Love for All Time

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Love for All Time Page 11

by Kianna Alexander

  She recapped her time on set. “It was a pretty good day, overall. I just wish I hadn’t been so unfocused with Grayson at the end of our scene.”

  “What happened?”

  She looked away for a moment. “I had to...kiss him.”

  His raised an eyebrow. “I’m confused. Why was that a problem?”

  “It wasn’t. It’s just that I know Grayson, and he’s a total goofball. He’s rarely ever serious. It was hard to imagine him as a master of seduction.” She sipped from her glass of water. “Luckily, I got it together after a couple of takes.”

  Campbell shook his head. “I’m shocked. The great Sierra Dandridge, unfocused?”

  She chuckled. “I know. It seems unbelievable. I’ve kissed other actors for scenes before, and I thought I’d gotten used to it. Today was different, though.”

  His phone buzzed, and he turned it to silent and put it in the pocket of his slacks. “How so?”

  She reached across the table to grasp his hand. “I just kept thinking about how I’d rather be kissing you.”

  His heart thudded in his ears. “You flatter me, fair lady.”

  “It’s true.” She gave his hand a squeeze, then released it. “I don’t know what to call this thing that’s happening between us, but it’s impossible to ignore.”

  He shrugged. “I understand that. But who says we have to define this? Why can’t we just enjoy each other’s company, and leave it at that?”

  She nodded, smiled. “I like the way you think, Campbell.”

  He raised his water glass in salute.

  The waiter returned with their steaming plates, setting them down on the table before disappearing. She looked at her cedar plank salmon entrée and rubbed her hands together. “This looks fantastic.”

  “You’ll love it. Best salmon in town, bar none.” He spread his white linen napkin over his lap, then picked up his fork to get a taste of his own lemon pepper trout.

  “Tell me about your day.” She chewed a bite of food as she waited for his response.

  “Let’s see. It was pretty typical. Did a stack of paperwork about four feet high. Met with two clients about rental units. Sat through the longest, most boring staff meeting ever.”

  She laughed. “Sounds pretty rough.”

  “Not rough. Just...dull as all hell.” He washed down a few bites with a swig of water. “I do have some news for you, about your condo.”


  “I’ve had the security company there all morning, upgrading your unit’s system. You now have cameras aimed at the front door, and the glass door that goes out to the terrace.”

  “That’s great. Thank you for doing that. But I thought there wasn’t any outside access to the terrace?”

  “There isn’t. We put the camera up anyway, in case some nut decides to scale the trellis or something.” He winked, hoping she’d realize he was joking.

  She giggled. “I appreciate the forethought.”

  “No problem. When I take you home, I’ll show you how to operate the keypad. The cameras are monitored at the guard booth, at the security company’s headquarters in Wilmington and through a closed-circuit channel you can access from any television inside the unit.”

  “Wow. Sounds pretty state-of-the-art.”

  “Did you get in touch with Roland?”

  She nodded. “I did. I spoke with him this morning before I went to the studio. Thanks for connecting me with him.”

  “You’re welcome, though a good deal of the credit goes to Jarrod. Have you two worked out a schedule yet?”

  “We’ve started to. He’s going to start Thursday, and we’ll iron it out further then.”

  They ate the rest of their meal in companionable silence. By the time the waiter collected their empty plates, Campbell was ready for something sweet. “Want to order dessert?”

  She patted her stomach. “I don’t know. I’m so full.”

  “We could share something.”

  She thought about it. “Okay, but nothing too rich or heavy.”

  “I know just the thing.” He flagged down the waiter.

  When the large, nut-filled brownie topped with a dollop of whipped cream arrived, she looked at him. “Are you serious?”

  He shrugged. “It’s the lightest dessert they have.” He moved to sit on her side of the booth, scooting close to her on the seat. Grabbing one of the forks, he cut off a piece of the brownie and held it to her lips. “Open up, honey.”

