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Having My Son's Roommate (Needy Moms Book 2)

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by Carrie Breeze

  “I feel like a new woman. Twenty years younger.”

  “Good. Glad to hear it. Would you like a follow-up appointment sometime in the near future? I do have an opening, say… in two weeks?”

  “I think we can work something out. But you must promise me, not a word to Kurt. At least, not until after I’ve had a chance to talk to him.”

  “It’s a deal. I have my code of ethics to adhere to… you know, doctor-client confidentiality.”

  “Gotcha,” smiling, he helps me to my feet. I smile back at him, gazing appreciatively into his sparkling blue eyes. Our mouthes meet, sealing our naughty agreement with a deep passionate kiss.

  Thank you for reading my dirty fantasy. Here are more filthy good reads:

  It’s Friday afternoon and, like a lot of other career women I know, I’m feeling that sense of release that comes after wasting another week of your life fenced in between the neck-high burlap walls of a corporate cubicle. While walking home a feeling strikes me, a kind of sweet pain of longing in my heart, a feeling of the last sultry days of August. Something distant and eternal is calling out from the tangerine and turquoise sky. Something says to me, “Don’t go home tonight. Do something different. Do something new. Grab life while you can.”

  My life is going nowhere anyway. For too long, all my attempts at finding a love companion have seemed jinxed before getting started. But, I love the company of young men. There have been times recently when I’ve experienced a tingle of excitement in my loins.

  There’s a singles bar called Free Play on the edge of the arts district. I’ve never been inside, just walked past on several occasions, but it seems like a good, low key, place to explore. Tonight I’ll be bold and give it a try. Quickening my pace, I hurry home, shower, do my hair in the latest fuck-me fashion and pull on the skin-tight jeans. Checking myself in the mirror - I can’t wait to show myself off to some lucky guy. I slip on a polyester retro Hawaiian print shirt - open to my boobs, a light jacket over it and I’m ready for action.

  Shortly after nightfall, I arrive at Free Play all pimped out and ready for action. I pass through the gamut of smokers chatting along the sidewalk out front under the bar’s tilted-martini-glass neon sign. I smile at them and grab the thick wooden door handle. It moans open and I step into that long narrow dimly lit breeding hole. Six pairs of needy eyes turn and greet me from the nearby bar, feeling me up as I venture in. The crotch of my low-cut jeans goes moist with anticipation. Walking becomes a turn-on in and of itself. Dance music puts a spring in my step. The place is too small for a dance floor, so two couples gyrate along side the bar farther in. I need hands to caress me. Where are you, future lover of mine? In an alcove on the left four guys are absorbed in a game of pool - not likely. I continue on down the bar. Most of the people seated there are middle-aged regulars who’ve lost the spark of love. They’re content on chatting up the bartender while downing their night’s quota of beers. Other’s are couples completely absorbed in each other, giggling over each quip and exchanging frequent touches and sneaking quick kisses. I find what looks to be the only empty stool in the house - way in back next to the dart board, just before the bathrooms. I sit down, nodding to my neighbor who was way too interested in the baseball game playing on the ceiling mounted TV. I wait for the bartender’s attention and order a Long Island Tea.

  The action is kind a slow. Maybe I came too early. But, I’m needy. No way am I going home unsatisfied. I have a feeling hot meat will show up sooner or later. Finish my beer. Order a second and fend off the advances of a poetry spouting professor making the rounds. Finish that beer. Order a third, get up, walk around, go powder my nose, come back out, find I’ve lost my stool, walk around again, weave my way between the gathering crowd of drinkers and talkers, thread my way back farther in toward the rear, lean against the wall and scan the room for potential players. New people push in through the door. By now, I feel a buzz from my drink and my horny factor climbs off the scale.

  Having My Daughter's Boyfriend

  “Mom, You’ve got to get out. Do stuff. Meet new people,” my daughter, Mariah, had been telling me ever since the divorce.

