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Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8

Page 43

by Bianca Sommerland

  Still not enough.

  “More. Please, Shawn. I want—”

  “’Want’?” Shawn let out a soft laugh, pressing another finger into him. “If you only want more, you’re not nearly desperate enough. Let’s work on that, shall we?”

  Standing behind him, Shawn withdrew his fingers, hushing Ian when he let out a needy sound he wasn’t sure he’d ever made before. His brain was getting hazy. All his focus was on what his body craved. Which was Shawn. Shawn and whatever the hell the man wanted to do to him.

  Two slick fingers filled him, curving and sending a surge of pleasure through him so intense, Ian’s knees buckled.

  Bringing a hand around the front of Ian’s neck, Shawn spoke softly in his ear. “I want to hear you scream. I need Justina to know exactly what we’re doing. When I’m done with you, you’re going to thank me by making her come. I need to see my pets playing nice. You’ll do that for me, won’t you?”

  Holy fuck! Ian nodded, pretty sure he’d agree to anything Shawn asked of him. He’d only spoken to Justina a few times, hadn’t even kissed her yet, but if Shawn wanted to use him to give her pleasure? Yeah, they could get through the formalities some other time.

  “Good boy.” Shawn worked his fingers in deeper, moving them faster, his knuckles hitting Ian’s ass with each rapid thrust. “Don’t you dare come yet, but tell me how close you are. Tell me how much you need me to fuck this tight, sexy ass.”

  “I need you, Shawn. Mien Herr! Sir! Lord and fucking Master! God…oh god!” Ian bit into his cheek as the pleasure built up at the base of his spine. “Please…please, I can’t…”

  The emptiness came suddenly, and Ian muttered words. Or something like words. The water was cooling, but his flesh was burning hot. He fisted his hands against the wall.

  “No, Bärchen. Keep your hands flat on the wall. Relax as much as you can.” Shawn turned off the shower. He smiled as Ian glanced over his shoulder at him, ripping the condom wrapper with his teeth. “You didn’t think I was done with you, did you?”

  Ian shook his head, flattening his hands again, bracing himself as he felt Shawn’s dick slide between his ass cheeks. Not pressing in, but moving against him. Shawn wrapped his arms around Ian, stroking his chest as he kissed his shoulder, then grazed his teeth up Ian’s throat.

  “You’re so fucking hot, Ian. So hot.” Shawn’s flesh glided against his, still wet from the shower. “I need you to take me. Can you do that for me?”

  One of Shawn’s hands moved between them. The head of his cock pressed in gently, not going deep, simply testing him. A little deeper. The stretch burned and Ian hissed in a sharp breath.

  “Can you, Ian?”

  The pressure left him. Ian inhaled, trying to relax as Shawn’s slicked up fingers filled him again.

  “I’m trying.” Ian gritted his teeth as Shawn’s dick replaced his fingers again. “Fuck, when did you get so big, man?”

  Shawn chuckled. “Flattery will get you everywhere. Press against me, Bruiser. The pain won’t lessen if you fight it.”

  Pushing back, Ian cursed as the head of Shawn’s cock penetrated him. It took everything he had not to jerk away. The liquid fire shit Shawn had used on him last time had hurt less.

  “Shh… Hold still. It will pass.” Shawn kissed his throat and brought his hand down to slide it loosely over Ian’s dick. “Tell me when you’re ready for more.”

  Pressure in the base of Ian’s spine built up, flipping from pleasure to pain, back and forth as Shawn stroked his dick. The sensations melted into one, like molten metal, liquid in the heat. He moved his hips, tipping his head back as Shawn sank in deeper.

  “Now.” The friction wasn’t enough. Ian’s jaw clenched as he thrust back against Shawn. “I need more now.”

  Instead of giving him more, Shawn pulled out. When he pressed into Ian again, his dick was so slick, he glided in with little pain. His pelvis fit against Ian’s ass. His hands latched on to Ian’s hips. He laid an open-mouthed kiss on Ian’s shoulder.

  “Fuck, you have no idea how good you feel around me. Don’t let me hurt you, Ian.” Shawn moved slowly, drawing out slightly, then pushing in. “Swear to me you’ll tell me if I hurt you.”

