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Lords of the Underworld Bundle

Page 96

by Gena Showalter

  Oh, she knew exactly what he was doing. The knowledge didn’t disgust her, it…saddened her. Why did he no longer desire her? Why did he not come to her for relief from his demon?

  Because he thought she was some silly artifact?

  “Dummy,” she muttered.

  He and his friends kept in close contact. From the one-sided conversations she’d managed to “accidentally” overhear as he whispered into his cell phone—would have helped if she’d possessed Ashlyn’s ability to listen to any conversation—she knew Hunters had indeed attacked the fortress. Stefano had escaped unscathed. A few Lords had been seriously injured but were thankfully healing. Oh, yeah. And they wanted her to paint. Breathe, eat and paint. That’s all they wanted her to do.

  A few months ago, that might have made her happy.

  Reyes had given her a sketchbook, which she’d used every morning to purge herself of her riotous dreams. Dreams more violent than ever as demons clawed at the jagged, flame-drenched walls of hell. When she finished, Reyes would tear the pages and have her fax them to Lucien. She didn’t know if the drawings had helped their cause. No one would tell her a damn thing.

  “’Cause I’m just the lowly painter girl,” she grumbled.

  The bathroom door creaked open. Reyes had turned off the lights, so she saw only his shadow as he strode out. The scent of sandalwood was laced with the metallic tang of blood, and both wafted to her. While she couldn’t see his features, she was bathed in moonlight and his to peruse. She felt the intensity of his gaze boring into her, sliding over her.

  His heat—oh, she missed his heat. Since being with him, she hadn’t experienced any more of that mind-numbing cold. Still. Was it too much to ask of him to keep her well supplied in his mega hotness? Apparently.

  “Worried about your family?” he asked, settling on the pallet he’d made on the floor.

  She’d called her grandmother’s friends. They still denied seeing the woman, and she believed them. “No. They’re fine. Maybe I’m crazy, but I’ve convinced myself they’re fine. I am excited about seeing them tomorrow. Thank you for finally relenting, by the way.”

  “I did not relent for you. I relented because I have seen no sign of Hunters.”

  “Whatever. I’m still grateful.”

  One minute after another passed. He didn’t move. No sound—not even the whisper of his breath—rose from that floor. She hated the silence. It allowed her mind to wonder and churn, worry about what Reyes was thinking, fret about what would happen in the coming days, lament the fact that she’d once wanted only one night with Reyes but would now beg for another. And another.

  The more she smelled Reyes, the more she desired him. The more her blood rushed and the core of her throbbed. “Distract me,” she said, scooting down the mattress to lie flat. She pulled the sheet up and it rasped against her hardening nipples. She barely stifled a moan. “Please.”


  “I don’t know. Tell me something about you.” Had she asked that of him before? She couldn’t remember.

  “I thought you did not wish to know anything about me.”

  Oh, yeah. “I changed my mind. I’m a girl, I can do that.”

  Another minute of silence, then, “I do not want to play this game, Danika.”

  Something she’d noticed about him. He called her Danika when he wanted to keep distance between them. He called her angel when he wanted to draw her closer. She missed being called angel.

  They’d had sex all those days ago, and it had been wonderful. She wanted, needed, more. Of him. Only him. He was an addiction. He’d believed her about not helping the Hunters when other men might have thought her disloyal. He’d rushed her to safety, covering her body with his own when gunshots blasted. He’d given her a taste of the paradise she sometimes painted, gently rocking her to orgasm.

  Now, she wanted wild. Hard and rough. Yes, she’d once thought she would be too disgusted to participate in such an act. Thought she would not be able to hurt another being like that. Right here, right now, she knew better. There was nothing more satisfying than meeting a man’s—your man’s—needs. Being the one to please him completely, give him utter relief.

  A few times on their journey, she’d tried to broach the subject of sex with Reyes. She’d even reached out and brushed her fingers through his hair, over his jaw and down his chest. The first time he’d stopped her by walking away. The second he’d snapped a terse warning.

