Code Name: Nina's Choice (Warrior's Challenge)

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Code Name: Nina's Choice (Warrior's Challenge) Page 10

by Natasza Waters

  “Holy shit! We’re gone.”

  She and Ross rolled up Cobbs’ driveway. Undoing the seatbelt, she bolted for Mace as he got out of his car. The others from Alpha Squad had already arrived, their cars jammed bumper to bumper in the driveway and on the sidewalk.

  “I’m gonna kill her,” she said, reaching Mace as his arm curled around her shoulder.

  “Take it easy, babe, we don’t know what’s going on, but once you’re done with her, it’s my turn.”

  They headed into the house, and were greeted with a blast of loud voices. They ran up the stairs to the dining room. Ghost looked like a mummy with a bandage wrapped around his head and Kayla sat reserved with her hands crossed on the table, staring calmly back at the team as they all ranted at the same time. Nina pushed through the crowd, and threw her hands on her hips. “Where the fuck have you been? Do you have any idea how worried I was?”

  Kayla’s large eyes settled on her, and they stared at each other for a good long second.

  “Breakfast?” she asked.

  “What the hell!” Nina crowed.

  A roar went up from the table as everyone gave Kayla a piece of their minds, but she could shout louder than anyone, and she did. Heads turned and the room settled down when Captain Redding and his wife Lydia walked in. Their expressions morphed with relief as Kayla walked into their arms for a hug. She took her gentle reprimand for running away gracefully. Everyone in the room could see the love Redding and Lydia had for Kayla. Nina’s attention was drawn to the rare smile that bloomed on Ghost’s face as he watched the reunion. Something was definitely different with Kayla and Ghost. Nina couldn’t wait to get Kayla back to the apartment. They had a shit ton to talk about.

  * * * *

  Mace kissed Nina on the cheek and laid one on Kayla. “You girls behave, and if you try to make a break for it, both of you are gonna be in a load of trouble.”

  Ghost stood quietly at the door, and for a change, the Captain had zilch to say. He and Kayla just stared at each other, then she turned her attention on Mace and gave him a pat on the arm.

  “Later, babe,” Mace said, giving Nina a wink.

  “See ya, hotstuff.”

  She and Kayla sat silent as a sniper waiting for his target until the door closed.

  “We need to talk,” they both said at the very same time.

  “You first,” Kayla said calmly.

  “Fine, where the fuck have you been and why? Why did you run away? You never run away. You’re as tough as nuts, but this pregnancy is making you psycho.”

  Kayla breathed out a deep breath. “Yes, it is.”

  “That’s all I get?” She hammered her fists on the table. “I’ve needed you, woman.”

  Kayla grinned. “Looks like Mace has everything in hand. I’m so glad he’s back at the base and healing up.”

  Nina pointed a sharp finger at her. “Don’t change the subject, boss. Where have you been?”

  She shrugged.

  “Nuuu, no shrugs. What happened while you were gone, and what happened to Ghost? Why is he walking like a mummy and wearing a bandage on his head? Where have you been for almost three months? When I saw Ghost last he was emaciated with worry.”

  “The abbreviated version is when I left Berlin and landed here, I slipped away to Lieutenant Cobbs’ ranch. Thane found me, and refused to leave. He told me what he had been forced to do with Zara.”

  “That Egyptian diplomat, yeah, Mace told me. Regardless of the fact he’d been forced, it must have hurt like hell to hear it.”

  Kayla nodded. “It did, and on top of that Daniel showed up.”

  Nina’s eyes rounded. “As in your ex? Holy shit. Did Ghost kill him?”

  “No, but he wanted to. Daniel kept taunting Thane and I had to admit we weren’t divorced.”

  Nina covered her face with her hands. “Oh God, well that’s one point for each of you.”

  “Daniel wanted me to go home with him. Then to add to the rising bullshit, Zara’s guard showed up to deliver Thane a message.”

  “Which was?” This didn’t sound good at all.

  “That she was pregnant with Thane’s child.”

  Nina shot out of her chair. “Oh God, Kayla, I’m so sorry.”

  “Sit. Not over yet. Thane left to prove otherwise and he did, but when he returned he was escorted by Immigration Services and Men at Arms. He made Daniel sign the divorce papers.”

  “Well, that’s not all bad, is it?”

