Love for All Time

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Love for All Time Page 10

by Kianna Alexander

  * * *

  Campbell was standing by his stove, flipping a turkey burger in the skillet, when his phone went off in his pocket. Setting down his spatula, he pulled the phone out and answered. “Hello?”

  “Campbell, hi. It’s Sierra.”

  He smiled. “How are you?”

  “I’ve been better. That’s why I wanted to give you a call.”

  He could hear something in her tone of voice that worried him. “What’s up? Do you need something?”

  “Do you remember when I asked you if you could get me a security guard?”

  He thought back. “Yes, I remember that. I put in a few calls to a couple of agencies on the mainland, but I never heard anything back.”

  “Did you follow up with any of them?”

  He wasn’t a fan of the accusatory way she’d asked the question, but gave her an honest answer, one he knew she wouldn’t like. “No. It takes a little time to set up things like this, so I didn’t expect to hear back right away.”

  “Campbell, I really need a security detail. If you’re not going to make it happen for me, then just tell me who I need to contact to get it done.”

  He ran a hand over his face. “Tell me what brought this on, Sierra.”

  “I’ve been getting a lot of negative comments online, including some threats. Now, I know most people on these websites are just full of bluster, but you never can tell who the crazy ones are.” She sighed. “I need to get some protection in place, in case someone decides to act on their nutty impulses.”

  He could tell she was genuinely concerned, and he felt a little guilty for not doing more to fulfill her request for security. “Okay, I understand your concern. I don’t want you to feel unsafe. So here’s what I’ll do. I’ll put in a call to Jarrod Riordan, our chief of police, and ask him if he has any men he can spare for a security detail for you.”

  “How soon can you call him?”

  He glanced at the black acrylic wall clock mounted above his pantry door. “It’s after six, so he’s probably gone home for the day. We’re old high school baseball teammates, and we talk every so often. I have his cell number. I can call and iron this out right now, then call you back. How does that sound?”

  She seemed relieved. “That sounds great. Thank you for doing this for me.”

  “No problem. I hope we can work something out to your satisfaction.”

  With a naughty edge to her voice, she asked, “Are you speaking as the property manager, or as my lover?”

  He smiled, leaning against his kitchen counter as he thought of all the ways he could take her mind off her troubles. “Both.”

  “Sounds promising. Call me back when you’ve got some information.”

  “I will.” He disconnected the call. Turning back to his turkey burger, he lifted the slightly charred patty out of the skillet and placed it on the bun he’d toasted earlier. After dressing the burger with lettuce, pickles and ketchup, he added a handful of plain potato chips and a tall glass of iced tea and took his meal to the table in his breakfast nook. Seated on the bench, he ate, so he could talk to Jarrod without chewing in the man’s ear or being forced to listen to his own growling stomach. After he emptied his plate, he propped his feet up on the padded seat of the bench and dialed Jarrod’s number.

  “Yo, Campbell. Haven’t heard from you in a minute. What’s up, man?”

  “Hey, Jarrod. I’m good, brotha. Just swamped with work. How have you been?”

  “Doing fine. You know we’re still hiring on more officers to match up with the population boom. Other than that, it’s business as usual at SSPD.”

  “Yeah, I hear you.” He sipped from his glass of tea. “Listen, I got a small favor to ask you.”

  “What do you need?”

  “Sierra Dandridge is staying in one of the units at The Glenn, and she wants a personal security guard.”

  Jarrod chuckled. “Fine as she is, I can guess why. She probably has to beat guys off with a stick twenty-four/seven.”

  Campbell ignored the twinge of jealousy that flashed over him. We’re not in a relationship, so let me chill. “That’s true, but that’s not her issue right now. She’s getting some threats online, plus she’s catching all kinds of attitude from her costar. She’s nervous, and I don’t blame her, based on what she’s described to me.”

