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Death's Storm (The Divinities Book 2)

Page 6

by Lia Davis

  Zach had his phone pressed to his ear with the occasional muttered “mmm-hmm,” and a final “I’m on it” before he hung up and faced her. “There are three dead and a dozen or so injured. Luckily, they have a Divinity healer and a doctor living in the coven. Bethany is on her way there now to help out.”

  After she’d laced her Nikes, Khloe stood and walked toward the door. Jagger stepped in front of her. “Where are you going?”

  Hands on her hips, she cast him a narrowed-eye gaze. “Move.”

  “You’re not leaving.”

  “And you’re not stopping me.”

  He stepped closer, trying to crowd her. Or was he trying to intimidate her?


  She could teleport to the coven if she had to, but this was way more fun. A smirk lifted the corner of her mouth. She raised an index finger and ran it down the center of his chest to the top of his jeans. She hooked her finger in the waistband and tugged. “You’re welcome to come with…” she whispered, her lips inches from his. “And watch my back.”

  The red in his eyes flared for a second. She stepped around him and headed toward the elevator where Zach stood waiting. She didn’t get far before Jagger’s large hand wrapped around her bicep, halting her advances.

  “You like playing with fire?”

  “Yes. It is my favorite element.” She extracted her arm from his grip and stepped inside the elevator.

  The demon hadn’t said a word on the elevator ride and didn’t appear very happy as he sat in the backseat of Zach’s Camaro. He fisted his hands, and he hadn’t taken his eyes off her since leaving the condo. That was fine by her. She wouldn’t stay behind. She was a Divinity—born to fight in this war between witches and demons.

  “So why was the coven attacked?” she asked over Zach’s siren.

  “There were four Dark Divine kidnapped.”

  “Fuck! Did you know they were there?” She glared at him. When he remained silent, she tsked. “And you didn’t share this information? Good gods, Zach. There is plenty of room in the Maxville Coven and the Divinity House for them. At least we could have offered to strengthen the coven’s wards for better security. I know Eleese was aware that Khan was tracking down all the Dark Divine.”

  He sighed and shook his head, but he didn’t take his eyes from the road. “That’s what I told Eleese, but she said they been through too much already and assured me that the children were well hidden.”

  As his words sank in, alarm rose in her chest. “How old are they?”

  He white-knuckled the steering wheel, and a tick formed in his temple. “The two girls are seventeen and fourteen. The boys are eight and three.”

  “Fuck!” Khloe said again. A low, furious growl from the backseat matched her mood at that moment.

  Chapter 9

  Jagger’s blood boiled at the scene in front of him. Homes half burned to the ground. Children sobbing, scared witless. Memories of his own village being mowed down by Khan’s army flashed in his mind. The terror in his mate’s eyes as she drew her last breath, and the pain that gripped his heart as his two-year-old daughter died in his arms. He hadn’t been there to protect them, just like no one had been at the coven to guard the witches.

  Hands fisted by his sides, he tried to calm himself. He had a mission, and she was more than a handful. The Oracle’s words swirled in his mind. The thought that she might have seen Khloe’s death fueled the rage Jagger felt toward Khan even more. Because losing another mate would kill him. If not literally, then he would go rogue, and Hecate would have to put him down like a rabid hellhound.

  Glancing to his temptress, he noticed Khloe dart off across the small community. A double take had him rushing after her. The twins were supposed to stay separate. What the hell was Kalissa doing here?

  With quick strides, he made his way to the twins, who were locked in a tight hug. The rush of panic subsided as he observed the females. Frozen in place, he watched as magic swirled around them in iridescent waves.

  “Ayden Daniels.” Kalissa’s mate stood in front of him with his hand extended.

  Jagger gave a short nod and accepted the other male’s hand. “Jagger. I guess there’s no way to keep them apart.”

  Ayden chuckled and sent his woman a hungry gaze before speaking. “No. They’re a package deal.”

