Book Read Free

Lone Star Winter

Page 18

by Diana Palmer

  Another shattering revelation! Why was her stepmother in such a hurry? Her husband of barely nine months had just died, for heaven’s sake!

  “I’ll do what I can, Mrs. Collins,” the real estate agent assured her. “But you must understand that the housing market is depressed right now and I can’t guarantee a sale—as much as I’d like to.”

  “Very well,” Janet said curtly. “But keep me informed of your progress, please.”


  Libby ran for it, careful not to let herself be seen. Her heart was beating her half to death. She’d wondered at Janet’s lack of emotion when her father died. Now her mind was forming unpleasant associations.

  She stood in the shadows of the front porch until she heard the real estate agent drive away. Janet left immediately thereafter in her Mercedes.

  Libby’s mind was whirling. She needed help. Fortunately, she knew exactly where to go to get it.

  She walked down the road toward Jordan Powell’s big Spanish-style ranch house. The only transportation Libby had was a pickup truck, which was in the shop today having a water pump replaced. It was a long walk to the Powell ranch, but Libby needed fortifying to tackle her stepmother. Jordan was just the person to put steel in her backbone.

  It took ten minutes to walk to the paved driveway that led through white fences to the ranch house. But it took another ten minutes to walk from the end of the driveway to the house. On either side of the fence were dark red-coated Santa Gertrudis cattle, purebred seed stock, which were the only cattle Jordan kept. One of his bulls was worth over a million dollars. He had a whole separate division that involved artificial insemination and the care of a special unit where sperm were kept. Libby had been fascinated to know that a single straw of bull semen could sell for a thousand dollars, or much more if it came from a prize bull who was dead. Jordan sold those straws to cattle ranchers all over the world. He frequently had visitors from other countries who came to tour his mammoth cattle operation. Like the Tremayne brothers, Cy Parks, and a number of other local ranchers, he was heavily into organic ranching. He used no hormones or dangerous pesticides or unnecessary antibiotics on his seed stock, even though they were never sold for beef. The herd sires he kept on the ranch lived in a huge breeding barn—as luxurious as a modern hotel—that was on property just adjacent to the Collinses’ land. It was so close that they could hear the bulls bellowing from time to time.

  Jordan was a local success story, the sort men liked to tell their young sons about. He started out as a cowboy long before he ever had cattle of his own. He’d grown up the only child of a former debutante and a hobby farmer. His father had married the only child of wealthy parents, who cut her off immediately when she announced her marriage. They left her only the property that Jordan now owned. His father’s drinking cost him almost everything. When he wasn’t drinking, he made a modest living with a few head of cattle, but after the sudden death of Jordan’s mother, he withdrew from the world. Jordan was left with a hard decision to make. He took a job as a ranch hand on Duke Wright’s palatial ranch and in his free time he went the rounds of the professional rodeo circuit. He was a champion bull rider, with the belt buckles and the cash to prove it.

  But instead of spending that cash on good times, he’d paid off the mortgage that his father had taken on the ranch. Over the years he’d added a purebred Santa Gertrudis bull and a barn, followed by purebred heifers. He’d studied genetics with the help of a nearby retired rancher and he’d learned how to buy straws of bull semen and have his heifers artificially inseminated. His breeding program gave him the opportunity to enter his progeny in competition, which he did. Awards starting coming his way and so did stud fees for his bull. It had been a long road to prosperity, but he’d managed it, despite having to cope with an alcoholic father who eventually got behind the wheel of a truck and plowed it into a telephone pole. Jordan was left alone in the world. Well, except for women. He sure seemed to have plenty of those, to hear her brother, Curt, talk.

  Libby loved the big dusty-yellow adobe ranch house Jordan had built two years ago, with its graceful arches and black wrought-iron grillwork. There was a big fountain in the front courtyard, where Jordan kept goldfish and huge koi that came right up out of the water to look at visitors. It even had a pond heater, to keep the fish alive all winter. It was a dream of a place. It would have been just right for a family. But everybody said that Jordan Powell would never get married. He liked his freedom too much.

