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Undeniably Darcy's

Page 2

by Victoria Goodrich

  As if sensing her need, Darcy pulled her hair to on side and slowly caressed her neck with his fingertips, lightly brushing them along the length of her arm. The hairs rose along her skin, eager to get closer to him. She struggled to maintain her footing as the warmth of his breath made its way down to the spot where her neck met her shoulder. With slow darting teases he nipped and nibbled on her skin, sending shots of fire down through her legs to rest at the epicenter of her need. As she adjusted to the sensation he bit down hard on her neck and she cried out. The sensation nearly made her explode. Was this what she had feared? She gave it not a moment's more thought and let her mind float adrift on the bliss that coursed through her.

  Darcy released her and turned her around gently to face him, his hands on her shoulders, thankfully helping her not to fall.

  She stared at him in a daze of sensation and feelings.

  “I didn't know,” she said, once again having no care for propriety, and smiled broadly.

  Darcy answered her with another kiss and held her firmly to him. She could feel her feet now and that was quite helpful as she'd nearly fallen now several times. She lost herself in the feel of his mouth on hers and didn't even realized that his hand had come to rest on her buttocks. She pushed herself further into him and arched her back slightly as his hands were so near the throbbing she could feel it pulling at him.

  Darcy made his way slowly up her back and stopped at her face cupping her cheeks in both hands, “I love you my darling, more than the English language has words to describe.”

  Elizabeth smiled as her love for her husband calmed her electrified nerves. Never could she have imagined the sensations coursing through her body. No one had prepared her for this, certainly not her mother's ill-conceived speech about wifely duties. Jane had come somewhat closer with her guidance to trust, but someone might have warned her of this drunken feeling of such need you feel you might actually die.

  With an emboldened sense of purpose, Elizabeth reached up and peeled Darcy's waistcoat from his shoulders shuddering as she touched a man with a familiarity she'd never experienced.

  He reached down and lifted her chin, staring deeply into her eyes and pulled her close with a force that knocked her off her feet. He held her tightly in his arms and she let herself be steadied by him alone. Their bodies pushed together as though they might meld into one and Elizabeth felt she might burst from the anticipation. So many nights imagining this moment, fearing this moment. Fearing that she would be inadequate. That she wouldn't know what to do, how to act. Yet nature seemed to be taking over for her. Without another thought she reached down and yanked at Darcy's cravat pulling it loose from his neck quickly. She made off with his coat and waistcoat with the fury of a wild beast. She barely maintained a thought in her head as she undid all manner of buttons and ties. Never in her life had she considered the amount of covering on a man's body, but today she couldn't help but feel furious at the number of items. Finally only his shirt remained as an impediment to her needs.

  She had to touch his bare skin. She had to feel it underneath her hands. It was warm, hot even and Elizabeth felt a rush as though lightning had come down from the skies pouring through her hands. Darcy must have felt it as well, as his skin prickled under her touch, and he let out a small cry. She lifted the shirt up over his head barely losing contact with his deep penetrating stare, only to break it as she surveyed his manly chest and shoulders.

  She rubbed his strong round shoulders, breathing deeply as she did. She could smell his scent, herbs and musk and she took it in like nectar. His chest had a smattering of hair and she ran her hands along it reveling in the response her body had to just this. Darcy let out a small cry again and pulled her to him again voraciously exploring her mouth with his tongue.

  Elizabeth felt overwhelmed with her need for Darcy. She had practically torn his clothes off of his body. She didn’t know how to handle the overwhelming sensations coursing through her veins. Barely a thought beyond need entered her mind. Was this how it always was with married people? Was there something wrong with her? Perhaps she was one of those brazen women.

  She froze realizing that her hands were frantically trying to undo the buttons of Darcy’s trousers as though they had caught fire. A feeling of fear came over her as though she had overstepped some invisible line from what she could never undo the damage.

  Darcy smiled and kissed her again, taking her hands and wrapping them around his waist. She relaxed again, as his lips met her own.

  DARCY DIDN'T WANT TO make Elizabeth feel ashamed for nearly tearing his clothes off, and he worried that his hesitation was sending her the wrong message.

  He had to make her understand that she was his now, and he would race to the ends of the earth only for a glimpse of her smile.

  She seemed to relax again in their kiss and she pulled away slowly, allowing her eyes to take in the full sight of him.

  She inhaled quickly and a slight blush covered her cheeks. Darcy stood half-naked in front of her feeling completely unconcerned. His only challenge, that of containing his fervor once they both stood naked.

  The feeling of her hands on his skin had sent him to heights he didn’t know existed. As she'd undressed him so furiously he'd wanted to yank her dress up and thrust himself inside of her with a reckless abandon and no concern for anything but his own need. In a second of mindlessness he'd actually contemplated the thought until he looked down at his beloved and regained his control.

  She took a step toward him and began to run her hands over his body yet again. His erection throbbed and begged to be touched. Without warning Elizabeth placed her hand over his erection, stroking it through his trousers as if she just wanted to feel it. Darcy had to steady himself from crying out.