  What the hell was that supposed to mean? Khloe was his to claim. His body coiled with possessiveness, and he had to stop himself from carting her far away from everyone until she agreed to be his mate.

  Ayden flicked his gaze back to Jagger, brow raised as if the man had read his mind. Then with a shake of his head and a smile lifting the corners of his mouth, he explained. “I meant that they can’t be separated. Lo is my sister now, and my bond with Kalissa ties us together, too. It was pretty weird at first.”

  Ah, that made sense. Magical twins had an unbreakable link. They were a part of each other. Through Kalissa and Ayden’s mating bond, Khloe was also tied to the couple. And her future husband would complete a quad circle of power.

  This newfound acknowledgement raised alarm in him. The trio was a powerful force, one the demons wanted. Were they trying to snag one to lure in the other two? Possible.

  He wanted to take Khloe’s arm and drag her back to her condo until he could figure out their next step. The urge dissolved when Zach came over with a young strawberry-blond Divinity. Both wore sad expressions.

  “The magical residue is too mixed. Eleese can’t get a clear reading. There is a demonic essence, but that could be the Dark Divine,” Zach announced when he stopped before the group.

  Lex flashed in beside Jagger and agreed with the deputy. “I couldn’t pick up on any particular trail. They purposely blended scents.”

  “Do you think there were dark ones with the demons who took them?” Khloe asked as she stepped away from her twin.

  “It would be the only way any of this makes sense,” Jagger stated flatly. When all eyes shifted his way, he continued his thought. “The wards were strong. I felt the energy when I crossed the perimeter. However, they weren’t set to keep the dark ones out.”

  “Because they had Dark Divine living in the coven.” Khloe cursed and began to pace in front of him. “And they could have entered the coven long before the demons did to set them off, catching everyone off guard.”

  “My mother offers you any and all of her resources. We want them found and brought home safely.” It was the young witch who’d approached with Zach who spoke. When everyone turned to her, she shifted shyly. “I’m Desiree. Eleese is my mother.”

  Jagger felt his brother stiffen beside him. The ever-so-cool, hardened-souled Alexander had actually shown emotion.

  In public.

  Very interesting.

  “We have to find out where they’ve taken the children,” Khloe blurted out.

  Her worry turned to determination, and he could see the wheels turning in her head. He didn’t like it. Not one bit. The urge to gather her up and carry her back to her condo was almost too strong to resist. But, if he did that, she’d leave on her own. She was too headstrong and proud. No, he had to gain her trust and figure this shit out, then maybe she’d agree to be his mate.

  Khloe looked around the room of the home where she’d grown up, now called The Divinity House. Lydia sat in the oversized armchair with the footrest up, cradling a cup of tea between her hands. Her long, red curls were pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a pale green babydoll top and a pair of maternity capri pants.

  Melaina Harris, Divinity Elder, sat on the love seat next to Lydia’s chair. Her straight black hair and the reddish-brown undertones in her skin gave away her Native American heritage. Khloe didn’t know which tribe Mel’s ancestors came from. The Elder seemed to be a private person, and Khloe wasn’t the type to pry into others’ business. She figured Mel would open up when she was ready.

  Ayden sat with his arms around Kalissa on the sofa Mel sat on. Khloe loved her new brother-in-law. He was so good for Kalissa, a
nd he’d helped her overcome her dark past and learn to trust her Divine gifts of visions again.

  Zach sat at the computer desk, going over surveillance files while watching the two Death Demons that stood in opposite corners of the living room.

  Worry plagued Khloe’s mind and tightened her chest at the thought of four helpless, innocent children held against their will. “I want to know how those animals found out they were there,” she fumed, coming to a stop as a large body appeared in front of her.

  It was much too tempting to place her palms against that sculpted chest and draw from his strength, but it would show a weakness she couldn’t afford. She was too vulnerable, and her emotions were too high to deal with the demon. If she touched him right now…

  Yeah. Not happening.

