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Dope Girl 2: Just like daddy

Page 4

by Sa'id Salaam

  "Yo! That chick is lumped the fuck up! Both her eyes are shut." Jackie laughed then got serious. "Sup with the hammer yo?"

  Jackie could have bonded her out a little sooner if she hadn't come across that gun. She couldn't help but pick it up and instantly felt its power. Her mind flashed to her Jack and Ill days.

  "Ok see, that's um, well." Cameisha stammered from the embarrassment. She felt the same way a woman feels when her stash of dildos is uncovered.

  "It's cool Ma, like I told you, I been around the block a couple times myself."

  "Oh Yeah, Jack and Ill." Cameisha cracked up. She still couldn't buy this timid woman as that notorious killer.

  “Anyway, you should beat that bitch's ass again." Jackie announced as they reached the dorm.

  "For what? And get locked up again, or kicked out of school! Nah, I got something else in mind. Something she'll never get over!" Cameisha said with a wicked grin.

  "You guys score? Did you find anything?" Their pot head neighbor begged as soon as they hit the hallway.

  It was at that moment she decided to get a pack. Nothing too serious, a pound or two to flip. Yeah right! She's just like daddy.



  "Oh, hey Curt, Ki-Ki-Ki." Cameisha giggled to her reflection. She then turned sideways in the mirror to view all that ass poking out in her skin tight jeans.

  "You stoooopid!" Jackie laughed, shaking her head at her friend's antics. Seeing Meisha so out of character amused her until she figured it out. "Ooooh, oooh! I know what you're up to!"

  "Moi? I'm not up to anything." Meisha replied coyly, batting her eyes.

  "Little girl please. You ‘bout to fuck her man."

  "Sho’ is." She laughed. "Bitch think she all that and I'm ‘bout to show her. Plus that nigga is fine!"

  "He is that. Shit, I could use some wood my damn self." Jackie added fondly.

  "Aint yo fast ass had enough for one semester?"

  "No, I mean for real. Like a real boyfriend." Jackie replied, killing the adage of not being able to miss what you never had.

  Both girls paused at the prospect of a real boyfriend. Jackie only knew Ill Will and the verbal, physical and mental abuse he offered. Meisha didn't fare much better since her first love gave her the clap, beat her up and robbed her. He had a lovely funeral though. Closed casket thanks to Uncle Killa but lovely none the less. Too bad his closest friends couldn't come since they were attending their own funerals. It was KILLA SEASON.

  Maybe Curt could be the one? Perhaps they could fall in love, marry, and have kids. The thought pasted a wide smile on her face and heart.

  "Welp, I'm out." Jackie announced breaking the silence. She collected her books and rushed off to class.

  Cameisha wasn't too far behind her. She did her hair to make it look the picture on the book cover and headed out the door. All her practice conversation went out the window when she stumbled across Curt earlier than planned.

  Curt had just dropped off a freshman at the dorm. She stumbled past disoriented and limping from a night of rough sex. He and Meisha locked eyes just before he pulled off.

  “Well, if it aint Floretta Mayweather." He joked, and then flashed that pussy magnet smile of his. It worked before and was working now.

  "Who?" Cameisha barked with a frown at the boxing reference. The bright girl was an expert on everything that interested her but in total darkness to most everything else, boxing especially.

  "Anyway, hop in let me take you to class."

  "I can walk." Meisha quipped but slid in the passenger's side as well. With so many eyes seeing her get in his car, her mission was complete because the rumor mill would say they were fucking.

  Curt got an eyeful of that round ass when she got in. He made up his mind that he had to have it. He was the Malcolm X of vagina and would get it by any means necessary.

  “You need to let me take you to dinner." He offered as they rode.

  "What about your girlfriend, she coming too?" Meisha shot back with faked attitude.

  "Who? Oh Arnell took the rest of the semester off." He replied, leaving out the why. The vain girl couldn't be seen with the black eyes, lumps and bruises Cameisha gave her.

  "Sorry about that, girl stuff." She giggled like a girl about beating her like a man.