  She laughed, but did as he asked. After the first bite, she made a moaning sound low in her throat. “Oh, my goodness, that’s delicious.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” He realized he could get used to hearing her make that sound, especially if he was the one to inspire it.

  “Your turn.” She forked up a piece of the brownie and fed it to him.

  The soft, chewy texture seemed to melt in his mouth, giving way to the deep chocolate flavor and the crunch of the walnuts inside. “Mmm.”

  They carried on that way, each feeding the other a bite or two, until only crumbs remained on the white ceramic plate.

  She fell back against the seat. “Okay, now I know I can’t eat another bite. I may have to fast till next week so I can get into my jeans.”

  “To be fair, they were already fitting you pretty snugly.” He chuckled. “But that’s the way I like them.”

  She gave him a soft punch in the shoulder. “Watch yourself, playboy.”

  He paid the bill, and escorted her back to his car.

  On the way to her condo, she didn’t say much, seeming content to keep her own counsel and enjoy the passing scenery. He loved the way she looked in the shadow of dusk, and stole glances at her at every opportunity. She’s amazing. He could feel himself slipping into a realm he’d never been in before. He’d loved Tiffany, yes. But the things he had started to feel for Sierra went far beyond that. So far, in fact, that it made him a little nervous.

  Back at the condo, he walked her upstairs and demonstrated how to work the keypad to the upgraded security system, just as he’d promised. “Do you feel comfortable using it?”

  She nodded. “I think so. It’s a lot to remember, though.”

  He pointed to the laminated sheet on the coffee table. “The installer left you a quick reference card, in case you get confused. The website for the company is on there, as well, so you can check there if you need to.” He closed the plastic cover over the keypad. “And you know you can always call me, if you need help right away.”

  “Got it. Thanks, Campbell.” She leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

  He kissed her back, on the lips. “If I didn’t have a ton of work waiting for me tomorrow, I’d ask if I could stay the night.”

  Her long eyelashes fluttered enticingly. “And if you didn’t have so much work, I’d let you.”

  “You have no idea how tempting you are. But I’ve got an early meeting at 8:00 a.m. sharp.”

  They shared another lingering kiss, and he enjoyed holding her close to him for as long as he could.

  Then he left, stepping out into the cool night air and closing the door behind him.

  As he jogged down the steps, he knew he’d made the right decision, even though it had been difficult to leave her.

  Because if he stayed, he might say the three words that had been on the tip of his tongue. And he wasn’t sure either of them were ready for that.

  Chapter 13

  Though she’d finished her filming for the season, Sierra went to the studio on Wednesday anyway. She’d asked Jazmin to arrange a meeting with Mia, so they could hash out the issues between them once and for all. She wasn’t looking forward to the meeting, but she knew it was better to get it out of the way now rather than put it off and risk having things escalate.

  Inside the studio, she went to the office ad
joining the postproduction booth, a neutral area chosen by Jazmin. She’d thought it would be better to do it there than in a more public area, in case things went downhill.

  Sitting in one of the upholstered chairs at the conference table, Sierra drummed her fingers on the desk. Looking to Jazmin, who sat at the head of the table, she asked, “You did tell her what time to be here, right?”

  Jazmin nodded. “Yes. She’s already on set, so I’m sure she’ll be here any minute.”

  Sierra sighed and continued her drumming. I just wish she’d hurry up, so we can get this over with.

  About ten minutes later, Mia sashayed into the room in her usual dramatic fashion. In contrast to Jazmin’s and Sierra’s casual jeans-and-top attire, Mia wore a strapless, mint-green maxi dress festooned with crystals around the neckline and hem. Sitting across from Sierra at the table, Mia lifted the huge, jewel-encrusted sunglasses from her eyes and set them atop her close-cropped hair.

  “Hey, Jazmin.” Mia’s cold glare shifted her way. “Sierra.”

  “Hello, Mia.” Sierra met her gaze without flinching.

  Jazmin spoke. “Okay, ladies, let’s handle this. We like to keep a positive, professional environment at our studios. So, let’s hash this out. Who wants to go first?”

