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Cutter: A Fight or Flight Novel

Page 17

by Ashley Suzanne

  “Mommy!” Bethany screams excitedly and runs into Josette’s legs.

  “Hi, baby girl. Daddy bought us this house. Isn’t it pretty?”

  “I know, Mommy. It was a secret,” Bethany responds, winking with both eyes at me. I return a wink of my own.

  “She knew?” Josette whips her head in my direction.

  “Yep. She helped me pick it out. My baby girl had to love it first. When she said she did, I was a goner.”

  “Someone has you wrapped around her little finger.”

  Placing my hand over Josette’s swollen belly and my lips over hers, I whisper against her mouth, “She’s not the only one, you know.”




  “Bethany, if you don’t sit still, I can’t finish your hair.” If this girl moves one more time, I’m liable to smack her with this damn comb. Why she had to pick out the one hairdo I didn’t know by heart, or even allow me to take her to a salon, is beyond me.

  “Mom. Seriously. He’s going to be here any minute and I don’t even have my dress on,” my overly emotional, highly hormonal daughter whines.

  “Sit back down,” I demand, yanking her arm backward as she tries to flee my grasp to get into her dress. She’s freaking out for absolutely no reason. It’ll literally take less than a minute for her to step into her strapless pale pink dress, adjust her too-big-for-her-own-good bust, and be zipped inside. “I have a few more pieces to pin, then you’re done.”

  And of course, as if everything is working against me, the doorbell rings. Luckily, Cutter’s downstairs and can get it, or Bethany would have a fit. “Moooooommmmm,” she groans, and I not-so-accidentally stab her in the scalp with a bobby pin.

  “Bethany, I swear on everything holy, you keep up this attitude, I’m throwing you in the shower and starting all over. So please, for the love of God, sit still. Thirty more seconds, I swear.” Whoever said raising a teenage daughter was easy is a damn liar. Even worse, I have two of them. I have no idea what I was thinking having another baby, and being blessed, and I say that in the most sarcastic voice possible, with a daughter. Seventeen and fourteen. I should just quit at life until they both realize that Mom was right, Mom’s the smart one, and everything she did was for their own good. So basically, I’ll see them when they turn thirty.

  She slumps her shoulders forward and true to my word, I get the last couple pieces of hair pinned and she’s finished. She stands first and grabs her dress from the back of the door and steps into it, holding the material close to her chest. Walking behind her, I fight back tears as I zip the zipper and she turns around, revealing exactly what I was dreading.

  Gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. Not a single blond curl out of place. Her big blue eyes slightly accentuated by a thin layer of dark black mascara and a little eye shadow. Lips painted a bright pink and a pair of perfectly shaped eyebrows. The dress fits like a glove. Since she started coming into her own as a woman, Cutter and I both knew we’d be fighting off the boys with a stick. There was no reason any teenager should have the kind of curves she has. Luckily for us, the first boy to really show her any kind of attention was the one boy we knew we could trust with our daughter.

  “Come on, Bethany, Greg’s here,” Cutter calls from the living room and Bethany begins breathing heavily.

  “Do I look okay, Mom? Don’t lie.”

  “You look more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. You’ll be lucky if your dad lets you out of the house.”

  “Whatever,” she scoffs. “It’s just prom and it’s only Greg. You guys need to calm down.”

  Apparently, she’s the only one who doesn’t see it. Rian and I have spent countless hours talking about how adorable it would be if our kids dated, and now our wish is coming true, even if Bethany thinks they’re just friends. Friends don’t look at friends the way he’s always looking at her. With their age difference, I should be loading a shotgun right about now, but I know with my whole heart that no matter how much a boy Greg is, he won’t lay a hand on my daughter. Not until she’s eighteen in a few months, anyway.

  Bethany walks out of the room, and I hang back a little so she can have her perfect entrance. I only know when she’s made it to the bottom of the stairs when Cutter growls and Greg lets out a groan. Following her down the stairs, I’m there just in time to see Greg holding his stomach and bending at the waist, then Bethany lays into her father.

