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Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8

Page 34

by Bianca Sommerland

  And she had to. She had to know what he ‘liked’ about her so she could keep doing it. Once he headed out for the game in Toronto, he would belong to Shawn. And Shawn had every damn advantage. He was fun. Uncomplicated.

  They call him ‘Easy’ for a reason.

  He was all the things she wasn’t. Her pathetic intro into BDSM wouldn’t put her on his level anytime soon. What did she have to offer that Ian couldn’t get from Shawn?

  You mean Shawn and Justina.

  She fisted her hands by her sides as she considered the other girl. So adorable and innocent. A good girl. The type of girl Ian would probably want if he wasn’t stuck with Sam.

  Got a wild pity party going on up in here!

  “Shut up.” Sam shoved the blanket off and stood. No way was she going to lose her man to Miss fucking purity. Of course, the chick wouldn’t be so pure, now that Shawn had gotten his hands on her, but that was even worse. Shawn knew what Ian liked. He could mold Justina into the perfect woman for him.

  Sam could sit back and feel sorry for herself, or she could stand up to the challenge.

  She heard the distinct sound of a chip bag being ripped open in the kitchen.

  Then Ian’s phone vibrating. She glanced over at the sofa, bending down to fish it out from between the sofa cushions.

  “Ian, your phone!”

  “I’ll be right there. Can you answer and tell them to give me a minute?”

  “Sure!” She cleared her throat and accepted the call. “Hello?”

  “Oh dear, I must have the wrong number.” The woman sounded very upset. “My nurse called for me. I apologize.”

  Her nurse? Sam spoke quickly before the woman could hang up. “Are you calling for Ian? He’ll be just a minute. I’m his…friend. Samantha.”

  “Yes, I am! I’m his grandmother.” The woman let out a soft laugh. “Have we spoken before? I don’t remember him having a young lady in his life, but I forget so much.”

  “No, we only started dating recently. But it’s a pleasure to have gotten a chance to speak to you.” Sam looked up as Ian came over, holding bowls of chips and dip, and two beers. “He’s here, I’ll pass him the—”

  “No rush, sweetheart. I’d like to know more about you. Do you live in Dartmouth?”

  “Yes. Actually, I’m living with your grandson.” Maybe she shouldn’t have said that. Her cheeks heated. “I mean…well, he was nice enough to give me somewhere to stay until I find my own place.”

  The old woman chuckled. “That’s my boy. So giving. I’ve been hoping he’d find a sweet young thing and stop running around with all those loose women. Not to say there’s anything wrong with a young man sowing his wild oats, but I think he’s ready to settle down.”

  “I hope so.” Sam bit her bottom lip and lifted her gaze to Ian, who was gulping down his beer, staring at her like the conversation was making him nervous. “I’m really enjoying our time together.”

  Ian visibly relaxed, his lips curving slightly at the edges.

  “I’m very happy to hear that, my dear. Now let me talk to my grandson. If you’re not too busy this summer, maybe you could come with him to visit?”

  “I’d like that very much.” Sam grinned, deciding she really like Ian’s grandmother. The woman didn’t know her, but it was cool to have someone treat her like she wasn’t the biggest mistake any man could make. “Goodbye, Mrs. White.”

  “Please, call me Estelle. It’s been a pleasure, Samantha.”

  After handing Ian the phone, Sam picked up her beer, idly flipping through the stations on TV as she enjoyed the light, malty flavor. She loved how calm Ian was, talking to his grandmother. There was something about the way he spoke that made it seem like he hadn’t heard from her in a long time.

  “Yes, I’m still playing for the Cobras, Grandma.” He laughed. “No, I’m twenty-seven now. I eat just fine. No, she doesn’t cook for me. Yes, she’s cleaned…I know I’m messy, but I’m getting better.” He went quiet. “Umm…yeah, I have my plane ticket for next month, but I can get her one. I’ll ask her.” He sighed. “No, Grandma, I’m not ashamed of you! None of those girls were important enough… No, I don’t mean that I used them. Can we not talk about this?”

  Sam hid her smile behind her beer when Ian shot her an exasperated look.

