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School of Discipline

Page 3

by John Simpson

  Blaine moved over, and Cory got into bed with him. As they lay there in the dark, the only sound was two hands going up and down on their greased-up dicks. Cory’s hand had farther to travel each way than Blaine’s hand did, and as a result, Cory began to feel his climax building already.

  “Shit, I’m gonna cum already if you don’t stop,” Cory warned.

  Instead of stopping, Blaine sped up, and it was all Cory could do to stay on the bed as his climax erupted and sprayed cum all over his chest, stomach, and Blaine’s hand. When he stopped shooting and caught his breath, he increased his speed on Blaine’s dick. Blaine must have been ready because it only took about another minute. Blaine came with a massive explosion of cum, which covered his face, chest, and abdomen and drenched Cory’s hand. When they were finished, they lay there, wet with cum, which was growing colder by the second.

  “Fuck, we’re a mess. How we gonna clean this up?”

  “We’re gonna sneak into the shower and rinse off, that’s what we’re going to do. There is no other way to clean all this up,” Blaine said.

  “Yeah, but we have cum dripping off of us each step we take, especially you!”

  “Hold still,” Blaine said as he scooped up the excess cum from Cory’s body with his hand.

  “Now, get us towels—the ones we used already this evening—and we’ll wrap them around us as we haul ass to the showers.”

  Cory did as he was told, and together, they practically ran to the showers. In the dark, they could hardly see where to walk, and they were trying not to make too much noise. Once inside the shower, they turned the water on and washed their bodies clean.

  After two minutes under the water, they blotted themselves off with the now dirty towels. Making sure their feet were very well dried, they went back to their room where they put the towels in their wash bag and dried off thoroughly with new towels. Once that was done, Blaine came over to Cory and handed him the lotion.

  “Not again!”

  “No, not dicks this time, ass! Run a layer of that over my ass, and we’ll go to sleep.”

  Cory sat on his bed and applied a light coating of lotion all over Blaine’s ass, admitting to himself that he really enjoyed the task. When he ran his hand up the crack, Blaine chuckled and said, “Wishful thinking for the foreseeable future. Not only am I not that gay, my ass is going to take days to heal up right.”

  Cory smiled in the dark. May that day fast approach.

  THE next morning, both men got up with their alarm, and the first thing that Cory thought of was that he had engaged in sex the previous night with Blaine. A sense of uneasiness came over Cory as he wondered if Blaine was going to be all weird about it.

  But Blaine got out of bed, seeming to have vastly improved from his punishment, and he and Cory slipped on shorts and started the daily routine. No one was late for roll call and everyone was in class on time. The day was starting off on a good note, and everyone hoped it would stay that way, considering the trauma of the inspection the day before.

  The daily routine didn’t alter much from day to day, but by the end of the second week of classes, twelve of the men had run up enough demerits for various minor infractions and required corporal punishment. It was time to deal with them on Friday before lights out—on Friday and Saturday nights, the curfew was extended until midnight—and the barracks was called together at nine thirty by the barracks sergeant.

  When roll call was announced, the men made their dash into the dayroom, surprised to find both the captain and another barracks sergeant present as well. When everyone found a seat and settled in, Sergeant McDonald began speaking.

  “As you can see, the captain is here, along with Sergeant Miller from Bravo barracks. The reason they’re here is because of the sheer amount of infractions handed out by your instructors, the sergeants, and even one by the lieutenant. The captain is concerned enough about the trend developing here that he has issued punishment notices to a dozen of you men. Tonight, those notices will be carried out by me and Sergeant Miller while the captain witnesses his orders carried out.”

  The captain moved forward and spoke.

  “As Sergeant McDonald has stated, I am, in fact, concerned by the amount of infractions issued in only two weeks! Many of them are for being sloppy… sloppy with your time requirements for being at a certain place at a certain time. You seem to think you can just wander into a class or lecture when you please. This is civilian thinking, and you are here to learn to think like military men.