  She went up to the front door and rang the doorbell. She knew how she must look in her mud-stained jeans and faded T-shirt, her boots caked in mud, like her denim jacket. She’d been helping the lone part-time worker on their small property pull a calf. It was a dirty business, something her pristine stepmother would never have done. Libby still missed her father. His unexpected death had been a horrible blow to Curt and Libby, who were only just getting used to Riddle Collins’s new wife.

  No sooner was Riddle buried than Janet fought to get her hands on the quarter-of-a-million-dollar insurance policy he’d left behind, of which she alone was listed as beneficiary. She’d started spending money the day the check had arrived, with no thought for unpaid bills and Riddle’s children. They were healthy and able to work, she reasoned. Besides, they had a roof over their heads. Temporarily, at least. Janet’s long talk with the real estate agent today was disquieting. Riddle’s new will, which his children knew nothing about, had given Janet complete and sole ownership of the house as well as Riddle’s comfortable but not excessive savings account. Or so Janet said. Curt was furious. Libby hadn’t said anything. She missed her father so much. She felt as if she were still walking around in a daze and it was almost March. A windy, cold almost-March, at that, she thought, feeling the chill.

  She was frowning when the door opened. She jumped involuntarily when instead of the maid, Jordan Powell himself opened it.

  “What the hell do you want?” he asked coldly. “Your brother’s not here. He’s supervising some new fencing up on the north property.

  “Well?” he asked impatiently when she didn’t speak immediately. “I’ve got things to do and I’m late already!”

  He was so dashing, she thought privately. He was thirty-two, very tall, lean and muscular, with liquid black eyes and dark, wavy hair. He had a strong, masculine face that was dark from exposure to the sun and big ears and big feet. But he was handsome. Too handsome.

  “Are you mute?” he persisted, scowling.

  She shook her head, sighing. “I’m just speechless. You really are a dish, Jordan,” she drawled.

  “Will you please tell me what you want?” he grumbled. “And if it’s a date, you can go right back home. I don’t like being chased by women. I know you can’t keep your eyes off me, but that’s no excuse to come sashaying up to my front door looking for attention.”

  “Fat chance,” she drawled, her green eyes twinkling up at him. “If I want a man, I’ll try someone accessible, like a movie star or a billionaire….”

  “I said I’m in a hurry,” he prompted.

  “Okay. If you don’t want to talk to me…” she began.

  He let out an impatient sigh. “Come in, then,” he muttered, looking past her. “Hurry, before you get trampled by the other hopeful women chasing me.”

  “That would be a short list,” she told him as she went in and waited until he closed the door behind him. “You’re famous for your bad manners. You aren’t even housebroken.”

  “I beg your pardon?” he said curtly.

  She grinned at him. “Your boots are full of red mud and so’s that fabulously expensive wool rug you brought back from Morocco,” she pointed out. “Amie’s going to kill you when she sees that.”

  “My aunt only lives here when she hasn’t got someplace else to go,” he pointed out.

  “Translated, that means that she’s in hiding. Why are you mad at her this time?” she asked.

  He gave her a long-suffering stare and sighed. “Well,
she wanted to redo my bedroom. Put yellow curtains at the windows. With ruffles.” He spat out the word. “She thinks it’s too depressing because I like dark wood and beige curtains.”

  She lifted both eyebrows over laughing eyes. “You could paint the room red….”

  He glared down at her. “I said women chased me, not that I brought them home in buckets,” he replied.

  “My mistake. Who was it last week, Senator Merrill’s daughter, and before her, the current Miss Jacobs County…?”

  “That wasn’t my fault,” he said haughtily. “She stood in the middle of the parking lot at that new Japanese place and refused to move unless I let her come home with me.” Then he grinned.

  She shook her head. “You’re impossible.”

  “Come on, come on, what do you want?” He looked at his watch. “I’ve got to meet your brother at the old line cabin in thirty minutes to help look over those pregnant heifers.” He lifted an eyebrow and his eyes began to shimmer. They ran up and down her slender figure. “Maybe I could do you justice in fifteen minutes….”

