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Hunt for the Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 3)

Page 17

by PP Corcoran

  "I'm sorry, sir, I've been locked out."

  The captain spun around, intending to head back to his chair. The comms panel on his chair allowed him to override any lockout and he would destroy the missile before it could do any damage. The last thing he expected was to find his communications officer, Lieutenant Rana, blocking his path. Wol was about to push past him when he noticed Rana's arm was raised and in his hand was a small pistol. The sharp crack of the pistol echoed around the bridge as Rana pulled the trigger and shot the captain right between the eyes. The small caliber round exited the rear of the captain’s skull and sprayed brain matter and blood over the horrified face of the tactical officer. The bridge crew froze in place as the captain’s body crumpled to the deck. Rana swept his arm back and forth, ready to deal with any crewmembers who tried anything.

  From his seat, Toro initiated a ship-wide call. Throughout the Volar, crewmembers stopped whatever they were doing to listen to address. "Crew of the Volar. Fellow Deres. This is Fleet Admiral Toro. I speak to you now on a matter of national security. Some months ago, Marshall Poll and I became aware of a number of traitorous activities being committed against our government and our people. The traitors have infected the highest echelons of our government and of our beloved navy. Even here, on our navy's flagship, the traitors hide in plain sight. Captain Wol was one of these traitors. Today, under the direct orders of Marshall Poll, loyal officers have taken control of key parts of our military and have begun arresting the traitors. Those who resist arrest will be executed on the spot. We must show no mercy to these traitorous elements. Not since the first attack by the Nilmerg has there been such a threat to the very existence of our people. The traitors will try to subvert you with their promises of peace and reconciliation with the Nilmerg, but in your hearts you know the truth. The Nilmerg cannot be trusted. So I call upon all loyal officers and men to follow me and Marshall Poll as we secure the future of all Deres."

  Toro scanned the bridge to gauge the reaction of the bridge crew as he spoke. They were getting over the shock of the sudden and violent end of Captain Wol. Toro could see the doubt in their eyes. Could it be true? The captain was a traitor? They all knew Commissioner Malas had announced his intentions to hold more peace talks with the Nilmerg. On the other hand, why would the fleet admiral lie to them? He and Marshall Poll had led them into battle against the Nilmerg. Risked their own lives side by side with them. A growing number of the bridge crew began to nod. He had them.

  "I ask nothing more of you than that you do your duty. In a few moments, we will be breaking orbit along with other loyal ships of the fleet and will be charting a course for Uolas, where we will join Marshall Poll, who has secured the alien database for the Deres people. With its secrets, we will forever rid ourselves of the Nilmerg threat and the traitors in our midst. Long live Deres!"

  Toro sat back in his chair as throughout the ship, crewmembers began to chant, "Long live Deres!"


  Deputy Aral Lex was running late and his constant haranguing of his driver was not going to help matters, so he forced himself to sit back in his comfortable ground car and relax. Opening his secure briefcase, he decided his time would be better spent reading the commissioner’s proposals for the next step in turning the ceasefire with the Nilmerg into a permanent peace deal. Aral frowned. There were a few in the military who were deeply opposed to any talk of peace, and the commissioner believed Marshall Poll was inactive in quelling voices of discontent. The commissioner believed, as did Aral, that it was not the military’s place to decide government policy and he was willing to take measures, however unpopular with the military, to ensure they were reminded of that. The first of these measures was the removal of Marshall Poll from his post as head of the Deres Space Forces. Of course, the commissioner would announce it was with great regret that after many years of faithful service Marshall Poll was tendering his resignation and although the commissioner pleaded with him to stay, he reluctantly bowed to the marshall's wishes. A move that the commissioner hoped would keep the honor of the marshall intact but still send the required signal to the military.

  A sudden and violent change in the ground car’s direction threw Aral up against the armored passenger window. Aral experienced a sharp pain and raised his hand to his head. Withdrawing it, he found a warm, sticky substance on his fingers. He was bleeding! The ground car bounced into the air and came crashing back to earth a moment later, throwing Aral into the rear of his driver’s seat, but this time the strong arm of Galas, Aral's bodyguard, saved him from causing any more injury to himself. Galas was screaming at the driver. "The tunnel! The tunnel!"

