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The Stranger Master (Vol. 2 - Total Control)

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by Sofia Paz

  'I can smell your wet cunt, Kitten,' he said, 'and just looking at you is making me hard. But you belong to him now. No one else is going to have you unless he allows it. But I have been told to give you this.'

  He took the gun from its holster. For a moment Katharine’s eyes flashed wide with fear but then she remembered that Sir was in control here. This man was not going to hurt her.

  'Close your eyes, Kitten. Close your eyes and spread your legs.'

  It was an order that came not from this man but from Dominic. Katherine closed her eyes, opened her thighs and in her head she heard the deep, resounding voice of her Master, his clipped precise accent mesmerising her, sending shivers of lust throughout her entire body.

  She felt the cold muzzle of the gun pressing gently against her vulva and her wet, longing lips parted easily to accept this gift from her Master. Slowly, inch-by-inch, the cold metal slid inside her, until it filled her, until Katherine became nothing but a being of pure sexual lust. Her cunt began to spasm, gripping the barrel of the gun even tighter. When she heard the dry, cold click of the gun's hammer being drawn back, Katherine was catapulted over the edge into orgasmic oblivion.


  The police patrol car followed her all the way home. But as she turned into the drive, it swept past and away down the road with a short honk of the horn. Katherine parked the Volvo and entered the house. She dumped her purse and car keys on the kitchen table and headed straight for the drinks cabinet in the lounge. She took out a glass and the bottle of brandy, and then returned to the kitchen. It was beginning to get dark and Katherine flicked on the bright neon light. Sitting at the table, she lit a cigarette and poured herself a double.

  Katharine’s hand trembled and the liquor burned the back of her throat. She rubbed the palm of her hand across the light sheen of sweat on her brow. Katherine felt like she was in a state of self-induced shock. Besides breakfast, she had not eaten all day and the brandy churned her stomach and for a tense moment, Katherine thought she might throw up.

  The feeling of nausea passed and she took another gulp from her glass. Katherine began to feel calm again. A myriad of thoughts hurtled through her mind. One of them was doubt, another was guilt, but the strongest was pleasure. She poured herself a second glass of brandy and tried to order the chaos inside her mind.

  Safe, sane and consensual, she thought. The first three rules of any deviant or unusual relationship, sexual act or practice. Dominic had taught her this and Katherine wondered if she had broken any of them that day. Had it been safe to go to the mall and expose herself to the man at the café? It was true she had a guardian angel watching over her, but she had not been aware of the fact at the time. She had blindly followed instructions and yes, she had revelled in the sexual elation it had brought her. And it had definitely been consensual, even for the unsuspecting man who had suddenly found himself being treated to a glimpse of her delicious, smooth pussy.

  Officer Hanlan was an entirely different matter. He had been inside her with his gun, had even pulled back the hammer. Katherine knew that he too had been following instructions, so was it reasonable for her to assume that Dominic had calculated the risk and considered it to be acceptable? But had the gun been loaded? Had the cop had his finger on the trigger? Katherine didn't know. By then she had been swept away on a powerful wave of almost animalistic lust, and her eyes had been tightly shut. And only when the hot jet of semen sprayed across her thighs had she realised that Hanlan had been jerking off to her in the car. Katherine looked down and saw the splashes of heavy, opaque cum still stuck to her legs. She loved it. And suddenly felt the need to shower...

  She finished in the bathroom, wrapped herself in her favorite bathrobe, tied her hair up in a pony and returned to the kitchen to make herself a ham and cheese omelette. Ravenous, Katherine wolfed the food down without even sitting at the table. She left the plate and fork unwashed in the sink then took the brandy and cigarettes from the kitchen into the lounge. The room was dark now and she moved around switching on strategically placed lights that gave the room a soft and comforting ambience. She put on a record. Caroline King, Tapestries. Sam's vinyl collection was his pride and joy and he and Katherine loved much of the same kind of music. She had bought him the stereo turntable as a Christmas present a few years ago and it had cost her a small fortune. But the deep richness of the analogue sound was worth every cent. It was as if Carol was there in the room with her.

  Snuggled up on the couch, she helped herself to another brandy and a cigarette. With Sam away there was no point in restricting her smoking habit to the kitchen. Katherine wasn't even sure if Sam would ever come back. She felt a sudden pang of remorse. Was she the one who had destroyed their marriage? Or had it been dead all along and had simply refused to lie down and die? She still had feelings of love for her husband, but that wasn't quite the same as being 'in love' with him? Katherine pondered this while Carol sang...

  'You're so far away...doesn't anybody stay in one place...any more...'

  Katherine stubbed out the cigarette, put down the glass and hung her head in her hands. A loud, wet sob escaped her mouth and tears welled then quickly poured down her face. Her entire body shook as she wept and the words 'sorry' and 'Sam' stuck in her throat. Curling herself up into a ball, Katherine let herself fall across the couch. Her face was still wet when she fell asleep.

