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Line Brawl: The Dartmouth Cobras #8

Page 45

by Bianca Sommerland

  “I think I get it.” Luke looked at the band on his left ring finger. Which Seb had gotten him after they decided he would ‘officially’ marry Jami. Their wedding wouldn’t be traditional at all. Legally, it wouldn’t be that different, but all three of them would recite vows. If he had to go through it without Seb being a vital part of everything?

  He’d be just as freaked out.

  Steady footsteps came toward them and they all looked up to see Callahan and Perron. If they’d just gotten here, Oriana had probably gone right in to see her sister.

  Callahan held out his hand, shaking Landon’s, then pulling him in for a quick hug. “How did I know I’d find you stalling?”

  Landon frowned. “I’m not stalling.”

  “You are. And I heard part of what’s bugging you. Come take a walk with me, Goalie.” Callahan glanced over at Luke and shook his head. “And you. Not another word to anyone until the reception. I just got a dozen texts about you getting traded. Do I need to do damage control?”

  “Not according to the groom.”

  “Huh. Well, try to behave. You look like hell.”

  It took a couple of minutes for Callahan to talk to Landon and get him looking more confident. Luke walked with Seb to the steps of the church. Seb went in to take his seat. Tyler and Scott joined Luke and Landon at the doors.

  The music started. Nothing traditional, which was interesting, considering Richter had been in charge of the tunes. Landon paused, cocking his head as the song started. Hallelujah by Panic! At The Disco.

  Rehearsal the other day had been really short. No music involved, so no one knew what to expect.

  But Landon seemed to approve of Richter’s choice. After Scott, then Tyler, then Luke walked down the aisle, he made his way toward them at a steady pace.

  “Daddy!” Amia squirmed out of Becky’s arms and ran to her father. Landon bent down and picked her up.

  The music was powerful, but somehow, seeing Landon holding his daughter made the lyrics mean even more. He’d lost his firstborn, but his beautiful little girl looked at him like he was her hero…she’d helped him heal.

  As much as Luke loved Landon, he knew the man wasn’t perfect. He had a few scars to show for all he’d survived. But he was here today. Stronger than ever. An amazing father. And a soon to be husband who had proven he would stand by his woman—and his man—through the worst life could throw at them.

  Marriage had always seemed like a trap until Luke had decided he wanted forever with Jami and Seb. Then it became something he wanted more than anything. But it was still scary.

  Watching Landon carry Amia down the aisle to stand beside him and wait for his bride?

  Not so scary anymore. Just all kinds of awesome.

  Lips slanting, Luke caught Seb’s eyes from where his man sat in the pews. And mouthed ‘I love you’.

  Seb grinned and pressed his fingers to his lips, before his lips moved to say, ‘I love you too, niño.”

  Justina smoothed the skirt of her new dress, feeling all awkward as she rushed into the dressing room set up for Silver in the church. Sahara had sent her a ‘911, but no one is dead or hurt’ message.

  About ten minutes ago.

  She’d been running late with Shawn and Ian. Shawn was ready almost three hours ago, and she’d been close behind, but Ian had locked himself in the bedroom and told them to go without him.

  Naturally, they both refused. Shawn cajoled, then commanded, then knocked the door off its hinges.

  Ian was sitting on Shawn’s bed—which they all shared now—his face red as he met Shawn’s eyes.

  “Umm…the suit don’t fit. I kinda ripped it trying to get it on.” Ian dropped back on the bed, covering his face with his hands. “I suck, I know. Don’t be mad.”

  Shawn placed his hands on his hips. “I told you to try it on last week.”

  “After a shower. And you and Justina were naked and…it didn’t happen.”

  “Okay, I will totally take the blame for that.” Shawn smirked. “You were both walking crooked for days.”

  Justina’s cheeks heated. She sat next to Ian, taking his hand. “That doesn’t fix the issue now.”

  “No, but give me five minutes.” Shawn shot Ian a sly smile as he pulled out his phone. “You owe me. Missing the GM’s wedding while you’re working on a contract is not an option.”

  “I’m aware.” Ian flopped an arm over his eyes. “I will pay for the consequences. Go.”

