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Rules of Bennett: The Complete Collection

Page 10

by Ember Michaels

  She scoffed. “One day, you’re going to see the truth, Bennett. And by that time, you’ll have lost everything, including your own life. He doesn’t have your best interest at heart and—”

  “GET THE FUCK OUT!” I bellowed.

  She turned on her heels and stomped out, slamming the door behind her and leaving me to my thoughts.

  I ran my hands through my hair, gripping it hard enough for the pain to bring me back to the present. Ever since Aurora stepped foot on my land, everybody wanted to talk about Stephanie. The moment I laid eyes on her photo, when my father brought her to my attention, all the memories and emotions I'd worked so hard to suppress awoke. It made me wonder if my father intentionally gave Aurora to me in order to fuck with my head or to hurt me all over again. Like Carrie, I had something to talk with him about myself.

  Moving over to the closet of my office, I pushed aside the hanging coats to reveal the security on the back wall. I punched in my code, closing the closet door behind me and stepping into the panic room I’d turned into a little shrine for Stephanie. Her pictures covered the walls, the light scent of her flowery perfume still lingering in the room from her belongings. I flopped down in the single chair in the middle of the room with a sigh.

  I hadn’t been in that room for over a year. The memory of her and my inability to protect her strangled me with grief and guilt. Her smiling face taunted me, and the memories of her bloody body on our bed tortured me. I rarely slept in our bedroom because of the nightmares that plagued my dreams. I should’ve listened to her.

  The night she told me she was pregnant, she’d begged me to leave this life behind. She pleaded with me to start a legitimate business that our baby could inherit something positive. She’d told me that this life wasn’t a life that she wanted to raise a baby in.

  At first, I’d agreed with her. I was prepared to set the girls free, to tell my father I didn’t want to continue the cycle of violence with a new child. But when I told him that, I’d practically sealed her fate. She was dead by the time I’d arrived back home from my meeting.

  Since then, I made sure there was someone here at all times. I’d left her vulnerable instead of convincing her to come with me. After having that conversation with Carrie, I couldn’t help but wonder if my father had set that up—whether or not he’d placed a call when I walked out of the house to have her killed.

  The thought of losing me as a worker in our business would’ve put him in a bind, and he couldn’t have some pregnant woman get in the way of his plans.

  I sat straight in the chair as shit started to fall into place in my mind. My father was always content when I was alone and solely focused on working for him. Now that I had Aurora, we were back on shaky ground, not to mention that he constantly compared my current actions to my actions back when I had Stephanie.

  Maybe Carrie was right.

  If I didn’t take my blinders off and see my father for what he really was, it would end up costing me my life. It’ll cost Aurora her life as well, just as it did Stephanie.

  Just the thought of my father being responsible for the deaths of those closest to me made my blood boil, but I knew I couldn’t act right now. I also knew I couldn’t do this alone, and unless I had solid proof, no one would be willing to help me. I looked up at a painted portrait of Stephanie, my chest tightening.

  “I’m sorry I failed you, love,” I murmured. “But I promise I won’t make the same mistake twice. I’ll make this right somehow, and if my father is responsible, I promise I’ll make him pay in blood.”

  I stood, a new determination in my heart. I’d find out the truth about my mother, Carrie’s family, and Stephanie at the end of the day. If it turned out that my father was responsible for the deaths that scarred me for life, he was as good as dead.

  As soon as I stepped out of my office, my blood ran hot.

  “There you are,” my father said, strolling over to me. A couple of his men accompanied him, which set my teeth on edge. “No one knew where you were. They just checked the office, and you weren't in there.”

  “Who keeps letting you in here?” I asked, annoyed with his presence. “And why are you here unannounced? Again?”

  “That's not any way to speak to your father,” he said sarcastically, clasping me on the shoulder. “I came to talk a little business.” He looked around. “Where's your little pet?”

  “Why does it matter?”