  “I know I’m not a kid anymore. At this point, I’ll beg her to come, all right?” He snorted. “That’s not funny. Grandma! Bribing me with food isn’t fair. You don’t need to do anything special. Yes. I promise. I will. She loves you too.” His voice hitched. “I love you too.”

  Placing his phone on the coffee table, Ian lowered to the sofa beside her, staring blindly ahead as he rubbed his thighs.

  “Hey.” Sam put her hand over one of his. “What’s wrong?”

  He lifted his shoulders and swallowed hard. “She was doing awesome until the end. Then she thought I was my father. And she told me to give my mother a kiss for her.”

  “Oh, Ian…I’m sorry.” Sam set down her beer and pulled him into a tight hug. He hadn’t shared anything about his family with her, but she had a feeling the reminder of his parents hadn’t been pleasant. “They’re…they’re not around anymore?”

  “No. I lost them both when I was little. She raised me.” He rolled his shoulders. “It’s tough, but she wouldn’t want me getting all depressed. And she was herself when she asked me to take you to see her. You don’t have to. She’ll probably forget, but—”

  “I’d love to.” Sam grabbed both beers off the table, handing Ian his. “Look, I know we haven’t known one another long, but you’ve been here for me. I’m not just here for when things are easy.”

  Taking a sip of his beer, Ian arched a brow. “Do you mean exactly that, or am I missing something?”

  Okay, she had sorta, ‘accidentally’, thrown in Shawn’s nickname, but she meant what she’d said. The good thing was, Ian would take her at her word. So she simply smiled. “You’re not missing anything. I mean it. Actually, it’ll be nice to do something for you for a change.”

  Ian’s beer hit the table hard. He pulled her into his arms, lips claiming hers in a rough, passionate kiss that left her breathless. Then he tangled his hands in her hair. “Do you really believe you’ve done nothing for me, Sam? Just having you here, just coming home and holding you, and relaxing while watching a movie… Hell, just holding you at night. I love it. I love how comfortable I am with you. And people might think comfortable is boring, but it’s not. I need this, Sam. I need you.”

  Those words…damn it, she never thought anyone would ever say them to her. Never say them and mean them anyway.

  ‘I need you.’

  In that moment, Ian had gone from being a great guy, to being the most amazing fucking man in the world. He knew how messed up she was, and he didn’t care. He’d seen her at her worst, accepted when she couldn’t give him what he could find anywhere else, and still wanted her.

  She didn’t deserve him. Wasn’t sure she knew how to keep him. But she had more reasons—more now than ever—to try.

  Shoving him back, then rising to push him onto the sofa, she latched onto the button of his jeans, snapping it open. “If you even try to stop me, I will hurt you.”

  As she fisted her hand around his dick, he let his head fall back and groaned. She grinned as she circled the head of his cock with her tongue. Already, the slick, salty taste of precum wet the tip. She wrapped her lips around his hot length as she knelt, palming his heavy balls and slipping her wet lips down slowly.

  “Sam…oh fuck, that’s good.” He stroked his hand over her hair. “You don’t have to—”

  “Shut up, Ian.” She grazed her teeth over him, letting out a soft laugh when he hissed in a sharp breathe. “Hands by your sides. Take what I’m giving you. Nothing more.”

  Sucking him in deep, pleasure filled her as he obeyed her commands, latching on the cushion by his hips and holding perfectly still. She licked up the length of his cock, enjoying the steady pulse under her
tongue, taking her time tasting his hot flesh. Right now, in this moment, he was all hers. Completely powerless.

  Which was a heady feeling. She’d never come from giving a guy a blowjob, but she was close. She undid her own jeans and slid her hand into her panties, matching the rapid stroke of her lips as she rubbed her clit.

  The spark of pleasure intensified, and she lifted her head, letting Ian slip from her mouth as she cried out. Her core tightened on nothing, but the sizzle along her nerves burst out, pulling her into a flood of pure ecstasy.

  Her first instinct was to languish in the pleasure. Her second was to make sure Ian found his release as well. Then the strangest thought occurred to her.

  What would Chicklet do?

  Not that they’d ever discussed this kinda thing in detail, but Chicklet could be mean. And she always had her reasons. She managed two men, one a fucking Dom, and the world seemed ready to bend to her will.

