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Hunt for the Saiph (The Saiph Series Book 3)

Page 19

by PP Corcoran

  The suit’s external audio pick-up came back on following the flash bang’s detonations and the unmistakable sound of a screaming human female’s voice came to him.

  "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

  Turning his head toward the sound, he was confronted by the scene of Semple in his Wraith suit trying to grab another Deres from behind a Nilmerg, who was punching and kicking out at the trooper while a human female was hanging off his back with one hand while punching at his armored shoulders with the other.

  "Stand down, Semple, I think this particular Deres is our missing November."

  Semple stepped back and his sudden change of direction caught the human female unawares. She fell ungracefully to the floor. Egnorov approached her as his suit automatically ran facial recognition on the red-faced, sweaty form. The name “Sarah Boone” flashed up in his HUD. The Nilmerg still lay prostrate over the last remaining Deres as they both eyed the unmoving Semple warily. The suit identified the Deres as Gils Sarar and the Nilmerg as Ull Fors, giving their roles as co-expedition leaders.

  "Two X-Rays dead, Operations Room upper level. Two Yankees and one November alive and well. Black Six, send a couple of troopers in here to escort our guests to the mess hall. Break. Suit. Naval channel. Send mission successful. Signed Thunder."



  "Commodore. Signal from Thunder. Mission successful." The call from the comms officer broke the tension that had subsumed the bridge ever since the first Buffalo launched nearly two hours before. The sensors of the Nam River had been able to follow the approach of the Buffalos carrying the Thunder troopers only intermittently, due partially to the terrain, but Vusumuzi Mkhize suspected it was mainly due to whatever adaptation the eggheads at Zarmina had made to the assault shuttles. The Deres Q Ship was still in geostationary orbit directly over the base and Mkhize was prepared to blow it out of space if he got even the slightest suspicion it had detected what was happening on the planet’s surface and made any move to intervene. When the Buffalos reached the landing zone and went to minimal emissions, the Nam River’s sensors had lost them completely, so it had been a pensive wait for Mkhize. Every minute he waited for Thunder to complete their mission was another minute the Deres fleet had gotten closer.

  The tactical holo showed how close it actually was. Half an hour earlier, the surveillance drones he had ordered to keep a watch on the remainder of the Deres fleet reported all the remaining ships had formed up and were heading his way. The original fleet of Deres destroyers was only three minutes from entering his weapons range. Mkhize extended his arms out before him, fingers interlocked, and cracked his knuckles, allowing a smile to break his lips as he caught the inevitable wincing of some members of the bridge crew. The Deres might be three minutes from weapons range, but they were already well within range of Mkhize’s four Lynx cruisers, as he was about to make them realize.

  "Tactical. Highlight the fleet flagship."

  In the holo cube, a single Deres destroyer was highlighted.

  "OK people, time to remind the Deres we are here to enforce the ceasefire. Tactical. The squadron is to go active on all weapons systems. Make the flagship your primary target."

  "Aye-aye sir. Weapons systems are on line. Electronic Counter Measures are active. Ready to engage on your command."

  "Very well. Comms. Hail the Deres flagship audio and video."


  Aboard the Volar Fleet, Admiral Toro fought to keep his face impassive as the computers shouted out their warnings. Looking around his bridge, he could see barely concealed panic in the eyes of the crew. Toro had promised them that the Commonwealth ships would withdraw from the system rather than risk the lives of the hostages held by the marshall. As the distance between his ships and those of the Commonwealth reduced with no sign of Commonwealth ships maneuvering from their blocking positions, the first shadows of doubt clouded his confidence. Now though, not only did they have the impertinence to lock weapons on his ship, but they were jamming his communications with Marshall Poll on the planet’s surface and his ship in orbit. With a mental shrug, he dismissed the Commonwealth ship commander’s actions for what they could only be: a final act of defiance to save as much face as possible before he turned tail and ran back to his worthless Nilmerg allies.

  Lieutenant Rana was once more seated at his post in front of the Communications Section, so it was he who alerted Toro to the incoming signal from Mkhize.

  "Fleet Admiral. The Commonwealth commander wishes to speak to you directly."

  Toro face reflected his unconcealed pleasure. A-ha! So the mighty Commonwealth have rattled their sabers and now wish to inform me that they are going to accede to our demands. This is a moment to savor. With a flourish, Toro said, "Please put him through. I have business to complete and I have had about enough of this Commonwealth game of bluff."

  On the large forward view screen, the face of Mkhize appeared and without prelude began speaking. The interpretation program took a few seconds to catch up and when it did, any thoughts of an easy victory fled from Toro's mind.

  "Deres fleet commander. This is Commodore Vusumuzi Mkhize, Commanding Officer of Cruiser Squadron 1.2.2. Your actions on Planet IV and your presence here are clear violations of the ceasefire brokered in good faith between both your government and that of Nilmerg. The Commonwealth Union of Planets, as the guarantor of the said ceasefire, orders you to immediately reverse course and return to Deres. Failure to do so will result in your destruction. You have sixty seconds to comply."

