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Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8

Page 22

by Bianca Sommerland

  Her dress rose up her thighs as she straddled him, but she didn’t care. With his hands on her hips, his lips soft as she leaned into him, she couldn’t think of anything beyond this moment. The way he sucked on her tongue made her ache in a way she never had. She could picture him sucking on her nipples. Almost feel his mouth between her thighs.

  Only a kiss, but more dangerous than anything. Because she craved all he could give. Everything the smooth dip of his tongue, the pressure of his smooth lips, offered.

  His hands cupped her ass, and she gasped, breathing hard as she lifted her head.

  He leaned up to press a tender kiss to her parted lips. “Shall we see if being spanked is as hot as you’ve imagined?”

  Yes! Her body was ready. Her mind…well, it had taken a vacation. Leaving her without the ability to answer in any way but a short nod.

  “I’ll accept that as a yes this time, pet. But next time, you will answer me properly. ‘Yes, Sir’. Or even ‘Yes, Shawn’.” He helped her down over his lap, petting her back in a way that had her eyes drifting shut. She should be nervous, but instead, she was completely relaxed. Ready to take whatever he offered. “I need to know if you’re overwhelmed.”

  “I’m not.” She could sense his approval at her words. She wasn’t sure how, but there was a shift in his demeanor. A lessening of the cautious tension she’d hardly noticed before. “Yes, Sir. I want to know if it’s what I imagined. Or more.”

  “Good girl.” He ran his hand over her ass, his tone low. Lulling her into a comfortable place, despite the awkward position. “The club safeword is red. Say it and I’ll stop. Yellow if you want to continue, but are frightened or uncomfortable.”

  “I’m not.”

  “No, but that may change. Don’t let pride get in the way. We’re getting to know one another. I need to trust you to tell me what works. And what doesn’t.”

  “That makes sense.” Talking so much about embarrassing stuff was weird, but she could get used to it. Telling him the truth from the start had been a good idea. They wouldn’t have come this far otherwise. And she was ready to go so much further. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.”

  “Yes, you will.” He massaged her ass cheeks, his thumb trailing down to her panties, lingering over the swatch of material that had grown damp with her arousal. She couldn’t hide how turned on she was, but his touch chased away any need to. He pressed his thumb against her and she whimpered at the surge of pleasure. “Some women prefer bra and panties as a barrier the first time. Would you like the same?”

  A barrier? She wiggled, wishing she could feel more of him. Going slowly would be smart, but she didn’t want to be careful. She had him tonight. And aside from the limits she’d set, she’d go anywhere he wanted to take her.

  “Use your words, Justina. I won’t assume you driving me insane, pressing your sweet little pussy against me, means I can take what I please.”

  “But you can!” She dug her nails into his leather-clad thighs as he slid his thumb under her panties, panting as he stroked her, spreading the slickness over her clit. “Oh fuck, please just…”

  “I will, sweet girl.” He bent down and pressed a light kiss on the base of her spine. “Brace yourself.”

  His hand came down and her whole body jerked as the shocking sting of heat spread. The smack hadn’t hurt, but it wasn’t a playful little tap. He hadn’t used his full strength either. Just enough for the dull ache to spread, lighting along her nerves, making her even more sensitive to his every touch.

  Another came quickly, followed by a third.

  She moaned as he slid a single finger into her. Her core tightened, and if she’d been wet before, now she was pure liquid. He withdrew his finger, slipping it back in as his hand came down on the side of her ass.

  “So pretty, Röschen. Your ass is already as red as your cheeks. You won’t have bruises, but one day…” His voice trailed off. He smacked her again, hitting both cheeks, easing another finger in as the swell of pleasure dragged her under. “You’re close. Spread your thighs, and hold on tight.”

  Moving into position without any conscious effort, Justina braced her hands against his thigh, pressing her face between them as he dipped his fingers in deep, smacking her ass in a steady rhythm. She muffled a cry against his leg as all the sensations built up within, bursting out like a violent chemical reaction, without the destruction. Cesium in water. Liquid nitrogen. Gasoline and fire.

