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How To Train Your Dragon: How to Betray a Dragon's Hero

Page 6

by Cressida Cowell


  ‘The Doomsday of Yule is in three days’ time,’ said

  Snotlout. ‘And you are running out of time. I am

  presuming you have an agreement with Valhallarama

  that she will steal the nine Lost Things off Alvin, and

  then she will meet you on the Singing Sands of the

  Ferryman’s Gift on Doomsday Eve and hand them


  ‘That’s a very clever guess of yours, Snotlout,’

  said Hiccup quietly. ‘My mother said all we had to do

  was stay in hiding, and meet her there on Doomsday


  ‘Well,’ said Snotlout, ‘Alvin’s underground war

  bunker is hidden somewhere so clever, so secret,

  that Valhallarama and Stoick will never find it even

  if they search for a hundred years. So your mother

  Valhallarama and the Dragonmarkers have failed in

  their Quest to steal the other nine Lost Things from


  There was a short, depressed silence.

  ‘Why should we believe you, Snotlout?’ asked

  Fishlegs. ‘You could be lying. Valhallarama could

  already have the other nine Things, and you could


  be sent here by the witch. If you joined our side, why

  didn’t you get the Dragonmark?’

  ‘Hiccup isn’t the only one who uses his head, you

  know, Fish-eggs,’ replied Snotlout. ‘I thought I might

  be more use to the Company of the Dragonmark if I

  appeared to be working for the other side.’

  Stormfly gave a quick soft hiss of reluctant

  approval. ‘Ah,’ she said. ‘Cunning and Trickery. Good

  thinking.’ And then, remembering it was Snotlout

  speaking, she frowned again. ‘If it’s true, of course.’

  ‘So I pretended to be on the witch and Alvin’s

  side,’ said Snotlout.

  ‘I let them take me to their hideout. I found out

  where they were keeping the Things, and ran away

  to find you guys. I used this ridiculous Hogfly dragon

  here to help me track you down. Hogflys may be

  unbelievably stupid, but they are the best scent-dragons

  in the world. I camped on a frozen lake upriver, the

  lake must have unfrozen in the night, the Wolf-fangs

  chased me… And that’s when you found me.’

  ‘If you know where the Lost Things are,’ asked

  Fishlegs suspiciously, ‘why didn’t you steal them

  yourself, when you escaped from Alvin’s war bunker?’

  ‘I couldn’t do it on my own,’ explained Snotlout.

  ‘The Things are guarded, and the Throne is heavy.


  You lot are useless, of course, but I have to admit,

  your camouflaged-so-it-is-invisible and humungously

  enormous three-headed Deadly Shadow Dragon will

  come in useful in a burglary situation.

  ‘Together we can steal back the Things,’

  continued Snotlout, ‘and even rescue that horrible

  little Bog-Burglar Camicazi. We can be at the beach

  at Hero’s Gap on Doomsday Eve, with all the Things,

  and then the Guardian Protectors of Tomorrow will

  make Hiccup the next King of the Wilderwest, and

  humanity will be saved.’

  ‘How do we know we can trust you?’ asked

  Hiccup. ‘How do we know you’re not going to betray

  us, and deliver us straight into Alvin and the witch’s


  ‘I suppose,’ said Snotlout, ‘you don’t. You’ll just

  have to take my word for it. It’s up to you. I don’t really

  care what you believe any more. If you want to think

  the worst of me, go ahead! I’m going to sleep now, if

  you don’t mind. It’s been a long couple of days.’

  Snotlout’s clothes had dried entirely now, in

  the steamy warmth of that dragon-and-fire-warmed

  hideout. He yawned, wrapped himself up in one of

  Fishlegs’s mother’s old blankets, closed his eyes and

  pretended to go to sleep.


  But inside the blanket, his eyes were wide open.

  ‘C-c-can Toothless bite him?’ asked Toothless

  hopefully. ‘Or would that be rude? Does it matter

  being rude to a rude person? Or does it n-n-not


  ‘Yes that would be rude, Toothless, so you can’t

  bite him, although I’m feeling a bit tempted myself, I

  have to confess,’ admitted Hiccup.