  “That was stupid, Daddy. You can’t go around punching people in the stomach when they tell me I’m pretty,” she chastises him.

  “Contrary to popular belief, that’s what my job entails. If Greg didn’t wanna get punched, he should have kept his mouth shut,” Cutter responds nonchalantly.

  “Baby,” I warn. “Leave that boy alone.”

  “Boy? Shit, he’s a grown-ass man.”

  “Twenty-one is barely a grown man. He just looks like one.” It’s true. The boy isn’t a boy anymore. Not only that, he’s the spitting image of his father now that he’s grown, and that can’t be a good thing for all the hearts I’m sure he’s shattering on a daily basis. Garrett’s a very attractive man, but with Rian’s features softening Greg’s—hell, if I was twenty-one, I might ask him on a date, too.

  “That’s the problem.”

  This whole prom has been a nightmare from the beginning. We had to petition the school to allow Bethany to bring a date to her senior prom who was older than twenty, plus Cutter didn’t take it too well. To him, she should have gone with a group of friends rather than a date. When she told him she wanted to take Greg, he nearly flipped out. I was a little worried our daughter would end up spending her prom night sitting in her room, but thankfully he came around, realizing we’ve known Greg since he was a toddler, trust his family, and know he was raised right. If there’s any young man we can trust with our daughter, it’s Gregory Rhodes.

  “Are your parents coming for pictures?” I ask Greg, ignoring my husband’s caveman behavior.

  “Mom is. Dad’s stuck at ballet with Evelyn.” I chuckle at the thought of Garrett helping his daughter with her leg extensions and tucking her hair into a perfect bun. Never in all my life did I think Garrett would be able to handle being the father to a little girl, but he’s done surprisingly well. Okay, he’s done really good. Instead of letting her go around with all these fast girls that seem to be hanging around the schools, he started her in ballet early, and now that she’s fifteen, she’s looking good enough to get into any prestigious company she wants to when she graduates. She’s absolutely amazing, and an identical twin to Rian, which I’ve heard on countless occasions is what’s making Garrett’s hair turn gray.

  Cutter excuses himself to the den to get a much-needed drink and I start snapping pictures with my phone of my two favorite adults. I know, it’s hard to think of Bethy as a grown-up, but she’ll be eighteen in a few weeks and likes to remind Cutter and me every chance she gets about her almost-an-adult status. I think it’s adorable and Cutter wants to lock her in the basement until she’s thirty. Absolutely normal.

  A few minutes later, Rian barrels through the door, out of breath. “I didn’t miss it, did I?”

  “Nope,” I respond, and she joins me and whips out her phone and starts snapping away.

  She leans over to me and whispers, “They’re so fucking cute.”

  “They really are.”

  “Think we can start planning their wedding now?”

  “Probably not until my daughter gets her shit together and realizes how your son looks at her. He’s so in love with Bethany and she has no idea. She will though.” I glance down the hall and watch Cutter pour himself another three-finger drink. Laughing to myself, I can’t help but be reminded of the times I thought Cutter was just my friend and nothing more would ever come out of it.

  Never in a million years did I think he’d be the man who’d give me my biggest blessings. I never thought he’d be the one I’d marry and spend the rest of my life loving more t
omorrow than today. He’s my favorite person in the history of ever, and sometimes I get choked up thinking about how much he loves me. It must be a lot to forgive all that I put him through.

  I never want my daughter to experience half the things I have, but when push comes to shove, if she finds a man who will love her the way her father loves me, she’s lucky beyond her years and should snatch that before it goes away. I think that’s going to be Gregory for her. When neither of them knows it, I watch them and see how his breathing quickens when she walks into the room and how his eyes light up when she laughs. He has to know that he’s head over heels in love.

  And if he doesn’t, I can’t wait for the moment he realizes what we’ve all known for the last few years. Then Bethany needs to catch on.

  “All right, Mom. No more pictures. We have to go.” Bethany gathers her things into a small clutch and Greg escorts her out. He opens the car door for Bethany, helps her pull her dress inside, and closes it once she’s secure. As he waves at us before he gets in the car, Rian’s outside taking more pictures, then getting in her own car.