  Aral struggled against Galas' strong grip in vain as he tried to sit upright. "What is happening?"

  "The capital is under attack, Deputy. Now stay down and let me do my job!"

  Aral was flung forward again and the ground car’s tires screamed as the driver brought it to a halt in the middle of the tunnel. Galas touched the controls, which darkened all the vehicle’s windows and sealed the ventilation system. With deft movements, Galas secured the emergency restraints around Aral before doing up his own. Galas began speaking, but Aral realized it wasn't to him. His bodyguard was speaking into his concealed radio. “Deputy Aral is in his ground car stationary in the middle of the Zelek tunnel three Jils from the capital building..." Aral could hear the muted tones of someone on the other end of the radio interrupting Galas. The way the bodyguard’s face hardened, Aral knew it wasn't good news.

  "Impact imminent, Deputy. Hold on."

  Aral's world shook as if the entire planet was coming apart. A few seconds later, a howling like that of a thousand screaming poltergeists filled the tunnel and the ground car was battered as if by a thousand fists. Through the armored windows, Aral could see the other cars in the tunnel fold under the tremendous pressure, their windows imploding and slicing into their unfortunate occupants before an invisible hand picked up the cars and threw them around like toys. Aral opened his mouth to scream as, through the front windscreen, he saw a cargo truck barreling toward them in midair.

  For Aral, everything went black.



  The urgent beeping of the comms terminal by his bed brought Vusumuzi Mkhize to instant awareness. Pushing the accept key before his eyes even fully opened, the commander of Cruiser Squadron 1.2.2 swung his legs out of the comfortable bed and onto the floor as the anxious face of the duty watch officer, Commander Li Ming Liou, filled the small screen.

  "Commodore. Communications has intercepted an all-frequencies signal from Director Boone on Planet IV. She states she has armed Deres soldiers entering the base. The signal was terminated at that point."

  Mkhize started to get dressed as he spoke to the terminal over his shoulder. "Anything from the Henry Moseley?"

  "Negative. I launched a comms drone on receipt of the message from Director Boone, but so far no reply."

  Mkhize sat down as he pulled his boots on. If the Henry Moseley hadn't replied, he had to assume it was lost. "Time for Director Boone's signal to reach us?"

  "At this distance it takes... er...forty-three minutes for a radio signal to reach us."

  He guessed this was the beginning of a general push by Deres forces and the seizure of the base on Planet IV and the destruction of the Henry Moseley were the opening shots. "OK, Li, let’s prep the surveillance drones. I want to know what the status of both the Deres and Nilmerg fleets are. If this is the start of a general conflict, then fleet movement will be a key indicator. Bring us to battle stations and warn the rest of the squadron to prepare for a fold back to Planet IV. As of now, we are operating as peacekeepers, but let’s be ready for anything."

  Mkhize cut the link and headed for the bridge as the battle station’s alarm began to wail throughout the cruiser. He was reasonably confident his four cruisers were a match for anything either side could fling at him, but if the Deres had already capt
ured the base on Planet IV, they had hostages, and Mkhize was simply not equipped to handle a surface rescue operation.



  "...That’s the situation as of thirty minutes ago, Madam President, Councilmen," concluded Senior Force Leader Tolas from his post in Central Command under the towering Mont Salève.

  In her office in the center of Geneva, President Coston allowed herself a silent curse. The Deres incursion couldn't have come at a worse moment. With Admiral Jing on Alona trying to head off a conflict between the Commonwealth and the Alonan Empire, the Persai in the middle of selecting a new head of the Council of Twelve, and the Garundans so heavily committed to their mission to relocate and secure the Others POWs, Janus was still totally reliant on Commonwealth forces until it established its own defense forces and President Crothers estimated this could take him anywhere up to a year to do. This left only the forces of Earth and the Benii in a position to react to Marshall Poll's occupation of the joint base on Planet IV. The faces of the five ministers, one from each of the member states of the expanded Commonwealth which made up the Commonwealth Council regarded her blankly from the holo cube. The Council offices were only across Lake Geneva, but for propriety's sake, they had chosen to show their independence by joining the conference call from their own sanctum.