  Well, I finally agreed. Enough sitting around the house, moping, watching TV, gorging myself on chocolates and dreaming of hulks to come knocking on my door. True, I did have my realty business - Kate Lincoln Realty. But, let’s face it, selling houses doesn’t get you laid. Just tired. So, I enrolled in an art class at the local college. The same one Mariah goes to, only she’s studying journalism.

  “College is where I met Andre,” she said, speaking of her new boyfriend.

  “Tell me about this new boyfriend of yours. Is he someone I’d approve of?”

  “Oh, mom, you’re so old fashioned.”

  “Well, when am I going to meet him?”

  “As a matter of fact, I’ve invited Andre over tonight. Actually, he insisted upon meeting you. He said he thought it proper to get your ‘okay’ before diving into a relationship with me.”

  “Sounds like Andre is more old fashioned than I am, sweetie.”

  “Well, his parents came from a small village in France. Maybe that’s why.”

  “Oh, how interesting. Can’t wait to meet him. Listen, I got to run. Late for art class. Love you,” heading out the door.

  “Love ya, mom.”

  The art class started at eight. I rush into the small room about ten minutes late. There are about half a dozen other students - all college-age guys and girls. I tried to dress to look younger but just ended up looking like the mom of Velma from Scooby Do. Knee socks, pleated skirt, turtle-neck sweater, glasses, short dark hair. Everyone else in the room is casually dressed in jeans and sporty shirts. They’re all sitting in a semi-circle around the model. Busy sketching. They barely notice my entrance but I still feel self-conscious. At least the skirt hides my curvy hips.

  Today we’re doing nude sketches of a live subject. There’s one empty chair left - straight on center in front of the model. This heightens my self-consciousness but I have no choice. I take the chair, prop up my sketch pad on the easel and dig out my pencils. I fidget and drop the pencils. It’s only after I get settled and start to draw that I notice the model.

  It’s been over a year since I’ve even seen a naked man. That was Charles, before he left me for his secretary. Ugh, I push the painful memories from my mind.

  I’m ready to sketch.

  The model is a mere five feet away. Until now he’s been but a vague blurry shadow image stalking my peripheral vision. All I’ve been aware of is the slightly oiled sheen of his muscular contours. He’s doing a damn good job of impersonating Michelangelo’s David.

  Finally, I look up directly at him… into the face of the most gorgeous penis I’ve ever laid eyes on.

  Stepmom Vacation

  “Goodness gracious me, Jesse, you look like you’re about to have a heart attack. Give me those bags. Come, sit on the sofa and put your feet up. I’ll get you a cold glass of lemonade.”

  Jesse Christianson had just gotten home on summer break from college. His problem was his girlfriend, Allison Mills, had just dropped the bomb that she no longer wanted to see him.

  “Our relationship has gotten stale,” she’d told him this morning in bed just as he’d rolled over onto her, wanting her sweet sugar. She closed her legs and rolled him back over to his side of the bed.

  “What? Sweetie, Don’t you feel well?”

  “God’s sake, Jess, open your eyes. How long has it been since you’ve given me an orgasm? You’re a great lover but you just don’t turn me on any more.”

  He tried to rationalize this sudden bombshell but her mind was made up. They had no future together. It was best if he just packed his things and moved out. He couldn’t bear the thought of her spending the summer hanging out on Old Orchard Beach, bate for all the other horny college guys. So, he retreated home to Scarborough to his dad, Jack, and stepmom, Kate.

  “Here you are, honey,” Kate said, handing him the i
ce-cold glass of lemonade and sitting down beside him. His stepmom, had seductive shoulder length blonde hair and a great athletic figure for a forty-year-old. Having just returned from her morning yoga class, she was still in her tight yoga pants and tank that showed exactly how well endowed her motherly figure was. Kate defined the term MILF. But Mom-I’d-Like-to-Fuck was a foreign concept to Jesse. He had Allison-on-the-mind and the hole she’d left in his heart was eating him alive.

  “Thanks, mom,” taking a refreshing sip. The lemonade did wonders for his parched throat. “I needed that.”