  “Hmm.” Jarrod seemed to be analyzing what he’d just heard. “I feel you. Have you reached out to any agencies in Wilmington, or somewhere else on the mainland?”

  “I have, but nobody’s hit me back yet. Meanwhile Sierra’s getting pretty antsy. Do you think you can help me out?”

  “I’m not sure, Campbell. With the population growing the way it has been lately, I’m already shorthanded. I’ve got interviews back-to-back all week to try and get some more people on the force.”

  Campbell scratched his head. “What about one of your newer recruits? You know, somebody that doesn’t have an official beat yet?”

  He could hear the keystrokes as Jarrod typed on his computer. “I did just have a new officer come in. Fresh out of school, too. I can give him this assignment, but only on a part-time basis. Will that work?”

  Campbell straightened up in his seat. “Yes, it will. It probably won’t be permanent, and I’ll cut him loose as soon as we can get somebody full-time.”

  “Alright. I’ll email you the details on him, and Ms. Dandridge can work out the specifics with him.”

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

  “No problem.”

  Campbell chatted with Jarrod for a few more minutes, then hung up. Hoping this news would help alleviate some of Sierra’s stress, he called her back to let her know what he’d found out. She seemed pleased with what he told her, and promised to get in contact with the young officer as soon as Campbell forwarded his information.

  After he’d gotten off the phone with her, he went upstairs to his bedroom to change. His split-level home, located about five miles from his parents’ house, sat on a small hill in the Cooper Villas neighborhood. He’d chosen an older home, rather than having one constructed, because he loved the charm of the place. It had been built in the seventies and remodeled in the early two thousands right before he purchased it. While Savion and Hadley had gone for newer, larger properties, he’d bucked the trend. The house had plenty of space for a single man, and enough bedrooms to make it a nice starter home if he ever had a family.

  A family. He didn’t know if he’d ever get to the place where he felt comfortable with the idea of being someone’s father. Being a husband, on the other hand, seemed less frightening. That was especially true now that he and Sierra had...

  Wait a minute. What are we, anyway?

  There’d been no commitments, no terms laid out in advance, no declarations between them. They’d simply been two adults acting on their mutual desire. And here he was, thinking about marriage as he rifled through his drawers to find his running clothes.

  He pushed the thoughts away when he found what he’d been looking for. Stripping off the button-down shirt and slacks he’d worn to work, he put on a long-sleeved white tee, gray sweatpants and running shoes. Connecting his earbuds to his phone and starting up his run playlist, he left the house.

  While running through the neighborhood, he listened to the hip-hop bass line pounding in his ears, using it to regulate his speed. In his mind’s eye, he saw Sierra lying across his bed, beckoning to him with a crooked finger. He smiled, marveling at her ability to rule his mind the way she did. He enjoyed his memories of the smell of her, the taste of her, the feel of her body wrapped around his like a cocoon of warm silk.

  I love her, don’t I. It seemed inevitable, unavoidable. Now he had to figure out what to do, and when and how to tell her.

  Directing his thoughts elsewhere before his desire impeded his ability to walk, let alone run, he turned the corner an
d picked up speed.

  Outrunning his thoughts of her turned out to be much harder than he’d anticipated.

  Chapter 12

  It was back to business Tuesday, and Sierra arrived at the studio around 10:00 a.m. for several hours of filming. When she got to the main soundstage, she met with Devon and Aaron Tarlton, the show’s director.

  “Good morning, guys.” Sierra dropped her purse in the folding chair embroidered with her name. “What are we shooting today?”

  “Promos, and your last scene for this season.” Aaron, seated in his chair, looked up from the bound script in his hand. “It’s you and Grayson for the scene, and just you for the promos.”

  “So, Mia’s not on set?”

  Devon shook his head. “No, and she’s not due for filming at all today.”

  “Great.” Sierra felt the tension leave her body. Knowing she wouldn’t have to deal with Mia’s attitude would help her start the day off on the right note.