  As Mkhize's words sunk in, Toro could see the panic-stricken faces around him. They knew the Commonwealth forces outnumbered them four to one, and it was more than likely that if they engaged the Commonwealth cruisers, they would be lucky to survive. Toro had to regain the upper hand and quickly, before he lost the crew’s confidence.

  With all the swagger he could muster, Toro addressed the image of Mkhize on his screen. "Do not try to order me around. It is I who will be giving the orders here today. As you very well know, Marshall Poll has hostages, Commonwealth citizens amongst them. Now get out of my way, or their blood will be on your hands."

  For the first time in hours, a large, toothy smile spread across Mkhize's face. "Your beloved marshall and all his soldiers are dead. The hostages are free and once more under the protection of the Commonwealth. You now have forty-five seconds to comply."

  The view screen went dark as Mkhize terminated the video link. Toro had the wind taken out of his sails. He crumpled into his command chair as though punched in the stomach, oblivious to the noise erupting around him as the bridge crew realized their gamble had failed. Their glorious future as heroes of the Deres people was reduced to tatters. Through it all, the computer continued to interpret the audio signal being received from the Commonwealth ship.


  Someone grabbed Toro by the shoulders and shook him hard. Raising his head, Toro looked straight into the eyes of Rana. Rana’s mouth was moving and his spittle wet Toro’s face. Eventually, his words managed to penetrate Toro’s numbed brain.

  "Admiral! Admiral! Your orders!"

  Whatever Toro was about to say became inconsequential. The Commonwealth countdown reached zero. Four Lynx cruisers fired their main energy weapon batteries on the Volar. The massed fire struck the ship along its entire length. Battle armor evaporated at their touch as the deadly grazers penetrated deeper and deeper. Metal, flesh, and bone became nothing more than superheated gases at their touch and in seconds the Volar became – for just a moment – the brightest star in the sky as the ship and its crew gave themselves up to space in a flash of heat and light.


  Commodore Mkhize kept his eyes steadfastly on the outside view projected into the main holo cube filling the center of his bridge as the last gaseous remains of the Deres flagship dissipated into the cold vacuum of space.

  "Comms. Raise whoever is now in command over there, I want to sp
eak to them. Maybe this time I'll be able to get them to see reason before they run out of ships."

  The comms officer turned back to his board and a blinking incoming signal alert caught his eye.

  "Incoming signal from the Deres, sir."

  Mkhize’s deep laugh filled the bridge. "Now that was quick. Our little firepower demonstration must have encouraged some smarter thinking over there."

  The confused look on the comms officer’s face made him pause. "It’s not coming from any of the destroyers, sir. It’s a general signal being broadcast on all frequencies from the lead ship of the second group of Deres ships."

  "Let’s hear it."

  With a few commands, the image of the holo cube changed and instead of the blackness of space, Mkhize was looking at a Deres dressed in what passed for an official-looking suit. Mkhize noted the left side of his head was swathed in bandages.

  "... of Deres. You have been deceived. Marshall Poll and Fleet Admiral Toro have been stripped of their ranks by order of the House of the People. Troops loyal to the government have put down the attempted coup and restored order. The People’s Prosecutor, following my orders as the senior surviving Deputy, has issued arrest warrants for the criminals known as Poll and Toro. The charge is mass murder. The final cost of their murderous attack on the capital is still not known and will probably not be known for many days, but we estimate we have suffered over 17,000 dead and perhaps 100,000 injured. Even in the darkest days of our long conflict with the Nilmerg, we have never seen such losses amongst our civilian population. Our search-and-rescue services are doing their best, but the task before them is so great, even their strenuous efforts will not be enough to reach many survivors in time to render aid. In an act of friendship I found deeply touching, the Anala of Nilmerg has offered all the aid his people can provide. Through the offices of the Commonwealth Ambassador, I have accepted his kind offer. I am now personally leading loyal ships in pursuit of the criminals and I call upon all true Deres to look into their hearts and see the truth of how you were deceived by Poll and Toro. Lay down your arms, I beseech you. You were only following the orders of the men who preyed upon your fears and uncertainty of the future. No charges will be brought against any man if he follows my orders. I, Deputy Aral Lex, promise you... Soldiers of Deres. You have been deceived..."

  Mkhize made a throat-slashing gesture and the voice of Aral Lex cut off. The bridge remained silent as Mkhize considered his next move. He still faced fifteen destroyers and at least some of their crew must still be loyal to Poll and Toro, but which ones?

  "Tactical. Keep a weapons lock on those ships but do not fire unless we are fired upon."

  Now we wait and see, thought Mkhize as he attempted to relax. The first indication the Deputy’s message was getting through came ten minutes later. A destroyer at the very edge of the fleet powered down all its systems with the exception of life support. As if that ship had been the first crack in the dam, a second and then a third ship quickly followed suit. Over the next half hour, all the remaining destroyers powered their systems down as their crews awaited the arrival of the loyal forces.

