The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men))

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The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)) Page 5

by Quinn, Shelli

  “He? Who said this baby is a he, it could be a she.” She said as he led her out of the apartment and down the stairs.

  It wasn’t until much later that night when Egypt finally had a chance to talk to her sisters about the things she and Pierce had discussed. They’d all showered and changed into something comfortable and were sitting in the living room sipping on tea and pound cake.

  “Pierce is going to do everything you just said and all you have to do is marry him?” Indy asked.

  “Sounds good to me when’s the wedding?” Asia asked happily. Indy glared at Asia for a brief second before turning her attention back to Gigi.

  “Are you okay with this Gigi? I mean it sounds good but you have to be able to live with your decision.” Indy asked.

  “What do you mean she has to live with it? What’s there to live with she’s marrying the father of her baby who happens to be a billionaire that has paid off the humongous loan we had on the place and he is giving this place the cash infusion we’ve been praying for.” Asia said as her gaze shifted between both her sisters, before adding.

  “Also let’s not forget how fine he is I’d say that Gigi hit the jackpot with this one, and if I’m not mistaken you could be next Indy.”

  India’s gaze whipped in Asia’s direction. “What the hell are you talking about? Have you been sampling my wines again?”

  “I’m talking about you and Giovanni. I saw the looks you two kept giving each other not to mention the way you acted when you thought I was putting the moves on him.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about and we’re supposed to be helping Gigi not making up stories about me and Gio. Now mind your business little girl.” Turning her gaze to Gigi she asked. “So have you called London yet?”

  “No. I wanted to talk to the two of you first. We need to plan a dinner party for Pierce and his family and get London to design and make me a dress that will actually fit over this belly of mine.” Gigi said as she rubbed her bulging belly hoping to calm her active baby.

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure London can design something fabulous I’ll call her and ask her to come as soon as she can.” Asia said.

  “Thanks Asia. Now good night you two I am going to bed, hopefully this baby will calm down so that I can get some sleep.” Gigi said as she struggled to get to her feet. Both Asia and Indy stood and took her hands to help her.

  “Well maybe he’ll call you again tonight.” Indy said once Gigi was on her feet.

  “Yeah and if he doesn’t you can always call him.” Asia added.

  “We’ll see, good night you two.” Gigi said as she headed to her room.

  Gigi had just slipped into bed when her cell phone rang, reaching over to her night stand she answered it after checking the caller ID it was Pierce. She couldn’t stop the smile that touched her face. Gigi really liked listening to his voice with his strong Italian accent. His sexy voice gave her tingles up and down her spine.

  “Hello sunshine I wasn’t sure if you would call tonight.” Gigi said smiling into the phone.

  “Why wouldn’t I call to check on my wife-to-be and our baby?”

  “Well we did just talk this morning and you said you’d be by tomorrow so I thought I wouldn’t hear from you until then.”

  “Caro, I wouldn’t let you go to bed without saying bouna notte mia moglie.” He said laughing softly.

  “There you go speaking in Italian again. What did you say?” She asked excitedly as she pulled herself up to lean against the headboard.

  Pierce laughed. “I said, Dear I wouldn’t let you go to bed without saying good night my wife.”

  “It sounds much sexier when you say it in Italian.” She said.

  “Caro everything sounds sexier in Italian.” He replied.

  “I’m sure that’s true, so are you getting ready for bed?”

  “Not just yet I have a few more calls to make first, then I have some documents to sign and fax before I can go to bed.”

  “Alright then, I guess I should let you go so that you won’t be up all night. Good night sunshine.” She said smiling into the phone.

  He laughed at the little nickname she’d taken to calling him during their phone conversation. “Good night Caro see you in the morning.”

  Chapter Seven

  Gigi woke up the next morning feeling well rested and happy she couldn’t wait to see Pierce. She’d stared at her engagement ring at least a hundred times this morning, it was a gorgeous ring. After brushing her teeth and her hair she dressed in a soft, comfortable, sleeveless, heather grey, matte jersey dress that fit snuggly around her full breasts, wide hips and huge stomach.

  A little while later when she entered the kitchen India and Asia were both seated at the table having breakfast with London. Gigi was happy to see that their dear friend and sister had made it into town, but surprised that she’d gotten here so quickly.

  “London I’m so happy to see you but how did you get a flight here that fast?” Gigi asked as the two women embraced.

  “Well you can thank your husband-to-be for that he sent the Fabrizio jet for me.” London said smiling brightly. Her dark brown eyes sparkled with joy to be home again. Her short black hair was styled in a chic flattering cut that framed her perfectly shaped face. Her mocha skin tone was flawless as always. Standing at five seven she wore heels that made her long slender legs look even longer.

  London was a very stylish and attractive woman. She’d been known to turn heads everywhere she went.

  “So how long are you here for?” Gigi asked as she took a seat at the table.

  London sat down also. “I’ll be here until after the wedding.”

  Before any of the women could say anything more the ringing phone interrupted them. Indy walked over to answer it.