  Grayson Richardson walked over then. Tall and handsome, with a medium skin tone and piercing gray eyes, Grayson was considered a heartthrob. Sierra liked him in a friendly way, but he wasn’t her type. Cast in the role of Xander Lasalle, Fiona’s brother, the veteran actor had plenty of television roles under his belt. “Hey, Sierra. Ready for this scene?” He gave her a dramatic wink.

  “I’m ready, Grayson.” She knew his teasing referred to the climactic scene they’d be filming today. “I’ve got my lines down, and I know just what to do.”

  “Great. See you over there.” Grayson took a swig from his water bottle and headed toward the living room set where the scene would be filmed.

  Sierra turned back to Aaron. “The writers have really gone all the way with this plotline. How do you think the viewers are going to react to this Karen and Xander pairing?”

  Aaron chuckled. “Some will love it, and others will hate it. We figure about a sixty-forty split. Either way, it will do just what we want—get the viewers talking about the show.”

  I wonder what Mia thinks. She assumed Mia had read the script by now, that is, if she bothered to read the pages of scenes she wasn’t included in. Sierra had a feeling that Mia wouldn’t care for her character’s brother and nemesis becoming romantically linked.

  “Sierra, they’re ready for you in the makeup chair.”

  Hearing the voice calling her from backstage, she excused herself and went to the prep area to get styled for filming. Passing the craft services table, she grabbed a cake doughnut and a bottle of water. She ate the doughnut while the wardrobe stylist fussed over her clothes. While the hairstylist curled her hair, she sipped from the water bottle. The makeup artist worked her magic last, completing the final step of Sierra’s transformation into the duplicitous Karen Drake.

  Under the bright lights, Sierra performed her scene with Grayson, delivering her lines with the flair and precision she was known for. As the scene came to an end, she leaned into Grayson’s embrace as the script had dictated, and let him kiss her on the lips.

  The moment their lips touched, she burst out laughing.

  “Cut!” Aaron shouted.

  Grayson gave her the side-eye. “What are you doing, Sierra?”

  “Sorry. Let’s run that again.” She tamped down her mirth, drawing a deep breath. She was having a difficult time separating the sweet, goofy Grayson from his on-screen persona. Aside from that, kissing him felt strange, when she would rather be kissing Campbell.

  Aaron’s voice came through the megaphone. “Take it from the last line through the kiss, please. Action!”

  Sierra rolled through the line with no problem, but as Grayson leaned in to kiss her, she giggled.

  “Cut!” Aaron appeared both surprised and annoyed. “Sierra, are you alright?”

  She drew another slow, deep breath. “Sorry. A bit distracted.”

  “Are you ready, or should we take five?” Aaron’s face displayed his distaste for the second option.

  “I’m ready. Let’s do it.” Sierra looked at Grayson, who gave her a crooked grin.

  “Last line through the kiss. Action!”

  Sierra climbed out of her own skin and into Karen’s, and when the kiss came this time, she melted into it as her character’s emotions demanded. This was the part of acting she loved most, when she could truly connect with her role and leave her own issues and thoughts behind. They finished the scene without a hitch.


  Sierra and Grayson were both so deep in character that only Aaron’s shouted command broke up the kiss.

  “Perfect! That’s a wrap!” Aaron smiled, and started clapping. His action started a round of applause, with the entire crew cheering.

  “You’re not half-bad, Sierra.” A grinning Grayson bumped fists with her.

  “You’ll do, if nobody else is available.” She elbowed him playfully.

  He feigned injury. “Looks like my work here is done. See you later, Sierra.”

  She waved as he disappeared into the backstage area. Walking over to the director’s chair, she said, “What’s next?”

  “Take a half-hour break, then be back here to shoot promos.” Aaron turned the page on his script.

  “Sure thing.” She grabbed her purse and left the set, headed down the corridor toward her dressing room.

  Jazmin met her, coming from the postproduction wing in the opposite direction. “Hey, girl. What’s up?”