  “I swear.” Ian shifted his hips, so turned on, he wasn’t sure he could feel pain anymore. “That feels good. Keep doing that.”

  Working into him at a steady pace, Shawn bit his shoulder, sharpening the pleasure until Ian was shaking with the need to come. But he didn’t. He wouldn’t. Not yet…

  Pulling out almost all the way, Shawn slammed in and Ian shouted as he lost all control. He couldn’t hold back the violent wave of ecstasy. He shuddered as he came hard, his cum hitting the wall.

  Hips slamming against Ian’s ass, Shawn let out a low growl, his hand slapping the wall by Ian’s head. He wrapped one arm around Ian, moaning as Ian’s muscles tensed involuntarily.

  “Holy fuck, don’t do that.” Shawn released a breathless laugh. “Shit. That hurts.”

  Ian frowned, but did his best to hold still. “What hurts?”

  Easing out of him carefully, Shawn leaned against the wall, pressing a hand to his ribs. “I think the pain meds wore off.”

  Grinding his teeth, Ian stepped out of the shower, cursing as he realized they hadn’t grabbed any towels. “Why didn’t you say anything? This could have waited.”

  “No.” Shawn’s tone changed, gaining a rough edge that worried Ian. “It couldn’t have.”

  A chill ran over Ian’s damp flesh. He didn’t doubt that Shawn had wanted him, but part of the timing was probably exactly what he’d said. He needed to forget. And the pain from his abused body made it difficult.

  He needed to distract Shawn. Let him focus on what had just happened, rather than drift back to what had been done to him. He returned to the shower, turning it on, pleased to see the hot water was back.

  After gently removing the condom from Shawn’s dick, he reached out of the shower to toss it in the trash beneath the counter. Then he grabbed the body wash and rubbed his hands together.

  Not sure anything else needed to be said, he rubbed the soap over Shawn’s chest, kneeling to carefully wash his man’s slackening cock. He loved Shawn’s dick. He’d never really spent time to admire it before, there was usually a condom covering it by the time it was anywhere close to his face, but the snug foreskin fascinated him. He took his time running his curved hand over it, moving the skin over the thick head of Shawn’s cock.

  Shawn groaned as his dick began to harden a little in Ian’s hand. “You need to stop that. I’m not as young as you are. I don’t recover that fast.”

  Ian smirked as Shawn’s dick proved him wrong. It wasn’t fully hard, but hard enough to torture the man a bit. He let the water rinse off the rest of the soap, then licked away the droplets.

  “Jesus, Ian!” Shawn thunked his head against the shower wall. Then brought a hand to his temple. “Oh shit…okay. Enough playtime. I need to sit down before I pass out.”

  You really are an idiot. Ian shot to his feet, quickly rinsing himself off, then helping Shawn out of the shower with an arm around his waist. He lead Shawn to the toilet, still covered with the only towel he’d brought in, then stepped out into the hall to grab some towels from the closet.

  A tiny yelp made him drop the towels. He stared at Justina, who was standing there with a pile of folded clothes at her feet.

  “Shit, sorry.” Ian crossed the hall as she bent down, helping her pick up the clothes. “I…uh…”

  “You’re very naked.” Justina blushed as they both straightened. “I knew things might… I mean, that we might…” She cleared her throat. “I didn’t think I’d be seeing your dick before you sweet talked me out of my own clothes.”

  Eyes wide, Ian stared at her. Then he grinned. “Damn, girl. No wonder you handle Shawn so well. Hold that thought. I think I broke him.”

  Her eyes narrowed. She followed him to the bathroom, dropping the clothes on the counter and crouching down in f
ront of Shawn. “What did he do?”

  Lifting the back of his hand to his forehead dramatically, obviously feeling better already, Shawn sighed. “He’s insatiable. Completely unsympathetic about my condition.”

  Justina didn’t seem to realize Shawn was messing with her. She glared at Ian, then took Shawn’s hand, helping him to his feet. “Maybe I need to repeat everything the doctor said, so he gets that you need to rest.”

  “Or…” Shawn stopped her in the hall, toying with the top button of her cute pink blouse. “You should strip, get in my bed, and make him suffer.”

  Lips parted, Justina looked from Shawn to Ian, stunned. She might be good at handling Shawn, but Ian had a feeling she still had a lot to learn.