  “Hello.” She said pausing to listen to the person on the other end of the receiver. “There’s what? Who said what now? He’s where? No we’ll be right down.” Indy turned to her sisters after clicking off the cordless phone and placed it on the counter.

  “What is it Indy? Who was that on the phone?” Gigi asked.

  “It seems that your fiancée has struck again. This time he has a construction crew surveying the property and that’s not all. There’s a lobby full of people waiting downstairs.” Indy said as headed for the front door.

  Gigi, Asia and London rose from the table and followed her to the door. “Indy wait let me talk to Pierce first, the last thing we need is for the two of you getting in to it.”

  Indy stopped to glance over her shoulder at Gigi. “He’s not the one I’m after right now. Gio is in my lab messing with my wines and you know I don’t play that shi…”

  “Indy!” Gigi yelled as she interrupted her before she could finish her last word. Indy rolled her eyes as she turned her head forward and proceeded down the stairs with her sisters following close behind.

  When they reached the bottom of the stairs the women stopped and looked around at the chaos surrounding them. Indy paused when she saw Pierce coming towards them, she glanced at Gigi.

  “I’ll let you handle him I’m going to find that brother of his.” Indy said as she rushed off in the direction of her wine testing lab.

  As Pierce approached Gigi he noticed the intense expression on her face, that and the fact that she was gnawing at her bottom lip with her teeth should have been enough to worry a lesser man. He knew she probably wasn’t happy about all these people milling around her lobby but he was out to make life as easy as possibly for her. This was the first step in that direction.

  “Good morning Gigi.” Pierce said when he finally stood in front of her, smiling down as he gazed into her eyes.

  Gigi had to tilt her head back in order to look into his eyes. “Good morning sunshine. You mind telling me why all these people are here in my lobby?” She asked calmly.

  “These people are here because you and your sisters are going to need help planning the wedding and with everything else around here and I don’t want you
stressed out it’s not good for our baby.” Pierce said hoping to calm her down from being so upset with him.

  “So you’re Pierce Fabrizio, the father of Gigi’s baby? We haven’t met yet I’m London.” She said as she extended her hand in greeting.

  Accepting her hand Pierce smiled as he greeted her. “It’s nice to meet you London and yes I’m the baby’s father.” Turning towards Asia he also greeted her. “Good morning Asia, how are you?”

  “I’m fine thanks and since you are most definitely fine I won’t bother asking a question that I already know the answer to.” Asia said teasingly.

  “Asia!” Gigi said in a warning tone.

  “I was just teasing.” Asia replied glancing at Gigi. “You know dang well I wouldn’t hit on your man.”

  Gigi smiled at her little sister. “I know you wouldn’t it’s just all this noise here in the lobby is starting to get on my nerves.” She said as she rubbed her fingertips over her temples.

  Pierce took a step closer to her. “I’m sorry I didn’t think about this being too much noise for you, I’ll take care of it.” He said kissing her gently on the forehead before turning his attention to the crowd of people occupying the lobby area. He raised one of his hands in the air. “May I have your attention please?” When none of the people seemed to hear his first attempt he changed tactics by slightly raising his deeply baritone, Italian accented voice.

  “Quiet!” He said. “Thank you. Now would everyone who is here seeking employment, please put your resume on the counter at the front desk and wait outside on the porch. You will be called one at a time, if you are considered for one of the available positions we will let you know if you are not we appreciate your interest and thank you for your time.”

  As the potential candidates for employment headed for the front porch, Pierce turned his attention back to Gigi. “That’s much better isn’t it?” He asked stroking his hands down her arms.

  Gigi tilted her head back to smile up into his handsome face. “Yes much better sunshine. So who is going to interview all these people?”

  “That would be up to you Caro, but right now we need to go meet with the builders.” Pierce said.

  “I can’t just leave my sisters here with all these people to interview.”

  “Who said anything about leaving we’re meeting with them in the dining room.” He replied.

  Gigi smiled widely. “You think of everything don’t you?” She said allowing Pierce to guide her towards the dining room with a hand pressed lightly at the base of her back.

  “I certainly try.” He whispered leaning closely near her ear.

  “Don’t worry about us we’ll go ahead and start interviewing.” Asia said sarcastically to their retreating backs as Gigi and Pierce made their way to the dining room.

  “That sounds good to me. Thanks Asia you too London, I’ll join you guys as soon as I’m done.” Gigi said over her shoulder.

  Asia and London exchanged glances as they headed towards the front desk to retrieve the stack of resumes.

  “I sure hope my prince comes along one of these days.” London said.

  “Girl you and me both, but for now let’s just get through these dang interviews.” Asia replied.

  Shortly after ending their meeting with the builder, Gigi and Pierce were finishing their breakfast when he asked her about her thoughts on their plans for the house they were having built.

  “So are you happy with the design of the house you didn’t say much during our meeting with the builder. Is there anything you’d like to change? After all it is your house, does it have enough rooms? Is the kitchen big enough? Say something let me know what you’re thinking.”

