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Page 78

by Zoey Parker


  I wanted him desperately.

  He came to me then and took his time. He took off my shoes and then my socks. Then he crawled up my legs to my waist where he undid my jeans. He kissed at my navel as my now open jeans revealed the skin there, then he began to tug them down over my hips and my thighs. Each spot of new skin revealed, he placed a hot kiss.

  Heat flooded my body. I was gasping and begging for more, undulating and writhing as he continued to undress me and kiss the exposed skin at the same time. Finally, he got my pants down, and it was a good thing because I was a hot mess.

  I needed him. Now.

  He went back up to my panties, and I groaned at the idea that he would once more take his sweet, sweet time drawing them down. He would drive me absolutely nuts if he did that. Thankfully, he didn’t. Instead, he pulled them to the side and allowed himself enough room to slide one finger into me. I let out a cry at the insertion and arched my back.

  He began to caress the inside of me, curling his finger in a come-hither motion until I was a pathetic mess of a woman, putty in his hands. Still, he continued. He added a second finger, and I felt his tongue sliding along my clit.

  Intense, insane.

  He had me writhing beneath me as I felt my orgasm build. I was panting, my heart beating erratically. The feeling of his tongue against my clit and his fingers buried to the knuckles in my warm, wet center was more than any woman ought to be able to deal with.

  I was begging him, for what I wasn’t even sure, but I wanted it, and I needed it. As soon as possible.

  He placed a gentle kiss right above my bundle of nerves, then pulled away. My eyes snapped open. “Why’d you stop?” I demanded, then I saw him grinning at me as he slid the length of his body along mine. “Oh,” I said.

  He laughed a little, husky and low, as he positioned himself between my legs. His hands were bracing himself above me, so he didn’t crush me, so I used my own hands to guide him towards my waiting core. He groaned as soon as my fingers touched his erection.

  “That’s it,” he murmured as I positioned the head of his cock at my entrance. “That’s it, baby. God, you’re wet.”

  When the head of him was just beginning to press into me, I pulled my hand away and placed it on his hip instead. “Please, Asher, I need you. It’s been forever.”

  He nodded once, then thrust himself into me as deeply as he could, bottoming out within me. I cried out, noting that there was the slightest pinch of pain since it had been so long since the last time, but it died almost instantly. It was replaced with a heated lust that swept over my entire body and pushed me over the already precarious edge. I was rocked by an orgasm since I’d already been so close before.

  I clung to him, holding him within me, as I rode it out. When I finally came back to my senses, I found that he was patiently kissing my cheeks and my forehead and my neck. Anywhere he could reach. They were sweet, almost chaste kisses, and when he pulled back, I noticed a tender look on his features.

  He smiled sweetly at me, then leaned down to press a soft kiss to my mouth. “I love you, too,” he murmured against my lips, and my eyes widened in surprise.

  “Did I… I mean, I shouldn’t have…” I stuttered, realizing that I must have not only cried out as I came but told him the truth that had been in my heart for a long time now.

  He shook his head, shushing me. “Shh, it’s okay. I should have told you a while ago. There was just so much going on. But I’m saying it now. And I’ll say it tomorrow when I’m not achingly buried inside your sweet pussy.” He groaned, letting me know it was the best kind of torture he could ask for. “And I’ll tell you the day after. And the day the baby’s born. And the day after that. I’ll tell you every day, Carol, that I am in love with you.”

  He kissed me again and then he couldn’t hold back. He began to move. My body was still sensitive from my orgasm, and I groaned at the movements. They became rhythmic, like a heartbeat, and then faster. His easy, measured thrusts became urgent, fast and hard. I was moaning all over again, little ripples of pleasure still washing through me.

  I clutched at his shoulders and brought him to me. He panted above me, muttering and moaning as he pounded into me. The rhythm was gone, and all that was left in its place was need. Pure, unadulterated need.

  Then he cried out.

  He thrust into me once, twice more, and then spilled himself inside of me.

  He collapsed beside me, sweaty and spent, but pulled me close just the same. His hand found my stomach and stroked it gently. “Thank you for keeping the baby,” he murmured. “I promise you, I will be a good father.”

  I smiled at him and snuggled close. “I know you will. And I wanted to say… I didn’t mean to say that, but I’m glad I did. I don’t think I would have had the courage to just tell you, but now that I have it’s easier. I love you, Asher. With all my heart.”