  Pivoting on her heel, she moved away from Jagger, putting as much distance between them as she could and yet still be in the same room. The Death Demon did things to her that she would have no problem exploring if he were magickin or human. That thought brought a frown to her face. Why did it matter if he was a demon?

  Yeah, he was arrogant, controlling, and a little overbearing, but he wasn’t evil. Not like other demons. In fact, he seemed to be right on board with helping them in this fight, especially after the destruction of the Oceanway Coven, and the kidnapping of the Dark Divine children. But was he here on his own or just doing his job?

  A mental nudge from her twin brought Khloe’s eyes to the happy newlyweds. Kalissa didn’t trust the Death Demon. Khloe didn’t need the psychic bond with her twin to tell her how Kalissa felt. No, it was the dagger-like stares she sent Jagger. Khloe tamped down her irritation. Her sister had a right to mistrust demons. After all, her ex-boyfriend was half demon and had put her under a spell to steal her from Ayden over fifteen years ago.

  “How did they know the Dark Divine were at the coven?” Khloe repeated the question to no one in particular, returning her thoughts to the issue at hand. She had to find those children. “We need to get inside that warehouse.”

  The warehouse, aka Grayson Distributions, was the mother ship of Demetrius’s demonic operations. Khloe had had the chance to peek at the construction plans of the building, and found that the garage under the structure had not been included. She wanted to know why. The only reason she could think of was that they were hiding something down there. She wanted inside.

  “I’m working on it.” Zach’s gruff voice came from the small desk in the corner of the living room. “The damn security on the place is tight.”

  “I may be able to get in,” Khloe announced. There wasn’t a technical device made she couldn’t breach. At least, she hadn’t run across one yet.

  “No,” a refrain of voices said simultaneously.

  She turned to the closest voice. Jagger loomed over her, a wall of hardened muscle. Her lips pressed together in a thin line, and irritation intensified inside her. With her index finger, she poked him in the chest and said, “You don’t get to tell me no.”

  He gripped her hand in his larger one and removed it from his personal space. When he didn’t let go, she called the element of Fire. Heat rose and flowed to her hand and into his. He absorbed it and pushed it back to her. Surprised, she sucked in a breath, but not because it was painful. It felt good and awakened every nerve ending in her body. She was shocked that he’d just recharged her fourth element, and they hadn’t had sex.

  She stared into his chocolate-brown eyes, and then the room around her dissolved. Jagger’s magic enveloped her and pulled her through time and space before they materialized inside her condo.


  Jagger smirked at the fury building inside Khloe as she stared him down with arms crossed. “You’re not taking unnecessary risks.”

  “Just because you were sent here as my guardian doesn’t give you the right to control me.” She started to pace the living room of her condo. “Besides, I’ll take whatever risks are needed to bring back those kids.”

  “And we’ll work together. I can’t allow you to sacrifice yourself for information.”

  Her head snapped up, and she met his gaze. “Were you in my head?” That angered her further. The increased beats of her heart and the intensity of her scent told him that.

  “I don’t need to be in your head to know what you had planned,” he countered.

  Narrowing her eyes, she held his stare for several seconds before her phone rang. She answered it without checking who it was. “Yeah.”

  “Where the hell are you?” Jagger’s supernatural hearing picked up Kalissa’s scolding tone from the other end of the line.

  Khloe let out a huff. “I’m at my condo. Death has decided I need saving from myself.”

  “I don’t like it. There’s too much sexual tension between you two. It’s distracting.”

  Jagger froze at Kalissa’s observation. A part of him wanted to rejoice at that. If Kalissa felt the tension, then Khloe was experiencing it.

  “Yeah, well, try being around you and Ayden all the damn time,” Khloe shot back, not denying what her sister said. “I’ll deal with Jagger, and we’ll meet up in the morning. Call me if you come up with a plan before then.”

  She hung up the phone and turned toward her bedroom.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To bed. Make yourself comfortable, in the spare bedroom, over there.” She pointed to the room on the opposite side of the condo from hers. Then she walked into her room and slammed the door.