  Mkhize pulled himself out of the seat he felt he had occupied for days and suddenly realized he was hungry. "Tactical, bring the squadron down from battle stations. I'm going to get some food if anybody needs me." With one final look at the fifteen destroyers floating serenely in space before him, Mkhize headed for the mess. He was under no illusions about how close he had come to taking a lot of innocent lives today and was relieved that in the end, he did not have to.




  Thomas Crothers sat with his back to the highly polished oak desk, a gift from Rebecca Coston, as one president to another, and lounged in his comfortable chair taking in the view from his office windows and clearing his mind to ready it for the imminent meeting he knew would be a complete sea change for his world and its people. The view outside was very different from what it had been just a scant few years before when the Janus colony had been nothing more than a collection of ramshackle prefabs. The glinting glass-sided edifices that now dwarfed his own offices would soon enough be dwarfed in turn by the new construction springing up as far as the eye could see. Humanity’s first extra-solar embryonic colony was expanding rapidly. Money and people were pouring in at a prodigious rate as humanity realized the gravity of the threat to its own existence represented by the Others and any more races like them. Thus, they threw their resources into building a self-sufficient colony so that if the worst did come to pass and Earth suffered the same fate as so many other worlds the Others had attacked, at least the human race would go on in some shape or form.

  In what many still regarded as a minor miracle of organization and sheer focused determination, Janus rapidly grew into what it was today. A planet with a population of over ten million souls and counting. An established agricultural and industrial base, which not only provided for the planet’s inhabitants but had become a major exporter to other Commonwealth worlds. Its industrial base had proved its worth when the Others’ attack on Earth destroyed the Deimos shipyards. The Janus shipyards were able to step in and provide much needed repair facilities to the badly damaged TDF fleets.

  No one would disagree that the driving force behind the success of Janus was its governor, Thomas Crothers. A quiet, unassuming man whom most people would have passed in the street without a second glance. Inside, though, was a calculating mind, which could work any problem to a successful conclusion. There was also a willingness to succeed that others fed off and became invigorated by. People soon became justly proud of what they had achieved and were never shy in telling anyone who would listen that they hailed from Janus. So it came as no great surprise when a plebiscite was held and the people of Janus voted for independence from Earth. It also came as no surprise when Thomas Crothers was elected as the first president of Janus with an overwhelming majority.

  The opening of his office door brought Thomas out of his seat. He quickly covered the short distance to warmly embrace his guest. The image of the short, balding president hugging the tall, thin, auburn-haired woman was one any news vid crew, if they had been present, would have paid good money for. Releasing his embrace, Thomas stood back and indicated the comfortable-looking chairs and the low coffee table with its waiting cups and coffee service.

  "It’s good to see you again, Patricia. How was the trip?"

  Patricia Bath gratefully sunk into the seat as Thomas poured them both a steaming cup of coffee.

  "To be honest with you, Mr. President, all this business of sneaking around is more tiring than you can imagine."

  Thomas let out a soft chuckle. "Not cut out to be a modern-day Mata Hari eh, Patricia?"

  "That woman was made of sterner stuff than me, Mr. President. I left Geneva at some godforsaken hour this morning to avoid any awkward questions and then was sequestered in an anteroom on Gateway Station for five hours until the courier ship was ready to leave. When we arrived in Janus space I was grateful to be able to board your Coast Guard shuttle so I could at least stretch my legs. I’ve never realized how small those courier ships are. No, Mr. President, I’m definitely not cut out for the spy business. I like my creature comforts too much."

  "Don't we all, Patricia. Don't we all." Placing his cup down on the table, Thomas pushed an encrypted PAD over to Patricia, whose demeanor became instantly business-like. "Here is the information you requested,” he said. “I told my advisers I wanted a worst-case scenario and that’s exactly what they provided. If Earth was to withdraw from the Commonwealth, then they believe the consensus of opinion is that an Earth First government would try to regain control of Janus. This would be unacceptable to the majority of the Janus population and I would agree with them. It would be my government’s policy that Janus should remain within the Commonwealth. If we did, we could expect economic and military sanctions to be imposed by Earth, but my advisers are confident th
at we could make up any shortfall by increasing our trade with the remaining nations of the Commonwealth." Thomas paused, as if unsure how what he was going to say next would be received.

  Patricia sensed his uneasiness. She had known Thomas for over five years and considered him a friend.

  "Please continue, Mr. President."

  Setting his jaw, Thomas went on. "That brings us to the issue of colonization. Any aggressive colonization program by an Earth First government would, as a matter of course, have an impact on Janus as Earth’s closest neighbor. Janus would have no choice but to counter this by enacting our own colonization program at the earliest opportunity. We expect such a program to bring Janus into direct competition with Earth and as such, there will need to be a similar expansion of our military forces..."


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