Code Name: Nina's Choice (Warrior's Challenge)

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Code Name: Nina's Choice (Warrior's Challenge) Page 11

by Natasza Waters

  “Why?” Mace asked, not following.

  “My sister will be there.”

  Mace laughed out loud. “Seriously, she’s not that much of a threat.”

  “Yeah, you say that now, but what are you going to do when she slips into bed with you while you’re sleeping?”

  “What?” He sat back on his haunches. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No, that’s what she did to my boyfriend when I was sixteen.”

  “Is that why you guys are at odds? From a guy in your teens?”

  “You don’t fuck with family, Mace. She’s never apologized, and I’ve never forgiven her.”

  “What did the guy do?”

  Nina’s guts turned to hot coals, and she felt her cheeks redden with heat.

  “Oh, sorry I asked.” He leaned forward and put a finger under her chin. “I’m not sixteen, babe, and I got all the woman I need right here.”

  “I’ll know soon enough, because she’ll throw it in my face if you—” Mace covered her mouth, and shook his head.

  “Don’t say it. I’ve had enough women to know what I want.” He kissed her softly. “And if the Admiral took Kayla out to dinner, I’d remind you of that.” They looked up just as the apartment door closed. Nina leaned back as Mace came at her with a wolfish grin. “It’s in the name of therapy,” he teased.

  Chapter Nine

  “Thanks for the escort, Ross,” Nina said as she waved and pushed the door to Mace’s apartment open. It had been a long shift and she was relieved to retreat to the small space that felt like home to her now.

  “Hold up, Ross,” Mace said, catching her around the waist and tapping a kiss on her cheek as he swept by. “Gotta go out for a few.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Kayla’s going to the Vicaroy’s reading house and we’re on watch.”

  Nina wrapped her arms around his neck. “She’s taking all my Mace time. Don’t be too long, I’ll make dinner. I need a little of you to shake off today.”

  He rubbed her nose. “I wish I could give it to you, babe,” he whispered in her ear. “Feeling your heat wrapped around my shaft is still my main mission.”

  She chuckled lightly. Magazines, books, watching porn, her prancing around in front of him with her sultry lights flashing hadn’t resulted in the desired effect. Mace dealt with his condition by making her his sex toy and watching her fall apart with his attentions. Not that she minded, but she would not let him give up on thinking he would have his ability to get an erection again. They’d both stored their negative thoughts in a cupboard and slammed the door. For now they concentrated on his physical training. His ligaments and wounds had healed with the daily physio. He could challenge the physicals, but hadn’t yet. “Want to take a run before dinner? I’ve been in a dark room all day.”

  He palmed both of her ass cheeks in his hands. “Sure, but then I’m locking you in a dark room all night.”

  “Go,” she ordered with a swat.

  “Hey,” he said, his head sticking in the mostly closed door. “Have you noticed Ghost and Kayla have been a little chilly to each other lately?”

  She arched her brow. “Yeah, I wonder why that is,” she drawled with sarcasm.

  Mace looked stumped.

  “A serial killer wants her dead and she’s pregnant with the world’s biggest baby.”

  “Huh! Did you know he asked her to marry him?”

  “Yup, and she refused. She doesn’t think he means it. Like I said, she’s crazy.”

  He nodded. “I shouldn’t be long, babe. We’re just going to cover Kayla while she’s at the reading house. I’ll see ya soon.”

  “See ya, hotstuff.”

  Two hours passed. Nina checked on the dinner she’d left in the oven to keep warm. It was starting to look like something other than food. She reached for her phone to order a pizza, and then sent Mace a quick text.

  Dinner is done. I mean shriveled. Ordering pizza. ETA?

  Fifteen minutes passed, and then another thirty. She grabbed her phone and texted Kayla. Maybe they’d forgotten about her, and went for something to eat together. Another fifteen minutes passed and she tried Tinman’s number.

  What the hell? She checked her phone again, then called Base Command.

  “Hey, Gord, I’m trying to find Mace or Kayla or anyone for that matter. Has anyone dropped by?” Gord remained silent on the other end of the phone. “Helloooooooooo.”