  Chapter 10

  Khloe landed with the grace of a cat. She climbed down the side of the building, one balcony at a time, until the second story, where she jumped to the ground. She could have teleported, but she didn't want to alert Jagger. She wasn’t going to take the chance that the demon would be waiting for her to use magic to leave the condo.

  Descending the high-rise was more fun anyway. It gave her muscles a much-needed workout.

  She needed space. Time alone, away from her demon guardian. The large, hard-bodied, sexy-as-hell, naturally tanned, luscious Death Demon that made her fantasize about things she'd only read about.

  And it was stifling to be around him. He made her want things she hadn't wanted since Mark. Things she couldn't allow herself to have. No way was she going to give her heart to another only to have it squashed.

  Demonic energy crawled up her spine, and she shivered. Damn. Couldn’t a girl get some air?

  Khloe retreated into a nearby alley and hid in the shadows. Closing her eyes, she slowed her breathing and drifted into a meditative state. She opened her eyes and waited.

  A moment later, two demons passed in front of the alley's opening. One stopped and smelled the air. Shit. Demons and their damn sense of smell. She remained pressed against the brick wall of the skyscraper and willed the fuckers to come closer.

  Just a little closer. Come to Mama.

  A smirk tugged at her lips when the creatures stepped into the alley, confusion etched on their inhuman faces. Khloe and her Divine brethren were the only ones who could see the demons for what they truly were—vile monsters of the Underworld. These two were no exception.

  They might have their horns hidden, but the illusion spell that hid their true appearance didn't work on her. She never understood why she could see through illusions and glamours. It was like a sixth sense. While Kalissa could distinguish the differences between a human and a demon, Khloe could see past whatever magic they used to blend into the human world.

  Her father had once told her it was because she was special and a very powerful little witch. She had been five when she’d first seen someone perform an illusion spell at the coven. Noah had changed the color of his hair to pure white in a spell-casting class demonstration. However, Khloe saw through the spell after a few seconds. She argued that it hadn’t lasted. The other children laughed at her, calling her a freak.

  The memory of her father drawing her tear-filled face in his hands and speaking the words that made everything better filled her thoughts. �
��You’re my special, powerful little witch, and possess the gift of magical sight.”

  Her chest tightened, and a lump rose in her throat.

  “Love you, Daddy,” she whispered into the wind and pushed away from the wall to step out into the middle of the alley.

  Stupid and Confused stilled and stared at her like a pair of deer caught in headlights. Their strength was that of a Lackey, the lesser of the demon race. Most likely, they were scouts sent out to search. But she could care less what they searched for.

  “Hello, boys,” she said sweetly.

  The one on the right narrowed his eyes on her. “Looks like we have a lost witch. Don't you know it's not safe to wander around here alone? Things could happen to a pretty creature like you.”

  Her eyebrows rose, and she smiled. “Really? What kinds of things?”

  “Oh, terrible things. Too awful to mention.” It was the other demon who spoke this time, drawing Khloe's gaze to him. His eyes held lust and greed. It didn't take a genius, or a telepath, to figure out what was going on inside his head.


  “Come with us. We'll show you the sights. Maybe have a little party afterward.” Both demons nodded in unison like toddlers waiting for their favorite cookie to come out of the oven.

  Khloe shrugged in a nonchalant way. “As fun as that sounds, I am afraid I'll have to pass.”

  The males' faces fell into lines of fury. Demons hated to be dismissed. Good.

  She stepped back farther into the darkness of the alley. As expected, the demons followed. There was no reason to alert any nosy humans. Another step back, and she hit something solid and froze. She didn't need to turn around to know that two more demons stood behind her.

  “Fuck me,” she breathed out.

  One of the creatures laughed out load. “That offer has already been made. Now you must die.”

  Jagger lay on the guest bed, staring at the ceiling. The condo was too quiet, and his nerves made it impossible to sleep.


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