  "Anyway, dinner?" He offered again. He knew a lot of college girls would fuck for food. Some were fucking on the strength so a meal was a come up. If they played hard to get he would just fix them a drink.

  "Ok." Cameisha agreed and did the giggle she had practiced all morning.


  "You gone get the door?" Jackie asked, snapping Meisha from her day dreaming of Curt.

  "And he's a gentleman." She said hopping off her bed. Most niggas just pulled up front and let most chics come down. Most nights cars lined the curb like taxis at the airport.

  "Wow!" Curt exclaimed at the sight of Cameisha in a low cut but long white summer dress. She had even pinned a white flower in her hair but couldn't wait to show him the white bra and thong underneath.

  "Wow to you too." She smiled, leaning in for a Hollywood type hug; lifting a leg in the air.

  Curt took advantage of the hug to give Jackie a once over. Seeing her big black thighs in her tiny shorts got her added to his hit list. Of course he heard she was fucking so why not. After Cameisha that is.

  "Hey um…" Curt said pretending not to know Jackie's name. Cameisha went for it and made the formal introductions.

  "Jackie, Curt, Curt, Jackie." She giggled again, causing Jackie to frown. Or was it Curt?

  "Hey Jackie. You should let me introduce you to my buddy Santana." Curt offered. He and Santana often ran trains on freshman fresh out the box.

  "Number 84!" Jackie gushed excitedly. She just like every other girl on campus knew Mark Santana.

  The 6'1" wide receiver was plain gorgeous. He was almost as dark as Jackie but had a head full of curly hair, good hair. No girlfriend, but had a reputation with the ladies. It wasn't all good though. "Yep, that's the one. Good friend of mine. Here's his number." He said handing her the digits. "Be sure to tell him I gave you the number."

  "Ok!" Jackie cheered. She called him the second the couple walked out of the door. He was busy but spared her a few minutes. By the end of the conversation, Jackie was dreaming of little black curly headed babies.

  Curt and Cameisha walked a few blocks to a nearby soul food restaurant. It was home cooking at its best since it was actually a house converted into a restaurant. They offered good down home Southern soul food just like Cameisha had as a child and dearly missed.

  He laid it on pretty thick over dinner. It was the usual say anything to get some pussy stuff men say to get some pussy. She was going for it and made up her mind to fuck him. He earned himself the coveted couchie coupon.

  "That was delicious." Curt sighed as they left the restaurant.

  "It was." She agreed and slipped her hand into his for security.

  The neighborhood was dangerous since the local thugs made a living robbing the college kids. They were eating pretty well from stolen watches, rings and tablets. For some reason they never stole any e-readers. Go figure. Too bad they weren't smart enough to steal those expensive ass textbooks. A used book has a higher resale value than a stolen smart phone but the dumb thugs didn't know better.

  Cameisha was the first to notice two men moving in the shadows as they walked. Had she been alone, she would have crossed the street but since she was with a man, she squeezed his hand. She hoped they could walk by with no problem but when the ski mask came down, then the guns came out, she remembered her gun sitting in a shoe box.

  "Break yourself!" The shorter of the two robbers screamed in a shrill voice that irritated more than intimidated.

  The second man stood back with his gun by his side as if he were supervising. Cameisha thought about disarming the short guy nervously waving a small pistol back and forth. Her only dilemma was would she be able to shoot the other one befo
re he got a shot off. Good thing she was with a man.

  "Help! Help! Somebody help!" A woman screamed.

  Cameisha was just as surprised as the stick up kids to see the woman was Curt. He snatched his hand away from her and shoved her at the robbers and took off running.

  "The fuck?" Meisha frowned watching him tear off down the street.

  "Hell naw!" The leader of the two laughed.

  "Come off that purse and that watch bitch." The short one yelled resuming the robbery.

  "Bitch?" Meisha growled. She was already hot about her date running off and being robbed, but bitch?

  "Dats right bitch." He repeated moving closer. Too close and paying for it.

  Cameisha grabbed his arm to keep him from aiming at her. She spun inside delivering an elbow to his mouth that knocked out a tooth. She took the gun away as he scrambled for his gold tooth.