  “I can’t sleep,” she said. “Talk to me about something. You’ve obviously been around a long—long—time.” Okay. Now her frustration was showing. She’d basically called him an old man. “Surely you can regale me with some type of history lesson.”

  She thought she heard him snort.

  Her lips twitched. “Not up for the challenge?”

  “Tell me something about yourself first. How did you support yourself? In your old life.”

  Old life. Seemed an eternity ago. “I did portraits and murals. I was never rich, but it paid the bills. My mom was disappointed at first. Painting is how my grandmother earned a living for most of her life, and they wanted something different for me. Medical school, law school. Something more…important, I guess.”

  “Painting is important. It adds beauty to the world.”

  “Thank you.” His words endeared him to her all the more. “My grandmother tried to kill herself once. Said her paintings were driving her insane. But then, after the unsuccessful attempt, her creative well dried up and she never painted again. That well must have sprung inside me, because I began having the dreams a few weeks later. Her life became peaceful and mine, though I was only a child, turbulent. I guess that’s why I always understood my mother’s reluctance to let me pursue the arts.”

  “What happened to your father? Did he stay home when you traveled to Budapest or is he…had he…”

  “Died? No. He walked out on us a while ago. Started another family.” The loss had devastated her. She’d considered him a god. At the very least, a good man with a kind heart. But he’d abandoned her as if she’d meant nothing to him. “My mom told me his midlife crisis kicked in.”

  “I am sorry.”

  “After that, my grandparents—my mom’s parents—stepped in and helped my mom raise us. My grandpa became a second father to me, which is why his death nearly destroyed me.”

  “You have known much loss in your short life.”

  “Yes.” And she didn’t want to lose Reyes, too. She’d tried to prevent it, had fought against it, but somehow he’d come to mean the world to her. “Your turn to tell me something.”

  A pause. Then, “Give me a moment to think.”

  She rotated to her side. Again the sheet rasped against her, reminding her that a very handsome, sensual man was mere inches away. Still. I’m wearing a T-shirt and surrounded by cotton. My body shouldn’t react as though I’m naked and being draped by silk. But the heat was spreading, infusing her every cell.

  “Tell me about your other girlfriends.” That ought to put a damper on her arousal. Then she realized exactly what she’d said. “By other,” she rushed to say, “I don’t mean that I’m your current girlfriend or that I’ve ever been your girlfriend.” God, could this conversation get any more embarrassing?

  A sigh pushed from him, and Danika would have sworn she felt that minty breath all over her sensitive body.

  “I tried to keep females. Two of them.”

  Two? The whores! Whoa, girl. Bring it down a notch. “Keep them? What do you mean?”

  “Have a relationship,” he clarified.

  “What happened?” Did they fall down a flight of stairs and break their ugly faces? Jealousy was so not a good look for her, she decided.

  “After a few weeks in my bed, they began to lash out at everyone they encountered. I mentioned that before, but did I tell you they laughed while doing it? Tripping people—innocents. Pushing, scratching, punching. Even cutting.”

  She detected a note of guilt in his voice. “And y
ou still think you made them that way?”

  “I know I did.”

  “Maybe that was their nature. Maybe you just helped them unleash their true desires. Maybe you were subconsciously drawn to that type of woman, knowing they would not find your tastes…unappealing.”

  More silence. Then, “Maybe,” he said, and there was hope in his voice this time, the guilt completely overshadowed.

  Hope. She wouldn’t ponder the merits of it. Not tonight.

  “Your nature is gentle,” he added as an afterthought, “yet the very day we were reunited after months apart, you bit me.”

  “I was furious with you and scared for my family.”

  “Or Pain influenced you, luring you to attack me.”

  “Or I was furious and scared,” she said again.

  “As I said, your nature is gentle.”

  “Nope, sorry. I hate to disillusion you, but I’ve always had a volatile temper.”

  “I do not believe you.”