  She struck a pose. “Nobody’s sticking me in between roundup and supper,” she informed him. “Besides, I’m abstaining indefinitely.”

  He put a hand over his heart. “As God is my witness, I never asked your brother to tell you that Bill Paine had a social disease…”

  “I am not sweet on Bill Paine!” she retorted.

  “You were going to Houston with him to a concert that wasn’t being given that night and I knew that Bill had an apartment and a bad reputation with women,” he replied with clenched lips. “So I just happened to mention to one of my cowhands, who was standing beside your brother, that Bill Paine had a social disease.”

  She was aghast, just standing there gaping at his insolence. Curt had been very angry about her accepting a date with rich, blond Bill, who was far above them in social rank. Bill had been a client of Blake Kemp’s, where he noticed Libby and started flirting with her. After Curt had told her what he overheard about Bill, she’d cancelled the date. She was glad she did. Later she’d learned that Bill had made a bet with one of his pals that he could get Libby anytime he wanted her, despite her standoffish pose.

  “Of course, I don’t have any social diseases,” Jordan said, his deep voice dropping an octave. He checked his watch again. “Now it’s down to ten minutes, if we hurry.”

  She threw up her hands. “Listen, I can’t possibly be seduced today, I’ve got to go to the grocery store. What I came to tell you is that Janet’s selling the property to a developer. He wants to put a subdivision on it,” she added miserably.

  “A what?” he exploded. “A subdivision? Next door to my breeding barn?” His eyes began to burn. “Like hell she will!”

  “Great. You want to stop her, too. Do you have some strong rope?”

  “This is serious,” he replied gravely. “What the hell is she doing, selling your home out from under you? Surely Riddle didn’t leave her the works! What about you and Curt?”

  “She says we’re young and can support ourselves,” she said, fighting back frustration and fury.

  He didn’t say anything. His silence was as eloquent as shouting. “She’s not evicting you. You go talk to Kemp.”

  “I work for Mr. Kemp,” she reminded him.

  He frowned. “Which begs the question, why aren’t you at work?”

  She sighed. “Mr. Kemp’s gone to a bar association conference in Florida,” she explained. “He said I could have two vacation days while he’s gone, since Mabel and Violet were going to be there in case the attorney covering his practice needed anything.” She glowered at him. “I don’t get much time off.”

  “Indeed you don’t,” he agreed. “Blake Kemp is a busy attorney, for a town the size of Jacobsville. You do a lot of legwork for him, don’t you?”

  She nodded. “It’s part of a paralegal’s job. I’ve learned a lot.”

  “Enough to tempt you to go to law school?”

  She laughed. “No. Not that much. A history degree is enough, not to mention the paralegal training. I’ve had all the education I want.” She frowned thoughtfully. “You know, I did think about teaching adult education classes at night….”

  “Your father was well-to-do,” he pointed out. “He had coin collections worth half a million, didn’t he?”

  “We thought so, but we couldn’t find them. I suppose he sold them to buy that Mercedes Janet is driving,” she said somberly.

  “He loved you and Curt.”

  She had to fight tears. “He wrote a new will just after he married her, leaving everything to her,” she said simply. “She said she had it all in his safe-deposit box, along with the passbook to his big savings account, which her name was on as well as his. The way it was set up, that account belonged to her, so there was no legal problem with it,” she had to admit. “Daddy didn’t leave us a penny.”

  “There’s something fishy going on here,” he said, thinking out loud.

  “It sounds like it, I guess. But Daddy gave everything to her. That was his decision to make, not ours. He was crazy about her.”

  Jordan looked murderous. “Has the will gone through probate yet?”

  She shook her head. “She said she’s given it to an attorney. It’s pending.”

  “You know the law, even better than I do. This isn’t right. You should get a lawyer,” he repeated. “Get Kemp, in fact, and have him investigate her. There’s something not right about this, Libby. Your father was the healthiest man I ever knew. He never had any symptoms of heart trouble.”