  No surprise there. After a few years, so did he.

  Maybe, together, they could compare notes and gain the advantage.

  Unlikely, but it would be fun to try.

  Chapter 37

  Justina couldn’t get past the doorway to Shawn’s room. Despite Shawn’s teasing, and how turned on she was after hearing the two men in the shower, she just couldn’t bring herself to take that next step.

  She liked Ian. She wanted to…to see how things would develop between them, but she couldn’t dismiss how worried about Shawn she still was. She totally got Shawn needing Ian to help him forget the last man he’d let touch him, even if only for a little while, but how the hell would her and Ian fooling around help him?

  Reclined on his bed, a white towel wrapped around his waist, Shawn folded his arms behind his head and glanced over at Ian expectantly. “You made me a promise, Bärchen.”

  “I know, but…” Ian shot her an apologetic look. “I don’t think she’s in the mood. And I don’t blame her. She’s right. You need to rest.”

  “I will rest. Come here, Röschen.”

  Approaching the bed, Justina glanced over at Ian. “Bärchen?”

  “Little bear.” Ian’s cheeks went red. “It’s a nickname.”

  Snickering, Justina let her eyes trail over him, thankfully he was covered with a towel now as well. It made keeping things light much easier. “What part of you is ‘little’ exactly?”

  A crooked grin spread across his lips. “Nothing important.”

  She smiled at him slyly then crawled onto the bed, leaning over Shawn. “Is this a new game, Shawn? Can you teach me how to play?”

  Trailing his fingers from her cheek, down to her throat, Shawn inclined his head. Little goosebumps rose all over her skin as he flipped open the buttons of her blouse, his eyes on her face as he slid it off her arms.

  “This goes no further than you’re comfortable with, Justina.” He brushed his fingers along her collarbone, between her breasts, and over her stomach, his feather light touch making her shiver. “He is mine. He will be yours if you want him. I want you to enjoy him as much as I do.”

  All the talk of flirting and seducing the other man, and here she was, feeling like a virgin all over again. Whatever she’d said, she couldn’t make the first move. She pressed her teeth into her bottom lip.

  “Being shy isn’t part of the game, pet.” Shawn used his knuckles to lightly tip up her chin. “Would you prefer if I was in control?”

  “But you’re resting.”

  “And I shall continue to. Yes or no, Justina?”

  She considered him, then looked at Ian, who hadn’t moved any closer. This step had been expected, almost a natural progression of the relationship, strange as that sounded. But it wasn’t one either she or Ian would have taken any time soon. From what she knew of her man’s man, he was gentle, and used to giving what others needed from him. Which was exactly why Sam had been so dangerous.

  From the sounds of it, Sam wasn’t an issue anymore. Which made Justina more comfortable. As much as she disliked the other woman, fooling around with a guy in a relationship didn’t feel right. Even if things were open, she needed to know everyone involved was on board. And Sam never would have been. Not when it came to Justina.

  There was nothing stopping them now. And damn it, whether or not anything lasting developed between them, she couldn’t resist the opportunity to take what Shawn offered.

  He wouldn’t share Ian with just anyone, anymore than he’d share her with someone he didn’t trust.

  The only question that remained… Was she ready to experience all that a relationship with ‘Easy’ consisted of?

  Wetting her lips with her tongue, she nodded. “Yes.”

  “Good girl.” Shawn stroked her arm, then leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “Kiss him.”

  Resting her forehead on his shoulder, Justina drew in a few bracing breaths. She could do this. Ian was a damn good-looking man. Strong and sweet and totally in love with the same man she loved. What more did she need?


  She twisted around as Ian slid up behind her. The look in his eyes as he framed her face in his hands gave her exactly what she’d been missing. His clear blue eyes were filled with lust, but there was something else. He saw her.

  Not just a woman Shawn was giving him to play with. Not another toy in their man’s arsenal.

  He gathered her hair in his hand, closing the distance between them, and her heart raced. His lips touched hers, and she gasped at the sharp spark of pleasure flowing through her. He must have felt it too, because he groaned, wrapping his arms around her to lift her against him.

