The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men))

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The Baby Contract ((The women of Landry's Landing and the Fabrizio men)) Page 6

by Quinn, Shelli

  “You haven’t asked but let’s just say from the taste of that last batch of wine you whipped up you could definitely use my help.” Gio replied with a smirk.

  Indy jumped up from her seat placing both her hands on her curvy hips as she glared at the man standing across the room.

  “I swear if you don’t stay out of my lab and away from me I…Will…Hurt…You!” She said through tightly clench teeth dragging out the last four words.

  Gio returned her glare before letting a wide smile form on his gorgeous face. “Don’t tease me gattino. I like it rough so when you offer to hurt me you better be willing to follow through.” He said winking at her.

  Indy narrowed her eyes at him and flared her nostrils. “I ought to walk over there and slap you senseless, you arrogant jerk.”

  Gio laughed. “I can think of a few better ways for you to use those hands of yours, gattino.”

  “Can’t you think about anything besides sex?” Indy shouted.

  “No, not when I’m looking at you.” He replied smugly.

  “Ugh! I’m going to take a shower.” Indy said as she turned to leave the room.

  “Do you need some help gattino?” Gio asked teasingly.

  “No! And would you stop calling me whatever it is you’re calling me?” She said hurrying down the hall as Gio’s laughter followed her.

  Gigi and Pierce had been watching quietly from their spot on the sofa. “What was that all about?” Gigi asked Gio.

  Gio took a seat on the empty chair in front of him before answering her with a slight shrug. “Nothing I was just having a little fun that’s all, Indy is easy to tease.”

  “Giovanni, I don’t need you giving India a hard time. We are about to become family so don’t go making her mad.” Pierce said.

  “Oh she’ll be fine believe me Indy could use some excitement in her life and I think Gio is exactly what she needs.” Gigi said giggling.

  “I think I’m exactly what she needs as well.” Gio said with a smirk.

  Chapter Eight

  After dinner Gigi invited Pierce to her bedroom suite so that they could spend more time together. He made himself comfortable while she used the bathroom to get ready for bed. When she returned he was leaning against the headboard of the bed with his long muscular legs stretched out in front of him.

  He’d removed his shoes and shirt and looked right at home in her bed. Gigi stood back and drank in his appearance with her eyes. He was quite a vision with his wide, bare chest that was lightly sprinkled with fine dark hair trailing a path down his dynamically defined abs and tapered waist, before disappearing into the waistband of his slacks.

  Pierce stared across the room at Gigi who’d emerged from the bathroom wearing a long black tank style night gown. She’d loosed her hair from the ponytail she’d been wearing earlier that day and now the waves of her dark brown hair frame her lovely face. He could see that her honey almond shaped eyes were filled with desire as she gazed at him.

  Gigi’s breath caught in her throat as she watched his eyes darken with lustful desire. She tried desperately to look away but she couldn’t the look in his grey eyes intrigued her, the way they went from a light silvery tone to the color of thunder clouds was amazingly sexy.

  “Are you going to stand there all night or are you going to join me?” Pierce asked with a wide


  “I was debating whether I should or not.” Gigi said gnawing at her bottom lip with her top teeth.

  “Are you worried that I might try to have my way with you?”

  “Uh no, I’m worried that I’m the one that might try to have my way with you.” She said moving slowly towards the bed.

  “Hey if that’s what you want I promise not to put up a fight, I’ll let you have your way with me until you’ve had enough.” He replied softly, watching her as she climbed onto the bed.

  “If you keep looking at me like that I might just take you up on that offer.”

  “Whatever makes you happy, Caro?”

  “Well what would make me happy right now is resting my poor aching feet, they are killing me.” She said reaching down to rub her slightly swollen feet.

  Pierce reached over and pushed her hands away replacing them with his, taking over the job of massaging her aching feet. “Here let me do that.” He said moving to the foot of the bed so that she could lie back against the pillows and relax as he expertly massaged the muscles in her calves and her feet.