  “Nina, they’ve found the Shark.”

  Her insides curdled and then she barked, “That’s great! Oh, my God.”

  “It is, but it isn’t. Nina, he got to Kayla.”

  “Wha—what did you just say?” She ran to the window and looked out across the base. “What do you mean?” When he took more than a second to answer, she screamed in the phone. “What? Tell me now. Who is it? Do we know him? Is he a SEAL?” The entire city had begun to believe the bullshit in the papers about the Shark being a SEAL.

  “It’s Captain Themes.”

  “What—the—fuck,” she spit out. “You have got to be kidding?”

  “The team trailed him to the docks, and chased him down in the bay. They’re just coming back now. Kayla and Ghost are hurt, but I don’t think it’s serious.”

  Nina’s hand went to her mouth. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, but Nina there was another casualty.”

  She took a staggering step backward. She wanted to ask if it was another team member, but something told her it was the only other man who would give his life for Kayla. “Gord,” she squeaked.

  “Mace took a bullet, Nina.”

  She hung up and tore open the door to the apartment. “Kevin,” she yelled at the SEAL as she ran past. “They’ve caught the Shark.”

  Kevin and she took the stairs running. They bolted across the base and headed for the dock where the harbor patrol vessel normally docked. Two ambulances waited, and she saw the throng of people hovering about.

  “Where is he? Where’s Mace? Where’s Kayla?” she said, grabbing the arm of the first SEAL she saw. It was Lieutenant Cobbs.

  “Nina.” He stopped her, but not the heart banging in her chest. “Look at me. They’re both going to live. Kayla and Ghost were stabbed and Mace has a flesh wound. He took it in the leg.”

  Her eyes caught the movement of two stretchers being pulled up the ramp. She pushed her way through and waited at the top. Ghost was by Kayla’s side, holding her hand, a dark blotch of blood oozed through the white sheet covering her. Mace’s blood loss was worse, and she could see him staring up into the heavens.

  “Mace!” His eyes darted to her when he heard his name. “God damn it, you stupid man.”

  He gave her a small smile, but winced when the stretcher jiggled. “It’s over, baby. We got him.”

  She clutched Mace’s hand. “Would you please do me a favor and stop getting shot?”

  He chuckled. “Check on Kayla?”

  She nodded and ran ahead. “Kayla?”

  Kayla looked almost serene, which scared her. Ghost said, “She’s going to be fine.” They reached the ambulance and shunted Kayla in immediately.

  “The baby?” she asked. If Kayla lost her baby, she’d lose it for good.

  Ghost winked at her then glued his eyes on Kayla again. “Our son has a brave mother. One I love more than anything in this world.” He leaned over and kissed Kayla.

  Nina stepped back to get out of the way of the closing doors. She didn’t ask, she just jumped into the ambulance with Mace. “I am not letting you out of my sight anymore.” She blew out her fear with a deep breath. She was shaking so badly, even though she could see Mace was all right.

  “Sorry about being late for dinner, babe.”

  She spit out a laugh. “Are you crazy?” She leaned over and kissed his forehead. He wrapped his arms around her and she gazed into his eyes. This is what living with a warrior would mean. Fear would always hold a little ground, and it shook her to the roots. Could she live a life battling the d
ark thoughts when he was away?

  “Hey, don’t look so worried. The Shark is dead. It’s over. It’s finally over.”

  She nodded and smiled at him, but it wasn’t over. The horrible fear twisting her heart to pieces would never be over; that’s what came from being in love with a Navy SEAL.

  * * * *

  Mace crutched his way into the apartment as Nina held the door open. He had another couple weeks of healing to look forward to, but at least the gunshot had only taken some flesh. It didn’t do any real damage, and after stitching him up, they let her take him home.

  Mace leaned the crutches against the edge of the couch and slowly eased onto it. She knelt at his feet. “Do you want me to order a pizza? Are you hungry?”

  He laid his head back and breathed out. “I’m starving.”