  She stopped and stood motionless for a moment her hand covering him, but not moving. Darcy nearly cried out at the loss of it. She stepped away slightly and slowly began to pull down on the side of her dress exposing one of her shoulders. She reached out to him, extending her hand and he closed the distance between them quickly, turning her around with more force than he'd intended and began the task of undoing her dress.

  With her dress off he made awkward work of unfastening her stays, part of him wished that he had relieved himself of his anticipation before his bath this morning. Of course it was too late now, and he feared he might have a release like a young man asleep in bed, just from the mere sight of all of her exposed skin. He lifted her stays over her head and pushed her, shift and petticoat down together stopping for a moment at her hips taking in the sight of the expanse of bare flesh. With deep breaths he managed to regain his control. Conquering his urge to take her then and there.

  She looked over her shoulder at him, and he realized she was holding the shift to her breasts. She turned completely to face him, and with a wicked sly grin let the shift fall to her hips, exposing her bare breasts seemingly without a care. Darcy lost all thought and latched his mouth onto her left breast, sucking and nibbling one while needing the other with his hand.

  The scent of her made his head spin and he fell to his knees and pulled her towards him laving at her nipples, first one then the other.

  Elizabeth had her hands on his shoulders and she cried out as he nipped a little harder than he should have. He stopped, concerned that he'd gone too far and hurt her. Looking up at her with concern he asked, “Did I hurt you my darling?”

  Elizabeth said nothing, instead a sly grin covered her face. She shook her head no and pulled Darcy back toward her, lifting her breast in offering. He took it ravenously like a condemned man in his last hour.

  As he suckled at her breast he grabbed the edge of her shift and petticoat and pulled them slowly down to her feet. He stood up and stared at her clad only in her stockings and reveled in her beauty.

  “You are the most exquisite creature in the world ever to exist Elizabeth Darcy,” he said.

  ELIZABETH BLUSHED AT the mention of her married name, a small butterfly flew about i
nside her belly and she swelled with pride and confidence. She made no attempts to cover herself. In all her life lessons of marriage nothing had prepared her for this moment. This feeling of absolute assuredness that she was, indeed, the only woman in the world for Darcy. The only woman that could possibly bring him happiness. She knew it with a certainty that filled her with a confidence bordering on brazen. Yet somehow standing here naked before her husband she didn't feel brazen, she felt adored and cherished, and loved, and more beautiful than ever in her life. Darcy dropped back down to the floor, sitting on the back of his heels with his hands on his hips staring at her womanhood. A rush of feeling came through her and she felt for just a second that she should cover herself, until without warning Darcy rested his head on her womanhood and wrapped his arms around her. She didn’t know quite what to do herself, but there was no doubt in her mind what she wanted her husband to do.

  She had been unable to avoid her sister Lydia's explanations about what a man's mouth could do to a woman, and now she considered the idea quite alluring. Anything to soothe the savage pulsing need she felt in between her legs. Just the feel of his breath on her made her want to scream his name.

  A desperate need to be filled came over her, and she unclasped Darcy's hands from around her, stepped out of her dress, and led him to the edge of the bed.

  “Take off your boots,” she said, a sly grin that Darcy couldn't help but mirror, lit up her face.

  “As you wish my wife.” Darcy went over to her dressing table sat down and pulled his boots off keeping his eyes glued to hers the entire time. He stood up and walked toward her, his erection nearly bursting from his trousers. She put a hand up to stop him.

  “Take those off too,” Elizabeth said, pointing at his trousers. Emboldened by her new sense of risque, she sat down on the edge of the bed and crossed her legs at the ankles.

  Darcy walked toward her pursing his lips mischievously taking her hands and placing them on his waist. “I would prefer it if you did it for me,” he said, pushing his trousers down slightly using Elizabeth's hands. His erection sprung out of his trousers inches from Elizabeth’s face and without a second thought she took it in her hands. A small gasp burst from her at the feel of it. Darcy rolled his head back and blew out a long breath.

  She didn’t know if this was what people did but it’s what she wanted to do right now. It was so large and so surprising. She hadn’t expected it to look like this. She ran her hand down the length of it and inhaled his strong manly scent. She hadn't expected it to feel like this. A small bead of whitish liquid lay at the tip and Elizabeth wanted so badly to know what it tasted like, she licked it and wrapped her lips around the head of her husband's strong erection. It was salty and sweet and she pulled her lips off of him, kissing him as she left. She certainly hadn't expected it to taste like this.

  Surprised by what she had done she looked up into Darcy's face. He didn't seem nearly as shocked as she was, but the eagerness in his eyes made it clear he wanted her desperately.

  He pulled her to her feet and lifted her in one swift motion, laying her on the center of the bed.

  Walking around to the end of the bed he untied her garters and began to slowly roll her stockings down, covering each new inch of exposed skin with his mouth, kissing, licking and nibbling in equal parts. When he'd reached the end of his task he worked his way back up her legs, spreading them apart gently as he made his way toward her womanhood.

  Elizabeth writhed on the bed wanting so much for those kisses to take away the throbbing she had inside, but they only seemed to make her need Darcy more.

  “It hurts,” she said, not really thinking about what her husband was doing but more about how much she needed some kind of relief from this feeling.