  Sierra nodded toward Mia. “She can go first, if she wants.” Mia struck her as a girl who truly enjoyed the sound of her own voice.

  “Age before beauty,” Mia droned, making a sweeping gesture toward Sierra.

  Here we go with this crap. She pursed her lips. “Fine, I’ll go. I don’t have any problem with you, Mia. I just don’t like the way you act toward me. I’ve never done anything to you, and yet you seemed to have a problem with me from our first interaction.”

  Mia shrugged. “I’m not saying you’ve done or said anything to me. I just don’t like you.”

  “But why?” Jazmin asked. “This really doesn’t make any sense.”

  “Our chemistry is off, or whatever.” Mia folded her arms over her chest. “Everybody isn’t going to like you. Haven’t you ever heard that before?”

  Sierra leaned forward. “Trust me, Mia. I truly don’t care whether you like me or not. I don’t need or want your approval. What I’m asking for is basic respect and professionalism.”

  Mia leaned in, as well, matching her stance. “Listen here, old lady. I know you think you’re hot shit because you’ve got a few movies under your belt. I don’t owe you anything.” She narrowed her eyes, punctuating her next words by stabbing her long fake fingernails against the surface of the table. “I don’t like you, Sierra. And it’s not gonna change.”

  Sierra felt the heat of anger rising in her blood. “The only one here who thinks they’re hot shit is you. You’ve got a lot to learn if you want to have any longevity in this industry, Mia. It all starts with attitude, and yours is absolute garbage.”

  Mia stuck her finger in the air, dangerously close to Sierra’s face. “Heifer, I—”

  Jazmin slapped her hand on the table and stood. “Mia, that’s enough.”

  Mia turned wide, surprised eyes on the producer.

  “You heard me. I’m sick of this crap. You’ve been nothing but a brat to Sierra since you two started filming together. You’re an embarrassment to the cast and crew of this show. We’ve all seen it, and everyone agrees that you are the source of the problem.”

  Mia’s face turned beet red. “What are you saying, Jazmin?”

  “I’m saying I’m going to make a recommendation to Devon to release you from your contract, Mia.”

  She hopped to her feet, shivering with what looked like outrage. “You can’t do that! I’m the star!”

  “The reviews say otherwise.” Jazmin propped her hands on her hips. “Besides, we’ve wrapped all your scenes for the season. We’ve got plenty of time to replace you before we start filming again.”

  “Fine,” Mia snapped, already headed for the door. Before she left, she set a venomous glare on Sierra. “You’ll pay for this.” Then she stomped into the corridor.

  Jazmin strode to the door, calling out behind her, “Clean out your dressing room, Ms. Leigh.”

  Sierra released a long, deep sigh. “Damn it. I didn’t want it to go like this, Jazzy.”

  Reentering the office, Jazmin patted her shoulder. “I know you didn’t. It’s not your fault. You were more than patient with her. Apparently, Ms. Leigh just doesn’t want to work on this show. And if she doesn’t improve her attitude, she won’t be working anywhere else, either.”

  Shaking her head, Sierra leaned back against her chair. When the press got wind of Mia’s firing, and the details surrounding it, they’d drag her name through the proverbial mud.

  Jazmin was right. She’d tried to work things out with Mia, but the girl just wouldn’t be moved. So here they were. “I just hope her replacement has a better attitude.”

  “There’s a good shot she will,” Jazmin remarked, pushing her chair up to the table. “Mia set the bar pretty damn low.”

  Later, back at her condo, Sierra lay across her bed, talking to Campbell on the phone. She relayed in detail what had happened at the studio. “It was crazy. I can’t believe how Mia acted, right there in front of one of our producers. It was almost like self-sabotage.”

  “I don’t know what’s up with Mia, but it’s pretty obvious she’s got issues.” He crunched on something, the sound reverberating in her ear. “At least she’s out of your hair now.”

  She frowned as the noise intensified. “Geez, Campbell, what are you eating?”

  “Roasted almonds.” He stopped chewing. “Sorry. I’ll put them away until after we finish talking.”

