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Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 3

Page 8

by Jones, L. A.

  The Cauldron Cafe was where Jayce was waiting for her and in spite of its name it looked just like any another typical café. It had dim brown yellow lighting, soft music, and the smell of ground coffee beans floating in the air. It also had a fake fireplace, a wooden magazine rack, several tables, and chairs in addition to a few beanbags, old throw rugs, and several baristas at the counter wearing matching uniforms. However, what truly signified it as a cafe were the people who could be seen sitting at the table drinking out of the Styrofoam cups and eating off the dainty white china plates.

  The bell to the door jangled as soon as Aradia walked. While the humans gave her no notice, the hiddens in the cafe turned to stare at her again but Aradia just ignored them. She looked around, trying to spot Jayce.

  "Hey Jay," she greeted him.

  Jayce smiled as he got up and offered Aradia a seat.

  For a while, the two of them just talked. Since Aradia was a hidden, and Jayce was a human, she could not tell him anything about the issues concerning the hidden world. Ironically, that was one of the reasons she found Jayce so appealing. It was because around him she could pretend that she was normal. However, there was bitterness to this for whenever he spoke of normal things like the prom, college, and the future Aradia had really nothing to say about it.

  "What do you mean you haven't thought about whose going to be your date for the junior prom?" Jayce asked sounding stunned.

  Aradia shrugged and said, "I have been pretty busy lately so my thoughts have been elsewhere beside the stupid prom. Anyway, it is in April so it's still three months away so I got plenty of time!"

  Jayce reluctantly agreed with that with a shrug of his own shoulders.

  He still went on to say, "Yeah well it's all Crystal has been talking about lately..."

  "Who?" Aradia asked.

  "My girlfriend," Jayce explained.

  Aradia stopped, and for two long minutes, she stared at Jayce in stone cold silence. He fidgeted a little, looking uncomfortable under her scrutiny.

  Finally, she said, "I thought you two broke up."

  Jayce laughed and said, "Are you kidding? We have been dating each other since we were in middle school!"

  "Does she know about the party?" Aradia asked with her voice sounding as cold as steel.

  "What party?"

  "The one in my freshman year where I caught you in bed with two other girls?" Aradia asked bluntly.

  Jayce said nothing, but Aradia continued to stare at him.

  "Look," he began to explain, "I am not the only who has indiscretions in our relationship. Since the day we first started dating, I knew that Crystal ran around with other guys."

  "You mean she cheats on you?" Aradia tried to clarify.

  Jayce inhaled a deep breath, and nodded softly.

  "I do love her you know," he continued, "And I would be lying if I said I was okay with it but..."

  "Let me guess," said Aradia, "You figured that if she was screwing around you could do the same and she could not complain about it."

  Jayce lowered his head sheepishly.

  "So began your relationship with Crystal," Aradia concluded aloud, "To the outside world you two are the perfect couple but on the inside you both cheat to punish one another for being unfaithful."

  Still Jayce said nothing.

  However, Aradia could not help but ask, "If her cheating on you bothers you so much why don't you leave her?"

  Jayce's head shot up as he stated firmly, "I love her. I would never leave her!"

  "Does she love you?" Aradia asked.

  At first, Jayce said nothing.

  It was only after a while, he did say, "Yeah. She does."

  "If she does then why does she cheat on you?"

  Jayce gulped, but was ready with his answer as if he had been asked it so many times he could recite it by heart.

  "She's insecure," he explained, "She always needs to know that she is beautiful. She knows I already think so, but that is not enough. She knows I would think she was beautiful even if she had scars all over her face and body!"

  "So no matter what she does, you will always love her?"

  Jayce nodded.


  "Because," Jayce concluded with a shrug. "I am the only one who accepts her for everything she is. Flaws, infidelities, and all."

  Aradia left shortly afterwards because after that conversation with Jayce things had become very awkward between them and Aradia found no reason to stick around.

  "Truly," Aradia mumbled, "Love is blind."

  Ironically, the conversation had helped to clarify what kind of relationship Aradia would have with Jayce. It would have been normal with no fears or pressures from the hidden community. However, Aradia now realized that no matter what she did Jayce would never leave his girlfriend. In the end, he would probably marry his girlfriend even if his heart belonged to Aradia. In other words, to Jayce she would be nothing more than 'the other woman.'

  Now Aradia was content to put up with many names since she had been teased from a very early age. 'The last witch,' 'the most powerful hidden on earth,' and 'Lamont's girl' were no exceptions. However, 'the other woman' was not a name or title she was willing to bear.

  In the end, Aradia thought, when you get involved with someone who is married or attached it never ends well.

  A part of her wanted to argue that that was not always the case especially with Brenna, but after Aradia thought about it, she realized it was. Although Brenna had been forced into marriage and sure as hell did not love her husband, getting involved with her was proving to be a lot of trouble.

  However, Aradia got the feeling that Xan felt like it was worth it. Most of all, she felt as if he truly loved Brenna. It was in his eyes whenever he looked at her and in his voice whenever he spoke to her.