  "What are your recommendations, Senior Force Leader?" asked Rebecca, although she already knew she was not going to like what the Persai Deputy Chairman of the Combined Joint Chiefs of Staff in the holo cube was going to say.

  "Cruiser Squadron 1.2.2 assumes a blocking position beyond the weapons range of the Deres ship currently in orbit, with orders to halt the progress of the advancing Deres fleet that undoubtedly plans to reinforce Marshall Poll. If we can deny him reinforcements, then it at least gives you the chance to reach a negotiated settlement and the release of the hostages."

  "Do we have any idea of the intentions of the remainder of the Deres fleet, Senior Force Leader? Are they making any aggressive moves?" Minister Yalus of Garunda asked.

  "Commodore Mkhize's surveillance drones are picking up contradictory orders coming from multiple sources. It is our assessment that following the destruction of the House of the People and the death of Commissioner Malas and most of the Deputies, no one is quite sure who is in charge. Units loyal to the marshall are moving to secure key points, while those units which may remain loyal to the elected government are either fighting piecemeal or are sitting out the fight to see who comes out on top. To be honest, Minister I can't really blame them."

  "And where are the Nilmerg in all of this?" The question came from the newest member of the Council, Tracy LeBlanc, representing Janus.

  "Ambassador Isa is currently on Nilmerg, preparing for the upcoming peace talks. She reports the Nilmerg have increased their readiness state but are waiting to see if the Commonwealth will stand by its position as guarantor of the current ceasefire before taking any independent action."

  The holographic Persai face of Minister Tovana leaned closer into the pickup. "As the humans would say, ‘the ball is in our court’. Assuming we prevent the marshall's forces from linking up, what do you believe our chances are of securing a peaceful outcome, Senior Force Leader?"

  "You have all seen the same video recording I have. I believe the marshall is sincere in his statement that if we interfere in any way, then he will begin executing the hostages."

  To one side of the holo cube in her office was a still image of the smiling face of Marshall Poll, holding a pistol to the head of Director Boone as he transmitted his demands to the Commonwealth cruisers. Poll had given the Commonwealth until his fleet arrived in orbit around Planet IV to leave the system or he would begin executing his hostages.

  "Are you saying we have no choice but to initiate a rescue attempt?"

  Tolas hesitated before answering but when it came his voice was firm. "I do not see how we have a choice, Madam President. If we wait and call the marshall's bluff, then I believe the next video recording we receive from him will be one showing us a dead hostage and any window of opportunity to launch a rescue mission will have gone."

  "How long until the Deres fleet reaches our cruisers?"

  "At the current rate of advance, we can expect contact in a little under seven hours, Madam President."

  The room lapsed into an uneasy silence as Rebecca looked from one holographic face to another until her eyes finally came to rest on the image of Sarah Boone. If she did nothing, then there was the chance the marshall would do nothing but... Rebecca stared at the image for another few moments and the look in the marshall's eyes was enough to convince her he was a man who could not be reasoned with. Time to throw the dice and hope your luck held.

  "Ministers. It is the recommendation of Earth’s government that you authorize the Senior Force Leader to use any and all force necessary to secure the release of the hostages and to enforce the provisions of the peace treaty of which the Commonwealth is the guarantor."

  As it was Garunda's turn to chair the Commonwealth Council, it fell to Minister Yalus to take the next step. "I think we can all agree time is of the essence, so I call for a vote. The question before us is, do we authorize the Commonwealth forces to take steps to secure the release of the hostages, regain control of the joint base on Planet IV, and prevent any further Deres aggression? How say you, Minister Tolas?"

  "Pars says aye."