  He returned my smile and held me against his sweaty, hot body. “I love you, too, Caroline. And I’ll love our baby.”



  Six months later, Carol gave birth. It was a girl, and we named her after both of our mothers. Isla Jasmine Sawyer. She took my name rather than Carol’s, who didn’t want the baby so closely tied to her father. I couldn’t say I disagreed.

  We had to settle somewhere out of Mount Cherry. A larger town called Yellow Hill that was near the larger city of Alberta. That was where I worked out of most, still running the Anarchy’s Horsemen. We didn’t want that life to too heavily impact raising Isla, so we lived in the town and worked in the city and did our best to keep those two lives separate.

  The Anarchy’s Horsemen had followed us up there only a couple of months after the whole incident with Carol’s father. It had taken a bit, but we established a new tattoo shop—The Artistry of Ink—and started all over again.

  Carol mostly remained as a stay-at-home mom, though we’d been discussing her going back to school for a while. She wanted to go to nursing school, and I wanted her to follow her passions. So, we talked about it and agreed that she would go to school part-time and I would work part-time. We’d alternate, so someone was watching the baby, and when there was overlap, I’d have one of the boys watch little Isla. She was a big hit with everyone.

  When Isla was a year old, that was exactly what we did. And after Carol’s first semester at nursing school, she received word from Mount Cherry. Her father had had a heart attack and passed away.

  She didn’t know how to feel about it, and neither did I. I knew I wasn’t sorry the bastard was gone, but I knew that whether he’d been a terrible father or not, he had been her father. We agreed that she should go to the funeral. I had offered to go as well, but she insisted I not. I was still a wanted man in Mount Cherry, and it didn’t seem right to tempt fate.

  She went to the funeral and was surprised that, despite his threats, he hadn’t written her out of the will. She had a large inheritance waiting for her.

  Uncomfortable with taking the money, she ended up giving most of it to charity and putting the rest in a college fund for Isla. It would gain interest until Carol was ready to take it out.

  When Carol came back, she dealt with it better than I anticipated. She seemed to have been able to make peace with all that had happened and acknowledged that some part of her dad had loved her, even if he hadn’t been right about any of it. She couldn’t have forgiven him in life because they never would have been able to talk about any of it, but in his death, he’d finally shown her by leaving her that money that he had, in fact, loved her, even if he was never good at showing it.

  I waited another six months, then finally proposed to her. It was something I’d been trying to do for a while now but wasn’t sure how. I finally just did it at an Anarchy’s Horsemen’s cookout. She threw herself into my arms, kissed me until the guys were whooping and hollering, then told me yes about a thousand times.

  We set a date for the coming fall.

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  Books by Zoey Parker

  Click any of the covers below to go straight to the book page!

  DON’T TOUCH MY BABY: Ricci Family Mafia

  They better keep their filthy hands away from my woman and my baby.

  It started as a one night stand.

  But it won’t end until I own every inch of her…

  From her lips to her heart to her womb.

  And God help anyone who tries to take her from me.

  She was delicious to devour.

  I could have had her over and over and over again.

  And when I find out who she is, that’s exactly what I plan on doing.

  Because Isabella isn’t just some girl in a bar.

  She’s the key to a forgotten mafia fortune.

  If I want my rise in the underworld to continue, I need to find Isabella again…

  And keep her for myself.

  But there’s more to the girl than meets the eye.

  Like the baby blossoming inside of her.

  More specifically – my baby.

  Now I’m truly invested.

  Because there’s some bad men coming for her.

  But if they touch so much as a hair on their head…

  I’ll send them to hell where they belong.

  BEARING HIS SEED: Anarchy’s Horsemen MC


  One night of fun never hurt anybody, right?

  Wrong. Dead wrong.

  Her moans lasted from dusk ‘til dawn.

  But the baby I left in her belly will be around for a lot longer than that.

  She thought I’d give her a night of fun, and nothing else.

  But I had different plans in mind.

  My clubhouse is not an amusement park.

  And I’m no f**king carnie.

  So when the little princess asked for a taste, I gave her a lot more than that.

  I tied her to my bed and made her utterly mine.

  I ruined her for all other men.

  And when I was finished, I kicked her out… never to be seen again.

  Or so I thought.