  “Uniform write-ups are also a problem. You are required to maintain your uniforms in a clean, pressed, fully repaired state, and some of you are failing to do so. While the failures given during inspections have dropped from the first few days, infractions are still being turned up by the sergeant. You have charts! How can you not have your rooms together? It is obvious that the military way of doing things is just not important to some of you. That will change. From now on, you will be on time when you’re required to be somewhere and when you get there, you must be in the uniform of the day and it must be properly worn!

  “I’ve taken steps to nip this is the bud. Twelve of you will each receive the maximum one-day total of strokes from the sergeants. I leave the choice of instrument up to them. If you become a repeat offender and reach twenty demerits again, your punishment will be double. If there is a third set of demerits at that level, you will be restricted to your room when not in class or on the parade grounds, and you will receive thirty punishment strokes.

  “That’s all the chances you get. If there is a fourth time, I will recommend that you be expelled from this school as unfit for military standards and therefore ineligible to continue any further with your education here or any other military school. That is all.”

  Chapter Three

  EVERYONE in the room became antsy, and they began to shift around on their asses, thinking of the punishment. As far as Cory and Blaine knew, they were not on the list as they had worked off their previous demerits that night in the sergeant’s office.

  Sergeant McDonald read off the list of twelve names, and those men were ordered to the front of the room. Two of the men were ordered to move the pommel horse there as well.

  “Sergeant Miller and I will alternate in administering the strokes so that we are giving five to each of you. Wojeck, you’re first. Get up here, drop your shorts and underwear, and bend over the horse.”

  The cadet moved slowly and looked like he was going to start crying at any moment. He hesitated before lowering his shorts but finally did it and bent over the horse. Two belts were produced, and each sergeant stood on one side of the cadet.

  “You will count out each stroke after it lands,” McDonald ordered

  He looked around and saw fear on a majority of the faces in the room, but not on the face of either Cory or Blaine. McDonald drew back his right arm and brought the belt down on Cadet Wojeck’s ass. The cadet moaned out, “One.” Sergeant Miller then let fly with number two, and on it went until the punishment was completed.

  When Wojeck stood up, his ass was very red, but that was reasonable under the circumstances. He was then handed a sheet of paper that listed the infractions he had been written up for and the punishment for them. While there was moisture in his eyes, there were no tears on his cheeks as he walked to the back of the room and stood by the rear wall.

  Without deviation, this same routine was followed for eleven more men with the exception of Cadet Morgan. After the first three strokes, Morgan stood up, pulled his shorts up, and said, “Fuck this kid shit. I’m outta here.” He then gave the finger to McDonald and the captain and left for his room. Just before he exited the common room, he shouted over his shoulder, “I’ll be gone by lunchtime tomorrow.”

  The captain stepped forward. “Any of you have that choice at any time. This isn’t the military, and there is nothing stopping you from quitting this challenge. There are two men left, so let’s complete this.”

  The next two men took their strok
es with a minimum of grunts. The horse was put back in its place, and the men were dismissed.

  Later that night in the showers, everyone wanted to take a close-up look at the guys who got punished and check out their asses to see how painful they looked. The public spankings had made everyone nervous about getting one. Those who were punished began to show the stripes off like a badge of courage.

  Cory looked at Blaine and said, “They don’t know what a real ass whipping is all about, do they?”

  “Not one of them could take the beating I took. Nice asses, though,” Blaine said with a look in his eyes that revealed he was excited by what everyone saw earlier. When he looked down to Cory’s cock, Cory began to think that they might be fucking that night.

  One by one, the men left the showers, and a few guys talked in low whispers in the corners before drifting out of the room. Cory and Blaine wasted no time in getting back to their room and slipping shorts on. They had a ton of studying to do, but no one’s mind was on academics that night.

  “Some pretty cute asses got the belt tonight, eh?” Blaine asked.