  Her brain was trying very hard to make sense of all she felt, but her body had decided to soak it all in and ignore the random science analogies. Her bones weren’t functioning, but Shawn didn’t seem to notice as he pulled her into his arms and held her close.

  “So beautifully responsive.” Shawn kissed her cheek, smoothing her sweat-slicked hair away from her face. “Rest for a bit. I’m tempted to take you home with me, but I value my life, and I do believe, if I tried, at least one of your friends would kill me.”

  At first, his words were nothing but white noise. But as the delicious buzz faded, she couldn’t help looking around to try to figure out what he meant.

  About ten feet away, Akira stood, facing Mason, looking like she was ready to slug the big man. Cort stood at her side with a hand on her shoulder. Ford was at her other side, rubbing his chin and clearly trying very hard not to laugh.

  I love that woman, but seriously? Justina sighed and tried to sit up.

  Shawn shook his head and wrapped his arms around her. “Not yet, pet. You may reassure your friend after you speak to me. How do you feel?”

  She smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. “Amazing. But don’t tease me. I’d so go home with you if you asked. No one else gets to decide that for me.”

  His brow lifted slightly. Then he grinned. “I was only half joking, sweet girl. I rarely tease, but let your head clear before you consider anything else. Give it five minutes and going home with me will seem like a very bad idea.”

  Wrinkling her nose at him, she went back to watching Akira. She wished she could hear what she, or Mason, were saying. The man clearly wouldn’t let Akira pass. He kept shaking his head and giving Cort an irritated look.

  But Cort just shrugged, like he had no idea what he was supposed to do.

  Finally, Mason motioned for Akira to wait, then approached Justina and Shawn. He met Justina’s eyes, a concerned look on his face. “How are you doing, sweetie? I trust Pischlar, but you’re new here, so it’s natural that some will worry.”

  “I’m good.” Justina didn’t want to lift her head. Being held by Shawn was nice. Everything was nice. No reason to worry. “Shawn is awesome. Akira was so wrong about him.”

  One brow lifted, Mason glanced over her head at Shawn. “Was she now?”

  Shawn’s shoulder shifted as he rubbed her arm. “That depends on what she thinks I did to Justina. If my girl is comfortable with it, let Akira come talk to her.”

  “I’m comfortable.” Justina giggled when Mason shook his head and gestured for Akira to join them. People were being way too serious. Why couldn’t she enjoy herself without everyone freaking out?

  Akira stepped right up and knelt in front of her. “I shouldn’t have left you alone, honey. I’m so sorry.”


  “Because… Damn it, Justina. I don’t know what he told you, but what happens tonight? That’s all you’ll get from him.” Her eyes narrowed as Shawn sat up, still holding Justina close, but she could feel him tense. “She wouldn’t have played with you if she’d known, Pisch. I’m sorry, but you don’t get to use her to distract you from how fucked up things are with White.”

  Shawn went still. “Is that what you think I’m doing?”


  He laughed. “Pet, go back to your men. I understand that you’re protective, but you’ve gone too far.”

  Akira straightened, looking pretty tough in her leather studded bra and booty short getup. Her eyes narrowed. “I’m not the one who’s gone too far. You need to leave her a

  Okay, that’s quite enough. Justina pushed off Shawn’s lap and faced her friend. She loved that Akira was looking out for her, but she was tired of being so sheltered that she felt guilty about doing anything new. Unexpected. She was done letting other people decide what she could deal with.

  “Akira, I love you. You’re one of the best friends I’ve ever had, and I hope this doesn’t change anything.” Her eyes burned and her throat tightened. But she couldn’t back down. “I’m capable of saying no. I know what I want. Shawn hasn’t promised me anything, and I don’t expect him to.” Tears wet her lashes, and she blinked fast, hoping they wouldn’t spill and embarrass her even more. “Maybe I’m stupid and innocent, but—”

  “That’s not what I’m saying!” Akira paled, reaching out, then letting her hands fall to her sides. “I don’t want to see you hurt. You might think this is fun now, but tomorrow—”

  “Tomorrow I’ll still be me. I know what I want. I want to put on an amazing performance. To prove myself so one day, I can teach other girls to do what we do. That won’t change because I met a hot guy.” Her cheeks heated, and she was tempted to glance back at Shawn to make sure he didn’t feel used. But she had to finish. “Maybe, one day, my plans will include a future with a man. But they don’t now. There’s so much I need to experience first. Is that wrong? Maybe. But it’s what I want and I refuse to feel guilty about it.”

