Book Read Free

Night With A Tiger

Page 11

by Dobson, Marissa

  * * *

  Robin sank to the floor utterly exhausted, resting her head against the side of the bed. No one other than herself and Bethany seemed to be suffering, which added to her confusion.

  Raja knelt in front of her, taking her hand in his. “Just rest, Robin. Some of it will pass shortly. You’ll still feel tired. It won’t be so bad.”

  Her rolling stomach and pounding head eased with Raja’s touch. “Why does your touch help? I thought only Adam’s would.”

  “As the Lieutenant of the clan my touch will help any member of our clan, as long as they are committed to the clan. Ty and Tabitha’s abilities work the same way. Bethany’s skill is slightly different since she’s a healer. She carries the gene to shift without shifting.

  “That means you consider yourself part of our family now.” Tabitha squatted down next to them, wrapping her arms around Robin’s neck. “Welcome to the family.”

  A smile pulled her lips, and tears threatened to fall. She was a part of such a close-knit family. “I guess I have.”

  They stayed cuddled on the floor waiting for the affects to past until Harmony’s whispered voice called to Robin.

  “It’s okay, I’m right here.” Robin took Harmony’s hand. Glancing up, she found Harmony curled into a tight ball in the center of the bed.

  “Why did it hurt you more than anyone else?”

  Tabitha stood and moved to the edge of the bed. “I believe it’s because you’ve formed a connection with Robin. She’s the only one you feel any loyalty to. The rest of us felt your pain through her. In a way, Robin served to dull the pain. Normally the Elders do that for the clan, which is why for serious healing one of the Elders is normally there to act as a buffer.”

  That explained why Robin was feeling Harmony’s emotions nearly as strong as she felt Adam’s. “Will it wear off?” Robin asked.

  “If Harmony commits herself to the Alaskan Tigers, you’ll feel the connection just as Ty and I do. If she commits to another clan it could be worse because her commitments would be divided.” Raja helped Robin off the floor to sit on the edge of the bed next to Harmony.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Harmony forced a weak smile at Robin.

  “It’s all right, Harmony. There’s no harm done. Everything is going to be fine. Right now you need to get some sleep.” Robin wasn’t sure if she was fighting just exhaustion or if Harmony’s fatigue was added into the mix. Either way she needed to get some rest. She wanted to be awake when the team went after Pierce. She needed to be connected to Adam to know he was okay. If she was asleep, she might not know if something serious happened to him, so Robin wasn’t taking the chance.

  “Stay with me until I’m asleep, please.” Harmony rested back on the bed, her eyelids half closed.

  “Okay.” Robin ran her hand through Harmony’s thick red hair, moving it out of her face.

  “Felix, Shadow, and Korbin, take Tabitha and Bethany home. I’ll stay with Robin until she’s done.” Raja stepped toward Bethany, wrapping his arm around her. “I’ll be along shortly, get some rest.” He pressed his lips to hers.

  Watching the intimacy between Raja and Bethany made Robin long to have the same with Adam—to have him by her side. With his support she felt like she could take on the world, instead of cowering in fear. “You don’t have to stay, Raja.”

  “If the emotions become too much for you again, I’m the only one who can help you.” He leaned against the wall next to the bed watching everyone file out. “Lance has taken his post outside.”

  Robin rubbed her hand over Harmony’s shoulder. Silence engulfed the room. Emotions still played through her, most of them Harmony’s, but at least they weren’t as draining as before. Minutes passed before the young tigress drifted to sleep. “Can she feel my emotions as well?” Robin asked Raja,

  He gazed down at her and shook her head. “Not now, she’s going through too much of her own turmoil to feel anything else. It’s doubtful it will be different in the future since the connection was built out of her devotion and loyalty to you. Unless Ty and I are gravely injured, only our mates will feel our emotions through the connection. If we were to force them upon others they can be felt to a degree. Think of a box filled with rocks. The heavier it is, the better chance of someone besides our mate would feel it.”

  “She owes me nothing.” She looked down at Harmony, lying in a curled ball. She was so young and innocent.

