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Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8

Page 16

by Bianca Sommerland

  Playing the part of a good husband must have been a struggle for Steve. Shawn almost felt bad for him, but just almost. There was something in Steve’s tone that put all his instincts of self-preservation on high alert.

  But he didn’t want to assume the worst. So he simply nodded. “Sure. You want me to meet your wife after the game? I can do that.”

  “You fucking know that’s not what I want from you.” Steve pulled him closer to the barrier, his fingers digging into Shawn’s flesh. “I fucking warned you to keep things private, but you had to go and tell me you loved me in front of the team. I had to…damn it, if I didn’t fuck you up, they would have thought I was gay.”

  “Fine. It’s in the past. I’m not sure what you expect from me now.”

  “Don’t make me spell it out. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  “That’s not my problem. Let me go, Steve.”

  “No. Tell me you’ll see me. You’ve got a room here. I’ll come to you. We can see if we’re still as good together as we used to be.” Steve’s eyes filled with lust. A look that used to get Shawn hard, but did nothing for him anymore. “I’ll fuck you so good—”

  Suddenly, White was there, grabbing Steve’s hand and latching onto the bigger man’s throat as though he didn’t notice the man was big enough to swat him away like a fly. “Back off, pal. Or I—”

  Steve’s fist slammed into White’s jaw, and White fell back. Cort had looked over just at that moment and rushed over to restrain Steve. Kral helped Shawn get Ian into the hotel. Ian seemed completely blind with rage, but he’d responded to Shawn’s soft words. Moved on his command.

  Laying on the bed beside Ian, staring down at his swollen bottom lip and the bruises on his jaw, Shawn’s chest tightened with a painful twinge of guilt. He couldn’t even be angry about Ian being violent. He would have done the same if he’d seen someone hurting his best friend. Actually, he had during the last game. He wasn’t a fighter, but when he’d seen Ian go down, he’d been bent on revenge.

  But he couldn’t let Ian get involved in the fucked up history between him and Steve.

  Keeping him out of it seemed easy enough during the half an hour Ian was asleep. But the second Ian’s eyes opened, Shawn could see the determination in those shadowed, blue eyes. Leaving the past in the past was going to be a challenge.

  “Look, I get it.” Ian sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, the sheet still covering half of his wide, muscular bare chest. “Maybe it’s none of my business, but you’re my best friend. And we both just dealt with Sahara having an abusive ex. You get why I’m worried, right?”

  Comparing the situations was almost funny. But Shawn wouldn’t laugh. What Sahara had gone through was too serious to be made light of. He flattened his hand on the center of Ian’s chest, pushing him down and leaning over him.

  “It’s nothing like that, Ian. Steve and I fooled around for a bit in high school. He was on the football team. I was obsessed with him, and I was afraid to lose him, so I did something stupid and paid for it.” Even thinking back on that day was embarrassing, so he tried not to, but he didn’t want Ian to worry, so he had to give him something. “He wasn’t abusive when we were together. He just snapped when I tried to force him to accept his sexuality. That was wrong of me.”

  “Maybe, but it’s pretty fucked up that the first thing he did after not seeing you for years was hurt you.” Ian took Shawn’s wrist gently, stroking it with his thumb. “And you didn’t look happy to see him.”

  “I wasn’t. He is a part of my past I’d rather not remember.” He didn’t want to talk about Steve anymore. Maybe now was a good time to ask Ian about the new person he had in his life. But carefully. He didn’t want to bring up what Chicklet had said. So he kept his question vague. “What about you? I haven’t seen you in a couple days. What’s new?”

  Ian’s brow furrowed. “I met someone.”


  “Yeah… She’s cool. I like her.” Ian frowned. “I feel bad, leaving her like I did. But I think we’re good.”

  A woman. No surprise there. Knowing Ian had a new woman in his life, after the confrontation with Steve, who was now a married man, became a tangled mess in his head. He wasn’t sure how he should feel. Once, he would have just taken it as the natural order of things. Ian enjoyed women. A lot. He might be bisexual, but he was more attracted to women than men and could live out his life, perfectly happy, with the typical one woman, one man arrangement.

  The time when Shawn could walk away without fighting to keep his place in Ian’s life had passed.