  “It’s not wrong, Justina. But you deserve someone who will take you seriously. Who won’t make you regret what you’ve given them in the morning.” Akira sighed as Justina hugged her. “I’m sorry. I need to mind my own business.”

  “No you don’t. I won’t.” Justina laughed as Akira rested her head on her shoulder. “Those two jerks giving you a hard time? Do I need to threaten them? I might not be scary on my own, but with Sahara and Jami, they might think twice.”

  Akira snorted. “I might take you up on that.” She cleared her throat, raising her voice a little, obviously so her men would hear her. “The worst thing is they’re fighting about hockey, and it’s making them both unbearable.”

  Cort’s jaw ticked, but he flashed Akira a tight smile. “You’re absolutely right, Tiny. I shouldn’t give Ford a hard time. Hell, maybe he should get on his knees and start sucking off all the players. They need all the help they can get.”

  “I wouldn’t object to that.” Shawn smirked when Akira glared at him. “I apologize. I’ll behave.”

  Justina snickered, pretty sure she should be shocked, but not feeling it. She liked Shawn’s relaxed attitude about sex. And even if he was only half joking, he’d effortlessly defused the situation.

  Ford laughed and shook his head.

  Rolling her eyes, Akira muttered under her breath. “Like I believe that.”

  “Do you feel better, Shorty?” Ford put an arm around Akira, pulling her to his side and laying a kiss on her hair. “Justina’s got this. And I want to get home so we can finish our…” He made a face, as though he tasted something sour. “Discussion.”

  “Cort’s still working for another hour.”

  “Well damn, completely forgot.”

  “You’re so full of shit.” Akira shrugged his arm off, turning to face both her men. “If you two don’t work things out, I’m spending the night at Sahara’s.”

  Mason, who stepped away to watch over a nearby flogging scene, glanced over, his lips slanted with amusement. “You will not. Sahara’s packed up most of her apartment and put it in storage for when we get our new house. There’s nowhere for you to sleep.”


  “You may come to our place though. I hate that she’s had to do so much of the packing on her own—she refuses to let me hire someone.” Mason tilted his head, turning his attention to Justina. “You’re more than welcome to come as well. Kimber enjoyed spending time with you.”

  The kid was a sweetie, and Justina loved hanging out with her, but not tonight. The girl would be sleeping by now. And Justina had plans. “Thank you, Mason. I’ll stop by tomorrow sometime and help however I can.”

  “That would be much appreciated.” Mason smiled, inclined his head to Shawn, then headed off to supervise the various scenes around the club.

  Closer to the front, play seemed fairly tame. The odd snap of the whip made Justina jump—she hadn’t really noticed it before, but the one Callahan was using for a demonstration was long and loud. The club members milling around gave him a wide berth.

  A soft crackle came from an area sectioned off by a tall divider. She had no idea what was going on back there, but she suddenly wanted to see everything. The expected spanking had happened, which had been awesome. She was seriously considering going home with Shawn, which would be…

  Damn, she wasn’t sure, but she imagined it would be hot. If Akira hadn’t gotten all over-protective, Justina might have dragged him out the door already.

  Since they were still here, would it be wrong of her to explore? What was the protocol? Maybe people didn’t like being watched?

  Curving a hand around her hip, Shawn spoke close to her ear. “Just ask, Röschen.”

  She nibbled at the tip of her tongue. Looked over to see Akira squabbling with her men. She hoped they worked things out, but she really didn’t know how to help them out anymore.

  Maybe she could be a little selfish. Just this once.

