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Meow Or Never: BBW SEAL Shifter Surprise Pregnancy Romance (Chicago Catastrophe)

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by Anya Nowlan

  What was his name again? Hailey thought, as large, rough hands slowly unzipped and slid off her red bodycon dress, sending a little shiver down her back.

  The club’s thumping music hadn’t really given way to conversation and judging by the way their bodies had moved together on the dance floor, neither of them had seemed very interested in talking anyway.

  Troy. I’m pretty sure it was Troy, she remembered, turning to face the gorgeous man in her bedroom.

  The club still swam in the back of her mind, even though they were far away from it now. He looked a lot better here, though, which seemed almost impossible.

  Troy’s frame made her apartment look tiny, with his broad shoulders, bulging biceps and powerful thighs. He was almost ridiculously large and lean at the same time. He pulled off his shirt, revealing a sculpted chest and taut stomach.

  Holy hell, Hailey thought, swallowing drily.

  This night had gone from simple fun to a whole lot of excitement in no time at all. The electricity coming off of him was mesmerizing, the obvious spark between them more thrilling than anything she had ever experienced before.

  Thoughts flew away as Troy stepped closer and then his mouth came down on hers, arms twining around her mostly naked body. Hailey felt as if she was being consumed, swallowed up by feelings she couldn’t even comprehend. Everywhere Troy’s hands roamed, fire followed, making her insides burn.

  “Do you like this?” he asked, his voice all gravel and growl.

  She couldn’t do anything else but nod numbly, letting her hands run over his chiseled form. The way he looked at her made her feel like she was being stared down by a force much greater than she was. It was exciting and a little scary at the same time.

  Just what she needed tonight.

  Forget about tomorrow, focus on tonight, she reminded herself, feeling the uncomfortable nip of what was going to happen the next day try to tug her attention away.

  His tongue slipped into her mouth, teasing and rubbing, and they tumbled towards the bed, landing with Hailey crushed under Troy’s hard body. She was sure she had never met him before, but his skin felt pressed against hers seemed familiar somehow.

  Troy’s mouth moved down her neck, tracing her collarbone with soft kisses, before finally stopping at the edge of her bra. Unclasping it at the front, he exposed her breasts to the cool air. Her first reaction was to cover up, but the way he looked at her, the way he looked at her body… She’d never felt quite as beautiful, or desired.

  His tongue went to work on her nipples, flicking and sucking, making her gasp. Something inside Hailey broke free as she moaned loudly, everything but Troy’s touch melting away. All those silly insecurities that she’d told herself for years were not part of her were finally gone in that moment, as if wiped away.

  Troy rolled to the side, pulling her with him, until they were facing each other. His mouth was still on the hard peaks of her nipples, but his hands started stroking down her back, gently pulling her even closer against his chest. Hailey arched against him, shards of pleasure travelling from her breasts straight to her core.

  “You are so beautiful,” Troy murmured against her skin, his breath hot and tickling.

  The way he said it made it sound like it came from somewhere deep within him, like a growl. Everything about him was somehow brusque and animalistic, though completely controlled at the same time.

  Hailey didn’t want to think. This man seemed to know exactly what buttons to push and she wanted to give herself over, let him do whatever he wanted with her body. She had enough going on in her life. Tonight, she wanted someone else to take the reins.

  “Take me,” was all she was able to articulate, voice weak and throaty.

  A low, growly sound erupted from Troy’s chest.

  “You will be all mine,” he whispered, and Hailey believed every word, grinning.

  Troy’s hands slid down her back and over her hips, stopping to rub her clit through her lace panties. Hailey’s hips bucked and her head flew back as he teased her, tongue still at work on her breasts and fingers circling her hot center.

  Her moans filled the room, loud and unhindered. This man in her bed definitely knew what he was doing. He was like a vision, like someone had put together the most perfect man and delivered him right to her doorstop.