  They didn’t leave him. Shawn somehow found an expensive tux in Ian’s size within an hour. They got to the church. Drama avoided.

  But now there was a fresh end-of-the-world to deal with. One much worse than Ian ripping his tux.

  Curled up on a loveseat in the dressing room, Jami sobbed. “He wasn’t supposed to find out on your wedding day, Mom. I’m so sorry.”

  “Hush. He gave Luke two black eyes. Which is going to ruin all our pictures. The guilt will get me my own way for weeks.” Silver kissed away Jami’s tears. “Consider it a wedding present.”

  Jami choked on a laugh, shaking her head. “I got you a better one. You’re gonna think it’s stupid.”

  “I will not. Stop that, Jami Richter. You’re tougher than this.” Silver shoved the train of her elegant, mermaid style wedding dress out of her way and knelt in front of Jami. “Can I see it?”

  Pulling a long, white box out of her gold clutch, Jami bit her bottom lip hard, then handed it to Silver. Reaching out, Jami squeezed Justina’s hand as Silver opened the box.

  On a long, delicate gold necklace was a heart pendant with two birthstones. An opal and a ruby.

  “You and Amia.” Silver’s eyes teared. “Jami, this is beautiful. Thank you.”

  “You don’t think it’s weird?”

  “Not unless you don’t want to be my daughter. I get that I’m not old enough to be your mother, but…but I love it when you call me ‘mom’.” Silver blushed, lifting her carefully styled and curled hair over one shoulder. “Justina, can you help me?”

  Justina nodded and silently took the necklace, clasping it behind Silver’s slender neck. She stepped back and folded her hands in front of her, sure either Sahara or Akira should have done this.

  Why was she here? Both of them knew Jami better than she did.

  Silver spun around, cupping her cheeks and letting out a soft laugh. “Oh, my precious girl. You’re so easy to read. Do you want to know why Sahara called you—and there’s no point in denying it, darlin’.” Silver smirked at Sahara when her lips parted. “I know you did.”

  Feeling like she should take the focus off Sahara, Justina cleared her throat. “Honestly? I’m not sure.”

  “Think about it. Sahara is so overwhelmed by her new brood, she’s not sure she can help anyone. And Akira is with my brother, who has probably told her so much messed up shit about my family, she’s afraid to say the wrong thing.” Silver smiled fondly at both girls. “Pisch has always been pretty neutral. You’re the same. They likely hoped I wouldn’t bring up how stubborn Dean is being, or how freaked out Landon is, in front of you. And if I did, you’d think of the right thing to say. Nothing that would piss off the bride. Or upset her expecting daughter.”

  All right, if Sahara and Akira expected all that of her, they didn’t know her very well. She ducked her head. “I don’t know what to say. It’s your wedding. You should be happy. And Jami wants these babies. She should be happy too.”

  “Good.” Silver inclined her head. “What about the fact that her fiancé, the best man, has two black eyes thanks to one of my men?”

  “Luke?” Justina glanced over at Sahara, who nodded. “What did he do?”

  “See, this is why you’re awesome. She really is a perfect match for Pisch.” Silver kissed her cheek. Then gently rubbed it with a finger. “He opened his mouth and inserted his foot. Now tell Jami things really are okay. I won’t go out there without her and we’ve kept the guests waiting almost ten minutes already.”

  Justina grinned and t
ook Jami’s hands, pulling her to her feet. “What she said.”

  “My dad must be so mad at me.” Jami sniffed as Sahara came over to touch up her makeup. “I don’t want him to hate me.”

  “If he hit Luke, I’m sure he’s feeling much better.” Justina carefully wiped away a tear spilling down Jami’s cheek. “Now he can focus on being a grandfather. And you can call Silver grandma.”

  Silver spun around, her lips parted. “What?”

  Akira slid up to Justina’s side. “This is true. And I’ll be a great aunt. I think.”

  “This family is so fucked up. Does that make Ford Jami’s uncle? Because…eww.” Silver wrinkled her nose. “It’s not too late to change my mind, is it?”

  “Don’t you dare!” Jami poked Silver’s shoulder. “This is your perfect wedding. Everything is exactly how you wanted it.”