  “Are you feeling any pain?”

  He shook his head. “Anesthesia is still doing its magic.”

  “Rest,” she said with a gentle order.

  Beers and pizza filled their bellies and Mace seemed a lot more content. Nina sat on her butt on the other side of the coffee table and thanked God the takedown of the Shark hadn’t resulted in taking out the guy she had fallen totally in love with. Mace’s strength always hid the fact that he was a man, not an invincible god.

  He rubbed the crumbs from his hands and gazed at her with an unspoken question.

  “Something on your mind?” she asked, raising a brow.

  “Life is going to change. You and Kayla don’t have to hide anymore.”

  “That’s good, isn’t it?”

  “Maybe. I know Ghost is bound and determined to get Kayla some help for her PTSD. Their baby is due next month, and…” He paused. “It’s safe to bring Gabbs to San Diego.”

  “I know.” She smiled. “I can’t wait. She’s been so patient.”

  Mace nodded and watched her. A question loomed. “This apartment is a little small…”

  She put down the slice of pizza, swallowing her last bite. Her heartbeat hitched with his intense gaze. “Do you need another beer?” Chicken shit.

  “No.” He paused, surveying her. “I know we haven’t discussed this, maybe it’s not the right time, but…”

  “Mace, I think I know what you’re getting at, but I need some time to get Gabbs settled. I have to get her registered with a school and make arrangements to bring her here.”

  A small flicker in his jaw muscle was his only response.

  “I think I need to stand on my own two feet for a while. I’ve lived with my parents since Gabbs was born. She needs some time to acclimatize.” The more she said, the more Mace’s aura seemed to back away from her. It worried her. She pushed to her feet and sat down next to him. “Mace, I love you, and I know Gabbs does too, but it’s a big step and I have to be sure…”

  “You doubt me, don’t you?” He didn’t say it with resentment or anger, but the statement was resolute.

  “No. I don’t.” She shook her head and knitted her hands together. “It’s a big commitment, but it’s not about us living together, it’s about Gabbs.”

  “I understand. So, what do you want to do, move in with Kayla? If I know Ghost, he’s not going to let her step foot in her place after she gets out of the hospital…”

  She cleared her throat. “I want my own home. The island is pretty expensive, but I was looking at a house on E Avenue. I can afford it, just…”

  “I’m sure your parents will help.” He bit down on his lower lip with a reflective gaze.

  “Probably, but I won’t ask them.”

  He gently smoothed his hand over hers. “I suppose you won’t let me help either? I’ve been living in this place for several years. I’ve managed to stash some funds aside.”

  She smiled at him. “I want to do this on my own. It’ll give you time to think—”

  He shook his head slowly. “I don’t need to think about anything, but I understand you do.”

  Suddenly she got it. He thought she was keeping him away because of his dysfunction. “Mace, this is not about your condition. I don’t care about that.”

  “You should,” he said, and pushed himself to his feet. “We’ve tried everything and it’s not coming back. Not enough for me to be the man you need.”

  “Mace!” Anger gurgled in her gut. “That is not the reason.” She stood in front of him, blocking his way.

  “How do you think I feel? I see guys watching you with their tongues practically hanging out. You’re in my arms every night, but I can’t please you.”

  “You do. We will keep trying. One day…”

  “Yeah, and the Easter bunny exists too,” he said, showing the bitterness he’d been hiding from her, and it was sharp.

  “You’re tired and you need to rest.”

  Mace was the most even-tempered guy she knew, but her decision sparked a flint at the tinder of his doubts. “What I need to do is get a fucking hard-on,” he stormed. “But I can’t.”

  What the hell do you say to a warrior and a man’s man when it came to this? Nothing. Anything she said would come out placating or condescending, both were wrong. “I don’t know what to do, Mace, but I do know that it doesn’t make any difference to me.”

  “No,” he growled. “You don’t miss the feel of a man inside you? Bullshit.”

  “I miss you.”

  His eyes burned with anger. “Fuck.” He turned away in frustration.

