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Code Name: Nina's Choice (Warrior's Challenge)

Page 4

by Natasza Waters

  Mace cocked his head, and a small spark lit in his eyes. Kind of an evil, I’m-gonna-take-it-out-on you, look. “Not standing at attention yet.”

  “Sorry to hear that man. It’ll come around,” Nathan said.

  Tony wrapped an arm around his own shoulder and gave it a scratch. “Tadpole, how’s the nicotine addiction going? My aunt quit a few years ago, said it was hell.”

  “No problem, man. Kicked the habit. Don’t even want one.” Nathan nodded at the waitress to bring him a beer. “What are ya guys up to tonight?”

  “Got plans,” Tony answered, and darted a look at the rest of the guys. He’d given Nathan a little bit of rope and he’d just hung himself. “I’m gonna take the Missus here back to the nursing home. I’ll catch ya later.”

  Mace gave him a caustic glare.

  Tony shrugged. “It’s true, you’re as miserable as an old woman with tight nylons. We can pick up a frozen dinner and TV Guide on the way,” he said, giving him another jibe. He knew Mace had a very long fuse on his patience, but if he kept pushing, he’d cut it short and try to prove him wrong. They’d gotten through Hell Week that way, and every hurdle they’d encountered since joining up. Whenever Mace faltered he kicked his ass and vice versa.

  “Yeah, we’re out of here too,” Ditz said, slugging back his beer. “See ya round.”

  “Something I said?” Nathan’s brows squeezed together.

  Stitch slapped Nathan on the back. “See ya for the run in the morning.”

  “Sure, what time?”

  “Oh-seven-hundred hours. Meet you in the parking lot.”

  “Sounds good.”

  The guys rallied outside sans their target. “I’ll get the ice and we’ll meet at my place in thirty minutes. Enough time?” Tony scanned their faces.

  “Yup,” Stitch said, ramming his hands in his pockets. “Kid’s about to learn a valuable lesson.”

  * * * *

  “What the hell is that?” Mace asked, holding back a bark of laughter. The suctioning thunk of the amply sized rubber dildo wavered in the middle of Nathan’s forehead.

  “Looks good on ya man, don’t ya think so?” Ditz grinned down at Tadpole.

  Tadpole had a temper, and his eyes blazed, but he couldn’t say much with duct tape doubled up across his mouth and an extra wrap around his head for good measure.

  “That thing almost makes me jealous,” Stitch said, tearing open another bag of ice and adding it to the tub.

  “Ya forgot the cardinal rule, seaman Tadpole. Never…ever…lie to one of us.” Tony poked the dildo, and it swung like the top of a tall building in an earthquake. “It’s not that we care ya started smoking again.”

  “I care,” Stitch broke in. “That shit will cut ya down in the prime of life. Don’t ya think being a SEAL is enough? Don’t feel like puttin’ ya in a coffin because you’re stupid.” He leaned over a well-trussed Tadpole.

  Tadpole made muffled, angry noises and his brows bounced with annoyance.

  “Still got some fight in ya, huh, kid?” Mace shunted a look at Tony. “Did ya remember to bring the camera?”

  “Yup.” Tony yanked the bag from the counter and pulled out the camera.

  “Where’d you get that damn thing anyway?” Ditz asked, referring to the rubber boyfriend still swaying on Tadpole’s forehead as he unscrewed a cap off a tube of crazy glue.

  Tony shrugged. “Friend left it at my place.”

  The guys laughed.

  “Yeah, yeah I know what you’re thinking, and you can shut the hell up.” Tony quipped. “I had enough to make her happy.”

  Mace snorted and shook his head. “What are ya doing with that, Ditz?” he asked, watching him drain the entire tube of crazy glue across Tadpole’s feet.

  Ditz wore an evil grin on his face. “Saw The Hobbit the other night.” He reached into a knapsack and pulled out a baggie filled with hair clippings. Ditz’s wife worked in a salon. “Thought he might look good as Dildo…I mean Bilbo Baggins.” He tipped the bag and covered Nathan’s feet, then patted the furry covering so they’d stick. With crazy glue as adhesive, Tadpole would have to shave off his new fur coat and lose a couple layers of skin.

  Stitch returned with beers and they clanked them together over Tadpole, who wiggled fruitlessly below them. “So, what now?” Tony asked.