  Blue eyes, dark, short-cropped hair and just the right amount of stubble on his chin had made her take a second look the first time she noticed him at The Hive. Add in the broad shoulders, the 6’6’’ build and the impeccable sense of laidback style, and she hadn’t been able to take her eyes off of him.

  It seemed that went both ways, because he’d practically made a beeline for her a minute later. The rest? Well, that was history and Hailey would much rather focus on the present.

  Troy dragged his mouth back to hers, exploring it hungrily. She reached down to fumble with the front of his jeans, feeling he was far too clothed for the occasion. The man smiled against her lips and his hands moved to remove his pants, leaving her clit aching for his touch.

  He pushed down his jeans and underwear, his hard cock springing free. Hailey whimpered at the sight, impatient and full of hot need. She wanted him inside her, now.

  This feels so different, Hailey thought, completely overtaken by the sensations Troy’s body caused. It can’t just be the alcohol… It’s like his touch makes my skin come alive.

  Troy knelt on the bed, eyes taking in every inch of her body.

  “Perfect,” he sighed to himself, before sliding his palms up the inside of her thighs.

  He spread her thighs gently and positioned himself between them.

  Hailey bit her lip expectantly. He smiled at her, blue eyes hazy with desire. Sliding his body on top of hers, skin rubbing against skin, Hailey held her breath in anticipation. It was like her veins bubbled with need, each cell in her body humming with hunger for this mysterious, completely sexy man who knew exactly what to do with her.

  Troy’s hard cock slid up and down across her wet entrance, making her squirm and writhe under him. He claimed her mouth with his, just as he thrust inside, filling and stretching her in a way that was completely overwhelming.

  She gasped into his mouth as he worked himself into her slowly, giving her time to adjust around his size. She knew he was going to be big – just a feeling she got at first from the way he carried himself – but not that big. She was more than willing to take the challenge, though.

  Hailey clung to him, wanting more. Her whimpers turned into moans as he sunk in, filling her. When he bottomed out, it felt like she could never feel quite so complete ever again.

  But Troy was there to prove her wrong.

  With those cool blue eyes keeping her happily trapped in his presence, she arched her back, wanting to meet his thrusts with bucks of her hips. Her hands were pressed against his chest, loving the way she could feel his heavy heartbeats under her palm.

  Troy started to move, slow and deep, his head falling to the crook of her neck as his hips pushed against hers. Hailey ran her hands up his chest and neck and then through Troy’s soft, dark brown hair, gripping it tighter as he picked up the pace.

  “More,” Hailey moaned, wildly grasping at the sheets under her with her other hand.

  The room started to fade away as he slammed into her, burying himself to the hilt and wringing wild cries out of Hailey’s ragged throat. He lifted his head from where it lay by her neck and swallowed the sounds of her ecstasy with a savage kiss.

  Troy’s hands slid under her lower back, pushing her hips upward and giving him more leverage. His thrusts grew reckless as he reached the deepest part of her every time, making her lose what little the sanity she had left. It wasn’t long until Hailey unraveled with a scream, trembling under the wave of sensations rolling over her.

  “Holy hell,” she muttered, dazed and practically breathless.

  But he wasn’t done and she was thankful for it. Troy gripped her tighter, moving faster and faster before suddenly jerkin
g away. Hot seed spilled against her thigh as something resembling a roar ripped through the man on top of her.

  For a moment, almost absently, she wondered if he pulled out fast enough.

  I’m on the pill, it’s fine, she thought, pressing another kiss on his neck, right where a vein was throbbing.

  “My sentiments exactly,” he confirmed, picking up where their ‘conversation’ had left off.

  He rolled off of her but kept his arms around her, snuggling into her back. She wasn’t usually a cuddler, but she wasn’t about to object. It would be rude to kick the guy out of bed after what he had just done to her body. Besides, she was so not ready to see this man leave.

  I could get used to this.