  Sam was tired of playing Shawn’s game on his terms. He always seemed so in control. He probably expected any efforts Sam made to be pathetic. To show Ian how much more he had to offer.

  What if she changed the rules on him?

  Resting on the floor, thighs pressed together, she sank into the sweet, dwindling sensations of bliss still lingering in her core. That Ian didn’t move pleased her. She was able to enjoy the lazy euphoria soaking into her without distraction.

  Feeling a little high on power and pleasure, she rose to her feet. Did up her jeans.

  And smiled down at the man who’d clearly reached a level of need that was almost visibly painful. “You should get ready.”

  Uncertainty filled Ian’s eyes. “What?”

  “I don’t want you to be late. But I enjoyed that very much.” She leaned close to him, brushing a tender kiss over his lips. “Tell Shawn I said ‘You’re welcome.’”

  Chapter 29

  Joining the crowd in the private lounge at the airport, all there to see the players off before their flight to Toronto, Justina couldn’t help feeling out of place. With Bran in her arms, she’d at least had a purpose, but within minutes of stepping into the room, he was calling out for Ford.

  “Little bloody traitor.” Kimber held tight to Justina’s hand as Ford swung Bran up in the air and the little boy giggled. “Don’t he care that Heath is gonna be gone for days? He can see Ford any time.”

  “I don’t think he understands that, cutie.” Justina bumped against Kimber’s side playfully as she made her way around the throng of wives and children, losing Heath somewhere along the way. A few of the families would be making the trip as well, but they’d be taking commercial flights later today.

  Shawn had suggested Justina go. Take the kids to watch their brother play. Which was sweet, but the Ice Girls were involved in some local fan events, which she couldn’t miss.

  And Kimber had no interest in making the trip.

  Acting all tough, fists clenched, bottom lip trembling, Kimber had glared at Shawn when he asked her if she wanted to go to Toronto.

  “Really? Dominik’s still in the hospital. Shit, what if something happens to him? What if Sahara needs me?” Her eyes flooded with tears. “Bloody hell, she probably won’t. I’ve been a fucking cu—”

  Placing one finger over her lips, Shawn inclined his head, his expression grave. “You have a point, little one. Sahara cares about you. I think you can be there for one another.”

  “She might not want me around anymore.”

  “Oh, Kimber.” Shawn pulled the fragile teen into his arms, holding her as he met Justina’s eyes. She could tell he wanted to comfort Kimber. To erase her insecurities. And being the man he was, not having all the answers bothered him. “You’ve had it rough. And I understand you not trusting people. But trust Sahara. Believe me, she not only wants you around. She needs you as much as you need her.”

  This man was going to steal his way into Justina’s heart without even trying. He was with Callahan now, looking very serious as he listened to the assistant coach, nodding. He was taking Carter’s left wing spot on the first line. And he was ready.

  As soon as they’d reached the airport, he’d gained a focus she couldn’t help but respect. Taken a few minutes to speak to all the rookies. To greet the players’ wives and kids. She wasn’t sure he knew how important he was to the team. How the very atmosphere changed the second he walked into a room.

  There were other core members of the team who made up the heart and soul, but Shawn held his own unique spot. He was the vibrant pulse. The player whose steady rhythm didn’t always fit with what was expected, but never stopped. Never slowed down. Despite all the challenges facing the team every day, they could count on him to find a way to get through the worst with a crooked grin and a never-say-die attitude.

  Kimber was still giving her little brother dirty looks, so Justina led the girl over to Ford, who was gushing over his new nephew in the most adorable way as Bran tried to steal the baby’s blue teddy bear.

  Cort and Akira stood a few feet behind him, Cort grinning and Akira biting her bottom lip, her eyes full of longing. She’d called Justina this morning, confessing that she wished she was pregnant. And then went over all the reasons she wasn’t ready.

  Being a good friend, Justina had listened, not contradicting her, smiling as Akira talked herself into and out of having a baby. The call ended with Akira agreeing Justina could be in charge of the baby shower when she did make up her mind. Jami had too much going on and Sahara would make it a huge thing.

  The three girls had such a close friendship, Justina had no words for how amazing it felt to have them include her.

  Speaking of her friends, she spotted Jami with Ramos, eyes red like she’d been crying.