  “Thanks.” She rolled over onto her left side. “Roland starts tomorrow at seven. He’ll be guarding the door from then until midnight.”

  “Okay. I know he works days with the police department, so it’s nice of you not to keep him all night.”

  “Yeah. Man’s gotta sleep, right?” She yawned. “Excuse me. He’s also going to be on call for me, and he’ll be running through the social media pages of the people who’ve posted nasty things on my profile pages.”

  “Sounds good.” He sounded distant, uninterested.

  “Campbell, are you busy with something?”

  “Nah. Just flipping through the sports page.”

  She frowned. She’d had a hell of a day, but if he wasn’t into listening right now, she didn’t want to burden him with her troubles. “I’ll let you go. I’ll text you tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good.”

  She shook her head at the repeated phrase. “Good night, Campbell.”

  “’Night, Sierra.”

  She disconnected the call and tossed her phone aside. Standing up, she went to the master bathroom to run a hot bath. Once she settled beneath the bubbles, her hair wrapped in a towel, she sighed with contentment. Campbell might not be interested in helping her relax, but she had other ways of relieving stress.

  An hour later, she emerged from the tub, clean and refreshed. She slipped into a comfy, worn T-shirt and a pair of cutoff sweatpants. Padding barefoot down the hallway, she went to the kitchen and tossed herself a salad for dinner.

  As she walked to the sink to rinse off her plate, she heard someone knocking at the door.

  Her frazzled nerves rose to the surface again. She hadn’t been expecting anybody. Who’s out there, and what the heck do they want? She needed her peace and quiet right now, and was in no mood to entertain visitors.

  She grabbed the stainless steel meat mallet from the kitchen, strode to the door and leaned in to look through the peephole.

  * * *

  Campbell draped the canvas grocery bag over the crook of his elbow and knocked on Sierra’s door again. I know she’s here. Her car’s parked right downstairs.

  The door swung open, and there she stood, wielding a meat mall
et, eyes flashing.

  “Whoa!” Campbell jumped back from the door. “Damn, Sierra, did I catch you at a bad time?”

  She blinked a few times, staring at him for a moment. Then she seemed to relax, and lowered her weapon. “Sorry, Campbell. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming over?”

  “It was kind of a last-minute decision.” He kept a little distance between them, letting his gaze sweep over her. She wore an old tee and a pair of cotton shorts, her hair wrapped up in a towel. Even in her comfy clothes and wielding a blunt object, she was still as lovely as a summer’s day. “Can I come in?”

  She blew out a breath, stepped aside. “Sorry about that. Come on in.”

  Once he was shut inside, he set his bag on the table. “You know, I’d really feel better if you put the meat mallet away.”

  She laughed, shook it in his direction. “You were ignoring me on the phone. I should give you a whack to teach you a lesson.”

  He held his hands out in front of him. “You’re right, I wasn’t listening. That’s why I’m here, to offer an apology in person.”

  “I might accept it.” She winked as she strolled to the kitchen to holster her weapon.

  “I’d appreciate it. And I promise, if I ever do that again, feel free to tenderize me. I’ll just stand and take my whacks like a man.”

  Her throaty laugh carried across the condo, reaching him before she did. “Campbell, you’re crazy.” She gestured to his bag on the table. “So, what did you bring?”

  He reached into the bag and extracted the contents. “Massage oil and chocolate. I thought you might need a massage. And now that I’m here, and I’ve seen the look on your face when you opened the door, I know you need one.”

  “You’re right. Come on in the bedroom. We can do it there.”

  He grinned. “I was hoping the massage would lead to that.”

  She walked past him, shaking her head. “Just come on, Campbell.”

  In the master suite, she stripped off her top and lay across the bed, naked from the waist up. He knelt next to her on the bed, squeezing some of the citrus-scented oil into the palm of his hand. He’d chosen this oil because it reminded him of her, and as he rubbed his hands together to warm the oil, the scent permeated the air around them.


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