  “Have you ever considered it’s not you, but me? Maybe you need someone else.” The thought was like an auger curling bits of her heart with the turn of the handle as it bore deep. She gulped. “There’s a whole slew of women who would help.”

  He nodded his head loosely. “Sure, that’s the answer. I’ll just screw around with a line of women until I hit one that makes me hard.” He gave her a sharp look. “I don’t think so, Nina. When you walked into Base Command the first time, I was adjusting myself within five seconds. Why the hell do you think I stayed back? ‘Hey, I’m Mace, sorry about the monstrous boner in my pants, but lady I want to fuck you until you tremble. I want to spread those amazing legs of yours and fill your wet sex with my cock until we both forget where we are and who we are.’ Desire wasn’t even in my scope, consuming you lick by lick was, and that was from fifteen feet away. If I can’t get it up for you, it’s hopeless.”

  She breathed out slowly, heart hammering in her chest. He rubbed his face with his hands, and shrugged the angst from his shoulders. “You’re frustrated and I get that, but I don’t need you ripping my head off when I’m making a suggestion, that’s all.”

  “Disguise it in anything you want, but you wouldn’t suggest it, unless part of you wanted us to end and me to move on.” He snagged the crutches and thumped to the door.

  “You’re being childish,” she hurtled at him, allowing her inner mother to come out at the worst possible moment. “Where are you going?”


  “You can’t go out, you’ve been shot.”

  “SEALs can do anything, Nina,” he shouted over his shoulder, thrusting the door open. “Except this SEAL. This SEAL can’t get a fucking hard-on.”

  Nina’s eyes popped open. Tony stood there, hand raised to knock on the door. His eyebrows twitched and he bit his cheek.

  Mace pushed past him, saying, “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Seeing if you were up to watching the game, but apparently you’re not up to much.” A flippant smile jerked his lips, Tinman style.

  “Going out, you’re driving.”

  Nina stood with her hands on her hips, shaking her head in disgust.

  * * * *

  When Tony headed for Breakers, Mace redirected him to Saint Elli’s bar. If you wanted to get laid by a tourist or a San Diego girl, you hung there. When they walked in, the air buzzed with excitement. The news of the Shark’s demise filtered into every conversation. Tony must have called the rest of the guys because they showed up a couple minutes later. Mace smelled an intervention.

Tony shrugged good-naturedly. “Ghost and Snow White are at his place. The guy is overly protective of that woman. He doesn’t want to leave her side. Marg apparently put her foot down,” explaining why their senior officers weren’t present.

  “Can ya blame Ghost? He’s been scared shitless, although he wouldn’t admit it. He’s probably going to sleep for a week.”

  The five of them huddled at a table for two. It would have to do until something else opened up. Mace surveyed the room. Plenty of young women stood at the bar flirting with some Navy types. The music was too loud to talk, and that was part of the reason Mace wanted to come here. A few inquiring gazes were launched their way. A group of four gals strolled up with two beers each in their hands. Tight dresses, straightened hair, makeup meticulously applied. Yup, they were on the prowl.

  “Hi guys,” the tall, slender blonde greeted, keeping a steady bead on Tinman. He turned on his famous “keep it coming babe, I like what I see” grin. A little brunette hovered over Mace’s right shoulder. She wasn’t as brave as the rest. Probably the newcomer, and the other girls were teaching her to hunt. He let out a deep breath, and mentally slapped himself for being an asshole. His phone buzzed and he read the text.

  Please don’t be an ass. Where are you?

  He quickly typed a text back to Nina.

  St. Elli’s. Go to bed.

  He tucked his phone away before she sent another one.

  The girls found some chairs and made themselves welcome. Stitch and Ditz did what they always did, and made their happy marriages known. The other blonde turned her attention on Tadpole. He had a girlfriend, but not a keeper. At least it didn’t look like it as he flirted with the little blonde.

  “What happened to you?” Samantha, the little brunette, asked, sitting demurely with her legs crossed and looking uncomfortable in the short dress her friends had no doubt put her in.


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