  Hailey was still reveling in the afterglow when sleep claimed her, deep and peaceful.



  The alarm blared at seven in the morning, ripping her out of her dream of sipping cocktails in the Bahamas, far away from her home in Chicago. Curiously enough, this time the dream featured a certain tall, scary-sexy tattooed bad boy, who Hailey had nothing but good memories of…

  Something heavy was draped across her, and the events of last night came pouring back to her.

  Shit. This is not like me. This can’t be happening!

  Taking a few quick breaths to calm herself, Hailey opened her eyes slowly. Maybe she was just imagining it? That could happen, right?

  She had met an unbelievably handsome man while trying to drink away her troubles and now, he was asleep next to her. Her heart pounded as she moved slightly under the arm Troy had flung across her waist, turning to see if the man was still as hot when she wasn’t two Cuba Libres into the evening.

  Troy’s thick, floppy hair fell onto his face as he slept, framing a strong face with sculpted cheekbones, a powerful jawline and a straight nose. She watched as his chest fall and rise, the lean, powerful lines of his body reminding her of last night’s pleasure. She shook her head, trying to clear it, but only managed to give herself a headache.

  Wait? It’s seven already? she realized with a start, having forgotten herself to consider the many scars on Troy’s body, none of which she’d noticed the night before.

  While the question of who he was was one she would have loved to spend a while dissecting, Hailey didn’t have time for it. Not this day of all days.

  She didn’t have time to spare for awkward conversations and promises to call. The guy needed to go and she needed to get ready for court. For the most important, and the most uncomfortable hearing of her life. She hadn’t worked her ass off in law school just so she could defend lowlifes extorting money from hardworking citizens.

  But that was just what she was about to go do.

  She was just wondering how she was going to get out from under him as easily as possible when Troy’s eyes fluttered open, saving her from having to shake him awake. She realized she was still very much in the nude when his gaze roamed over her body appreciatively, a roguish grin appearing on his face.

  “Hello, you,” he said, scooting up on his elbows.

  Oh, great. So he doesn’t even remember my name. Way to go, Romeo!

  Despite that, Hailey couldn’t help but smile back. He was just as gorgeous in the sunlight starting to pour in through her windows than under the array of colorful lights in the club.

  If it were any other day, she would offer the man coffee or maybe even breakfast. Maybe try to get his number, see if he held up to the test of a daytime coffee date. But not today.

  Actually, not for a while. Juggling a commitment to another human being and the shit she’d gotten herself into was completely out of the question for now.

  Even without looking in a mirror, Hailey knew her appearance was anything but professional and put together at the moment and she needed to change that, fast. Even though she loathed being on the case she was on, she couldn’t afford to get sloppy with it.

  Not considering the guys she was dealing with on it.

  “Hey. So, do you need help finding your clothes?” Hailey offered, hoping he got the not so subtle hint she wanted him to leave.

  Troy’s brows furrowed as glanced at the watch on his wrist.

  “Fun time’s over,” he commented with a sigh before turning back to her. “I’ll manage, thanks. You just stay right where you are,” he added, gaze lingering on her curves.

  Troy hopped out of bed, gathering different pieces of clothing, not a bit of modesty to him. Hailey had to work real hard from keeping her mouth from falling open. She’d felt that back and that ass under her touch the night before, but seeing it was a whole different story.

  There was something primal and raw to his movements, like watching a predator stalk around even though he was just putting on clothes.

  Damn. Way to go, Hailey!

  Her cheeks lit with the slightest blush and she averted her gaze, wrapping the sheet tighter around herself. His eyes kept darting back to her as he dressed. He still looked good in those black jeans and black V-neck tee from last night. Even better now, actually, with sleep still in his eyes and his hair all mussed up.

  Really, Hailey would have been more than happy to forget all about her case, the courthouse and the mess that came with it and just help Troy undress again. The more she watched him, the more prevalent that feeling was.