  “Just wanted to see how she's doing since the last time I saw her. Why don't you go get her?”

  “She doesn't need to be here if you just want to talk business,” I snapped.

  The biggest guy next to my father bristled next to him, his stance looking as if he’d put a bullet between my eyes the second my father gave the word.

  He only smiled at me. “Just humor me, son. Bring her down.”

  I ground my teeth as I stared at him. I didn't know what his plan was for having Aurora present in the meeting, but I wouldn't let him get me as angry as he did during our last meeting.

  I stalked upstairs to retrieve Aurora, who laid on the bed watching tv. She sat up as soon as the door opened, worry streaking her face.

  “Something wrong?” she asked.

  I sighed. “My father is here, and he wants to see you.”

  Her face scrunched up in disgust. “Why? So he can get me in trouble again?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine, but behave in front of him,” I warned.

  “Yes, sir, Master, sir,” she drawled as she got off the bed.

  I grinned as she walked toward me, a bit glad she had regained some of her sassy mouth.

  As she went to retrieve her nightgown and robe, I pulled out my phone and placed a quick call to Bruce.

  “Yeah, boss?” he said upon answering.

  “Gather four or five guys from security, and I want you all posted near my office. Wait until my father and his assholes are inside before you approach.”

  “You got it,” he said and hung up.

  “I’m ready,” Aurora announced, wrapping her arms around herself.

  We headed out the bedroom and down the stairs, my mind racing with the possibility of him being here. I wasn’t in the mood for another confrontation about any person I got rid of, and quite frankly, I was getting sick of him trying to micromanage the shit I did on my own property. Seeing that he’d brought some of his own men to this “meeting,” he was trying to remind me of the power he had over me. Boy, was he fucking wrong.

  “What do I do when we get to where we're going?” she whispered when my father came into view.

  “Rule number one and don’t say a single word to anyone,” I responded.

  She nodded.

  My father smiled at us as we finally came to a stop in front of him.

  “I see you got the punishment you deserved,” my father taunted, noticing the faded purple bruises on her face.

  Aurora didn't respond, keeping her eyes on the floor in front of her. My father frowned.

  “Didn't you hear me talking to you, slut?” he asked.

  I held a hand up. “She’s been told not to say anything to anyone while she’s here. Besides, I didn't bring her down here for you to fuck with her. Get on with this bullshit meeting,” I said, gesturing toward the office.

  He glared at the both of us before turning on his heels and walking into the office. Aurora followed behind us, immediately getting down on her knees and bowing beside me. Good girl.

  “So, what is it that you want to talk about that you couldn't call or email me about?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

  “Sergio Sokolov is having an event tomorrow night and has invited us to talk business. He's a powerful connection to have, and I think this would be in our best interest to see what he's offering.”

  “If it has nothing to do with trafficking, then I don't need to be there.”

  “I wouldn't be here if it didn't, smartass,” he snapped. “He's a good connection to have. Not only can he get you premium wo
men, but he’ll also buy the ones you may pass on.” He nodded to Aurora. “You should take her so he can see the type of girls you pick.”

  “I'll think about it,” I said. “Are we done?”

  “For now,” he said, a menacing gleam in his gaze. “Don't fuck this up, Bennett. I don't know what's gotten into you lately, but I'd advise you to snap out of it.”

  “What’s gotten into me?” I repeated with a raised brow. “Last I checked, I can do whatever the fuck I want with my sector of the business. You’ve been so concerned with everything I’m doing since Aurora got here that I’m pretty sure you’re neglecting your own shit. Mind your fucking business, and you’ll be better off.”

  “I’d advise you to watch your tone when speaking to Boss,” a leaner man growled, his blue eyes hardened into ice.

  “Or what, you fucking pussy? You really want to be a tough guy in my fucking house with an army of my people here?”

  The man looked around. “There’s no army in here,” he said, waving his arms around. “It’s just you and your little slut.”