  Kayla’s expression twisted with sadness. “He also brought Greg.”

  Nina blew out her breath. “To do what?”

  “He took Daniel away and said we needed distance. To start over, Greg said he wasn’t going to be in my life anymore.”

  “Kayla, I’m sorry. I know how much he means to you.” She paused with a thought. “You didn’t tell Ghost you’d been lovers, did you?”

  She nodded. “Thane left me, but I wasn’t alone for long, the Shark found me and chased me through the forest. Thane got back in the nick of time, but the Shark got away.”

  Nina scrubbed her face. “Holy heck, are you crazy? Thane must be wondering if that baby is his. Why in God’s name would you tell him about Greg? He didn’t need to know.”

  “Because it all had to be on the table.”

  “So how did Ghost end up all battered and bruised?”

  Kayla rubbed her blooming stomach and cleared her throat. “Because when Zara found out her baby wasn’t Thane’s she sent her assassin to kill me. Cobbs and Marg came up to the ranch at the same time this was going down, and the guys sent us back to San Diego. It ended up in a high-speed chase with one cop dead, and Thane nearly killing himself taking the assassin out.”

  Nina started to chuckle and then laugh.

  “Not funny,” Kayla drawled.

  “Holy shit, woman. Well, maybe this will teach you to stick around and let Ghost love you.”

  “One other thing.”

  “More?” Her eyes rounded.

  “He asked me to marry him.”

  Nina’s jaw dropped open. “That’s great, isn’t it?”

  “I said no. Now tell me about Mace?”

  Nina shook her head in disgust. “Why would you do that, Kayla? Captain Austen is your soul mate. Not Greg. Not that dirtbag who tortured you for ten years. Ghost is—” She stopped seeing Kayla tear up. They stared in silence at each other. Then it hit her. “You think he’s going to change, don’t you? You’re so messed up.”

  Kayla wiped her tears and put a determined stare on the wall.

  “Do you love him or don’t you? If you do, then there is nothing standing in the way of you celebrating your fiftieth wedding anniversary. I want you to listen to me for a change.” Kayla’s gaze settled on her. “You’ve been giving me advice for years. It’s your turn. Ghost was gutted when you disappeared. He drove himself day and night to find you because you are cemented in that man’s heart, and he will never, ever stop loving you. Do you know how rare that is?” Kayla’s expression crumpled and her lids clamped shut. She nodded slowly. “Then stop being an ass, and marry your baby’s father.”

  Kayla leaned against the counter, resting crossed arms over her huge belly. She smiled. “I hear you, Nina. I hear you, my friend.”

  “Good.” Nina hoped she did. Compared to Kayla’s experience, hers had been as boring as slug bait. It wasn’t often—okay, never —when she gave Kayla advice, so she waited, not blinking an eye so the message would sink in.

  Kayla grinned at her. Her transmission had been received. “Tell me about you and Mace. I want to hear it all.”

  “Mace doesn’t mind working with the recruits, but that’s all he can do until he passes his physicals, which he’s going to do soon. I’m worried. If he fails, he’ll take it too hard.”

  “He’ll pass.”

  “What if I don’t want him to?” The thought kept doing donuts in her mind and Kayla was the only person on earth she could tell. Kayla pulled the coffeemaker from under the cabinet
and placed a new filter inside without making a comment. “Is that wrong?”

  “Of course it isn’t, but you and I will have to be strong because once a SEAL always a SEAL.”

  Kayla was right, but it didn’t stop her innermost wish that Mace wouldn’t be able to engage in combat duty again. “Man, that kid is big. He’s gonna hurt like shit coming out.”

  Kayla chuckled. “Tell me about it. You should feel him kick.”

  “I can see him kick. That SEAL pup is gonna be a monster.”

  Kayla broke out laughing. “Considering the size of his father, I’m not surprised.”

  “What the hell happened to us?” She rose and crossed the kitchen, taking Kayla’s hands in hers. “We come all the way to San Diego to start new, and it’s been nothing but a four-ring circus. Serial killers, Egyptian whack jobs.” She twined her hands together and swallowed. “I love him, Kayla.”

  “I kind of figured that out before I left. Looks to me like Mace has found his forever girl.”

  “It looks that way, but he hasn’t asked me anything. I mean, he’s hinted. We’ve talked, but he hasn’t asked me, and I don’t know why.”