  “That’s not how Harmony sees it. There was a link between you as if you were the Alpha Female here. Even if she commits to the clan, if at any time your beliefs don’t line up with the Elders, Harmony will follow you over us. Do you understand what that means?”

  Robin had an idea, but didn’t want to say what she was thinking. “Not completely.”

  “Hypnotically, if you gain more bonds while helping the injured, you could create your own following. A clan and Alpha Female without being a shifter.” His eyes seemed to search her for a reaction. “It’s something that’s never happened. You could be the first.”

  “I have no desire to do that, nor the means. I didn’t mean to poach your territory or position.” Would her connection to Harmony made things difficult for Adam?

  “You have the means with Adam. He’s strong enough to lead his own clan, only his commitment to Ty keeps him here, holding him back. If anyone were to convince him to step out on his own, it could be his mate.” Raja straightened, not moving away from the wall. “With your abilities you would be in the same position as Tabitha. The connection would take the place of shifting.”

  “That isn’t going to happen. I feel Adam’s bond to the clan and nothing could distort that. I fell in love with the man he is now. Changing something as big as his commitment to his clan—his family would change the man I love. I’d do nothing to jeopardize that.” She moved her hand from Harmony and rose, meeting Raja’s gaze head on. “Adam’s bond to the clan has become my connection. When I arrived here I said some things, especially to Bethany, that were rude. I was hurting and wanted to spoil everyone else’s happiness. Now I see what your clan truly is. My commitment is to you and the clan, just as Adam’s is. Don’t discount that or me because I’m merely human.”

  A smile spread over Raja’s face. “We need fighters like you in the clan. Welcome to the family, Robin. It’s an honor to have you among us.”

  She took a moment to think about his words and realized the fight she lost running across the country had returned. She was willing to fight for Adam’s honor, and for Harmony’s safety. Robin couldn’t stand up against a shifter’s speed or strength, but she had her own assets to contribute to the clan.

  “It’s a privilege to be part of such a family. I never thought I’d want a life like this, now I realize I’ve been searching for a true home, and Adam, all my life.” She paused. “Most humans believe in soul mates. I never did until now. Adam is my soul mate.”

  * * *

  Moonlight cascaded through the room, giving Robin enough light to see Raja standing next to her. His hand gently shook her arm. “Robin, are you awake?”

  She rolled, checking the bedside clock. Damn it, she wanted to be up when the team landed. “What is it? Is it Adam?”

  “No, it’s not them. They’ve arrived at the site, and the Kodiak Bears landed fifteen minutes ago. They are still on the landing strip. They are putting together a plan of attack before setting out again. It’s Harmony. She woke up and is having a breakdown. I hated to wake you. She needs you. She won’t tell anyone else what’s going on.”

  Robin sat up in bed, making sure her nightshirt was covering her body. “Okay, give me a minute to get dressed.”

  “I’ll wait in the living room for you and then I’ll take you to her.” He stepped away from the bed and left the room.

  She pulled on her jeans and grabbed a sweater from her bag, tugging it over her head. As she dressed, she forgot her worries of what Adam would be doing soon. Only Harmony’s fear pushed her quicker, not giving
her a moment to think of anything else. She slid her feet into her sneakers, cursing that she hadn’t picked up something more suitable for the snow yet.

  Raja was waiting for her by the door. The only light came from a small lamp by the couch. “Bethany is still sleeping. Do you have enough light to see?”

  “I’m fine.” She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to pull herself together. “Let’s go.”

  Raja nodded and opened the door. “Thomas was on guard duty. He said one minute everything was fine and then Harmony woke up screaming. He went to her to figure out what was wrong. She just kept screaming your name.”

  Raja kept pace with Robin as they jogged toward Harmony’s apartment. The closer they got, Harmony’s screams sliced through the air, forcing Robin to run faster. There was something heartbreaking about the cries.

  Thomas opened the door, allowing her to skid right past him and straight to Harmony. “Harmony, what is it?”

  She went to take Harmony’s hand until Raja placed his hand on her shoulder. “Careful. When a shifter is angry they can snap at the first sight of someone. We can’t have you getting hurt.”