  He stroked his hand down Ian’s side, resting his hand on his hip. “I suppose it’s only fair that I have to share you. Do you think she’ll have a problem with how greedy I plan to be?”

  “You plan on being greedy?” Ian’s body responded predictably, his cock swelling beneath Shawn’s wrist, but it was his tone that pleased Shawn on a whole different level. He liked the idea of Shawn claiming more of his time.

  Lips sliding into a sly smile, Shawn bent down, flicking his tongue over Ian’s bottom lip, careful to avoid the cut. “Would you enjoy that, boy?”

  Ian’s eyes narrowed, and he shifted as though to sit up, growling when Shawn held him down. “Don’t call me ‘boy’. It’s what you call Richards. And Vanek. And all those cute little subbies you fuck.”

  Well now, I believe we’ve hit a sensitive spot. Shawn worked his hand under Ian’s head, taking a fistful of his hair to jerk his head back. “Do you still want me to train you, or will that be a problem for your new girlfriend?”

  “She’s not my…” Ian blinked then tried to shake his head, tensing when Shawn didn’t loosen his grip. His breath came out in a shallow pant. “I don’t know what she is, she’s just staying at my place and we fucked and she was a virgin. I can’t abandon her, but I still want you, Pisch.”

  Damn it, Bruiser. They were going to have to discuss this strange girl suddenly rooming with his man, but not at the moment. She wasn’t here. And so far, it didn’t seem like she had come between them.

  Focusing on training would be a much more productive use of their time.

  Shawn brushed his scruffy cheek against Ian’s. “If ‘Shawn’ is difficult for you, Ian.” His lips grazed Ian’s throat as he spoke. “Feel free to call me ‘Sir’.”

  “Fuck!” Ian pressed his eyes shut, squirming as though he was incredibly hot and wanted to shed the layers covering him. But he didn’t try to get away from Shawn. “You’re not playing fair.”

  Shawn smirked. “I never said I would.”

  “This isn’t supposed to turn me on so much.” This time, Ian moved his head, as though testing Shawn’s hold on his hair.

  Leaning more weight on him, Shawn tugged a bit harder. “Why? Because you’re not a ‘cute little subbie’?”


  “But you admitted you could be a sub. That you would explore the possibility pleases me, but if I’m to train you, we’ll have to work on how you speak to me.” Damn, the way Ian relaxed under him when he mentioned being pleased was a perfectly timed green light while driving on cruise control. He made a soft sound of approval. “You’re comfortable with that.”

  “Yes, but I don’t know about calling you ‘Sir’. It would feel weird.” Ian’s brow furrowed as Shawn rose up, nodding for him to go on when he went silent. He sighed. “I know it’s a thing. Like ‘boy’ and ‘pet’ are a thing. But they don’t feel like our thing.”

  “Would you be comfortable with ‘Bärchen’?” Shawn hoped he was. He liked the idea of using a special pet name for Ian, but he didn’t want it to be anything the man took negatively. “It means ‘little bear’.”

  Cheeks going red, Ian tongued his bottom lip, huffing out a laugh. “I ain’t exactly little.”

  “No, but compared to an actual bear?” In the leather scene, White wouldn’t be considered a bear at all. He had a nice amount of chest hair, but not enough to claim the title. Bringing up the community Shawn used
to play in quite often would either confuse the man, or bring on more uncomfortable jealousy.

  Better to leave that conversation for another day.

  Ian inclined his head, shifting so his dick wasn’t pressing against Shawn’s hand anymore. “I like bearkin.”

  Close enough. Shawn smiled. “Good. And when we’re in high protocol, you can call me ‘Mein Herr’. It’s something like ‘Sir’ and it can be ours.”

  “So when we do a scene?”


  “Are we doing one now?”

  So fucking tempting. Using the excuse of a scene could get Shawn anything he wanted from the man, but he wasn’t a wanna-be Dom using the lifestyle to get his own way. Yes, he played some twisted, kinky games, but Ian needed more from him.

  “We’ve got to be on the ice in a couple hours, so we can’t do anything too heavy. But I would like to clear the air.” He slid his hand down to the tie on Ian’s jogging pants. His lips slanted when Ian jerked and inhaled sharply. “You told me you were fine seeing me with Richards. Were you?”