  Kind of like the way I am, Aradia deduced, with Dax. Her mind focused on Dax's name as images flashed through her mind about everything they had done together from dancing at the club, to cleaning the club, to discussing hidden politics, and just plain old hanging out. Most of all, she thought about how the way he made her feel.

  Whenever he spoke to her he always said the right thing, but he was always honest and sincere and not afraid to be blunt with his opinion. He never tried to control her, but always made sure she knew how he felt about things. Most of all, whenever she needed support he was always there. Then Aradia remembered the chemistry between them and a red-hot blush crept into her face. When most of Aradia's female friends talked about kissing, they described it as hot, and passionate. However, whenever Dax kissed her Aradia did not feel fire quite the contrary what she felt was a soft cooling sensation as if she was being swept away in a soft ocean wave.

  Without even asking her, he always knew what she liked. Such as whenever he put his hand up her shirt, he knew how she liked to be tickled on her stomach with the tips of his fingernails. Whenever he tipped her head up, he knew that she liked it when he placed both of his hands behind her head, and cradled it. However, her favorite thing was when they were kissing he would run his hands gently through her hair like a fine tooth comb, never pulling it, but savoring its silkiness.

  Aradia sighed finally realizing what she should have realized from the very beginning: Dax was the only one for her. She was in love with him, and wanted to be with him. The dates she had been on with the other boys had been fun, but she had not felt anything from them. At least, not what she felt whenever she was with Dax. Furthermore, when she was with another guy, she always thought about Dax. She compared everyone to him from their personalities to their looks; like it was some sort of competition and Dax always came out victorious. However, what it really came down to was the fact that the other guys she could live without, but Aradia could not live without Dax.

  So Aradia decided that by the time the junior prom rolled around she would make her choice known finally.

  It was as Aradia was making that choice when she realized that Melina was still following her.

  She sighed and decided enough was enough; she had to confront Melina.

  Quickly looking around from left to right, Aradia spotted a closed mechanics shop and decided that that place was good as any. She made sure that Melina was still following her by turning her head slightly, but only for a second. Afterwards, she spotted the side door to the shop, tried it, realized it was locked, but then using her strength managed to break the lock right off.

  I will have to fix that before I leave, Aradia noted, no sense in making things right with Melina at the expense of another's door.

  She chuckled softly at her own joke as she went inside. Melina followed shortly after, but neither one of them suspected a mere few feet away someone with a black ponytail was watching them.

  He had a wicked grin on his face as he quickly dialed a number in his phone, and spoke only a few words into the receiver. "It is done."

  Chapter Fourteen

  Aradia sighed heavily as soon as she heard Melina slam the door. Neither one of them spoke not even when Aradia turned around to face her.

  For a few seconds, the two just stood facing each other awkwardly and silently.

  Finally, Aradia placed her hands on her hips and asked, "Well?"

  Still Melina said nothing, but thankfully, that did not last long. "Does Roy hate me?"

  "Huh?" Aradia asked, sounding stunned.

  Melina repeated her question.

  Aradia stood gaping at her but then she swallowed hard and asked, "What do you think?"

  "I am asking you," Melina snapped.

  Aradia sighed before answering her. "No."


  Aradia was now even more stunned. Nevertheless, she tried to answer Melina by saying, "Considering he chased you into the woods, and almost ate you I think it's perfectly reasonable that he does not hate you. To be perfectly honest, I think he hates himself more."


  "Didn't you hear the 'considering he chased and almost ate you' part?" Aradia asked with a sigh.

  Melina sighed as well, but before she could say anything Aradia spoke again. "The truth of the matter is this Roy is sorry for what he almost did to you Melina and in his defense it was not really his fault."

  "What do you mean?" Melina demanded.

  Aradia sighed before explaining. "Despite what people think werewolves generally have control over their animal selves, but during the full moon all that changes. It is kind of like their time of the month, and their animal selves take completely over. It turns them into hulking, huge, bloodthirsty beasts! Worst part is on the full moon if they bite someone they too can become infected, and by the next full moon they later turn into werewolves themselves."

  "But don't worry I checked you out," Aradia said reassuringly to Melina's worried face. "Right after I saved you, I saw no bite marks, so you are in the clear."

  Melina sighed with relief.

  Aradia continued. "For what is worth Lina, Roy does feel bad about what happened, and for the record he never asked to be a werewolf. He was born one."

  "Is that possible?" Melina asked.

  Aradia nodded and said, "If a man and woman who have a shred of werewolf DNA mate their offspring will most likely be born werewolves. It is rare that a child of any werewolf will be born human."

  "So Roy was born like that? He grew up that way his entire life?"

  Aradia nodded sadly. "We were all born like this (except for Dax of course and the other vampires) Roy, me, the fae, and the shape-shifters."

  She sighed before continuing. "Our entire lives have been like this I mean yeah we got super powers and everything but let me tell you something Melina. If you ask anyone of us, I can assure you that we would all say in a heartbeat that we all wish we were human. None of us asked to be like this hell even with the vampires. I mean some of them did at one time probably did ask to be what they are, but I bet by now they wish they could go back in time and undo such a thing."

  Melina was silent after Aradia's confession.

  However, before Aradia could say anything further Melina asked, "Do you wish you were human Rai?"