  “No,” she said. “You believe me, you just don’t want to believe me. Why is that? Don’t want to admit we might be more alike than you’re comfortable with? Don’t think you’ll like who I really am?” Ouch. Just the thought sparked an ache in her chest.

  “I like who you are. I am just scared of who you are. Sweet, passionate, giving, caring. And yes, a little wild. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted another.”

  Sweet Jesus. Words to melt the coldest of hearts.

  “Tell me of your boyfriends,” he commanded. The words lashed at her.

  “You told me you never wanted me to discuss them.”

  “I changed my mind. I am a man, I’m allowed to do that.”

  She laughed. Gold star for Reyes for throwing her words back at her.

  “Have you ever…loved a man?”

  “No.” Did she love Reyes? What she felt for him was so much more intense than anything she’d ever felt before. The fervent wanting and the craving and the softness inside her…. Shit, shit, shit. “But I’ve dated,” she forced out. “A lot.”

  “What do you mean by a lot?” Some of the fierceness had left him. At least he no longer sounded ready to kill anyone who even glanced in his direction.

  “A girl has to kiss a thousand frogs before she finds her prince, my sister used to tell me. I took that to heart and used to go out with anyone who would ask me. And just so you know, I was not easy.”


  “You know, doing the naked tango with anyone who expresses interest.”

  Another almost snort. “Rest assured, I know you are far from easy.” Then, “Did someone call you easy? If so, I will—”

  “Reyes, stop,” she said, unable to keep the laughter from her voice. His fierceness had returned full force. “No one called me easy.” She loved that he was willing to destroy anyone who might have, though. “I just wanted to make sure you knew. I’ve only dated a few guys seriously.”

  “Shall I kill them?”

  “Why, Reyes, I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

  Danika thought she heard him chuckle.

  “I have never been in love,” he said, surprising her.

  Suddenly she felt like singing and dancing. He was hers, had always been hers. “Not even before you were possessed?”

  “Not even before.”

  She tried to picture him as he must have been hundreds, thousands, of years ago but couldn’t. “What were you like? Back then?”

  “I was like I am now, only…more relaxed, I suppose.” He chuckled, a memory probably playing through his mind. That chuckle slid over her like a caress. “I did have a teasing side and used to torment Aeron relentlessly, hiding his weapons, cutting his hair while he slept. Finally, he started shaving it.”

  “I wish I could’ve known you.”

  “Perhaps it’s good you didn’t. We were like children back then. We were born fully formed of body, but our minds were new and we constantly marveled at the world around us. We trained to be warriors, yet had only the gods and their amusements as our role models.”

  Even with his description in her mind, she couldn’t picture him so childlike, laughing and running and teasing. “How is it possible you were born a fully grown man?”

  “You mix the blood of a god, earth, fire, water…” His voice trailed off. “At least, that’s what we were told. And you? What were you like as a child?”

  “Typical, I suppose. Tantrums and whining to get what I wanted. My mother used to call me her Tasmanian devil.”

  “You probably looked like an angel, even then.”

  Angel. Her heart skipped a beat. “Reyes,” she said breathlessly.

  “Yes,” he replied with resignation.

  “I want to be with you again.”

  The silence returned, a snake that slithered around its prey and choked. Had he truly stopped wanting her? Despite everything he’d just said? He’d had a taste of her, and that had been enough? Or had he just not liked what he’d tasted?


  She growled in frustration. Danika again. “Never mind. Just…shut up and go to sleep.” She flipped angrily to her stomach and pounded her fist into the pillow to flatten it.

  There was no sound to alert her of any movement on Reyes’s part, but suddenly he was on top of her, his heavy body pinning her down and smashing her face into the mattress. She gasped.

  His fingers gripped her neck tightly, turning her face and allowing her to breathe. He didn’t shift, though, didn’t roll off and free her. He kept her pinned. He hovered over her, warm breath lashing out like a whip. From the corner of her eye, she could see his face in profile. His eyes glowed with fire, and his teeth were bared.