  “You sure about that?” I asked with a grin, putting my hands in my pockets.

  The door to my office opened, and Bruce and five other armed men entered the room, forming a barricade in front of the door.

  “You were saying?” I asked the man with a smirk.

  My father gave me a mocking smile as he raised his hands. “There’s no need for all of this. We’re not the enemy here,” he said calmly.

  “Funny that you say that now when you’re outnumbered,” I snapped. “I don’t recall you telling your chihuahua back there to shut the fuck up when no one was talking to him.”

  “Because he won’t do anything unless I say the word,” my father said, his voice firm. “Besides, we’re just talking. No need for everyone to get worked up. I’m just telling you that you need to screw your head back on straight. You’ve killed three that I know of, and considering no one has seen Hulk and Matthews, I’m assuming you killed them also. You should be careful, son. You don’t want to piss off the wrong people.”

  Piss off the wrong people; that was a threat if I’d ever heard one.

  “It wouldn’t be the first time,” I finally said, rubbing my temple. “Are we done here?”

  He grinned. “I’ll see you tomorrow night then. I’ll email you the details.”

  “Yeah,” I said. “And also, the next time you come here unannounced, you won’t be let in. I can promise you that.”

  “We’ll see about that,” he said with a chuckle before he and his men parted through my guys and left the office.

  “Should we escort them out, boss?” Bruce asked.

  I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. “Yeah. And make sure everyone knows not to let that fucker on my property unless I personally tell them to,” I said.

  “You got it,” he said and gestured for the other men to follow him.

  I looked down to Aurora. “You can stand now,” I said to her.

  “You dad is a bonafide dick, you know that? I wish I could kill him myself,” she grumbled.

  I chuckled and shook my head. “You were doing so good. Don’t say anything that’ll get you in trouble,” I said.

  “But you can’t deny the fact that life would be much less complicated if he were dead,” she mused.

  She wasn’t wrong.

  With all the bullshit that had happened since bringing Aurora here and the information Carrie brought to me, him dying wasn’t a bad idea. This is your father you’re talking about, Bennett, your last living relative that you actually have a relationship with.

  After my mother died, I’d clung to my father. He was all I had left after all. But if his presence meant that my life would continue to be filled with violence, death, and grief, then maybe I was better off without him.

  “Well, he won’t be dying anytime soon,” I finally said as I escorted her back through the house.

  She shook her head. “That’s unfortunate,” she said with a sigh. “But one of these days, he’s going to get what’s coming to him for all the wrong he’s done. You can’t go through life unscathed when you’ve fucked up so many people’s lives.”

  “Only time will tell,” I replied. “Only time will tell.”

  Sleep was hard to come by that night. Nightmare after nightmare tormented me, the same memories replaying in my mind every time I closed my eyes.

  “I have something to tell you,” Stephanie said, her eyes full of tears as she wrung her hands in front of herself.

  I placed my gun on the dresser as I usually did before shrugging out of my jacket. “What’s going on?”

  “I think you may want to sit for this.”

  The nervousness in her voice and her fidgety body language put me on edge. “No, I think I’ll stand,” I said, my voice flat. “What’s going on?”


  “Stephanie,” I stated. “You know I’m not a patient man. Spit it out already.”

  “I’m…pregnant,” she stammered.

  I looked at her, my eyes drifting to her still-flat belly. “What did you say?”

  Fear replaced her earlier nerves as she started babbling. “If you don’t want to keep it, you can call the doctor and—”

  “No, repeat what you just told me,” I said, taking a step toward her.

  “Bennett, please,” she whispered, taking a step back.

  I closed the distance between us until she was against the wall. Putting my hand around her throat, I leaned in close to her.

  “Repeat what you just said,” I murmured.

  A single tear rolled down her cheek as she looked up at me. “I’m pregnant,” she whispered.

  I leaned forward and kissed her deeply, squeezing her throat until she moaned for me. Her hands cupped my face, the icy temperature causing me to jump back.