  Her dreams were vivid. Floating in a darkness, void of all sensation, Katherine, naked and spread-eagled on her back, could see, hear, smell nothing. She had no sense of time, as if the past and the future no longer existed and there was only now. Unable to move, suspended in this chamber of emptiness, Katherine suddenly felt an invisible mouth latch onto her left nipple. With all her other senses blocked, Katherine could do nothing but feel and the sensation of the warm, wet mouth sucking at her breast was magnified a hundredfold. Pleasure assailed her body as another mouth began to suck her other nipple. Unable to speak or make a sound, Katherine was at the mercy of the powerful lust that now swept through her entire being. She felt a third mouth, hot against her clitoris, a tongue licking at her hard, and although her body remained motionless, Katharine’s muscles spasmed wildly at the sudden joyous application of a finger sliding into her, the glorious pressure as her lips parted to accommodate this most welcome intrusion. Katherine could not tell if the mouths were male or female, but by now she did not care. She had become a vehicle of lust and physical pleasure. Something hard and slick pressed gently against her anus and her muscles relaxed to accept the offering. On the outside, Katharine’s body remained calm and motionless. Inside she was on fire, every nerve, every sinew rampant, hungry for the pleasures of willing, welcoming flesh. Finally, she felt something pushing its way into her mouth, and this time she had no doubt as to what it was. A man's penis, hard and thick, parted her lips, invaded her mouth. Instinctively Katharine’s tongue arched upwards to greet the intruder. The penis filled her mouth, the long shaft, delicious, the tip, slowly, deliberately, fucking her throat...

  When hours later, Katherine awoke, her thighs were sticky with cum and the dream had disappeared like a thief in the night.

  Katherine had still not received any word from Sir since before she went to the mall earlier. Doubt plagued her conscience and she began to think she had made one huge mistake. The mall, the cop, 'the gun in her cunt...!' it had all been too much for her. And now silence from the man she had given her sexual obedience, and had probably destroyed her marriage in the process.

  Sitting at the kitchen table, drinking copious cups of coffee, chain-smoking cigarettes, Katherine tried to analyse exactly how she had come to be in this situation. She was by no means a stupid woman. She had a keen analytical mind and had been praised in college for her problem-solving abilities, and sometimes unconventional 'out-of-the-box' approach. So what had released her sudden yearning for sexual submissiveness? There had to be a cause, she thought. Somewhere in the past the seed of her latent desire to be dominated by a man had been sown.

  Katherine had never been raped, physically abused or sexually mistreated in her entire life. She had lived a charmed life, in fact. Sam had always been a gentle, attentive lover who tried to give more than he took and she, in turn responded as well she could to his needs. She knew this sounded as if they had been the perfect couple but the truth was that having sex with her husband had begun eventually to bore her.

  But that could not be the reason for such a deep change in her character. Katherine and Sam had been more-or-less happy together, she thought, and after all, sex was only one part of a relationship. Every other aspect of their lives had seemed fine. Both had good jobs, the house was almost paid for, they had a small circle of friends they saw regularly but not too often that the friendships became strained. It seemed as if they had been set to spend the rest of their lives together. One of their favourite jokes was one day they would be sat out on a porch somewhere, both gray-haired in their own personalized rocking chairs drinking iced tea and referring to each other as Grandpa' and Grandma'...

  Katherine quickly pushed the thought out of her head. She had enough problems right now without having to deal with guilt and betrayal. Her guilt. And her betrayal. She shook her head. If it wasn't Sam then what else could there be?

  Her best friend’s father…

  Katharine had practically lived at her best-friend’s house when she was younger. They had been friends since birth, and shared everything. Her best friend’s father had been a typical hard-working blue-collar man. Kind and loving, he had never laid an angry hand on anyone. Really? Had her friend’s father been that perfect? Reluctantly, Katherine searched her memories. Her friend’s father had died the year before and in an effort to hinder the pain of grief, she had since tried to avoid thinking about her childhood. But now the situation she found herself in demanded she take a closer look.

  And after a while, she thought she had finally found what she was looking for.

  Katherine must have been about eight, maybe nine years old. She had been playing out front on the lawn of her best friend’s small semi-detached suburban bungalow, when she had heard her friend’s father shouting in the kitchen. Her friend’s father hardly ever shouted, except when he watched football on TV. Curious, they left their Barbie dolls half buried in the sand- pit and crept into the house by the back door.

  Her friend’s mother was pressed up against the refrigerator. Her friend’s father had one hand on the hem of her skirt, which he had pulled up and over his wife's hips to reveal her white underwear. Unseen and silent, Katherine and her best friend watched from the doorway as the man pulled down the woman’s panties until her bare buttocks shone in the late afternoon light. Then he spanked her.

  His hand rose and fell upon the woman’s backside. First the left buttock, then the right and then, again and again. Katherine and her friend watched as the woman’s behind change from white to a bright, angry red. Then the man took something from his pocket. Katherine had never seen anything like it before. It was short and plastic, pointed at one end and fat the other. The man pushed the object into the woman’s mouth.

  'Make it wet,' the man had said to his wife. She smiled brightly and did as she was told.