  “Oh my goodness…. Oh! Oh! That feels amazing.” Gigi said breathlessly enjoying the feel of his strong, warm hands against her skin. With each stroke of his hand she could feel her body coming alive under his fingertips. It felt as if he was stroking her most intimate parts her nipples turned to hardened pebbles and rubbed painfully at the material of her night dress. Moisture pooled between her thighs as he continued his masterful massage.

  Gigi had never felt anything like this, he was nowhere near her intimate parts and it was as if he was stroking every inch of her body.

  Pierce couldn’t take his eyes off Gigi as she lay back against the pillows with her dark wavy hair fanned out around her head. She gazed at him through eyes that were mere slits, while pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

  She looked sexy as hell.

  There was no way on earth he should be this attracted to a pregnant woman. But maybe that’s one of the things that turned him on about her. This gorgeous woman was pregnant with his child and very soon she would be his wife.

  Pierce wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to wait to sample her sweet body. As he gazed down at her he gently raised one of her legs to his lips and kissed her softly behind the knee. When she trembled he licked the spot with his wet tongue and she gasped.

  “Uh Pierce, we’re…uh… I mean aren’t we suppose to…be uh… talking so that we can uh… get to know one another? Cause if you keep uh… doing that I uh won’t be able to do much talking.” Gigi whispered softly then moaned as he once again licked the back of her knee.

  “Keep doing that you mean? I tell you what you talk and I can listen while I continue to do what I’m doing, deal?” Pierce said deviously trailing his kisses further up her thigh.

  “No! No deal. I can’t think with you doing that.” She said moaning softly.

  “Alright you can ask me five questions for tonight and then we get to do what I want to do okay?”

  “Okay sunshine but you have to keep your lips to yourself until you’ve answered all five of my questions.” She said pushing to a sitting position.

  “Alright fine, I’ll keep me lips to myself but only until I’ve answered your questions, Caro.” He replied moving back to the head of bed as he settled in next to her pulling her into his arms.

  “Are you comfortable?” She asked resting her back against his chest.

  “Yes, and that was question number one, next.” He whispered in her ear.

  Gigi whipped her head around in his direction. “Are you kidding me?” She yelled.

  “You said five questions that was a question.” He said grinning down at her.

  “Fine!” She said pouting as she once again settled back against his warm bare chest.

  Pierce reached around her and began to rub her stomach as he whispered in her ear. “No pouting.”

  His warm breath tickled her skin as he whispered in her ear causing Gigi to shiver violently. “Are cold Caro?”

  “No I’m not and look who’s asking questions now.” She said smiling as she thought to herself that she could listen to him talk all day and night. The way he said everything with that smooth Italian accent made her melt like an ice cube in July.

  “Touché, now can you hurry this along?”

  “What’s the hurry do you have some where to be?” Gigi asked with a smile.

  “I… don’t but my lips do and that was question number two.” He replied as he continued to rub her stomach.

  “Well you and your lips are just going to have to wait.”

  Pierce si
ghed loudly. “I can see that, you have three questions left you better make them count.”

  “So is your family going to make it to the wedding dinner that is now less than two weeks away?”

  “Yes everyone is very excited to meet the mother of my child. My other two brothers will be here in a few days but my parents won’t be able to make it until a few days before the wedding.” He answered absently drawing circles on her stomach with his fingertips.

  “Why haven’t you married before now? Didn’t you want a family of your own?” She asked dragging her hands up and down his arm.

  “It’s extremely hard to find a woman that wants me and not my money and there was no way in hell I would start a family with a woman like that.” He said.

  “Why did you want to marry me? I mean I know I’m carrying your baby but you didn’t need to marry me to be a part of your child’s life.”

  “Let’s just say that once I’d given up all hope of ever finding the right woman to start a family with, fate intervened and gave me you.” Pierce whispered as he reached up to move her hair aside so that he could nibble on her neck with his lips and teeth. “And by the way that was your last question so now we get to do what I want to do.”