  Taking a breath, she got up from the bed, making sure that the sheet remained tightly around her.

  “Thank you for a nice evening,” she blurted out, suddenly feeling more than a little awkward.

  Troy pulled down his shirt over that perfect eight-pack – yes, eight! -and stepped closer, his mere proximity making Hailey’s breath hitch.

  Get a grip!

  “It was more than nice,” he confirmed, giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

  As far as kisses go, it was pretty chaste, but a bolt of desire still flashed through Hailey’s body. Maybe it was the way he looked at her before and after the kiss, or maybe it was the kiss itself, but Hailey’s head spun in the nicest of ways. When her guest headed to the door, giving her one last wave before stepping out, she was almost irrationally sad to see him go.

  Standing in the middle of her apartment, clothed in nothing but a sheet, Hailey scratched the back of her head with a frown. This was a one-night stand, she had never had any doubts about that. While it didn’t fit her M.O. at all, she’d needed something to take her mind off of the case for one night, and that was what it had accomplished.

  It couldn’t be anything more than that.

  And even if that hadn’t been the case, she was definitely in no place to start a relationship right now. Yet something pulled her towards that man, a force she couldn’t quite describe.

  Whatever. Get over it. Hot man candy is out the door, horrible court crap is waiting next.

  She decided to disregard whatever it was about Troy and focus on the problem at hand.

  Last night had been a pleasant distraction, but her life was still a mess and there was no need to drag someone else into it. She threw the sheet off her body and padded to the kitchen to put on some coffee and start with her morning routine. Halfway through it, she found herself staring at her reflection in the mirror, wondering what it would be like if a guy like Troy was standing there next to her, making the bullshit of her current existence seem less daunting on a daily basis.

  Ridiculous, she concluded.



  The sun was shining bright in the usually cold and murky city of Chicago.

  Troy hated it.

  His mood soured as soon as he left Hailey’s apartment. The real world set in, wholly different from the fantasy-like events of the previous evening.

  And to think, he almost didn’t go out last night. What a mistake that would have been.

  Good things come with coincidences, he thought, fishing his sunglasses out of the inside pocket of his leather jacket and putting them on.

  He was already running late for his meeting with Dempsy, hi
s boss, and the man was not going to be happy. Dempsy had been even jumpier than usual lately and was probably already cooking up end of the world scenarios about why Troy’s wasn’t there on time.

  He hailed a cab to take him to the Twin Rivers Casino, the front Dempsy used to launder his drug money. The moment Troy took a seat in the cab, he could feel the weight of the world come crashing down on his shoulders again. The look he gave the apartment building he’d just stepped out of was maybe a little bit too longing.

  Get over it. You had your fun, that’s all you get.

  He used the drive as an opportunity to gather his thoughts about the night he had, spent with the sexiest caramel-skinned beauty he had ever seen.

  He had known as soon as he saw Hailey sipping her drink at the bar by herself, that he had to have her. Just one glance in her direction made his lion roar inside him, edging him on. There was no way he was going to let such a delicious woman go home alone. Not on that night of all nights.

  When their eyes met while he was wading through a throng of people to get to her, he could tell at once the attraction was mutual. Something inside her lit up, mimicking the fire already burning inside Troy.

  I should have gotten her number, he scolded himself, but it was too late.

  She had seemed in a hurry to get rid of him, anyway. It didn’t feel like the right time to start demanding her personal information. And it wasn’t like it would have been fair to get a nice girl like her messed up with the likes of him anyway. Still, thoughts of her persisted, nagging at the back of his mind.

  Well, now you’ll never know if she would have been interested in more or not, the voice inside Troy’s head kept berating him.

  He would have gladly just gotten lost in memories of Hailey - how soft her skin felt or how sexy her moans were - but unfortunately, he had things to attend to. A veritable pile of crap that needed taking care of was anxiously awaiting for him, leaving no more room for fun or personal enjoyment.


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