  She laced her fingers behind his neck, whimpering at the insatiable need building within. So hot. So powerful. Almost overwhelming, but the bruising pressure of his lips kept her from drowning in the desire. His rapid breaths, his strong hold, each smooth dip of his tongue, intensified the feeling of being carried away by a powerful current.

  His hands slid down her back, unclipping her bra. His lips left hers only long enough to ease the white lace off her breasts. Then he kissed her again, lowering her to the bed, gliding his lips down her throat. He cupped her breast in his big, calloused hand. Her back bowed as he ran his thumb over her nipple.

  “She’s beautiful, isn’t she, Ian?” Shawn latched on to her hands, anchoring her as Ian licked and sucked down to her tightening nipples. “Fuck, you two are hot together.”

  Ian circled her nipple with his tongue, then moved to the other, holding her breasts close together, making her squirm as he sucked harder. He let out a rough sound that sent a surge of longing deep into her core.

  “Shawn, I need…” Ian hooked his fingers to the edge of her panties, working them down as she lifted her hips. “You sweet, gorgeous woman. Damn it, Justina, I want to taste you.”

  “Mmm.” Justina threw her head back as his mouth covered her pussy, heightening the liquid heat building within. His tongue circled her clit in a rapid figure eight and she cried out as the climax hit her, bursting out so suddenly her whole body jerked with the overpowering sensation.

  Kissing her hip, Ian brought his hand between her thighs, sliding two fingers into her. She clenched around him, her legs shaking as he quickly brought her up to the edge again with a few steady thrusts and his fingers curved just right.

  And then he stopped.

  “Ian!” Justina moaned as his fingers left her and the ache of emptiness took its place. She lifted her hips shamelessly.

  Ian’s body covered hers. His hips spread her thighs, and his dick pressed against her.

  “Whoa there, my man.” Shawn put his hand on Ian’s shoulder. “You’ve already forgotten what you need, haven’t you?”

  Blinking at the other man, Ian swallowed hard. “I thought this was what you wanted. Should I have—?”

  “Waited until you had one of these?” Shawn held a condom up between two fingers. “Yes, but you both got a little carried away. Let’s be more careful next time, yes?”

  “Ah…yeah. That would be smart.” Ian let out a strained laugh, moving away her and reaching for the condom. His brow furrowed as Shawn pulled it out of reach. “What—?”

  One hand up, Shawn motioned Ian to him. Opening
the condom, he rolled it over Ian’s dick, then latched on to the back of his neck, bringing their foreheads together. Justina chewed at her bottom lip, wondering if Shawn was mad. Or if he’d changed his mind about sharing.

  But he simply laughed and gave Ian a rough kiss, letting out a low sound of pleasure as he sucked Ian’s bottom lip. “Fucking delicious, isn’t she?”

  Justina sucked in a deep breath, arousal licking along her flesh. This was exactly what turned her on the most. She knew Shawn was in too much pain to do much, but she loved that he was still involved.

  He whispered something to Ian. She let out a surprised yelp as Ian hooked an arm around her waist and slid her sideways on the bed. He knelt between her thighs, lifting her knees, raising her hips and pressing his dick into her slowly.

  As his dick filled her, she moaned, trying to move with him, but the position made it impossible. The unhurried glide was pure torture.

  Dropping her head back on the mattress, she whimpered. “Ian, please—”

  “Don’t blame him, pet.” Shawn rested on his side by her hip, stroking his fingertips lightly over her mound. “This is the only way I can join in the fun.”

  He moved his mouth to where he’d touched her, licking over her clit. Over the base of Ian’s dick, making his steady pace falter. His lips and tongue on her already sensitive clit, combined with the languid drag of Ian’s dick, ignited a growing blaze that reached every inch of her. The heat spread, gathering inward until her core gripped him tight and she keened with the need to find her release.

  Shawn lifted his head. Met Ian’s eyes.

  And nodded.

  Gathering her in his arms, Ian lost all restraint, pistoning into her fast and hard as his lips found hers. She wrapped her legs around him, taking him in deeper. She combed her fingers into his hair, crying out into his mouth, her whole body shaking as the heat and pleasure and passion imploded.

  Bracing his hands on the bed, Ian thrust in one last time, gritting out an incoherent curse as his dick pulsed inside her. Skin slick with sweat, he held her close, rolling to his side with what seemed to be the last of his strength.


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