  Justina glanced over at Akira.

  Akira looked at Kimber.

  And Kimber snickered. “Go do your girl thing. I wanna see the baby. And Ford needs to stop letting Bran be a brat.”

  Umm… Justina hesitated as Kimber joined the Delgado siblings and their partners, snatching the blue bear from her brother and laying it back in the stroller by the baby. Bran glared at her, clinging to Ford with one arm and sticking his thumb in his mouth.

  Striding over, Akira hooked her arm to Justina’s and led her toward Jami. “He’s got this. And if he doesn’t…well, Kimber hasn’t met Cort yet, has she? He’ll teach her some new words. Expand her vocabulary.”

  Justina stopped short. Sahara would not be happy if Kimber went home swearing more than she already did.

  “Relax, I’m teasing.” Akira chuckled. “My men are good with kids. If they weren’t, my life would be much simpler. Ugh!”

  “Aww, I feel sorry for you. I really do.”

  “You’re starting to sound like Pisch. Not sure if that’s a good thing.” Akira let out a soft huff. “At least you won’t have to worry about baby drama.”

  Ouch. Justina pulled away from Akira, frowning at her. “Why would you say that?”

  Akira’s brow furrowed. She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth then sighed. “I stopped worrying so much because you were clear that you were just having fun with him. I just meant… Damn it, I’m sorry.”

  Inhaling slowly, Justina shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I’m not even sure why that bugged me. I’m turning twenty in a month. I don’t want kids for a long time. And me and Shawn aren’t…well, it’s not something we would even…” Could she sound even more ridiculous? She rolled her eyes. “Even if it was serious, or going to be, we’ve known each other just a few days.”

  “Yeah…” Akira’s gaze fixed on something across the lounge. “Pretty sure you’ve crossed the serious line, hon. I’ve never seen him look at a girl like he looks at you.”

  One look at Shawn and Justina’s pulse sped up. He was still standing with the assistant coach, but Callahan had joined in on the teddy bear debate between Kimber and Bran. While Kimber blocked Bran’s reach for the bear, she faced off against both Cort and Callahan, her stance all teen defiance. She’d probably sai
d something they didn’t like. Callahan seemed to be in lecture mode, and Cort was shaking his head.

  With all the noise around him, Shawn was looking at her like they were alone. Like the distance between them could be crossed in a breath. Like he wanted to cross it and forget everything else.

  He winked and turned his attention back to Callahan, stepping closer to Kimber and saying something that made the teen smile triumphantly.

  Pressing her hands to her hot cheeks, Justina shifted her own focus back to Jami. She exchanged a look with Akira and joined their friend at the edge of the crowd.

  “Mi amor, estare contigo una eternidad. Nunca me iré de tu lado ni cuando respira por última vez. Eres la razón de mi existir. Sin ti no soy nada.” Ramos tipped Jami’s chin up with a finger, his Spanish accent thick as he whispered to her. “What you have…given us both, is not something to fear. Your father says you are not ready. I say we are.”

  Tears spilled down Jami’s cheeks. “Are we? Luke…Luke is a mess.”

  “No tengas miedo, mi vida. Juntos podemos con cualquier cosa.” Ramos spoke slowly, and Jami seemed to understand most of what he said. She let out a soft, relieved laugh and hid her face against his chest. He kissed the top of her head.

  “I’ll give him shit while you’re gone. But I won’t tell him until you get back.”

  Ramos frowned. “Jami, he needs to know.”

  “He will. When I’m not mad at him.” Jami jutted her chin up and scowled. “No one else needs to know yet.”

  Brow lifted, Ramos glanced over at Justina and Akira. “I think it would be good for you if your friends did.”

  Akira crossed the distance between her and Jami in a split second, laughing as she kissed Jami’s cheeks. “Baby, I already knew. You turned down a cheeseburger with bacon and cheese and—”

  “Akira,” Ramos said, soft, but firm.

  Justina approached Jami, laying her hand on her friend’s shoulder. Jami had gone white. Food apparently wasn’t her friend. “Deep breaths. No more talk of food. Your doctor will help you figure out how to eat what you need. My mom couldn’t eat anything when she got pregnant with my brother, but the nausea passed after the first trimester.”


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