  “Exactly what is it that you want to do sunshine?” Gigi asked softly giggling from the slight tickle his lips were causing at her neck.

  “I was planning to introduce my lips to various parts of your lovely body.” He replied adjusting his position so that he could lean her back against the bed.

  Pierce loomed over her gazing down into her heated face. Gigi gazed back at him as her breath quickened. When he was about to lower his head to capture her lips she stopped him with an open hand lightly pressed over his mouth.

  “Wait! Please I have one more question for the night, I promise after this one I’m all yours.”

  He moved her hand before answering her. “Go ahead ask.”

  “Earlier tonight Gio kept calling Indy gattino, what does that mean?”

  Pierce laughed. “Oh Caro, gattino is Italian for kitten.”

  Gigi giggled. “So you call me Caro which is dear and Gio calls Indy kitten. Wow you two make the simplest words sound so sexy with that dreamy accent.”

  He smiled. “Is that it? Are we done with the questions for tonight?”

  “Yes I’m all done, so now I’m all yours.” Gigi replied watching as he lowered his head towards her. He didn’t take his eyes off her as he claimed her mouth with his own. Pierce took his time enjoying her sensational mouth her kisses were like honey, sweet and warm. It was a mere seconds later when he felt her slender fingers sifting through his hair cresting his scalp.

  He’d stretched out on the bed next to her making sure not to place any of his weight on her or the baby. He slowly trailed kisses over her jaw, down her neck and over her shoulder. Pierce pulled back for a minute.

  “Can I ask you to do something for me Gigi?” He whispered.

  “I’ll do anything that doesn’t have me leaving this bed.” She replied.

  Pierce smiled. “I don’t plan to let you leave this bed anytime soon, but I would like for you to take this night gown off. Can you do that for me?”

  Gigi looked a bit nervous at his request. “Are you sure you’re ready to see my pregnant body out of clothing?”

  “I am more than ready to see the beautiful body that is carrying my child.”

  Pierce moved back so that Gigi could seat up to remove her gown. Gathering the night gown in her hands on both sides she pulled it over her head, but held it over the front of her body. He slid the gown from her hands and away from her. He let his light grey gaze drink in her magnificently pregnant body.

  Her sexy maple skin was so exquisite, he couldn’t resist touching her. Gigi’s skin was silky smooth under his fingertips as he trailed his index finger from her chin, down the valley of her breasts and over her protruding stomach. He continued down one leg then moved to the other making his way back up until he reached one of her full tender breasts cupping a hand there.

  “I’ve never seen such an extraordinary sight, I’m honored that a majestic woman like you is carrying my child. Seeing you like this makes me believe that I must have done something right to be blessed with the both of you.” Pierce removed his hand from her breast and placed both hands on either side of her stomach cradling it as he leaned over and applied several butterfly kisses there.

  Gigi smiled. “You sure do know how to flatter a girl, don’t you? If I wasn’t already turned on I certainly would be now.”

  “I’m just getting started, Caro.” He replied before taking her lips in another mind blowing kiss, he nibbled at her bottom lip then ran his tongue across the seam. Gigi instinctively opened for him as she fisted her hands in his dark hair. Pierce slowly glided one of his hands down to crest her thigh before sliding it under her behind she lifted one of her legs and looped around one of his

  She moaned and he swallowed the sound as he continued to kiss her passionately. Her hardened nipples felt sensitive to the touch as they rubbed against the lightly peppered hair on his chest. Heat spread swiftly through her body as overwhelming desire took hold on her over worked hormones.

  She’d read somewhere that pregnancy heightened the sex drive in certain women and Lord knows hers was working overtime, especially when Pierce was around. All this man had to do was look at her and she was more than ready to go.

  Pierce pulled back and gazed down at her. “I did hear the doctor say that it was okay to make love didn’t I?” He asked.

