you going to call in our loan?”

  “Not exactly.” Pierce replied.

  Egypt removed her hand from his chest and took a step back. “What do you mean not exactly?”

  Cupping her arm at the elbow he walked her back over to the sofa. “Let’s sit down and I’ll explain.” Once she was seated he sat down beside her. “In the pack of papers I handed you earlier was a document outlining our commitment to our family, you, me and the baby as well as your sisters and my family.”

  Egypt lifted the papers from the table where she’d placed them flipping through the pages she skimmed over them before shifting her back to Pierce. “Okay so what does all this mean? There’s a lot of legal mumbo jumbo in here that I do not understand.”

  “The long and short of what it says is that if you agree to marry me as my wife, you and your sisters own Landry’s Landing free and clear with a business bank account to make payroll for the staff, make any changes and or improvements you wish to make and money to expand your business as you see fit.” He said as he gazed into her honey brown eyes.

  Egypt crossed her arms over her belly as she narrowed her eyes at the father of her baby. “What if I decide not to marry you what will happen then?”

  “In the event you decide not to become my wife Landry’s Landing will become the property of Fabrizio Industries, you and your sisters will maintain a smaller percentage of the Inn. If at some point you find yourselves able to buy out Fabrizio Industries I will allow you to do so. In the event you are unable to buy back controlling interest then control will stay with me until our child is old enough to take control of Landry’s Landing.”

  Egypt stared at him stunned by what he’d just told her. If she agreed to marry him she could have everything she’d ever wanted. She could finally do something good for her sisters they’d be able to make the improvements they wanted to make. They could expand the dining area of the Inn for Asia and add the winery that Indy had always wanted. They could make Landry’s Landing the five star business they know that it could be.

  All she had to do was say yes to marrying him. Why was she even hesitating any woman in her right mind would jump at the chance to be married to a sexy Italian billionaire. Besides if she said no then one day he’d probably marry someone else and his wife would be her baby’s stepmother.

  An image of a tall blonde self absorbed model type woman flashed before her eyes.

  Oh hell no! That was not happening not while she was alive and breathing.

  “So if I marry you my sisters and I can do what we want with the Inn, you’ll give us the money to make all the improvements we want? What’s the catch? I know there’s more to it than that.”

  “Well there is one catch.” Pierce said as he continued to stare at her.

  “I knew it, what is?” She asked looking worried.

  “We have to remain married you can’t divorce me or leave me. Ever. You must remain my wife in every sense of the word, living under the same roof sleeping in the same bed every night. We will raise our children together. If you agree to all of that then you can have anything and everything you’ve ever want.”

  “If I say yes it isn’t because I want your money it’s because I want to finally do something good for my sisters. I’ve screwed up so much in the past that I really do owe them for sticking by me. I hope you know that I’m not a gold digging opportunist.” She said absently rubbing her belly as she gazed over his shoulder at the wall behind him.

  Pierce reached over and took her chin between his thumb and forefinger turning her face gently so that she was looking at him.

  “If I thought that you were, I wouldn’t have asked you to marry me I know how much you care for your family that’s why I want you to be my wife because family is important to me also.”

  “Then yes I’ll marry you, and did I hear you say children earlier? I guess that means you want other babies besides this one huh?”

  “That’s right, is that going to be a problem?” He asked.

  “No not at all but how many children do you want?” She asked in return.

  “That’s negotiable.” He said with big smile as he leaned in to kiss her softly on the lips. What was meant to be a brief harmless kiss turned into a deep passion filled soul stirring event. He slid one of his hands to the nape of her neck and the other he place at the side of her stomach as he deepened the kiss slipping his tongue pass her lips and into her mouth.

  Gigi kissed him back like she’d been waiting a lifetime to be kissed by a man like him. She slid her hands into his hair holding him close. He had soft lips and a gifted tongue he was intoxicating to her senses making her feel lightheaded as her heart beat double time.