  Sinking into the mattress, Ian sighed and shook his head. “No. Not when it was just the two of you.”

  Good boy. Undoing Ian’s pants, Shawn worked his hand into his boxers, curving his hand around the thick, hot, hard length. “Is there a reason that bothered you more?”

  “Jesus, Easy. Do we really need to talk?” Ian lifted his hips, trying to move his dick in Shawn’s loose grip. He went perfectly still when Shawn released him and cupped his balls. “Oh fuck… I got it! Don’t squeeze.”

  “We do need to talk. I’ll do what I must to encourage you.”

  “I’m encouraged. Very, very encouraged.” Ian panted, his dark blue eyes glazed with lust. He bit hard into his bottom lip, leaving the plump flesh red when he finally spoke. “I hated that you didn’t need me. Doing stuff together is cool. Hell, you wanna get all kinds of freaky with different people? I’m down with that. But if another guy is taking my place… I don’t wanna know.”

  “So the issue isn’t about us being open?” It mustn’t be, considering Ian hadn’t hesitated to take a woman home with him. Shawn studied Ian’s face when his gaze shifted away. “Or is that still part of the problem?”

  “I’m trying not to let it be. I’ve been thinking it over a lot, and the idea of you ditching me because I broke your damn ‘You can’t keep me’ rules freaks me out more than knowing you’re fucking other people.” The tension left Ian’s body as Shawn went back to lightly stroking his dick. “Damn, that feels good.”

  “I always appreciate, and will reward, you being honest with me, Bärchen.” He wouldn’t push his man to share much more, this had to have a happy ending if he wanted to teach Ian how…enjoyable communicating could be. But as much as he didn’t want Ian thinking about the girl, Shawn would use this opportunity to learn a little more about her. “You said your girl was a virgin. And she’s still at your place?”

  “Mmm.” Ian moaned as Shawn ran his hand up over the swollen head of his cock. “She didn’t want to go back to Chicklet’s place.”

  Chicklet’s ‘trouble’. Great.

  “How long have you known her?”

  “Met her last night. Fuck, don’t stop.” Ian’s fist hit the mattress when Shawn did the exact opposite of what he’d asked, languidly passing his hand up and down, keeping Ian aroused, but not letting him find the release Shawn could tell was close by the tightness of the flesh against his palm.

  “Do you feel responsible for her?”

  “Yes! But I don’t want to talk about her! I don’t want to talk about Richards, or the other people we fuck. I’m with you!” Ian’s jaw hardened and his hips bucked up with the quickening motion of Shawn’s hand. “Please let me come!”

  The rough pleading had Shawn’s own dick throbbing painfully. He bent down, impulsively pressing his lips to Ian’s. Feeling his rapid breaths, tasting the sweetness of whatever sugar cereal the man had eaten, his chest tightened as Ian rose into the kiss, his lips parted.

  Shuddering, Ian came and the hot spill hit Shawn’s wrist. More soaked into his pants and his dress shirt. He lifted a hand to Shawn’s shoulder, as though to pull him close.

  His hesitation told Shawn how badly he’d fucked up. He didn’t want Ian to be afraid to touch him. To be careful, yes. But not so careful he second-guessed his every move.

  Rather than make a big deal about it, Shawn pulled Ian into his arms, laughing as the bigger man tried to fit snug against his side. “Ready to finish your nap?”

  “Yeah, but…I’m a mess.” He made a face as he rested on the wet spot on the sheets where the cum had smeared from Shawn’s wrist. “I’ve gotta strip the sheets. And leave housekeeping a huge tip.”

  “I love how thoughtful you are, Bärchen.” Shawn pressed his lips into Ian’s hair, smiling as he let his head settle on the pillow. “But let’s rest for a bit. I can deal with you being a bit dirty.”

  Ian snorted as his head grew heavy on Ian’s shoulder. He was so quiet, Shawn was certain he’d fallen asleep. Until he cleared his throat. “You kissed me.”

  “Yes.” Shawn had known it would mean something to Ian, but he’d crossed so many lines already, holding back anymore simply didn’t make sense. He couldn’t ignore that it had been a limit though. “Does that bother you?”