  “Good,” patting his jean clad leg. “I hate to see you like this, sweetie, tell what’s wrong.” She looked into his eyes with a steady comforting gaze that said, “Tell me all your troubles. Let them dissolve into my loving care.”

  “It’s Allison, mom,” his voice shaking. He set the glass of lemonade on the coffee table, afraid of spilling it on the new beige sofa. “She’s dumped me,” the words barely coming out in a whisper. He raised his hand to cover his tears.

  “Oh, sweet baby.”

  Kate put her tanned arm around him, kissed his forehead, brought his head over to rest upon her bosom and stroked his blond hair.

  Jesse’s biological mother had died in an auto accident when he was only ten. A couple years later Jack met and married Kate. With his dad putting in long hours to make his construction company prosper, it fell to Kate to help Jessie through the difficult years of puberty and the “girl-problem” years of high school. Thus she came to know her son well and could now offer him comfort in his current emotional crisis.

  “Let’s talk about it, dear, and it’ll help you feel better. And you know I don’t like beating around the bush so let’s get to the heart of the matter. How has your sexual relationship been with her?”

  “I just can’t figure her out, mom. We’ve been doing it every day. It’s been great. But this morning she says she hasn’t had an orgasm for weeks.” Jesse opened his teary eyes. His stepmom’s ample cleavage filled his field of view. Her supple skin was streaked with the tracks of his tears. They had run down and soaked the top of her white tank rendering their fabric nearly transparent over the ripple of her large aureoles and erect nipples. Until then he hadn’t been aware that she wore no bra. He felt a slight tingle at the tip of his penis. The awareness of which made him feel a little embarrassed and self-conscious. No way did he want to pop a boner while resting his head on his mom’s breasts.

  Big Bad Stepbrother

  As soon as we got home Jason kicked the door shut with his heel, grabbed my hand, and spun me around into his arms.

  “I’ve waited too long for this moment,” his husky breath hot on my already blushing cheeks.

  “What are you going to do?” I gasped, my hands finding the steel chords running up along his lower back. With one hand behind my neck and the other clenching my amble rear, he pulled me tighter into his embrace. The heat coming off his hulking chest was hot as a furnace. I felt his stiff cock press into my plump tummy.

  I’m going to bring out the woman in you, sis,” pressing his lips onto mine, slipping his wet hot whiskey flavored tongue into my mouth. My body melted into his strong arms. His mouth opened wide as did mine, our faces twisting crosswise for deeper oral penetration. I wanted to sink my tongue deep inside him and he wanted to do the same with me. We shared the same breath, inhaling and exhaling in and out of each other as our tongues explored and caressed each other’s mouths.

  His hands found my zipper and opened the back of my dress all the way down to my ass and then peeled it off, letting it fall to the floor. I unbuttoned his shirt and he tossed it into a corner.

  “Are you sure you want to do this, sis,” our lips momentarily breaking their seal of lust.

  Got Jacked

  “Have you been bad? I mean with this friend of yours”

  “I don’t know,” smiling demurely.

  “What do you mean by that? Your smile tells me something not good. Have you had sex with him?”

  “Are you crazy? Of course not. I’m saving that for the man I love,” resting her head upon my chest.

  “I hope you’re not lying,” petting her long straight hair. “You have a long life ahead of you and I’d hate for you to ruin it in one reckless night of passion.”

  “Believe me, daddy, I know what I’m doing. I’m saving myself for the right man. Right now, I’m just glad I’m with you tonight. You saved my life”

  “I want to talk about what just happed between us back up there by the car. We were in a life or death situation. I thought I had lost you, sweetheart, and I had to do anything I could to try to bring you back. In such extreme moments a man’s passions take over his body and force him to do things that he would not ordinarily do.”

  “You mean like when you dry humped me, daddy?”

  “Well, yes, to put it bluntly, yes, when I did that. And I apologize for that, it was wrong, I am your father ….”