  When Pierce reluctantly ended the kiss Gigi wanted to pull him back into her arms and kiss him again. A shiver shook her body as he trailed his index finger down the side of her face, along her neck and over her shoulder where his hand now rested.

  “Thank you.” He said smiling at her like he’d just added another billion dollars to his empire.

  “Why are you thanking me?”

  “Because thanks to you I’ll now have everything I’ve wanted, a beautiful wife and baby and the sisters I never had.”

  “Yeah well you may change your mind about the sisters once you get to know them, and when that happens don’t blame me.” Gigi said warning him about what he was getting himself into.

  “I’m sure they’ll be fine besides they can’t be any worse than my brothers. You’ve only met one of them there’s two more you haven’t met.”

  “So why don’t we have an engagement dinner for our families before the wedding?” Gigi said excitedly.

  “That sounds good to me but it’ll have to be soon and I’m not sure if my parents can make it their in Italy at the moment.”

  “Well I hope you at least try to call them and how soon do you want to have this dinner?” She asked.

  “It needs to be before the end of the month.” He replied.

  “Okay, why?” She asked skeptically.

  “Because we’re getting married at the beginning of next month so you have two weeks to plan this dinner of yours and three weeks before the wedding.”

  A look of shock covered her face as her mouth gaped open. “Three weeks are you kidding me, the dinner I can do that will be a breeze. A wedding in three weeks how in world do we make that happen?” She asked in a panic.

  “With lots of money that’s how I’ll take care of everything all you have to do is pick a wedding dress.”

  “Yeah like that’s going to be easy with a belly this big. Where the heck am I going to find a dress that fits?” She asked running both her hands through her long, wavy hair. “I guess I can call London she’s a great designer I’m sure I can get her to make something for me.” She said sounding a bit more cheerful.

  “Good just tell her money is not a problem, now I wanted to talk to you about living arrangements. My penthouse is in Chicago and you share this place with your sisters so I thought we’d build a house.” Pierce said.

  “Yeah Chicago is definitely out of the question so where are you planning to build this house of ours?” Gigi asked.

  Pierce seemed to be in deep thought before answering her. “This Inn sits on more than fifty acres of land I thought we could use some of the land to build separate living quarters for you and your sisters so that you can each have your own place. What do you think about that idea?”

  “I think that if this is a dream please don’t wake me. We have wanted to build our own places since forever but we could never afford it. Wait isn’t your corporate office also in
Chicago how are going to run the company from North Carolina?”

  Pierce smiled at her before answering. “Actually I can run the company from anywhere there just offices our holdings are spread far and wide so it doesn’t matter where the offices are located.”

  “If you say so now what’s next isn’t there a prenuptial agreement I need to sign or something?” Gigi asked.

  “No prenup just the contract we discussed earlier. I’ll draw up the paperwork and once we sign it’s a done deal. But you need to be sure before you sign it, because I meant it when I said there’d be no divorce. And running is not an option besides there’s no place on this earth where you can go that I wouldn’t find you.” He said gazing down at her as a stunned look crossed her face. Framing her lovely face between his hands he gently caressed her cheeks as he spoke.

  “I’m not trying to scare you Gigi, I just want you to understand what marrying me means. Once you become my wife you will always be my wife. Do you understand?”

  “I…I… Yes I understand but what if you get tired of being with me? What if I don’t make you happy? What if you fall in love with someone else?” Gigi asked as worry etched her pretty face.

  “First of all I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of being with you. You’re the mother of my child so you’ve already made me happy and as for falling in love if that happens then I’m pretty certain that you’ll be the one I fall in love with.”

  Gigi smiled up at him. “Okay so what if I’m not happy? What then?” She asked teasingly.

  “Oh there’s no need to worry about that because I plan to make you extremely happy and keep you quite satisfied.” He replied as he kissed her on the lips. “Now let’s get you downstairs to the diner, I think our baby is hungry. He kicked me when I kissed you a minute ago.”


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