  The computer sitting on the side table beeped with a Skype request. “Right on time,” Nina said, glancing at the clock.


  “Gabbs. She calls every day, and she misses you. I was running out of excuses as to why Auntie Kayla didn’t want to talk to her.”

  Kayla’s chin dropped, and she looked more sorry in that second than any other time that day. “I’ve missed her too.”

  Nina plopped down in the chair and accepted the call. “Hey, sweetie.”

  “Mom, I need to talk to Mace.”

  Nina nodded. “Yeah, hello to you too, darling.”

  “Hi, Mom. Now can I talk to Mace?”

  “What for? He’s at work.”

  Gabbs threw on a good pout. “It’s secret.”

  “Uh,” she drawled, playing it up. “I see. He’ll call you later, but maybe there’s someone else you’d like to say hello to.”

  “Who?” Gabbs asked, fiddling with the mouse by her hand.

  “Hey, little girl,” Kayla said, stepping into the camera’s radius.

  “Auntie Kayla!” Gabbs screeched. “Where have you been?”

  “Huh, everyone seems to be asking that today.”

  “Auntie Kayla, you got fat.”

  They both chuckled. “Honey, Auntie Kayla is going to have a baby.”

  “Really? Can I come and live with you, Kayla? Mommy’s too busy kissing Mace all the time, and I can help you with the baby.”

  Kayla grinned at her. “It won’t be long I’m sure, and I can’t wait to see you.”

  The door blew open and Mace and Ghost sauntered in.

  “Back so soon?” Kayla said, startled.

  “Is that Mace?” Gabbs yelled.

  “Just a second, Gabriella,” Nina said, raising a finger to her daughter.

  Mace leaned over her shoulder. “What’s up, Little Red?”

  “Mace, they want everyone to bring their dad to school. I always bring Grampy, but I want you to come this time. You’re supposed to tell everyone what you do.”

  “When is this happening, Gabbs?” Mace knelt down beside Nina and forked his fingers through hers.

  “Next Friday.”

  “Ah, Gabbs, I don’t think…”

  “Go,” Ghost said from behind them. They both turned. He stood behind Kayla, his massive arms wrapped around her stomach. “I’ll sign off on your leave.”

  “Who’s that?” Gabbs, always inquisitive, asked, leaning forward as if she could see around the corner of the monitor.

  “It’s Mace’s boss, Captain Austen. Sometimes they call him Ghost,” she told her daughter.

  “Mr. Austen, sir, can he really come?” she asked, practically bouncing in her chair. Kayla pushed Ghost toward the monitor and he took a few tentative steps, kneeling on the other side of Nina.

  Gabbs eyes grew as big as Ferris wheels. “Wooo,” she breathed.

  “Sorry,” Nina apologized, stifling a laugh.

  Ghost plastered an enormous grin on his face. “Hello, Gabriella, it’s nice to meet you.”

  “You’re,” she paused and blinked, “big.”

  Ghost nodded with a smile sharpening his jaw line. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  The little lights came on pretty quick. “Are you gonna be my uncle? Auntie Kayla’s gonna have a baby, ya know?”

  “I know,” he said, the smile broadening. “He’s my son. We’re going to call him Adam.”

  “I like that name. I have an Adam in my class. I think he likes me.”

  Ghost’s grin deepened. “You make sure to tell all your classmates Mace is coming, okay?”

  “’Kay, bye, Mr. Ghost.”

  Nina wrapped an arm around Mace’s shoulders. “Mace, I can’t get any time off work.”

  “It’s okay, Mom, I just need Mace.”

  “Oh,” she said feigning a little hurt, but found it too adorable that Gabbs loved Mace so much. She wanted him to be her dad in the worst way. Nina was trying to take it slow. Although her relationship with Mace was intense, there were holes that only time could fill. They’d just begun to know each other.

  “I’ll be there Thursday night, Gabbs. You going to stay up and wait for me?”

  “Yes. Can we play hockey?”

  Mace laughed and glanced at the others. “It’s a date.”

  Gabbs head swiveled, and she nodded. “Mommy, Grandma wants to talk to you.” Nina’s mom and Gabbs traded places, but Gabbs stayed close by with an arm draped across her shoulder. “Darling, your father and I were talking. He’s got a convention in a couple weeks and it’s in San Diego. We thought we’d bring Gabbs and all come.”