  Mace shrugged. “Wait for the glue to dry.” He leaned against the counter for support. It was good being with the guys again. Not that he minded all the attention Nina poured on him. She cooked, cleaned, and worried over him. The woman was a saint, a beautiful saint. Nina wasn’t a patient woman in a lot of ways, but she was giving him all the time and space he needed. She’d bugged him again about going to visit her parents. She’d already arranged it with her father who had his practice in Victoria.

  “So, ya made your flight arrangements yet?” Tony asked, reading his mind like only a swim buddy could.

  “I’m thinking about it.”

  Tony nudged him. “What could it hurt, man?”

  “Smart move,” Stitch said, sitting on the edge of the tub. Nathan’s feet were hogtied to the faucet so he couldn’t maneuver much.

  “It’s gonna be awkward.”

  “How so?” Tony asked, taking up a position beside him.

  Mace took a long swig of his beer. “Hey Doc, think you can get my junk to work so I can screw your daughter against the wall and every surface I can think of?”

  “Oh, yeah, see what ya mean,” Tony said, with a mischievous grin.

  “Ninja Grass…I mean Nina, isn’t gonna get off your case until you go, so saddle up and do it,” Ditz said, as he drizzled a bottle of red dye over Nathan’s chest in the shape of a heart.

  Nathan grunted, but they all ignored him.

  “Yeah, maybe.” He didn’t have a good excuse not to go. Before the mission he’d promised Nina he wanted to meet her daughter Gabriella. Nina pulled her pictures up on the computer and looked at them every night. She was the image of her mother, with beautiful red locks and an impish smile. Gabbs’ father seemed to be a “no fly zone.” Nina didn’t bring him up, so he didn’t either. He worried that he was giving Nina false hope by meeting her family. He hadn’t seen his own since he’d got back. They’d called him non-stop, but he’d told them he’d come around when he was ready.

  Tadpole grunted loudly and flopped like a fish in the tub. Mace leaned over and turned on the cold water. “Cool off, kid.” The fire hadn’t left Nathan’s eyes yet. He was still humming mad.

  “Oh, hey, Tadpole, how ya doing, buddy?” Stitch gave him a toothy grin. “You know this is for your own good, right?” He glared back at him. “Not yet, huh?” Stitch cocked his head, “Well, boys, looks like we gotta pull out the big guns. Tony, pictures.”

  Tadpole’s eyes grew, shaking his head, not that he could move it much. “Tony, you got his girlfriend’s Facebook page?” Mace asked.


  “I hear she’s into our superhero here. Thinks he’s ‘the man.’”

  Tadpole gurgled and bucked his body.

  “Got that lipstick handy, Mace?” Tony asked, zooming the camera for a clear close-up.

  Mace stretched and pulled out the bright red garish color he’d picked up on the way over. “Don’t worry Tadpole, I made sure it matched your complexion.”

  Tadpole tried his damnedest to free himself, but the faucet and knobs held tight. Lying in the pool of ice water in his skivvies, he shivered. Mace leaned over him. “Here’s the deal, T-pole. You’re gonna stop smoking for good, and if you ever lie to one of us again, we’ll crazy glue a pink tutu on you and tie you up on the Strand outside of Breakers, on Friday night. Got it?”

  Tadpole nodded slowly, the fire dying in his eyes. “Consider yourself getting off easy this time,” Mace added, covering his cheek with a big lipstick kiss. “Mmm, does look kinda pretty.” He finished his handiwork and the guys all chuckled. “Tinman, time to roll the pictures.”

  “Anyone here?” The call came from the dir
ection of the patio doors in Tony’s living room.

  “Back here, Master Chief,” Tony answered.

  Fox filled the doorway and barked with laughter at the sight of all of them jammed in the small bathroom. “Nathan, my young friend.” He stepped forward to get a better look, grinning.

  “What ya got there, Master Chief?” Mace piped up, seeing something hidden behind Fox’s back. Fox revealed the tattoo gun he’d been concealing.

  “Oh, shit,” Ditz murmured.

  Nathan thrashed, his eyes rounding with horror.

  “Don’t worry kid, only your girlfriend is gonna see it.” Fox plugged in the tattoo gun and pulled red and black ink out of his pocket, along with some antiseptic swabs and dumped them on the counter.

  “What ya got in mind?” Mace asked, then barked out a laugh seeing Tadpole squirming for his life.