  Amazingly, Aradia laughed. "Of course I do. I hate being who I am. Sure, I have power, but what has it ever done for me except get me bullied, picked on, and isolated? Even now after everything has changed, and I do have friends I can assure that I still wish I was just like you!"

  "Just like me?" Melina cried out stunned. "What the hell do you mean?"

  "I wish I was human like you. I wish I wasn't the way I am."

  "But," Melina argued, "I saw what you did to Roy. How on earth can you not want or like all that power?"

  "How? I will tell you how! Because of my power, I have been picked on mercilessly since the day I first realized that people are not supposed to be able to do the things I can do. People pretend to be my friend or love me because I am powerful. Most of all, because of my powers I am now viewed as the biggest threat of the hidden world and..."

  "Whoa whoa time out," Melina interrupted, "What the hell are you talking about?"

  Aradia sighed. She knew she had no right to tell Melina the whole truth, but the fact of the matter was all the stress she had been enduring was starting to get to her. Therefore, she decided that she might as well tell Melina everything.

  "It is like this Lina," Aradia began, "Over three hundred years ago the Salem Witch trials occurred. Although no real witches were hung in the human world, in the hidden world not only were real witches hung but they were also hunted down, and executed. I suspect many of them used their powers to try save themselves but when you are one race against many...I mean majority always rules am I right? Furthermore, a hidden witch's powers is based on their energy, if we use too much we could likely kill ourselves. So to have the rest of the hidden races attack us and we only have our powers to defend ourselves it would be like using nuclear bombs against our enemies. It would be effective, but extremely dangerous especially to us. The other hiddens knew all this of course, which is why I suspect how it was possible to hunt down all the witches and make sure none of them lived. "

  "None of them?" said Melina, "But what about you?"

  Aradia sighed. "I am indeed a hidden witch and I was born in the same year as the Salem Witch trials, but thanks to the seer of my coven who had raised me when my mother died that I am alive today. She cast a spell to send me to where I would find happiness and that is how my parents found me that is how why I survived the extermination of my people."

  "Extermination?" Melina repeated.

  Aradia nodded sadly, and decided to finish her tale. "My people were completely killed Melina. Every witch coven in the hidden world was destroyed. None of them survived."

  Now Melina look confused. "None of them survived? But Aradia that can't be true! I mean you are a witch, and yet you are still alive..."

  "And I am the last one," said Aradia, "I am the absolute last of my kind. Yes, I survived the slaughter of my people but I was the only who did. I am the only one who is left Melina. I am the last witch."

  Melina now stood looking completely stunned at Aradia.

  "The last?" Melina said slowly, "But wouldn't that mean..."

  "That I am all alone," Aradia concluded with a bitter smile. "Yeah."

  For the first time since they ever met, a non-verbal warm comforting bond began to form between the two girls.

  Unfortunately, it did not last long for at that very moment a tall, dark haired, skinny, freckled werewolf burst through a window, and landed on all fours on a nearby car.

  Both Aradia and Melina turned to look at him extremely bewildered, but Aradia recovered quickly enough to demand who he was and what he wanted.

  The werewolf laughed as he said, "Who I am is not important. What I want I think is pretty damn obvious."

  Melina looked confused. Aradia, however, did not and raced towards the werewolf. She grabbed him by his coat, and then hurled him right out of the very window that he had jumped through.

  Grabbing Melina's hand and
dragging her away, Aradia fled into the back room. Temporarily reeling from the stench of oil and gasoline, Aradia let go of Melina. She then closed the door behind them, dug her small fingernails into a heavily dismantled car, and dragged it in front of the door!

  "This will stop them," Aradia muttered to herself, "But not for long."

  As if to prove her prediction true, there was suddenly a loud pounding on the door making the car in front of it slowly screech.

  Aradia turned to face a trembling Melina.

  After heaving a heavy sigh, Aradia knew what she had to do.

  She went to Melina, seized her face in her hands, and told her to look and to listen to her. Aradia had to shake her a little bit in order to get her attention, but once she did so, she repeated her command.

  "Look Melina," said Aradia, "The guys that are here they are after me."

  "Why?" Melina demanded.

  Aradia sighed heavily before she explained. "The only thing that sucks more than being the last witch is the fact that being the last makes people see me as some kind of political tool or to be more precise a political trophy that can be stolen or in this case kidnapped. It happened last year..."

  Aradia stopped; realizing explaining would take too much time.

  "Look Melina my point is this," Aradia said sharply, "These guys that are after us. I know they are not going to hurt me at least not much, but since you are human, the chances are if they find you, they might kill you. Therefore, I need you to hide somewhere in here where the oil will disguise your scent. They won't be able to find you."

  "What will you do?" asked Melina.

  Aradia gulped. "I will try to hold them off, but chances are that the werewolf has brought reinforcements so no matter how hard I fight it won't be for long. After they take me, I need you to sneak out of here and get help."

  "You mean you want me to leave you?" Melina asked bewildered.

  Aradia sighed and nodded while Melina stood stunned.

  Slowly, she began to shake her head. "No. Aradia. Forget it! I cannot just leave you! You don't know what they will do to you!"


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