  “Wait. Wait for me,” Madeline screams, running out the door and straight to her sister, who jumped back out of the car when she saw Madeline barreling toward her. “You can’t go unless we have a dance party,” she pouts.

  “OMG, I totally forgot. I got you, girl.” Jumping out of the car, Bethany asks Greg for something, and soon enough the sound of Operation Ivy spreads across the lawn.

  My girls—my precious girls—start dancing like maniacs, hands raised in the air and feet moving rapidly. Okay, maybe being a mom to two teenagers isn’t so bad. Especially at times like this where they’re not pulling each other’s hair out, it’s kind of perfect.

  “All right, Mad, come on. Let your sister get to her prom,” Cutter yells across the lawn and Madeline comes bounding toward the house, wrapping her arms around Cutter’s middle and hugging him tightly.

  “I’m going to Stacy’s. I’m probably staying the night. Okay?” she asks.

  “Sounds good, baby girl. Call me when you’re there.”

  “Thanks, Daddy.” Squeezing him once more, she runs to the side of the house, grabs her bike, and starts to pedal down the street to her best friend’s house, leaving Cutter and me alone for the first time in a while.

  Finally, it’s just us. Making my way back to the den, I flop down on the couch, laying my head on the armrest, and outstretching my feet. He comes over, lifts my legs, joins me, and pulls my legs into his lap, softly massaging my calves.

  “We’re in trouble with that one, aren’t we?” he asks.

  “Which one?” I giggle.

  “Both. Both of them. One’s too old for her own good and the other’s too sly for my own good. I’m gonna start going gray like Garrett if I don’t watch it. At least he was smart enough to put Evelyn in ballet as soon as she could walk. We should have done the same with Madeline.”

  “Have you met Madeline? She has two left feet. She’s gonna be our easy one. Watch. I bet you any money, instead of going out to parties and dating boys, she’ll be locked up in her room reading or something just as tame. It’s that big one we gotta watch out for. It’s not gonna take long for her to realize that she’s in love with Greg.”

  “She better not be in love with nothing. Fuck, Jo. We’ve got her for another few months, and then she’s off to college with Greg. I can’t handle this shit.”

  “You’re doing just fine, Daddy. Just breathe.”

  “Should we start trying for number three so when the kids are gone, we have another one to spoil?” he asks, catching me off guard.

  “Nope,” I respond quickly. “I’m gonna spend my time enjoying my husband when our daughters move out. Imagine all the trouble we can get into without any kids around.” I waggle my eyebrows at him and he wastes no time setting down his glass, plucking me off the couch, and throwing me over his shoulder.

  “No time like the present, Mrs. Greer.”

  “I like the way you think, Mr. Greer.”

  Where love’s concerned, there is no end, just unbelievable new beginnings. So…this isn’t the end, but just another new start. ❤

  For my husband…because, no matter what, you’re on my side, even when I’m wrong. Because you never let me give up, even when I feel I have no other choice. Because you’re in my corner, pushing me to greatness. Because you never let me forget my dreams, even when I feel like they’re more like nightmares. Because you love with your entire being, and never for one second in the last almost fifteen years have I not felt your love. Because since I was sixteen years old, I’ve loved you more than I love myself. And because I can’t wait to grow old with you and be those creepy old people making out in public, because you’re always going to be the adorable teenager I fell in love with. I love you, B, this one’s for you…because it’s always been for you. Thank you.


  First and foremost, the three most important boys in my life: Ray, Ty, and Bray, the lights of my life and the reasons for all that I do—thank you for loving me despite my crazy, neurotic thoughts. You three make my life worth it and there’s not a single thing I’d change.

  Then, on to the bestest friend a girl could have: Mad—you’re my sanity in this insane world. You give me the fight I need to be better than I was yesterday and drive me to be even better tomorrow. Thank you for never giving up on me and being honest and true. It’s a hard thing to find today and I’m blessed to have you. Friends like you are few and far between. I’m just lucky I was able to find you so early in my life. I can’t wait to do all kinds of dumb stuff together and survive the zombies with you—and our super-hot doctor we need to still find. You’re my person. Thirty-second dance parties for life.