  “Yeah, I suppose so. But just about everyone in here has a cute ass.”

  “Yeah, but you don’t often get to see guys tested the way they were tonight. Made to strip down and take an ass whipping in front of everyone. Everyone took it but the one wimp.”

  “You tired?” Cory asked.

  “Not really. I’m keyed up by what we saw.”

  “Just asking ’cause it’s lights out in five minutes.”

  They were lying on their beds looking at the ceiling when they heard the sergeant yell, “Lights out!”

  Cory got up and turned off the lights, and as he did, he remembered that they both had guard duty that night.

  “Hey, I almost forgot. I’ve got twelve to one guard duty, and you’re my relief. It’s hardly worth going to sleep now just to get up in an hour.”

  “Well, we could talk,” Blaine offered.

  “Yeah, we could. What do you wanna talk about?”

  Blaine laughed as he rolled over on his bed. “My big dick.”

  Cory chuckled at Blaine’s statement, but his dick twitched in honest interest. Finally, Cory had to ask, “Are you gay?”

  “Nah, maybe a little bi. It’s just that there are no girls around here. It’s an all-boys college, and ya gotta make do with what’s at hand.”

  “You don’t think what we did the other night was gay?”

  “What? Ya mean the hand jobs? Fuck no. It gets boring always jerking myself off. It’s good to feel someone else’s hand on my dick. While you were jerking me off, I was thinking of an old girlfriend.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “Why? You gay?”

  “I don’t know for sure,” Cory answered honestly.

  “Look, either you like dick or you don’t. Which is it?”

  “I liked you jerking me off for the same reason you just mentioned. Nice to feel a strange hand working my junk. But I’ve certainly never blown a guy or gotten fucked!”

  “Oh, okay. Yeah, I’d never do any of that shit. But hand jobs between us are alright, though, right?”

  “I suppose. How often should we do it?”

  “Once in a while. Like I said, I’m not gay. Just remember that.”

  AN HOUR later Cory was up in uniform and standing post. His job was to watch for signs of fire and to challenge anyone who attempted to enter. It was boring, and he had nothing to do but think about his cute roommate who professed to not be gay. When it was time for Cory to make a round, which included checking the bathrooms and hallways, he was surprised when he entered one of the two bathrooms and found two of the guys on the shower room floor. They were in the classic sixty-nine position and pumping away so hard they never heard the door open.

  At first, Cory didn’t know what to do. He stood there a few moments, mesmerized by the thrusting and bobbing of the men on the floor. Just as Cory was about to clear his throat, one of the men began to climax, and it was all grunts and groans. Cory decided to just turn around and leave, but his boot hit the tiled threshold of the shower with a noise that echoed loudly.

  In a panic, the lovers jumped up with their erections bouncing. Cory, of course, recognized both men and stood silently for a moment listening to their stammering and mumbling. He was a little amused that they thought they could say something that would mitigate the situation after what he’d seen.

  “I didn’t see anything,” Cory said as he turned away. “Good night, guys.”

  One of the men came after Cory and pleaded with him. “Look, if you tell on us, we’ll be expelled! You can’t do that, please! What will it take for you to keep your mouth shut? You want head? You wanna fuck one of us? What? Just name it!”

  “I don’t want anything, and I’m not going to tell anyone, but I think you guys should have found a better place than on the floor of one of the showers!”

  “Sure, where? Lights are out. We’re not roommates, so the only place is in here or the dayroom, and the dayroom is too public.”

  “Okay, whatever, not my problem. I’ve gotta finish my rounds and record them.”

  The other guy had joined his partner, and they watched helplessly as Cory left the bathroom. They were certain that Cory would report them, and even if he didn’t, he’d tell someone and the word would spread around about them.

  “Do you think we might end up bent over the pommel horse for this?” one asked.

  “Fuck if I know. Well, at least you got your nut off, which is something more than I got. Damn!”