  Darcy popped his head up from his ministrations with a look of disgrace on his face.

  “My darling I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?”

  Elizabeth began to giggle at her inexperience, “No, darling, I..., ” she didn't know how to explain what she was feeling.

  “It feels like I'm going to burst or something, like there's no help for it. Will this go away?”

  Darcy began to laugh and considered for a moment burying his face in between her legs but thought the better of it.

  “There is help for it my darling, tell me where it hurts the most,” he said, placing gentle kisses on her hips following a semi-circle up her belly, and back down toward her womanhood.

  Elizabeth pushed herself up on her elbows and looked down at her husband's naked backside lying on the bed in between her legs. What a delightful view, she lost herself in a moment with it. Admiring the way his shoulders formed the top of a triangle that tapered down to his waist, the curve at the small of his back that dipped down into two small dimples at the base of his buttocks.

  Darcy was lightly undulating on the bed and Elizabeth watched as his behind clenched slightly with each shallow movement, she liked watching him move like that, and it made her want to know what was next.

  “Well, my darling, I cannot take away your pains if you don't tell me their whereabouts,” he said stopping his attentions for a moment.

  Elizabeth grinned and pointed down to her right knee.

  Darcy raised his eyebrows as if surprised she'd chosen a knee. He lifted her leg and took a gentle nibble behind her knee before sucking on it ever so gently.

  Elizabeth let out a small moan.

  “That made it worse,” she said coyly, not knowing if they were still playing the game or not. Every time he touched her she thought she might burst from the delight of it.

  “What about here darling,” he said, sucking gently on the inside of her left thigh, mere inches from her womanhood.

  A jolt of sensation ran straight from that spot on her thigh through the center of her body and out through her toes.

  “Oh,” she gasped.

  “I'm sorry darling did that make it worse,” Darcy said, his mouth curling into a mischievous grin.

  Elizabeth could take it no longer, she knew exactly how a man and woman were to lie together and from the sensations coursing through her body she felt quite certain she was ready to become a real wife.

  “Please darling,” she said, reaching behind Darcy's head and pulling him toward her.

  Darcy moved himself up to meet her eyes and kissed her gently on the mouth, keeping his manhood well away from her.

  She wanted to know him inside of her so desperately she reached around and pulled him toward her. His manhood touched her entrance and she gasped from the thrill of it.

  He pulled back, not wanting to hurt her and rested his elbow on the bed, taking his manhood and rubbing it up against her folds.

  The feeling was absolutely exquisite, but she wanted more, so much more. The inside of her womanhood pounded and throbbed with a need to be filled and she felt desperate.

  “Please,” she said, looking fiercely into Darcy's eyes.

  “Are you sure you are ready my darling, I don't want to hurt you,” her husband said, kissing her gently.

  Elizabeth nodded her head and kept her eyes fixed on Darcy.

  He stopped rubbing her folds and found his way inside, moving ever so slowly inside her. In and out, in small gently pulses, letting her relax into his size. She gave a small yelp as he passed her maidenhood and pushed his full length inside of her, letting out a sigh as he did so.

  “Husband,” she said, closing her eyes and letting the delicious feeling of his length filling her completely overtake her. It didn't hurt in the way she had been warned. The need she felt to feel him inside her was so great that his penetration felt like relief.

  Delightful, delicious, decadent relief.

  She closed her eyes, losing herself in the feeling of their union for but a moment, when her husband's loving words returned her back to the exquisite face before her.

  “My Wife, darling, my love,” he said, slowly pulling his shaft back to the entrance.

  Elizabeth wasn't prepared for how despera
tely she wanted, no, needed him back inside her, and without a thought for it she arched her back and pushed her hips into him making it clear she didn't want him to leave.

  Darcy let out a gasp as though he wasn't prepared for her sudden voraciousness.

  He kissed her hard on the mouth holding steady as deep inside his bride as he could manage.

  WHEN ELIZABETH PULLED Darcy deep inside her he felt he might finish the task right then and there. Only the feel of her lips on his allowed him to focus long enough on something other than the building tension inside him. He wouldn't allow this to be over too soon though, he wanted her to remember their first lovemaking together with warm smiles. He hadn't anticipated something as wonderful as the blush that he would surely see in the morning when they woke. Elizabeth was a woman who knew what she wanted, but Darcy had no way of anticipating what this evening would be like. With an enormous amount of control, Darcy managed to allow himself to return to the wonderment that was being inside his beloved. He kissed her gently on the lips, allowing himself to draw out the full length of his manhood. Elizabeth seemed to have settled into the idea that he would not leave her entirely and her bucking hips settled into a gentle undulation coupled with the mews of a pleasured woman. He looked at his beautiful bride and without meaning to lost complete control and the path to finishing his task took on a will of it's own.

  With eyes wide and a crimson flush rushing upon his cheeks, Darcy erupted in a lifetime's worth of desire and without meaning to cried out for all the world to hear.

  Once he came back down to earth he buried his face in the hollow of his wife's shoulder and tried to regain his composure.

  “I'm so very sorry,” he said, his words muffled through Elizabeth's hair.


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