  “No. I kissed her…I wanted her to know she wasn’t being used.” Ian’s voice faded, as though he was slowly drifting off to sleep. “If that’s all it means…that’s okay. I’ll take it.”

  It means more. So much fucking more. The lure of sleep escaped Shawn as he stared at the ceiling. He wished he hadn’t asked. He didn’t want what he had with Ian to be compared to a relationship with a girl who’d somehow managed to dig her claws into his man after a damn one-night stand.

  Jealous much? The cruel voice in his head was laughing at him. With good reason.

  If this was even half what Ian had felt when he’d walked in on Shawn and Richards…

  Suffer, asshole. Shawn ground his teeth, holding Ian a little tighter, careful not to wake him. Grateful that he hadn’t fucked up so badly that he’d lost the opportunity to hold the man he loved. You deserve it.

  But he hadn’t lost Ian. He’d come close, but never again.

  I hope the girl doesn’t mind sharing.

  She’d told Ian she didn’t, but Shawn found that hard to believe. He’d reserve judgment until he met her. Until he had a chance to let her in on one simple fact.

  He’s mine.

  Chapter 14

  The huge loading area on the bottom floor of the Center was the perfect place for some warm up before they headed onto the ice. Ian and seven other players were bumping a soccer ball between them as they stood in a wide circle. Ian kneed the ball toward Richards, laughing when the rookie dived forward to bounce the ball off his head.

  Things weren’t weird with the kid, which was cool. He’d wondered for a minute when he and Shawn had first gotten here, but Richards talked to Shawn like nothing had happened. He’d been a little wary of Ian at first, but when Ian brought up the new Avengers movie coming out that summer, he’d relaxed and that was the end of that.

  Richards wasn’t hung up on Shawn. They’d had their fun, and now life could go back to normal.

  Well, normal with the team anyway. Things were anything but normal between Ian and Shawn, but not in a bad way. He’d hated digging up all the uncomfortable stuff when they talked, but Shawn had made it feel good. So…well, it had been worth it. They were both in a better place. Understood one another.

  He still wasn’t sure how things would work with him getting serious with Shawn, while seeing how things developed with Sam, but there was no pressure. He’d been honest with both of them. A few players on the team had relationships with more than one person, and while he’d never seen that kinda life for himself, well…why not? Shawn didn’t like to feel tied down. And Ian was doing everything he could to make sure he didn’t.

  His phone, which he’d t
ucked into the waistband of his snug, black Under Armour shorts, buzzed and he held up his hand so the guys wouldn’t bump the ball his way. He checked the message and his face flamed as he saw the picture Sam had sent him.

  She was sitting in the middle of his bed, folding laundry.

  Completely naked.

  Holy fuck, that girl is hot.

  Someone ran into Ian’s side, shoving him playfully. “Whatever has you blushing like that’s gotta be good. Is Easy sending you nude photos from the locker room?”

  Ian’s eyes narrowed as Carter grabbed his phone. “Dude, you gotta thing for Shawn too?”

  “I fucking knew it! You’re calling him ‘Shawn’ now? Or is it ‘Master’?” Carter ducked behind Demyan, who was trying to check out Ian’s phone too. Then Carter made a choking sound. “Holy shit! This is my fucking sister.” He slammed Ian’s phone into the center of Demyan’s chest. “I need brain bleach. What the fuck, White?”

  Sam is Carter’s sister? Ian’s mouth went dry. He snatched his phone back before Demyan was tempted to take another look. Shit, this is bad. Really, really bad.

  All the guys were staring at him.

  He was shocked that Carter hadn’t tried to punch him yet. He tucked his phone away and held up his hands. “I swear, Carter. I didn’t know. I met her at Ford’s bar and… I’m sorry?”

  “You’re sorry? Why the hell would you be sorry?” Carter paced away, then back, raking his fingers through his hair. “My brain is broken. I’m done. Tell my mom I love her. Tell Jami and Seb that I…that I will try to come back to them if I ever regain consciousness.” He stopped and grinned like a crazy man as he faced Ian. “I’ve got a better idea. Maybe if you hit me really hard, I’ll get amnesia! That would be perfect!”

  Hit him? The kid had lost his mind.

  Demyan put his hands on Carter’s shoulder. “Calm the fuck down, buddy.”


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