  “Do you know if anyone would mind me checking out some of the scenes? I don’t want to seem like a voyeur, but—”

  “Voyeurism is one of the many kinks you’ll find here, sweetie. And many of the players are exhibitionists. They’ll enjoy you watching.” He took her hand, guiding her away from the lounge area. “What are you most curious about?”

  The strange crackling sounded again, followed by a low, masculine moan. She stared at the partition. It was probably there for a reason.

  “Words, Justina. Don’t make me remind you again.” Shawn wrapped her hair around his hand, tugging lightly as he brought his lips close to hers. “I wouldn’t be much of a Dom if I didn’t teach you the rules.”

  “Are there rules for one night, Sha—Sir?” Her nipples tightened at his dark look. Oh, she liked this. Which was odd. She had a feeling she’d get in trouble if she pushed. Part of her wanted him happy with her, but a mischievous side she hadn’t even known she had wondered if he’d actually punish her for breaking these ‘rules’.

  Shawn’s low chuckle had a dangerous edge that made her tingle all over. “Who said I’ll be done with you after one night?”


  “Yes, but everyone isn’t making decisions for us, now are they?” He lifted his shoulders dismissively,, then jerked his chin toward the partition. “That’s likely Bower doing electroplay. Say ‘That sounds so fucking cool, Sir! Pretty please, may I see it?’”

  She giggled, rising up on her tiptoes to kiss him. “Those exact words? Or just ‘Pretty please, Sir?”

  He slid his hands down over her ass and grinned. “Ask like that and I’ll give you anything.”

  “Anything?” She spun away from him, reaching back to grab his hand before he said more sweet things that would have her thinking beyond a casual experience. The speech had to be coming at any moment. She’d braced herself to hear it.

  The idea of him cooking for her. Of him teaching her about the lifestyle. Of this being more than one night?

  She knew better than to let herself hope.

  Better to take things one step at a time.

  He stopped her at the edge of the partition. Gave her hand a little squeeze. “Just about anything, Justina. I’m enjoying myself a lot more than I thought I would tonight.”

  Her throat tightened. She inhaled roughly. “So am I, but…but I don’t want to start worrying about why that is. I want us to be friends. I want to try things I never have before, with no regrets. I don’t want you to feel used, but I can’t think about tomorrow. I’d rather end this now if there will be hard feelings.”

  His lips parted. He
stared at her, the edges of his lips quirking up suddenly as he let out a soft laugh. “So I can’t keep you?”

  “Isn’t that how this works, Shawn?”

  He inclined his head. “Yes. That is exactly how this works.” He shook his head then took her hand again. “Come. If nothing else, let’s make this a memorable night.”

  Karma was a bitch. Shawn wasn’t sure what he wanted to do more. Laugh his ass off or bang his head against the closest wall.

  Justina was everything he usually avoided, but somehow, exactly what he needed. He loved how she reacted to every experience. How willing she was to try new things. She had spunk and an easygoing attitude. She came off as shy at first, but once she gained her bearings, she was fun and sweet, and her inquisitiveness was damn sexy. The things he could teach her…

  He needed more than one night to do so. More than a few hours to get to know her, to explore that beautiful body, to taste every inch of her. To learn what makes her smile. What would make her scream out in ecstasy.

  By his own rules, her proposition was perfect. No strings. No expectations.

  Fuck that. How about a few ropes? Where the hell is Carter?

  Likely at home, since his sister was here. Some club members made a point of avoiding nights family members planned to play. Oriana, Silver, and Ford didn’t seem to have an issue with it, but they rarely played in the same area. Cam tended to watch the door when Mason played.

  Carter was sometimes uncomfortable with his friends watching his scenes with Ramos and Jami. His sister would be an issue.

  Is an issue. Shawn had managed not to dwell on White, but he couldn’t help look back at where he’d been sceneing with Chicklet and that girl.

  Sam was the one on the cross now, while White stood off to the side with Zovko, drinking a bottle of water and nodding at whatever Zovko was saying. Maybe Zovko had found another way to get a piece of White.

  Which didn’t bother Shawn nearly as much as the idea that his man would be going home with Sam at the end of the night.


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