  Cory’s round included a quick walk through the other bathroom, and then he was finished. He was required to do that twice an hour and record each round in a book. By the time he stood once more at the entrance door, his mind was flooded with images of the two men lying naked on the floor, sucking each other off.

  He began to feel warm under the collar and realized he had an erection. Thankfully, there was no one around to see it. At five minutes to one, Cory headed to his room to get his roommate up and out, hoping he could forget what he saw and go to sleep.

  “I hate this guard duty shit. Everything quiet, I hope?” Blaine asked.

  “Yep, nothing going on around here, as usual. Night.”

  THE next day, the cadets put in a half-day of classes in addition to the usual physical training hour. The rest of the weekend was then theirs. After everyone got back into the barracks, Cory decided to take a walk around campus, so when two men showed up at his room, Blaine answered the door.

  “Is Cory here?” Gary, the taller of the two visitors, asked.

  “No, he decided to walk around campus for a bit,” Blaine answered. “What’s up?”

  “Can we come in and talk to you?”

  “Ah, yeah, I guess so,” Blaine said as he moved aside to let them in.

  “Can we talk to you in confidence? I mean like you can’t say anything to anyone, okay?”

  Intrigued, Blaine replied, “Sure, you can rely on me.”

  “Did your roommate say anything to you about us?” Gary asked.

  “Hmm, like what?”

  “Well, did he mention seeing us last night while he was on guard duty?”

  Without having to say another word, Blaine knew what the issue was, and his heart leapt for joy at the thought of the minor torments he could subject the horny duo to.

  “Are you talking about what he caught you two doing?”

  “Fuck!” exclaimed Gary’s partner, Mike. “He said he wasn’t going to tell anyone. This is great. What the fuck are we going to do now?”

  “Why don’t you give me your version of things so I can tell if it matches what Cory said,” Blaine replied, laying the trap.

  “We were, well, you know, lying on the floor of the shower room, naked, having sex when Cory walked in on us and apparently watched us for a while before making his presence known. We pleaded with him not to tell anyone, and he said he wouldn’t. Obviously, he’s full of shit and can’t be trusted.”

  “Hmm, well, he did tell me one more thing. He decided that he was duty-bound to report your behavior unless you received some form of severe discipline. If you agree to that, he won’t tell anyone.”

  “What kind of discipline? Did he say?”

  “He sure did. He said that this matter could be handled quietly, without involving any authorities, by me administering a bare ass whipping to both of you. If you take that, he feels that you would have paid a fair price for what you were doing and hopefully, as a result of the whipping, would never do it again.”

  “Fucking homophobe!” Gary hissed.

  “Let me get this straight,” Mike said more calmly than his lover. “We take a bare ass whipping from you, and all is forgotten by him? How do we know we can trust him? He’s already broken his word to us.”

  “Because I’ll make sure he does. Well, what’s it to be, gentlemen?”

  Gary looked at Mike and then asked Blaine, “How many?”

  “Well, this is a serious offense that could get you expelled. I would think that thirty-five strokes with my belt should do it. That’s all in one session, you understand?”

  “Thirty-five! Holy shit. Are you going to go easy on us?” Mike asked as his hands went reflexively to his ass cheeks.

  “No, I can’t promise that. You’ll have to be men and take it like men. But you’re running out of time. Cory is actually out walking, trying to decide how to tell the administration about you two. If he comes back and you two haven’t been punished, he’ll go to them.”

  “You can’t give them in the dayroom!” Mike said.

  “Nope, we’ll take a walk up to the bluff where all the trees are. We’ll make sure no one is around, and you’ll drop your shorts and take the punishment.”

  “Fuck. Let’s go and get this over with. I’d rather take it from you than Sergeant McDonald,” Gary said.

  Blaine went to his locker, smiling to himself. He reached in and pulled out a wide leather belt before he turned back to the guys.


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