  She immediately turned the gun on the other robber but he never raised his. Instead he raised the ski mask from his face. Cameisha blinked rapidly trying to process the pretty thug standing in front of her.

  He stood average height and weight and her same golden complexion. The street lights made his hazel eyes seem to glow. He cracked a half smile showing half of his gold teeth.

  "You think I let that fool put bullets in that gun?" He asked in a voice so deep it sounded like it belonged to a much older man. It had a raspy crackling from years of blunt smoking that only added to its appeal.

  Cameisha turned the gun to the other robber and pulled the trigger five times; one for every letter in the word bitch. Big Shawty, as he was called ducked and rolled away having forgotten the gun wasn't loaded.

  "Now go in that purse of yours and hand me a pen and paper." The lead robber demanded.

  Since he had a gun Cameisha complied and handed over a pen and paper. She watched curiously as he scribbled on it and handed it back before turning and walking off.

  "She got my gun Dro!" Big Shawty whined as he rushed to catch up.

  "So, get it from her." He laughed and kept stepping.

  "Yeah right, Pedro!" Cameisha huffed looking at the name and number on the paper. She tore it in two and tossed it to the pavement.

  Right before getting back to the dorm, Cameisha chucked the little gun in a dumpster and went inside. She vowed then to keep her own gun on her from now on. Uh oh!

  Chapter 8

  “Girl, no he didn't?" Jackie laughed as Cameisha filled her in on her date from the night before.

  "The hell he didn't! Nigga screamed like a bitch and left me." Meisha laughed even though she was steaming. Instead of giving him some ass, she wanted to kick his ass.

  "Them niggas could have raped or killed me!" She lamented. "Oh, Oh! Then the cute one tried to give me his number!"

  "Cute one?" Jackie frowned.

  "I aint say cute!" Meisha shot back. She was embarrassed at liking the thug among other things.

  "And anyway. I spoke to Santana." Jackie sang like a school girl.


  "And, I don't think I'ma fuck with him since him and Curt so cool." She said sadly. A glance at the clock showed ten til class and off she went.

  Cameisha's alone time was cut short by a knock on the door. She vowed that if was another weed junky searching for weed they were getting their ass kicked. Desperate pot heads roamed the halls in search of pot non-stop. Instead, when she snatched the door open she saw...

  "Curt? Fuck you want?" She demanded and waited; waited instead of closing the door in his face. A mistake she would pay for very soon.

  "Girl, are you ok? Where did you go?" He asked and hugged her protectively.

  "Where did I go? Nigga you the one who took off and left me." She said confused. He did leave me didn't he? He does smell good don't he? Is that his dick I feel?"

  “I ran back to my car to get my gun. Time I got back you were gone." He said offering his eyes to ease the lies. "Oh and I caught up with them two."

  "You did?" Meisha asked hopefully. This was the nibble fishermen feel when they get a bite. Since he had her on the line he went on and reeled her in.

  "And you screamed like a, like a wo… I mean, why were you screaming?" She begged because that needed explaining as well.

  "To distract them so you could get away. Trust me, those guys won't be robbing anyone else any time soon!" He said confidently.

  "Thank you, thank you." Meisha said bouncing. She pulled back into the embrace. She was so happy he wasn't a pussy that she decided to give him some pussy.

  When he stiffened against her, she leaned into it. Curt pushed the issue by palming her ass and pushing his tongue inside of her mouth. When he felt her knees buckle, he knew he had her.

  "So you wanna go out again tonight?" He asked licking his lips.

  "Nope. I wanna stay in tonight." She replied and helped him lick his lips.


  "Guess I'll call Santana." Jackie sighed when Meisha told her of her plans for the evening. She sighed as if she didn't want to have sex with the sexy man who had all the young girls fucked up. Only Jackie was no young girl. She was going to fuck him because she wanted to.

  "Or you can just go to the library and study. I mean I wouldn't want you doing anything you don't want to do." Cameisha said calling her bluff.

  "Nah, I'm cool. I'll call him." She laughed and did just that.