  “Well, I thought that, too, and so did Curt.” She sighed, glancing down at the elegant blue-and-rose carpet, and her eyes grew misty. “He was really crazy about her, though. Maybe he just didn’t think we’d need much. I know he loved us….” She choked back a sob. It was still fresh, the grief.

  Jordan sighed and pulled her close against his tall, powerful body. His arms were warm and comforting as they enfolded her. “Why don’t you just cry, Libby?” he asked gently. “It does help.”

  She sniffed into his shoulder. It smelled nice. His shirt had a pleasant detergent smell to it. “Do you ever cry?”

  “Bite your tongue, woman,” he said at her temple. “What would happen to the ranch if I sat down and bawled every time something went wrong? Tears won’t come out of Persian carpet, you just ask my aunt!”

  She laughed softly, even through the tears. He was a comforting sort of man and it was surprising, because he had a quick temper and an arrogance that put most people’s backs up at first meeting.

  “So that’s why you yell at your cowboys? So you won’t cry?”

  “Works for me,” he chuckled. He patted her shoulder. “Feel better?”

  She nodded, smiling through tears. She wiped them away with a paper towel she’d tucked into her jeans. “Thanks.”

  “What are prospective lovers for?” he asked, smiling wickedly, and laughing out loud when she flushed.

  “You stop corrupting me, you bad influence!”

  “I said nothing corrupting, I just gave advance notice of bad intentions.” He laughed at her expression. “At least it stopped the cascading waterfalls,” he added, tongue in cheek, as he glanced at the tear tracks down her cheeks.

  “Those weren’t tears,” she mumbled. “It was dew.” She held up a hand. “I feel it falling again!”

  “Talk to Kemp,” he reiterated, not adding that he was going to do the same. “If she’s got a new will and a codicil, signed, make her prove it. Don’t let her shove you off your own land without a fight.”

  “I guess I could ask to see it,” she agreed. Then she winced. “I hate arguments. I hate fights.”

  “I’ll remember that the next time you come chasing after me,” he promised.

  She shook her head impotently, turning to go.


  She glanced at him over her shoulder.

  “Let me know what you find out,” he said. “I’m in this, too. I can’t
manage a subdivision right near my barn. I can’t have a lot of commotion around those beautiful Santa Gerts, it stresses them out too much. It would cost a fortune to tear down that barn and stick it closer to the house. A lawsuit would be cheaper.”

  “There’s an idea,” she said brightly. “Take her to court.”

  “For what, trying to sell property? That’s rich.”

  “Just trying to help us both out,” she said.

  He glanced at his watch again. “Five minutes left and even I’m not that good,” he added. “Pity. If you hadn’t kept running your mouth, by now we could have…”

  “You hush, Jordan Powell!” she shot at him. “Honestly, of all the blatant, arrogant, sex-crazed ranchers in Texas…!”

  She was still mumbling as she went out the door. But when she was out of sight, she grinned. He was a tonic.

  That night, Janet didn’t say a word about any real estate deals. She ate a light supper that Libby had prepared, as usual without any compliments about it.

  “When are you going back to work?” she asked Libby irritably, her dyed blond hair in an expensive hairdo, her trendy silk shell and embroidered jeans marking her new wealth. “It can’t be good for you to lie around here all day.”

  Curt, who was almost the mirror image of his sister, except for his height and powerful frame, glared at the woman. “Excuse me, since when did you do any housework or cooking around here? Libby’s done both since she turned thirteen!”

  “Don’t you speak to me that way,” Janet said haughtily. “I can throw you out anytime I like. I own everything!”

  “You don’t own the property until that will goes through probate,” Libby replied sweetly, shocked at her own boldness. She’d never talked that way to the woman before. “You can produce it, I hope, because you’re going to have to. You don’t get the property yet. Maybe not even later, if everything isn’t in perfect order.”

  “You’ve been talking to that rancher again, haven’t you?” Janet demanded. “That damned Powell man! He’s so suspicious about everything! Your father had a heart attack. He’s dead. He left everything to me. What else do you want?” she raged, standing.


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