  “You’re fucking freezing,” I said with a chuckle, but the playful tone soon left my voice as blood rolled down her forehead. “Babe?”

  Her eyes went blank as her white satin gown suddenly stained with blood in multiple places, a bullet hole appearing in her forehead as she slumped against me.

  “No, no, no, no,” I said, carrying her over to the bed. “Fuck! Stephanie, baby, don’t do this to me.”

  But she didn’t respond. Her lifeless eyes only stared at the ceiling. Her body was riddled with bullet holes, our bed soaked in her blood as she laid there and there wasn’t shit I could do to help her.

  I jumped up in bed, soaked in sweat as my heart pounded in my chest. Every single time I dreamed of her, I dreamed of her telling me about our baby and then discovering her body sprawled out on our bed when I’d returned home. The dream felt so real that I swore I could smell the peach body wash she loved using. I fucking missed her.

  Sitting up in bed, I grabbed my iPad from the nightstand and looked through the cameras. Aurora was curled up in bed asleep. I wonder if she had the same nightmares I did. We were kind of in similar positions where we’d lost our lovers, except I was the monster who took hers away.

  I sighed.

  In all honesty, I was no better than the person who killed Stephanie. Maybe Stephanie was collateral damage for all the lives I’d ruined, not from some nefarious plan of my father’s.

  But that couldn’t be though. When I’d admitted to myself that I was in love with Stephanie, I was willing to leave this life behind. I was ready to shut down my part of the business to do something legitimate for my family. And with millions of dollars in the balance, my father wouldn’t have let that happen.

  My blood boiled at the thought of it. Maybe Carrie was on to something. Maybe there was a conversation my father and I needed to have when I saw him tomorrow night. Either way, I needed fucking answers.


  A groan woke me out of sleep. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, wondering if it had come from me or if someone was in the room with me. The realization caused me to freeze and listen, but the only thing I could hear was my own racing hear

  “No,” a murmured voice groaned again, and this time, I knew it wasn’t me.

  I slowly reached over, feeling around for the switch on the nightstand lamp and pulled it, revealing Bennett slouched and asleep on the chaise lounge across from the bed. When in the hell did he come in here?

  His skin glistened with sweat despite the cool temperature in the room, his bare chest heaving with each breath he took. I inched my way to the foot of the bed, watching him. I wasn’t sure what tormented him in his dreams, but whatever it was put him in a vulnerable state.

  It was confusing to see him this way. I knew everyone had their weaknesses, but the man before me didn’t seem like Bennett. His features were scrunched up in discomfort and pain instead of the intimidating, menacing look he usually sported. His voice was tortured and strangled with grief instead of his usual hard, unbothered, or sarcastic tone.

  “I’m so sorry, my love. So sorry,” he murmured.

  I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t know if it was safe for me to wake him and relieve him of his torment, or if I should let him wake himself up. Then a thought hit me. Why the fuck should I care?

  It was obvious he was dreaming about his ex, but why should I feel sorry for him when he was the cause of my own pain in losing Heath? I couldn’t call it karma because Stephanie died before I even came into the picture, but in a way, I was glad it tormented him. I was glad he understood the pain of losing someone he loved.

  I sighed.

  Even taking all that into account, I was also sad it tortured him. It was a little heartbreaking to see he still lived with grief and regret.

  This could be the start to getting him on your side if you play your cards right, I thought. If I wanted Bennett to see me as a partner, someone he could trust, I had to put myself out on a limb. I definitely hadn’t forgiven him for his crimes against me, but he didn’t need to know that. I still had a plan to execute, and my best friend counted on me.

  I slipped out of bed and into the master bathroom, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it with cool water. Wringing it out, I looked at myself in the mirror. My skin was a bit paler than it had been when I first arrived, but the earlier bruises weren't as noticeable anymore. Bags made a new home under my eyes, and I almost had to chuckle.


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