  “Henry…oh God, Henry…he’s coming,” Harmony cried, her fingers balling the blanket. “You’ve got to do something. He’s coming for me!”

  Ignoring Raja’s warning, Robin sank onto the bed, wrapping her arms around Harmony. “Shhh, sweetie, you’re safe here.”

  “Get Felix here immediately,” Raja ordered Thomas who was still in the doorway.

  Robin glanced over the top of Harmony’s head at Raja. “Is that wise?”

  “As his twin, Felix might be able to feel Henry. He’ll at least know if Henry makes it to Alaska.” Raja sat on the edge of the bed. “Harmony, how do you know this? Any details you can give us might help us stop him before he even gets to Alaska.”

  “I just know. I can’t explain it. I only know he’s coming. He knows I’m here.” She curled into Robin like a small child cuddling against their mother after a nightmare.

  Soothing her, Robin looked to Raja. “How is this possible? How does he even know where she is? Is it through the connection? I thought he was sedated, that the Ohio clan had him under control.”

  “Since he’s never shifted, the bond to Felix is more one way. Felix can feel Henry, but not the other way around. It could be through Harmony’s connection to him.”

  Felix ran in the room, gun in his hand. “What’s wrong?”

  “Harmony believes Henry is on his way here. Can you confirm that?” Raja asked.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never been very in tune with my brother. I can try.” Felix’s eyes drifted shut, and he breathed deep. “I can feel his excitement. He’s on the move, he’s not here. The surroundings are different. I can’t identify where he is exactly. He’s not at the clan’s compound in Ohio.”

  “I told you he’s coming,” Harmony screamed, anger filling her tone.

  “I believe you. We’re just trying to find out how close he is,” Raja spoke calmly.

  “You’ve got to help me. He’s going to kill me.” Harmony’s body shook with fear.

  “You’re safe here, Harmony. Nothing is going to happen to you.” Raja glanced back at Felix. “Who’s guarding Tabitha?”

  “Korbin is with her, and Thomas stayed with her until Jayden or Drew got there. I alerted them when Thomas called me.” Felix slid his gun back into his holster.

  “Very good.” Raja pushed the button on his earpiece to communicate with the other guards. “Korbin, take Tabitha to my quarters with Bethany. I want the women together until further notice.”

  “Do you want me to go back to Tabitha? Or stay?” Felix seemed unsure what to do.

  “Besides Harmony, you’re the only connection to Henry. We need you here for now. If we can settle Harmony, we’ll take her back to my quarters as well. She can rest in Robin’s room. If that’s okay with you, Robin?”

  “It’s fine. Do you think Doc could give her something to calm her down and let her sleep?” Robin ran her hand down Harmony’s back, soothing her.

  Raja nodded. “If she agrees.”

  “When Henry comes, I need to be able to get away. Giving me something to sleep would make me easy prey for him.”

  “He’s not going to get anywhere near you.” Felix stepped around Raja and approached Harmony. “You have my word. I blocked my connection to him for my own sanity. He’s dangerous. I won’t let him get anywhere near you.”

  Robin squeezed Harmony to her. “They are twins. Felix can’t help that he looks so much like Henry, but I swear Felix is a good man. He will protect you.” Still feeling Harmony’s doubt, she continued. “Our connection is too one sided for you to feel my trust in him. Put your trust in me that I trust him. It will be fine. I promise.”

  Harmony nodded and rested her head against Robin’s shoulder. “Okay.” Her eyes drifted shut, exhaustion filling her body.

  “What now?” Robin glanced to Raja, wondering what they were going to do about the new danger. If Henry arrived before the team got back from Virginia did they have enough guards to protect everyone?

  “We wait. Until we know where Henry is, there’s nothing we can do. When Felix recognizes his brother’s location, we’ll act on it immediately. If he comes to Alaska, we’ll stop him before he gets to the compound. Hopefully the morning light will bring more information. By morning one of our problems will no longer be an issue. We can then focus on Henry and Ohio.” Raja hit his earpiece. “Go ahead.”