  Moonlight finally found him, casting a golden glow over his dark, honey-colored skin. He was panting, sweat was glistening. His long, thick erection pressed against her bottom, and she shivered.

  “I will not taint you,” he snarled. “Do you understand? If that means I cannot have you again, then I will not have you.”

  “Then you’re dumb! You’ve said that before, and I’m tired of hearing it.”

  “You have no idea what could happen to you. You have no concept of—”

  “You’re afraid I’ll become pain hungry like those women. Well, guess what? That isn’t my nature! I killed a man, Reyes. A human. A Hunter. I hurt him and then I killed him. Have I since attacked everyone I’ve encountered? Did I attack you and your friends when I had every reason to do so?”

  “No.” Reyes arched into her. “No.”

  She couldn’t stop her moan. “I made love to you, yet I didn’t then start plotting the deaths of your friends, wanting to hurt them. In fact, immediately afterward I tried to protect you.” Made love, she’d said. Before, she’d insisted it was only sex.

  “Because I was gentle. Because I kept my demon away from you.”

  He wanted her to demand gentleness again. He wanted her to demand he keep his demon away from her again. She knew it, felt it, but wasn’t going to do it. “Give me everything you’ve got this time. Let me prove I’m not going to change.”

  “No. I am not willing to risk it.” But he didn’t stop moving against her, rubbing that erection between her cheeks. His hands slid down her arms and latched on to her wrists. He moved them over her head and gripped them with one hand while tracing the other along her side, stopping at the curve of her breast.

  Her teeth had long since sunk into her bottom lip. She nibbled, drawing blood. “Yes,” she groaned. “Keep going. Touch.”

  His fingers dug around her, between her body and the mattress, and then he was cupping her breast fully, the nipple locked between two fingers.

  A spear of pleasure shot through her. She raised her hips, meeting his erection, silently begging for a more intimate touch. “Remove my shirt. Touch my skin.”

  “Too dangerous.”

  “We’re doing this.”

  “You plan to force me?” he asked with amusement.

��If need be. Now remove my shirt.”

  Growling as if in pain—sweet pain—he released her only long enough to drag the material over her head and toss the shirt aside. “Gods,” he growled. “You’re not wearing any panties.”

  “I was hopeful.” She could feel his jeans against her lower body, rough, like calluses. “Done resisting me?”

  How many minutes passed before he spoke, she didn’t know. Finally, he said, “We’ll be gentle.” The words were so low, so rough she had trouble understanding them. “We’ll be slow. Like before.”

  Danika shook her head, hair batting against her temple. “Hard. Fast.”

  “No. I’ve already cut myself and have no more need for pain.”

  He’d already cut himself? Since leaving the bathroom? As for the other, she knew he was lying. He’d sounded too reluctant; he would need more. “But—”

  His hand once again dug and cupped and she forgot her protest.

  “Oh, God,” she shouted. “Yes. More.”

  “Are you wet, little angel?”

  She felt as if she’d been waiting for him, for his touch, forever. Desperate and eager. “Find out for yourself.”

  A moment later, she was flipped over and peering up at him. He was a god, strong and fierce, all of his intense sexuality focused solely on her. His gaze glided over her breasts, and he licked his lips. Then that gaze moved to her stomach, and her muscles quivered.

  He stopped and lingered at the fine patch of curls between her legs. Lines of tension branched around his eyes as his hands gripped her knees and spread them wide. His gaze heated, flames actually crackling inside the black-as-night, starless depths.

  “Grip the headboard,” he commanded.

  She’d been reaching for him, meaning to scrape her nails over his chest. Perhaps draw blood. “But—”

  Once again he stopped her from finishing a sentence. “Grip. The. Headboard. Now. Or I’ll return to my pallet.”

  Was he close to losing control? If so, he needed her to hurt him. Right? She could finally prove to him—and herself—that she was capable of doing this. “Let me, Reyes. Please.”


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