  My amazing family, both by blood and through marriage: you guys are pretty much the absolute best. I’m sure the entire world is jealous they don’t have amazing parents and siblings like I do. I’d be a dick to rub it in, but then again, I am a dick so…*sticks out tongue*. My family’s the best there ever has been and will ever be. BOOM!

  My fantastic agent, without whom none of this would even be possible: Marisa, you’re pretty spectacular, and I’m so happy you’ve become the momma to all the authors I wanted to be my agency sisters. You’ve made me happier than most. Thank you.

  Sue, my fantastic editor, thank you for taking a chance on a kid from the next county. Your faith in me astounds me and I’ll never be able to thank you enough for this. I love you, and always be in my corner, mmmkay?

  The superb marketing staff at Penguin Random House: Ashleigh and Erika! I don’t even know how to tell you how happy you make me. I’m pretty sure I have the best all around, and the entire world should wanna know you guys, because, Ashleigh and Erika!

  I swear I’m almost done. I just have a lot of amazing people to thank for their support. I’ll try to pick up the pace: Lacy, Ashley J., Ashlyn, Nicole K., Carrie, Toski, Nicky, Meli, Tracie, Ebbie, Michelle F., Tia, the rest of the Aces, my beta readers, TotallyBooked, Tasty Tours, Kindle Crack—all of y’all, and the girls who share my work just because they love it. Thank you! You’re all my favorite!

  To every reader and blogger who’s picked up one of my books and loved it and shared it and made me feel special…Yes! Thank you!

  And last, but certainly not least, God. Without Him in my life and running the entire show from up above, I’d have none of you and my life would be sad and miserable…He’s to thank for all of my blessings, opportunities, and ability to do what I love.

  About the Author

  ASHLEY SUZANNE has been writing for as long as she can remember. As a youngster, she was always creating stories and talking to her imaginary friends. Thankfully, her parents also carried this love of fiction and helped her grow into the bestselling author she is today. When Suzanne isn’t coming up with her next story, you’ll most likely find her on the couch, telling her husband all about her new book boyfriend or spending quality time with her two gremlins�
�er, adorable children.


  The Editor’s Corner

  Looking for the next romance that’ll give you the feels? Our fantastic selection of books will definitely satisfy.

  You’ve never read bedtime stories like the sensual forbidden fairy tales in Sharon Lynn Fisher’s Loveswept debut, Before She Wakes. And speaking of debuts, don’t miss New York Times bestselling author Kelly Elliott’s Searching for Harmony—a gut-wrenching story of a love that transcends all odds. Vonnie Davis’s Her Survivor welcomes readers to Wounded Warrior Falls, where beating the odds is what it’s all about, while Bound beneath His Pain kicks off a deeply sensual new series from Club Sin author Stacey Kennedy.

  Diana Quincy continues her Rebellious Brides series with a tale of forbidden love between a socialite and a scholar in A License to Wed. Wedding bells are ringing—and tempers are flaring—as Marquita Valentine’s Take the Fall series continues in the sweet and sexy Hard to Fall. The Brothers of Mayhem MC ride again in Carla Swafford’s explosive novel Full Heat. Ashley Suzanne follows up Raven with the next round in her scorching Fight or Flight series, Cutter. The third book in Beth Yarnall’s Recovered Innocence series, Reclaim, is brimming with angst and sensuality. And don’t miss the next book in Stacey Lynn’s deeply emotional Fireside series, His to Protect. Or the story of a war hero fighting to remember the love he left behind in Serena Bell’s emotionally charged To Have and to Hold.

  Then Shawntelle Madison’s seductive Surrender to You follows two career-oriented friends with benefits. And finally we have a cold case that leads to blazing-hot temptation in Kathy Clark’s romantic suspense Almost Forever.

  Until next time ~Happy Romance!

  Gina Wachtel

  Associate Publisher


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