  After a moment, Katherine saw him take the thing out of the woman’s mouth and slowly, push it into her anus. And all the time, the woman had not moved or made a sound, only a few pleasurable moans. Katherine, too young to understand what she had witnessed, fled out through the doorway and ran back to her dolls. But before she was out of earshot, she had heard the woman say;

  'Thank you, Sir.'

  After all these years, Katherine finally realised her best friend’s mother had been a secret submissive...


  Congratulations, Kitten, you have passed the test. Now we can begin with your education...

  The text arrived just as Katharine’s doubts were highest and her self esteem lowest. The knowledge that she had seen sexual domination in her younger years suggested to her that she had no real choice in this matter. She felt it was a kind of inevitable that she would be led down the path of sexual servitude. Katherine felt relieved. She could continue playing the game and not feel bad about any of it. She was liberated.

  She had spoken briefly with Sam that morning. Just the nondescript 'Hi...howya'...doin?' kind of phone conversation, but both had been on their guard, listening intently for innuendos, each aware that the simple misuse of a word or sentence could mean the end of their relationship. Katherine had hung up with a feeling of impending regret.

  Within seconds of talking to Sam, her phone had buzzed again with Dominick’s text. She was instantly thrown into a state of consternation and confusion. One moment she had decided to end it all and try to get back with her husband; the next her body glowed with the carnal curiosity and appetite of a woman struggling to control her newfound sexual awareness.

  She sat at the kitchen table and read the text again. Education, it said. There was a phone number attached to the end of the text. She was instructed to call and make an appointment. She didn't recognize the number; it was no one she knew. What had he planned for her now? She was intrigued beyond belief.

  She dialed the number and a woman answered.

  'This is Madame Sworde.'

  Madame Sworde? What the hell kind of name was that? Katherine thought. She introduced herself.

  'Katherine?' came the woman's voice, puzzled, questioning, and then;

  'Oh, you must be Kitten...'

  Katherine again had the feeling that she was nothing but a pawn in a game. Everyone but her seemed to know what was going on. But by now she knew that if she did agree to whatever scenario had been prepared for her, it would be exciting and risqué and totally sexually fulfilling. One more weak, fleeting thought of Sam scuttled into a far corner of her mind. Katherine closed her eyes, took a deep breath and said;

  'Yes, this is Kitten. What do I have to do?'

  Katherine listened intently as the woman spoke. She had expected the usual clear, precise instructions but on the contrary, Madame Sword sounded more like she was arranging a dinner party with an old friend. She asked Katherine when would be the best time for her to come into town to meet and there was no absolute deadline, an hour either way was fine with Madame Sworde.

  'Us girls are so busy!' She had said, and Katherine could not suppress a smile. 'Us girls' ?

  They arranged to meet for dinner at 8 o'clock that evening. Katherine put the phone down with a relieved, girlish grin. She felt as if all the pressure had been taken from her. And her rendezvous with Madame Sworde promised to be a lot of fun... even though she had no real idea what to expect.


  Katherine entered the restaurant at five minutes to eight and found Madame Sworde already seated at a table for two in a quiet, candle lit corner. She stood up, smiling to greet Katherine, taking her outstretched hand warmly in hers and kissing her on both cheeks with the panache and charm of an old fashioned aristocrat. Katherine felt immediately comfortable with this woman. They sat down and Madam Sworde ordered champagne. The two women eyed each other with open, good-natured curiosity.

  Madame Sworde was in her fifties, Katherine guessed, well dressed and well educated with that air of subtle sophistication and confidence that comes from living a privileged life. Her silver black hair was perfectly coiffed in a bun tied with a single scarlet ribbon, her skin had a dark, shimmering tint that suggested a life spent in exotic climes and Madame Sworde's make-up was perfect, with lipstick to match the colour of the ribbon in her hair. Katherine was in the presence of a 'woman of breeding,' she thought to herself and smiled. She had always considered the archaic phrase to be redundant, until now. It was Madame Sworde who spoke first;

  'How lovely to see you my darling, you look fabulous!'

  Katherine grinned with embarrassment. She was wearing her favorite black dress and boots, nothing nearly as glamorous as the woman opposite her. The waiter came with the champagne in a bucket of ice and tw
o crystal glasses.

  'May I propose a toast?' Madame Sworde asked, lifting her glass and a questioning eyebrow at Katherine.

  'Please do.' she said and raised her glass.

  'To absent friends,' announced Madame Sworde, 'may they fare well and return to us soon.'

  The crystal glasses, caught pink and blue in the unobtrusive restaurant light, chinked in the air between them and they sipped the fizzy champagne, and then suddenly they were both giggling like a pair of naughty schoolgirls. Again Katherine felt the tension leaving her body in waves. The past few weeks, exciting as they had been, had taken their toll, physically and emotionally. Katherine thought that an evening with Madame Sworde would be just what the doctor ordered. When her laughter had subsided enough for her to speak, she took another sip of champagne, lent forwards across the table and asked;


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