  “No,” everyone barked at the same time.

  Her mother’s eyes widened with the chorus.

  “I mean.” Nina chuckled tightly. “We—”

  Her mother raised a hand, her eyes hardening. “Don’t you dare lie to me. What’s going on?”

  “Tonya.” Mace rubbed his chin, and cleared his throat. “That’s not a good idea.”

  “Gabbs, I’d like to talk to your mother alone.”

  Gabbs looked worried. “Is Mommy in trouble?”

  “No, no, sweetheart. Not at all. I just want to speak to her alone.”

  “Okay, bye Mommy, bye Mace.”

  Nina shot a look at Mace. She’d kept the whole Shark matter under wraps, until now. She knew what her parents would say.

  They heard a door close, and her mother dropped a look that could kill, and she dropped it from forty thousand feet. “Truth. Now.”

  Nina nibbled on the edge of her fingernail. “Well, it’s kind of a long story.”

  “Does this have anything to do with the serial killer we’ve been hearing about on the news?”

  Bloody Canada, they always scooped stories from the U.S. “Yes, Mom, but there’s no need to be concerned.”

  “Mace, are you protecting my daughter?”

  He eyed the monitor. “Yes, ma’am, I am.”

  Kayla slid into the camera’s view, and she nudged Nina over on the chair.

  “Kayla! My, my. It looks like there’s a lot of things we haven’t been told about.”

  “Tonya, you’re familiar with the Navy’s policy: need-to-know basis only, but in this case it was to save you from worrying. I don’t think it would be safe for you to come for a visit right now.”

  Her mother contemplated Kayla’s words. Thane hovered behind them, and Tonya’s brows popped. “Ma’am, I’m Captain Thane Austen, in charge of the West Coast Navy SEALs. I strongly suggest you remain in Canada.”

  “Do I want to know the rest of this story?”

  “No,” they said in unison.

  Her mother’s lips pressed together. “Is my daughter safe, Captain?”

  “She’s protected by SEALs twenty-four hours a day.”

  “And she needs to be protected because o
f a direct threat. Is that right?”

  “Mom, please don’t worry. They’re going to catch this guy. Kayla and I are safe as we can be.”

  “You’d be safer at home.”

  “Actually, that might not be the case,” Ghost said.

  Her mother nodded hesitantly. “Mace, we’ll send our driver to pick you up at the airport on Thursday night.” She paused. “And we will talk.”

  Mace nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good,” she said tightly. “Kayla.”

  “Yes, Tonya.”

  “Is the father of your baby going to do the honorable thing?”

  “I’m trying, ma’am,” Ghost spoke up. Nina’s mom didn’t seem shocked that it was him. “She’s a little hard-headed.”

  “Yes, she is that, but she’s like a daughter to me. If the American Navy put you in charge of the strongest fighting force in the world, I would assume you might have just enough determination to deal with Kayla.”

  Ghost burned a grin. “Barely,” he said, and that brought a smile to her mother’s face.

  “Fine, I’ll let you kids go. And Nina, I won’t be sharing this with your father or he’d be on a plane tonight.”

  “Thanks, Mom. Bye.”

  “I love you.”

  Nina disconnected and her head dropped to the tabletop. “Kids?” she mumbled into it.

  Everyone chuckled.

  “They always see us as children, Nina. Don’t worry about it,” Ghost said. “My mom pulls out naked pictures of me in the bathtub when I was two any chance she gets.”

  “Oh, I wanna see those. In fact, I want copies,” Kayla teased.

  “No way.”

  “You’re the one who was talking about photo albums, remember? We’ll put them next to Adam’s. Like father, like son.”

  Nina glanced at Mace, and then back at Ghost and Kayla. Had they just teased each other? Man, maybe the demons had been put to rest. At least they’d taken a holiday, and that meant a whole lotta room for hope.

  A huge grin sloshed onto Ghost’s face, and he swept the mother of his child out of her seat. Kayla was tiny in comparison to the monster of a man who loved her. He coveted her now, and it radiated from him. Nina turned away when Kayla got lost in his arms and his kiss.

  Now, all they had to do was find a serial killer. Was there a break in the overcast skies covering their future? The weather could change rapidly around this part of the world. A thought crash landed in her head. “Wait a minute. You can’t go to Victoria without me.”


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