  “I’m on a short break, then I’m doing promos. What are you doing?”

  “Taking a break from editing episode footage. I’ve been in the booth since eight this morning, and I needed to stretch my legs.”

  She leaned against the wall, wanting to leave the path free for anyone who might pass by.

  Jazmin leaned next to her. “So, have you had any more trouble out of Mia?”

  “Not in person. She’s not in the studio today.”

  Jazmin’s brow furrowed. “What do you mean by ‘not in person’?”

  She gave her a brief recap of some of the things she’d seen on her social media feeds the day before. “I really don’t go on there much—my assistant posts for me most of the time. She knows not to respond to negative posts, though. My phone was going off all day, and eventually I couldn’t ignore it.”

  Jazmin shook her head. “This is getting way out of hand. I get that Mia’s jealous, but why does she feel the need to get so out of pocket?”

  Sierra shrugged. “I have no idea. I’m getting a security detail set up for myself, just in case, though.”

  “This sounds like a lot of stress.” Jazmin leaned closer. “Look, if you want me to report her to the production staff, I will. I don’t like seeing you go through all this trouble over her foolishness.”

  “You said yourself that if we report her, she’d probably get kicked off the show.”

  “Yes, but she can’t keep doing the things she’s doing, Sierra.”

  “I know.” She sighed. “But I also know what it’s like to get bad press when your career is just getting started. It will follow you for the rest of your days.”

  Jazmin touched her shoulder. “Are you sure about this, Sierra?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Just let me talk it over with her, give her a chance to pump her brakes before she derails her career. You can mediate for us. Deal?”

  “Sure. Just let me know the time and place.” Jazmin started walking again. “I’m going to take a lap or two around the courtyard, and shake off this stiffness.”

  “Later.” She continued walking toward her dressing room, Jazmin’s words echoing in her mind: She can’t keep doing the things she’s doing, Sierra.

  She knew Jazmin was right. But something inside her wanted to give Mia a chance to redeem herself, no matter how rude and unprofessional she’d been in the past.

  Alone in her dressing room, she heard her phone buz
z. Taking a bite of a granola bar, she took the phone out of her purse, half expecting to see another crass comment from one of her social media accounts.

  Instead, she saw a text message from Campbell.

  Miss you. Hope you’re having a good day.

  She typed a reply.

  It just got a lot better.

  He sent back another message. Dinner tonight?

  She smiled. Pick me up at the studio at six. Should be done by then.

  Sounds great. See you later.

  Tucking the phone away, she sat back on her love seat. Things at work were still a bit crazy, but things with Campbell were going great.

  I can’t wait to see him tonight.

  * * *

  Campbell came to the studio at six, just as Sierra had asked. He sat in the parking lot for a few minutes, waiting for her to come out. When he saw her, he got out and held open the passenger side door for her. She looked beautiful in her white slacks and blazer, paired with the bright blue shell and matching pumps. Her hair was down, falling over her left eye in a very enticing style that framed her face well.

  “Sorry, I’m a few minutes late. Those promos were a killer.” She settled into the seat.

  “No problem.” He shut the door behind her.

  Soon they were on the road. The evening, beautiful and warm, presented perfect cruising weather, so he’d left the top down on his convertible. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of her silvery lavender hair whirling around her head in the wind. Her expression conveyed calm, and knowing all the stress she dealt with, he enjoyed seeing her relaxed.

  “Do you like seafood, Sierra?”

  She nodded. “I love it. Especially salmon.”

  “Great. You’re going to love this place.” He was glad she hadn’t said she didn’t like seafood, as that was tantamount to blasphemy on the island.

  They pulled into the lot at Shoreside Grill, and he escorted her inside. The hostess led them to a reserved table, one that provided a great view of the rolling waves of the Atlantic through the large window.

  After the waiter had taken their orders and collected their menus, Campbell asked, “How was your day at the studio?”


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