  Fox slowly slid a look at each of them. “A no smoking sign, of course.”

  Tadpole groaned long and low.

  “Beer?” Tony asked, presenting one from the sink.

  “Thanks, Tinman. Cheers, boys.”

  Stitch gave the big dildo a flick. “I wouldn’t move either, kid, could end up looking like the ladies sign on a bathroom door.”

  * * * *

  Tony dropped Mace off at the front door after Operation Tadpole’s mission was complete. Their junior SEAL was going to be doing a lot of standing for the next while.

  “Ya gonna tell her you’re going to visit her family?” Tony asked, throwing the car into park.

  Mace gritted his teeth stepping out. The ligaments were healing, but they ached like hell. “Yup.”

  “Good man. Doesn’t hurt to get some new scenery. I’ll pick ya up tomorrow at ten for your physio.”

  Mace fisted his buddy. “Thanks T-man.”

  “Hey, what are brothers for? Say ‘hi’ to Ninja Grasshopper for me.”

  “You still got something going on for my girl?”

  Tinman grinned at him. “Hey, I gave it my best shot. She was all crazy-eyed over you from the get-go. She’s a good woman, Mace.” A wicked smile cracked his lips. “But the offer’s still open to entice you to get moving.”

  Leaning a hand on the roof, he shook his head. “Buddy, you’re gonna find Mrs. Bale one day.”

  Tinman gripped the wheel and nodded. “Maybe. You know what it’s like living in our boots.” He paused, and then gave him a wink. “Nina gets it. She’s going to be Mrs. Callahan, isn’t she?”

  Mace had known that about a minute after they met. At least until he got his nuts shot to pieces. “Wouldn’t do her much good with a husband that can’t perform. Nina is…” He hesitated not knowing if he should share. “She’s taught me a few things. I don’t think I’m the only one going crazy with need.”

  Tinman shrugged. “That means what? She’s not broken, and you’re only temporarily out of commission.”


  He watched the car disappear at the end of the street then sighed as he looked up the walkway into his apartment. Doubt poked its head up, and he slammed it with a hundred pound sledge hammer.

  Pushing open the apartment door, he felt the quiver in his legs from overexertion, but that quiver got lost in the sight before him. Nina was bent over, fiddling with something in the oven. A towel wrapped around her sleek figure barely covered the teardrop ends of her gorgeous ass, and her hair dripped from just getting out of the shower.

  She bolted upright hearing him. “Mace!”

  They stared at each other and it felt like a zip-line of electricity connected them.

  “The timer went off when I was in the shower. I’ll get dressed. Just be a second.”

  She scurried around the counter, and something twitched inside him. Was it his imagination? “Stop,” he commanded. She did, right where he wanted her, in front of the kitchen table. Fuck, it wasn’t his imagination. Although painful as hell, the excitement coiling in his gut was talking to his other body parts and it swelled. Not a lot, but enough to make him want to shout it out. “Lose the towel, Nina,” he growled at her. She hesitated for a second, but her lids were already half-closed over a simmering look. “Now.”

  Chapter Four

  Nina released the towel, and it pooled at the base of her elegant long legs. His eyes skimmed up the high-rise of gorgeous flesh to slender, curvy hips. Her breasts perked out, calling his name and his name only.

  Before the mission they’d spent three days at Cobbs’ ranch with the rest of the teams. It was then he learned what really turned Nina on. Being a strong woman, it didn’t compute why she wanted to be commanded in the bedroom, but he’d taken to it naturally and their lovemaking went from hot to Napalm in seconds.

  “Table.” He took a step toward her, and leaned the cane against the wall.

  “Mace, no, we said we’d—”

  “Did I tell you to talk?”

  Her full lips closed, and she slowly slid onto the table.

  “Farther,” he commanded, taking another step. Holy shit, he was getting stiffer by the second. Maybe only a quarter way there, but it was there. Tony might have been on to something. He reached the end of the table, and he could see her chest rising and falling with deep breaths, almost as deep as his own. With one finger, he grazed a trail around her ankle, up her shin and stopped where her knees rested together. “Relax.” Pressing gently with one finger, her knees spread and his parts exploded with feeling. “Baby?”

  Nina expression filled with heat, but a scattering of worry crinkled her brow.