  But six weeks later, she’s on my doorstep again.

  Does she want another go at the bad boy biker?

  Not exactly.

  She wants to let me know:

  There’s a baby in her belly.

  And it belongs to me.

  TAKING HIS SEED: The Jagged Rebels MC



  She brought be back from the dead.

  I’m gonna repay her in the best way I know how.

  By filling her up with my baby.

  A thought crossed my mind when I laid there dying.

  No one will remember me.

  I’m a bad man, and when I go, my enemies will probably throw a f***ing party.

  But now that I’ve bought myself some more time,

  I’m gonna be sure to leave a legacy behind.

  I just need her help to do it.

  ‘Cause I don’t plan on building a godd*mn statue or some B.S. like that.

  My legacy is gonna do what I did:

  Ride fast.

  Drink heavy.

  F**k or fight everything that moves.

  You see, I’m on the hunt for a woman now.

  So I can use her to bear my son.

  And who better than the angel that saved me from bleeding out?

  She’s sexy.


  And it won’t be long until she’s moaning my name.

  Obeying my commands.

  And begging for my seed.



  I’ve never been one to follow the rules.

  But disobeying while I’m locked up might get me killed.

  Too bad I don’t give a damn.

  I’m gonna bend this guard over in my cell… and put my baby in her belly.

  I deserve to be in here.

  What I did was wrong.

  But g*d*mn, it felt GOOD.

  It’s been too long since I felt that good.

  Jail is no walk in the park.

  I need something in here to make me feel alive again.

  To send that adrenaline through my veins.

  I want to OWN something.

  To break something.

  Or better yet… someONE.

  And lucky for me, Sarah is the perfect pick.

  She’s a guard – I’m a prisoner.

  But this time, the risk is worth the reward.

  Because I’m not only gonna sleep with Sarah.

  I’m not only gonna make her bed for my touch, my taste, my seed.

  I’m also gonna put my baby in her belly.

  WED TO THE BIKER: Skeleton Kings MC


  It started with a tattoo.

  It won’t end until all of me belongs to him.

  The biker came in wanting some fresh ink on his chest.

  But it doesn’t take long before he wants more.

  More of me, that is.

  My taste. My body. My heart. My soul.

  The problem is, Max is from the wrong side of the tracks.

  He’s seen things, done things, that make my blood run cold.

  There’s no future with a man like him.

  There can’t be.

  There won’t be.

  If I let him have me…

  Everything I love will burn.

  So why can’t I say no?

  WED TO THE DOM: Heaven’s Veil MC


  I didn’t ask to be stalked, harassed, threatened.

  Too bad the demons on my trail don’t care what I want.

  I hire Dante to protect me from the bad men…

  But it turns out he might be the worst one of them all.


  I’m desperate for anyone to protect me.

  They’re closing in – whoever they are.

  Coming closer and closer every night, leaving signs, making threats.

  It’s a nightmare – except I can’t wake up.

  There has to be someone who can save me from the stalkers who want my body.

  I thought Dante would be that someone.

  He certainly looks the part:

  Tall, tatted, with that “don’t even look at me sideways” scowl on his face.

  Not to mention the muscles bulging beneath his leather jacket.

  But something in his eyes tell me Dante is just as hungry as the others.

  And now that he’s in my home…

  He won’t rest until I’m his.


  She wanted my protection.

  I agreed – at first.

  But now that I’ve gotten a look at her, I can’t settle for keeping my distance.

  I need to taste her myself.

  We can do it the easy way or the hard way.

  But no matter what Katia chooses, she’s going to be mine by the end of the night.

  My sub.

  My woman.

  My wife.


  The bad boy took everything from me.

  He came into my world and snatched it all away.

  My innocence, my purity, my sense of right and wrong.

  But he left me one special, special gift:

  A baby in my womb.

  I couldn’t resist the temptation.

  Just one night.

  I’d allow myself just one night of freedom.

  I never thought one mistake would haunt me like this.

  But how could I have said no?

  The bad boy was like something out of a romance novel.

  Tall, dark, and handsome was just scratching the surface.

  He was something else, too.

  He was powerful.

  He made me want to give him everything.

  And he wasn’t about to take no for an answer.

  But after he’d finished with me, I thought that would be the end of things.

  I didn’t know it yet, but I was dead freakin’ wrong.


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