  "Minister Weinberg?"

  The senior civil servant, having already heard what his president had to say on the matter, knew his vote was a mere formality. "Earth says aye."

  "Minister Wakk?"

  For the first time, the Benii were being asked as full members of the CUOP for their opinion and Rebecca noted Minister Wakk had chosen to remain silent during the briefing, so it was anyone’s guess which way they would vote.

  "Benii says aye."

  "Minister LeBlanc?"

  "Janus says aye."

  "As the representative of Garunda, I vote aye. The vote is unanimous. Senior Force Leader Tolas, under Article 52.4 sub-paragraph six of the Commonwealth Union of Planets Charter, the Council authorizes the deployment of such forces as the Combined Joint Chiefs feel necessary to secure the release of the hostages and to regain control of the joint base on Planet IV and to prevent any further Deres aggression. The authority shall remain in place until such time as this decision is either endorsed or revoked by the respective heads of state of the Commonwealth Union of Planets."

  Tolas let out a gruff "Thank you, Ministers. Now if you will excuse me, I need to get to work." The link to Central Command terminated and with a nod to the Council ministers, Rebecca terminated her link to them. Alone in her office, Rebecca stared at the last remaining image in the holo cube. A smiling Marshall Poll holding his pistol to the head of Sarah Boone. Keep smiling Marshall, but we're coming for you!


  The Sound of Thunder


  The noise of hundreds of voices in the auditorium struck Brigadier General Vladimir Egnorov like a wave as he entered through a side door. Waiting for him was his Second in Command, Colonel Andreas Kendale. The German gave a curt nod to the Regimental Sergeant Major standing at the side of the auditorium’s stage. The RSM brought himself to attention and raised his not-inconsiderable voice to ensure he was heard.

  "Regiment! Regiment attention!"

  The sound of 300 pairs of feet slamming into the floor threatened to bring the walls down as the massed troopers of special operations unit Thunder came to attention. Accompanied by Andreas, Vladimir made his way to the center of the stage. Halting, he let his gaze take in the massed ranks before releasing them from the position of attention.

  "Please be seated, ladies and gentlemen."

  Giving the troopers a few seconds to settle themselves, Vladimir looked over at the RSM who complied with the unspoken order and sent troopers from Thunder’s intell
igence shop scurrying throughout the auditorium, delivering PADs to the gathered officers and senior noncoms.

  "Troopers. Thunder has received orders to immediately deploy to Planet IV of 23 Librae system, where approximately 125 hostages are being held by a force of Deres numbering approximately a battalion’s-worth in strength. The PADs being handed out contain the most up-to-date intelligence we have. This intelligence is being updated as and when new information comes in from the cruiser squadron on station in the system. The hostages are being held by soldiers under the direct command of Marshall Poll, commander of the Deres space forces. There are also reports that naval units believed to support the marshall have carried out a missile strike on the Deres capital city, killing the Deres Commissioner and all of the civilian representatives. These naval units are now en-route to Planet IV and will arrive in under six hours."

  From the audience came a few muttered oaths and some not-so muttered. The troopers in the auditorium were considered the toughest the Commonwealth had to offer, but even they balked at the callousness it took to carry out a missile strike on a civilian target. Privately, Egnorov shared his troopers’ sense of disgust, but he had a job to do and time was short.

  "Time is against us, so this will not be the well-planned, well-practiced, small-unit operation we are used to. This will be a maximum effort. We are going to rely on stealth, surprise, and the natural aggressiveness of the Thunder trooper."

  That got a few "Oo-rahs" from the audience and Egnorov smiled proudly at his troopers’ confidence.

  "The PADs you have also contain combat team orbats and load outs. Everything else we'll work out on the fly. Admiral Glandinning has given permission for us to use some of the new toys I know some of you have been drooling over. We fold out in two hours. Senior non coms, go and get your boys and girls moving. Officers, stay put. Colonel Kendale and I want to go over the outline plan with you and get your thoughts. Let’s go get our people back! Dismissed!"


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