  “True. I did consider at least one of the groomsmen would have black eyes. Maybe if I’d put a wager on it with Landon and Dean, Dean would have restrained himself.” Silver snickered, then shrugged. “This is us. Bruises, scars, and all. Are you ready?”

  Jami smoothed her hands over her flowy, golden dress, and nodded. “I’m ready if you are.”

  “I should head in.” Justina spoke softly, feeling good about helping, but knowing she needed to step aside now. “It’s only the maid of honor and the bridesmaids now.”

  “Honey, I don’t think you read your invite very well. Even though you got the right dress.” Silver curved her hand under Justina’s chin. “You are one of the bridesmaids.”

  “I am? But…” Justina thought back on when she’d gotten the invite. She’s looked at it quickly, then handed it to Shawn, knowing he was connected with people who could get her the right dress. And he had. Apparently the dress hadn’t cost much because he was doing ads for the company. But he hadn’t said anything about her being a bridesmaid.

  Sahara bumped her shoulder. “It’s okay. I didn’t know either until I got here. The invite wasn’t clear. Silver was busy planning all kinds of fan stuff for the playoffs. And swag and making sure her one year old gets into the right college.”

  “Pre-school.” Silver stuck out her tongue at Sahara. “Speaking of which, who helped you make sure Bran goes to the same school?”

  “I love you, Silver.” Sahara gave the other woman a sweet smile.

  “Right.” Silver touched her hair, then her lips. “Do I look okay?”

  “You’re perfect.” Justina helped Akira pull the veil over Silver’s face. “Shawn said wars would be won if they paid as much attention to details as you did with your wedding.”

  Silver snorted, squaring her shoulders. “We’ll see about that.”

  They headed out the back door of the church so they could enter from the front.

  Sahara nudged Justina’s shoulder. “I wondered why you weren’t at the rehearsal.”

  “Please just don’t let me look like a fool.” Justina looked back at Silver and Jami, who waited at the bottom of the steps. “We go in now?”

  “Yes. Just follow Akira.”

  The music began as Akira walked in, matching her steps to the beat. Justina matched her pace, smiling as she recognized the song. Sara Bareilles was awesome, but Justina never would have considered one of her songs to replace a wedding march. But if any could, I Choose You, definitely fit.

  As she walked down the aisle, she searched out Shawn and Ian. Both were standing in the second row, eyes on her. Shawn winked at her. Ian stopped fussing with his collar to give her that soft smile that made her feel all warm inside. She was still getting used to having both men in her life, but it had become so natural, she didn’t question whether it was right anymore.

  She was still technically living at home. Luke had asked Sahara to rent Sam her place. And since Justina was spending most of her time at Shawn’s, she didn’t really need it.

  Taking her place beside Akira, Justina watched Silver walk down the aisle, holding her brother’s arm. She wasn’t sure why Silver’s father wasn’t here, but Ford performed his duties effortlessly, escorting Silver to Landon, then stepping aside to stand between Luke and Dean.

  The vows were exchanged, but Justina only caught a little. Enough to know they weren’t meant for Silver and Landon alone.

  In all the sweet words she’d spoken, Silver added one thing Justina knew included both Dean and Jami.

  “When I give you my heart, I am trusting you with all that is precious to me. Love, life, and family. Two beautiful daughters. Both who belong to us, no matter how they joined our lives. The strength to take on the world for them comes from all three of us. Love can be shared. And committed eternally to those you love.” Silver took a deep breath, glancing from Richter, to Landon. “I swear I will be yours. And his. For as long as I live. And longer, because a love like ours never ends.”

  About an hour later, the ceremony all done, everyone headed down to the beach where several huge, open tents were set up. Torches were positioned around the seating area and a small stage had been erected for the band.

  Once dinner was finished, the crowd circled the area in front of the stage as Landon and Silver came together for their first dance as a couple. Ford stepped up to the mic, grinning down at his sister as Cort pulled up a stool beside him and sat, holding his guitar.