  “Until then, keeping everyone together with our resources surrounding the area will be the best protection,” Felix explained. “We’ll hunker down in Raja’s quarters for now, and in the morning we’ll have a plan of action. It would be good if Harmony was able to rest. Her anxiety will only encourage Henry further.”

  “Harmony, would you take something to rest while Felix, the other guards, and I watch over you?” Robin nudged a pillow under Harmony’s back.

  Harmony nodded, her body growing heavier as sleep pressed down on her.

  Raja turned away from the window, coming back to stand next to the bed. “I’ll have Doc meet us at my quarters. Harmony looks exhausted. We don’t want her falling asleep until we get her to your room.”

  His cell phone rang. A lump caught in Robin’s throat. At this time of the night she feared it would have something to do with the team in Virginia. She could sense Adam, he was safe, but that’s all she could tell. There was too much interference with Harmony’s emotions especially with her arms around the girl.

  Raja unclipped his cell phone and checked the caller id. “Felix, take the women to my quarters I need to take this.”

  Robin wanted to wait to know what was happening, but she couldn’t leave Harmony, especially not alone with the man she feared because of his similarity to his brother. She’d have to wait until Raja returned to his quarters.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Twenty minutes later, Robin collapsed in the living room chair. Harmony was finally asleep. Robin could have passed out on the bed beside the young girl. There was just too much going on. She needed to be awake. Adam’s anxiousness was teasing her exhaustion. Without a doubt, she knew the team was on their way to Pierce.

  Raja stepped through the door, glancing around the room. Tabitha and Felix were on one couch, while Bethany lounged on the other. Shadow sat nearby, Jayden and Drew guarded the door, while Thomas and Korbin kept a watchful-eye outside. “The team is moving, they’ll call when it’s over.”

  “There’s something more. What’s going on?” Bethany pulled her legs under her body, giving her mate room to sit.

  He glanced toward the guest room. “Is Harmony asleep?” When Robin nodded, Raja continued. “Jinx’s clan picked up a phone call from Pierce only minutes ago. It seems that the Ohio Alpha has been working with Pierce for some time. Pierce has been holding something over the Ohio Alpha’s head to get him to do his bidding. I don’t know if it ties into what happened with Henry and Harmony. It’s too
big of a coincidence to overlook.”

  “So what’s the plan with the Ohio clan? We can’t continue to let things go as they are.” Bethany snuggled into Raja.

  “Actually Ty wants Tabitha to consult the book. Adam suggested it would be a perfect time for you to come out as the Queen of the Tigers, and Ty seems to agree.” Raja ran his hand through his hair. “It makes sense, and will give us a chance to start bringing the clans together under one rule.”

  Tabitha nodded. “Okay, I’ll do that. What about now?”

  “Depending on what the book says, or what you want to do, there’s talk some of the guards will go to Ohio after they finish with Pierce. You have to consult the book before they’re done. Ty wants to know our decision when he calls.” Raja rested his head against Bethany’s shoulder. “Felix will stay here with Robin and Harmony, while you and I check the book.”

  “Adam mentioned Tabitha is the Queen of Tigers, but how will it work?” Robin could barely focus with her nerves and exhaustion on edge, but she was interested in learning how things were going to change for shifters. “Right now each clan has its own ruler. With them spread out all over the country, how are you going to rule everyone?”

  Tabitha twisted in her seat to look at Robin. “Each clan will still have an Alpha, but there will be another level of authority—Ty and myself. Each Alpha and Lieutenant will report to us, No clan will be able to rule their own way any longer because that’s how we end up with Alphas in Ohio and Texas abusing their followers. That will end, even if I have to take every Alpha out of power myself. What happened to Tex and Harmony can’t continue.”

  “Tabitha will unite all tiger shifters,” Raja said. “She will also help to bring other shifters together. The Kodiak Bears have joined us in our fight thanks to Ty helping them when we came to Alaska, soon other shifters will join us as well. Shifters will unite in time. First we must unite the tigers.” Raja closed his eyes as he cuddled Bethany against him.

  Robin knew nothing would be done until the morning light. Would the team take down Pierce so they could focus on the next obstacle? Or would Pierce once again slip through their grasp?


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