  “Shhh, daddy,” she looked up into my eyes and put her index finger over my lips. “You did what was needed. And, I hope you don’t mind me saying that… that I liked it. I am your little girl and it will always be that way.”

  Stepbrother Lover

  “What did you do?”

  “Took all my savings and put it on a horse. I lost,” He leans his rifle against the wall, takes off his coat, hangs it in the closet, pulls out his handgun and sets it on the dresser along with his cell phone. I’m standing at the window, in front of the mattress. He comes over, takes me in his arms and starts kissing my neck. He’s gentle but a little out of practice.

  “How much money is downstairs?” Distract him. Don’t let him go too fast.

  “So far, seventeen thousand.” He opens my torn blouse and his left hand moves inside,finds my breast and caresses it.

  “What are you going to do with it?” My body starts to relax and warm to his tender touch. I hold his lower back. He is strong, his back muscles feeling like steel cables.

  “I’ll take my share and move out of this dump, out of state. Maybe to Puerto Rico. I here life is easy down there. You can live on practically nothing. Want to come with me?” He lowers me onto the mattress. It smells of beer stains. His mouth moves to mine and we kiss long and hard. His hand moves to my thigh and caresses it. He’s taking this too far. Talk to him.

  “You have a lot of unspent passion,” breaking the kiss. “How long since you’ve had a girlfriend?”

  “Too long. Enough questions. From the moment I saw you in the bank I’ve wanted you. Come with me.” He moves back to my lips and intertwines his legs with mine. His hand unfastens my belt and moves to open my fly.


  “Come here, Sunshine. Got to show you something.” She timidly steps over to where I stand - in front of the grill. “Look at that,” pointing at the distributor.” She leans in over the engine. I inhale her essence - fresh as the morning dew. “Your distributor cap is cracked. You’re going to need a new one.” Uncomfortable with my closeness, she leans back out and steps away.

  “Well, is it safe to drive?” Biting her lower lip. God, she’s sexy. My cock is throbbing.

  “No, not really. You’re lucky you made it this far.”

  “But, I’ve got things to do,” stamping her foot. I almost come in my pants. “I’m getting married this weekend.” I’ll see to it that doesn’t happen. “My wedding dress has to be fitted and altered. And I have a rehearsal tonight, not to mention a ton of other stuff to do. Is there anything you can do to fix it?” She bats her lashes at me melting my heart.

  “Well, yeah. I could give it a try. Could put some bondo on it, might get you to the next town. Ain’t guaranteeing nothing, though. But that’s a lot of work and I’m loaded with shit to do.”

  “Can that guy out there do it?” looking out the garage door at Kevin over at the granary. Son of a bitch been spying on her the whole time. He sees her look and flashes that shit-eating grin, waving.

  “Fuck no. He’s got his ow
n work to do. Tell you what,” turning her towards the back of the shop. “Step back here and lets discuss this.” She doesn’t object, so I lead her to a place that’s out of view from Kevin’s prying eyes. I stop her in front of a workbench that lines the back wall. It’s cluttered with tools, tractor parts and greasy rags.

  “If I’m going to do this I’ll need a little payment in advance.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t have any cash on me. All I carry is plastic,” fidgeting with her hair, tucking it behind her ear. I drink in her slender figure. What I wouldn’t give to look under her hood. “But, I can come back with the money on another day.”

  “Well, that would be nice, Sunshine,” stepping closer, tracing the graceful outline of her skinny hip with my dirty forefinger. “But around here, at the hog ranch, we trade in flesh. Know what I mean?”

  Suddenly, a mighty uproar from a hundred screaming hungry sows blasts from the barn next door. The girl nearly jumps out of here panties.

  “Easy, easy, little girl. That’s just the sound of feeding time,” leaning toward her, placing my hands on the bench beside her hips, blocking her in. “If you scream, no one will hear you.”

  “What do you want?” Her large doe eyes well up with a hint of tears, softening my heart.

  “I just want to see what you got under that sweet dress.” She doesn’t say or do anything - just stares at me in disbelief.

  “How old are you?”


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