  Ford cleared his throat. “I totally planned to sing ‘Bitch’, but I value my life. Ow!” Ford winced, shooting Cort a dirty look as he rubbed the arm the man had playfully punched. “Why are you so violent? You know I chose a different song.” Covering the mic, Ford nodded at something Cort growled at him. His face went red and he tugged at his tie, turning back to the mic. “Ah… I’ve been told to stop being an asshole. I love you, Silver. You’ve found two good men who will make you very happy. Or else me and Oriana will take ‘em out.”

  Cort shook his head.

  Off to the side of the dance floor, holding her son, Oriana laughed. “You’re absolutely right, little brother. But I’m starting to understand why we weren’t allowed to give speeches. Can we save the threats for after the honeymoon?”

  “Aww, you’re no fun.” Ford grinned. “Anyway, like I said, I chose a song I hope is as special to you as it is to me.”

  Leaning against Shawn’s side, Justina smiled as Ian moved closer to her other side and placed his hand on the small of her back. When their relationship had begun, they’d been more like friends with benefits than anything else, sharing their love for Shawn. But over time, things had changed. She wasn’t sure exactly when it had happened, but the tender touches, the sweet kisses that didn’t lead to getting naked, became more frequent.

  Falling in love with Shawn had happened quickly, but with Ian, she started loving him without even realizing he’d claimed a piece of her heart. She missed him when he wasn’t around. Just hearing his voice made her feel all warm and fuzzy. Weddings and romance had never been important to her, but what she’d found with Shawn and Ian?

  Loving them, sharing her life with them, felt right. Something she hadn’t known she needed, like heat and comfort surrounding her, when all she’d known was the cold. She was strong enough to stand on her own, but with them she felt like there were no limits. Nothing she couldn’t reach.

  The song was beautiful, and she found her eyes getting all teary as she listened to the lyrics. Livin' Our Love Song by Jason Michael Carroll. She’d seen how hard so many of those around her had struggled to be with the ones holding them, but she’d been damn lucky.

  Ian put a hand on her shoulder, gently turning her to face him. “Hey, cutie. What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

  Tears spilling as she giggled, Justina shook her head. “I’m not.”

  “You are.”

  “All right, I am.” She lifted her hand to his jaw, her heart beating faster as she leaned up to kiss him. She’d never get tired of the effect he had on her. “They’re happy tears. I think they’re required at weddings.”

  Shawn curved his hand around the back of her neck,
leaning close to brush his lips over her ear in a way that had her shivering with need. “Is this something you want, Röschen? Because you can have it all.”

  The haze of arousal made her slow to understand what he meant, but when she did, she joined Ian in staring at him. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Mmmhmm.” Shawn’s lips slanted into a devilish smile. “Why? Is it so far fetched that I’d consider marriage?”

  “Yes.” She and Ian said in unison.

  Shrugging, Shawn turned his attention back to watching the newlyweds dance. “Believe it or not, I’ve thought about it. Ian would make an amazing husband. I’ll have him propose to you some other time though. Tonight would be tacky.”

  Ian’s eyes went wide. “You’re going to have me do what?”

  “Hush, man of mine.” Shawn closed his eyes, swaying a little to the music. “Ford’s quite good, isn’t he? Would you like me to ask him to perform at your wedding?”

  Glancing around, Ian leaned close to Shawn and whispered. “You don’t get to decide that, Easy.”

  “I agree.” Justina reached for Ian’s hand, taking a deep breath as he laced their fingers together. She didn’t want him thinking she was in on Shawn’s crazy plan. Even though she was well aware their man was teasing. “Besides, what if I want to propose to you? What would you say to that?”


  She blinked at him. “Bullshit.”

  “Language, pet.” Shawn’s warning tone held the promise of things that would hurt so fucking good. He lowered his voice in a way made her want to either drag him out of there, or make a run for it. “Ask me again when we’re alone. After I smack your ass until its nice and red and hot, while you’ve got Ian’s dick deep in your throat. After I fuck you both so hard your screaming my name until it hurts to whisper.”

  Biting her bottom lip hard, Justina pressed her thighs together, not sure she could last until the end of the reception now. And by the way Ian was adjusting his pants, he wasn’t in any better shape.

  “Care to dance?” Shawn held out his hand, his smoky-green eyes glowing in the torchlight, sparkling with mischief.


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