  “You are beautiful. Too beautiful to ignore.” He licked his lips and leaned over her, powering a kiss on her lips, tempting her to open to his tongue. His hands tracked a slow course from the bottom of her ass to meet his thumbs at her tense little nub. It was perfect. Nina was perfect. She moaned when he circled her nerves, moisture covering his fingers. He pulled back, and their eyes locked in a connection neither of them could run from. “I’m hungry baby, and so are you.”

  “Mace, I can wait.”

  “I don’t want you to wait.” His tongue found that beautiful pink nub, and sucked it between his lips. Her smell. How could he have forgotten how much he loved it? The scent of her skin reminded him of vanilla beans. Nina’s hips rose off the table when he inserted two fingers, and licked her at the same time. She cried out. “Not yet, Nina. I haven’t nearly finished tasting you.” He rimmed the opening to her channel with his tongue, and she released a moan of pleasure.

  Her fingers turned white clenching the corners of the table. Pulling her thighs over his shoulders, and running a hand down the length, he breathed in her perfection, and kissed the smooth skin. Her legs flexed around his neck, and he loved it. Being in control of her pleasure did things to him no other woman could elicit. She’d given him that right the first time they’d made love, and he couldn’t get enough.

  Her mild kink excited him, and he wanted more. He would have more. His determination voiced itself as his mouth made love to her, tasting, teasing. A bundle of passion, her long body writhed under him. She needed release. Maybe he couldn’t find his yet, but because of Nina, he would keep trying. “Now, baby.” Flattening his tongue, he lapped at her, feeling the squeeze of her legs around his neck. She liked it hard and he ravished her, sucking her firmly and pinching her nipples at the same time.

  Nina exploded in tremors, and it felt so good, even though he couldn’t join her. He gathered her in his arms and carried her to the couch. It was only a few steps. He could do it. Laying her out like a model in some exotic pose she stared up at him, her hand gripping his.

  He knelt down carefully beside her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “Don’t give up on me, Nina. You’ve turned me into a needy man, and I need you.”

  She thrust up, wrapping her long arms around his neck and peppered him with kisses. “Mace,” she stuttered, and when he pulled away he saw tears in her eyes.

  “Hey, baby, tears?”

  She swiped them away quickly. “No,” she said, bu
t it came out sounding like a little girl lying about sniping a cookie. More rained down her cheeks and he kissed them away. This was a Nina he hadn’t seen before. Normally she was all about spunk and fiery responses.

  “Nina, I think it’s time I met Gabriella, don’t you?”

  “Really?” Her face lit up and she grabbed his shoulder. “Are you serious?”

  She’d put up with all his moods since he’d gotten home, and she’d ridden them out like a professional surfer, never letting his waves of defeat pull her under. Nina was one of those rare optimistic women whose inner strength could hold back an army by sheer determination. Even if he couldn’t make love to her the way he wanted, he still needed to touch her, and to feel her touch him. “I’m kinda crazy infatuated with her mother.”

  Nina cupped his jaw in her palms. “You make me crazy too, hotstuff.” Her green eyes glistened with tears. “I care about you so much. I was going out of my mind thinking you would shut me out.” She worried the corner of her lip.

  With a firm caress, he circled her breast. “Today proved something to me.” Her gaze popped back and forth between his eyes. “I felt something, Nina.” He cleared his throat. “I mean, I felt something down there.”

  Nina’s grin broke into a full out smile. “Soon, hotstuff. Soon.”

  He couldn’t hold back the huge smile that grew in his heart, and they held onto to each other. “I’m a lucky man,” he whispered in her ear.

  She squeezed him even tighter. “You’re gonna get lucky, that’s for sure,” she growled back and they both laughed. “Now, dinner.”

  He gently pushed her bare shoulders against the pillow. “I’m still hungry, baby.”

  “Oh,” she breathed.

  He spread his palm across her tight, flat stomach, reveling in the sight. His swarthy skin against the creamy white of hers made him wild and senseless. The pulse below deck gave him hope. A sure sign Nina was exactly what the doctor would order.

  Sliding his hand down her leg, he stopped on her calf, and draped it over his shoulder, opening the moist invitation for his pleasure as much as hers. “Very hungry.” His tongue left a wet trail along her inner thigh stopping just short of her sexy offering. His eyes strayed up her body, across her breasts and locked on her gaze. “I can’t wait to be inside you again, Nina. Everything about you makes me want that.”


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