  “You most certainly did. She said as long as we take it easy it’s perfectly safe for us to make love. That is unless you want to wait until our wedding night. We are moving kind of fast I mean we may be having a baby together but that didn’t happen the usual way.”

  “Caro first of all I hope you know that I will always be easy with you.” He said seriously before continuing. “Our wedding night is too far away so no I don’t want to wait, and it doesn’t matter how or why we were brought together the fact is we’re here now. As for the speed we’re moving, fast or slow the result will be the same I’m the only man that will ever touch you from this night on.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that, but can I just say and don’t take this the wrong way but honestly sometimes you kind of sound like a possessive psycho. I mean you’re fine as hell so I’d hate to have to kill you in your sleep one night. And then have my sisters help me hide your body in one of the wine barrels downstairs, just to get away from your crazy ass.”

  Pierce laughed. “I’m sorry Caro. I don’t mean to sound possessive it’s just that, I only plan to get married once so this it for me and I also plan to be a wonderful husband and father making you as happy as I possibly can.”

  Gigi smiled. “That’s good because I don’t know how I’d explain to everyone how you went missing. Well what are you waiting for, a written invitation?” She said teasingly.

  “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Pierce said smiling as he stood to remove his slacks but decided to leave his silk boxers on for now. When he returned to the bed he lay down beside her and gathered her in his arms. “Being married to you is going to be anything but dull I see.” He teased.

  “Would you want it any other way?” She asked devilishly.

  “I can’t say that I would, now we’ve done enough talking for one night don’t you think?”

  Pierce lowered his head as Gigi tilted her head upward. He brushed his lips back and forth across hers in feathery strokes, before delivering a smoldering hot opened mouth kiss that set fire to her insides. He had her body burning from the inside, out with a desire so explosive the likes of which she’d never experienced.

  He began trailing wet, heated kisses along her neck and continued to move lower to her full breasts where he stopped at one of her hardened nipples, rolling his tongue over the tip several time before sucking it deeply into his mouth. Gigi released a shuddered breath at the attention he was lavishing on her sensitive br

  Gigi expelled a moan from deep within her throat as a flood of moisture pooled between her legs, drenching the bed beneath her. Pierce skimmed one of his large hands along the side of her stomach to the apex of her thighs dipping a digit inside of her soaking wet tunnel. She gasped when he pushed deeper into her warm channel as he continued to suckle at her breast.

  She thrust her fingers through the soft strands of his dark hair holding him close enjoying the feel of his warm skin on her overheated flesh. When he reluctantly pulled away to remove his boxers she shivered as the cool air hit her skin and groaned because his hot body was no longer pressed against hers.

  Pierce laughed softly when he heard her groan loudly. “Hold on Caro, this will only take a second.” He said pushing his boxers to the floor, setting free his engorged member and watched as Gigi’s eyes went wide with surprise.

  “Good gracious!” She bellowed as she stared at his impressive size. “You certainly are full of surprises.”

  “Oh I’m full of something but I don’t think I’d call it a surprise.” He replied as he returned to the bed beside her.

  Gigi giggled at his comment. “You got jokes, huh?”

  Pierce smiled. “Not usually but spending time with you has me feeling happier than I’ve been in a long time.”

  Gigi smiled back. “I’m glad to hear that, but what you should be feeling is me as in hands on or whatever part of your body you wish to use.”

  “I see being married to you that I’m going to have to stock up on some B-12 and red bull, you little minx.” He said kissing her firmly on the lips before deepening the kiss as he positioned himself behind her lifting one of her legs placing it over his thigh.

  Gigi reached over her shoulder to loop an arm around his neck toying with the hair at his nape. She felt his erection at the opening of her sex just before he surged forward into her moist, hot tunnel. Her body tensed from oversized invasion of her channel, while the sound of her gasp was swallowed by Pierce as he continued to kiss her passionately but remained still giving her tight body a chance to adjust to his size.


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