  Gigi glance across the table at him. “I’m sorry Pierce the house is going to be perfect, it’s just that everything is moving so fast it’s just that I still can’t believe all this is happening. Less than a week ago I thought I’d never meet my baby’s father and now here you’re and we’re about to get married in a few short weeks. It all seems like a dream and I’m afraid I’ll wake up at any moment and everything that’s happening will all just disappear like a puff of smoke.”

  Pierce reached across the table and took her hand in his lifting it to his lips his placed a kiss to the back of it. “This is no dream Caro, I am here, we are having a baby and in less than a month we will be husband and wife.”

  “So do you plan to move in with me while our house is being built?” Gigi asked.

  Pierce ran his thumb over the back of the hand he’d just kissed. “Only if you’re alright with me moving in here, if not we could stay somewhere else.”

  “No here is fine, I just didn’t know if you’d be alright with it.” Gigi replied as she let her gaze travel from their joined hands to his handsome face.

  He smiled. “Where ever you and our baby are that’s where I plan to be. Besides with the amount I’m paying those builders we shouldn’t have to wait too long for the house to be finished.”

  “Well I’ll let you handle all that I’d better go help with those interviews. Are you planning to hang around for a while?” She asked.

  “Yes I was planning too. Why do you want me to leave?” He asked with a smile.

  “No I was going to ask if you wanted to come to my doctor’s appointment with me this afternoon.”

  “I’d love to go with you. I just have a few calls to make and reply to a couple of emails, then I’m all yours, if you don’t mind I’ll use that table in the corner and when you’re ready just let me know okay.”

  “That’s fine with me.” Gigi said pushing herself to her feet, as Pierce also stood. Once she was on her feet he leaned over and kissed her gently on the forehead.

  “See you shortly Caro.” He said before heading for the corner table.

  “That man is too fine for words.” She whispered smiling to herself as she watched him walk away. Taking a deep breath she decided to make her way over to where Asia and London were conducting interviews near the dining room entrance.

  “How’s it going any potential prospects?” Gigi asked as she took a seat at the table next to London.

  Asia glanced at Gigi picking up several of the resumes before responding. “Let’s see we’ve interviewed creepy, geeky, freaky, and skanky but no potential prospects.”

  Gigi glanced at both Asia and London. “They can’t be that bad?”

  “Wanna bet?’ Asia responded.

  “I hate to say this but she’s right this time. First creepy never looked any higher than breast level, then geeky keep quoting statistics about work place problems and such, oh and freaky was more interested in what position he could get one of us in than he was in any job position that may be available. And don’t get me started on skanky,” London said in frustration as she rolled her eyes.

  “Mercy that trick asked more questions than we did.” Asia said.

  “Okay, what’s wrong with that?” Gigi asked.

  Asia and London exchanged glances but it was London that answered. “There wouldn’t have been anything wrong if she’d been asking questions relevant to Landry’s Landing but she wasn’t, all she wanted to know about was Pierce.”

  Gigi narrowed her eyes at her sisters. “What do you mean all she wanted to know about was Pierce?”

  “We mean the minute that heifer sat down at this table she kept her eyes in his direction. She was ready to pounce like a polar bear on a bucket of fish. That gold digging barracuda was seeing dollar signs.” London said.

  “We sent her on her way real quick like.” Asia added.

  “Well I should hope so but I’m sure they’ll be plenty more like her waiting to sink their claws into my soon to be husband.” Gigi said as she let her gaze drift to Pierce sitting in the corner working at his laptop as he spoke into the Bluetooth attached to his ear. He must have sensed her eyes on him because he glanced in her direction. Before returning his attention back to his work he smiled at her giving her a little wink which caused her body to tingle with joy.

p; Gigi couldn’t imagine what being married to a man like Pierce would be like but she had to admit she anxious to find out. She kept replaying the kiss they’d shared and she couldn’t wait for him to kiss her again and do whatever else he wanted to do to keep her satisfied as he’d said. She had no doubt in her mind that he could and would do just that.

  Gigi was snapped out of dreamland and back to reality when Asia asked her a question. “Have you seen Indy around lately?”

  Gigi thought for a moment. “I haven’t seen her since this morning when she went to her lab to see what Gio was doing.”

  “Come to think of it neither have I.” London added as she glanced around the dining room.

  “Huh, I wonder where she is.” Asia asked out loud to no one in particular as she too glanced around the dining room hoping that she’d see Indy somewhere among the crowd.

  “Well wherever she is I sure hope she’s having a better time than we are right now.” London replied.

  Gigi and Pierce had returned from her doctor’s appointment and were relaxing on the sofa in their shared living room while Asia and London were in the kitchen preparing dinner. Pierce was massaging Gigi’s aching back when Indy and Gio walked in arguing.

  “I’m telling you for the last time stay out of my lab Gio.” Indy yelled over her shoulder as she hurried away from him.

  “Hey, I was just trying to help I do have a degree in science and I’ve also spent some time working around the family winery.” Gio responded as she dropped into the chair across the room.

  “Who asked you for your help? I have been doing just fine without you or your help.” Indy said angrily.


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