  Both girls showered and prepared for their separate booty calls. Jackie slipped into a red thong and bra and topped it by baggy sweats. No need in all the extras, she was going to fuck.

  Cameisha went with black boy shorts and wife beater with no bra. A Japanese style robe served as a gift warp. She was all set to lose her virginity again. According to her, the first time didn't count because Tay turned out to be some bull shit.

  At nine thirty on the dot a firm knock announced Curt's presence and he had a present. Jackie opened the door, gave him half a smile and slipped past.

  "Hey you. You look great." He said to her and the pretty thighs exposed under the short robe.

  "You too." Cameisha giggled and tippy toed for a kiss. "Come on in, I'll take that."

  Curt sat on the bed while Cameisha put the wine coolers in glasses. She purposely bent over to let him see some ass cleavage but he was too busy opening the small vial of liquid to slip her.


  "Shit better be worth it." Jackie said to herself as she hoofed the ten blocks over to Santana's apartment.

  Since it was her who offered to link up with him, he told her to fall through instead of going to pick her up. Supply and demand you know. The future pro used some of his illegal, under the table money for a Lexus and off-campus pussy palace. Jackie climbed the stairs and rang the bell.

  "Damn!" Jackie and Santana exclaimed at the same time at the sight of each other.

  He was shocked to see just how pretty she was close up and she was shocked at what he had on. A pair of gym shorts was the only cloth separating him from being naked. Jackie named each muscle group starting with pecs, triceps, abs and the huge bulge in his shorts. That of course was the dick muscle.

  "I got the stuff you asked for." Jackie said handing him the bag and feeling some kinda way about it.

  To further try her up, Santana had her stop at the store for a bottle of wine and box of condoms. It's a player's way of asking "are we fucking?"

  "Thanks, pick a movie while I pour us a glass."

  Jackie bit her tongue about the movie and went to his vast collection. If she wanted to watch a movie she could have stayed home. She came for sex. When she peeped a nice sized stack of unmarked DVDs she knew they had to be the porn stash. She was about to ask about it but when she looked back there was Santana emptying a small vial in one of the glasses. Hers she assumed.

  Her first thought was to kill him. Go right into his well equipped kitchen, grab a knife and cut his throat. See, that's how killers think; murder first, talk later. They found conversation with the dead easier. A better thought came to mind and put a devio
us smile on her face.

  "How's this baby?" She asked holding up the Preacher's Wife DVD. It was appropriate since the theme for the night was don't get mad, get even.

  "Fine." He smiled backed. It's not like he gave a fuck what she picked. She would be asleep a few minutes into it anyway. He would be into her a minute after that.

  The funny thing was that most of the girls he date raped would have fucked him anyway. Only most of them wouldn't have been down for all the extra shit he was going to put through: The filming, the friends, the anal, etc.

  When they snuggled up on the sofa, Santana passed her the glass and pressed play on the remote. He watched with glee as she raised it to her mouth.

  "Ooh! Grab my chips out the bag please." She pleaded touching his stomach.

  "Sure." He replied and rushed over to where he sat the bag. He was quick, being a wide receiver and all but Jackie was quicker when she swapped the glasses.

  "Thanks." She smiled and took a sip. "Toast?"

  "To us!" Santana cheered like the cheerleaders he date raped and drained his glass.

  Jackie leaned into him and watched trifling Teresa on the screen. What a waste, she thought to herself feeling his erection grow against her back. Ten minutes into the movie, he was yawning and blinking; rapidly trying to stay awake.

  "Are you ok honey?" Jackie teased knowingly.

  "Um, I um, just…." He stammered just like his many victims did between yawns. The football player was strong but date rape drugs were stronger. A few minutes later he was out like a light. When he wakes up the next day, he's not going to remember a thing. Just like his victims.


  "Damn girl look at you!" Curt marveled as he stripped Cameisha's under garments off. Of course she didn't giggle or say thank you since she was sound asleep.

  After fondling her firm breasts and freshly shaved vagina he was ready. He stripped his own clothing off and turned the camera in his phone on to record the action.


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