  ‘Suffering scallops,’ said Fishlegs in disgust.

  ‘What do we do now? Do we trust Snotlout or not? I

  still don’t see why, if he’s on our side, he doesn’t have

  the Dragonmark.’

  ‘The Dragonmark is a symbol of SLAVERY!’

  said the muffled voice of Snotlout. ‘I’m on your

  side, but I don’t want to be marked with a symbol of


  They all lay down to try and sleep, but this was

  difficult when they were all so angry, confused and


  ‘Did I make a mistake in rescuing Snotlout?’

  Hiccup asked the Wodensfang. ‘Is that why Camicazi

  was captured?’

  The Wodensfang answered that question with

  another question.

  ‘Can it ever be a mistake,’ replied the

  Wodensfang, ‘for a human to answer the cry for help


  of another human?’

  ‘Even if Snotlout is lying,’ said Hiccup in Norse,

  ‘he’s the only one who knows where the witch’s camp

  is. So we have to trust him anyway, because he’s the

  only one who can lead us to Camicazi. Oh I do hope

  she is all right…’

  ‘Yes, I know,’ said Fishlegs miserably. ‘I’m really

  worried about her too. I keep trying to tell myself that

  she’s going to be all right… Look how many times she

  has escaped from prisons. She is an Escape Artist, after


  ‘Yes, but the witch and Alvin are getting worse,’

  said Hiccup anxiously. ‘They’ve been killing people.

  I’ve seen Dragonmarker helmets hung from the trees

  of the forest outside as a warning that they are trying to

  claim this territory for the Alvinsmen…’

  It was true.

  Out in the forest there were long stakes,

  driven into the ground, and hanging on the end of

  each stake were either the heads of dragon rebels

  or Dragonmarker helmets that had been taken as

  trophies, and put there to warn other Dragonmarkers

  that this land was claimed by Alvinsmen.

  Quite apart from all these worries, the sound of

  the Dragon Furious and the Rebellion outside wasn’t


  exactly a lullaby: that noise of the blackened remains

  of the forest being torched once again, the flickering

  of flames, the roar as they turned from flickers into a

  great storming, roaring conflagration, burning so hot

  and high that the firelight from down below poured

  upwards and inwards, through the window of their

  hideout, to dance wickedly on the ceiling.

  ‘I will HUNT you down, boy!’ thundered the

  Dragon Furious. ‘I smell your rotten human blood!

  NOWHERE is safe for you! No cave, no rock, no

  island. I shall turn this whole world into
ashes thrice

  over in the hunt for you… You can hide all you like,

  you cannot hide forever… All it takes is one mistake




  Oh yes, it was hard not to remain wakeful while

  that destructive roar exploded in your ears like one

  of Thor’s worst thunderstorms, and the world burned


  How were they ever going to get out of there, to

  find the rest of the Things and Camicazi?

  From the sound of it, the Dragon Furious was

  never going to give up.


  After a while of everyone tossing

  and turning, the Wodensfang’s wheezy

  voice cut through the darkness and the

  terrible noise.

  ‘As no one is sleeping,’ said the

  Wodensfang, ‘allow me to tell you a

  story about a boy from the past who

  reminds me of this boy Snotlout here.’

  ‘Wodensfang!’ said Hiccup, sitting bolt upright

  in surprise. ‘You’re speaking Norse! I didn’t know you

  could speak Norse! I thought it was only Stormfly here

  who had that gift.’

  ‘So did I,’ said Stormfly sadly. It was a bad night

  for Stormfly. Her mistress had gone missing, and now

  there was this revelation that somebody else shared her

  unique gift.

  ‘Why have you never spoken Norse before,

  Wodensfang?’ asked Hiccup.

  ‘Just because you have

  a gift, it doesn’t mean you

  need to tell everyone about

  it,’ replied the Wodensfang

  simply. ‘I think the

  boy Snotlout might be

  interested in this…’


  And in the darkness, the Wodensfang told the

  story of how the Dragonmark became the Slavemark.

  ‘Once upon a time,’ said the Wodensfang, ‘I was

  not the wrinkled little thing that you see before you

  now. You see,’ explained the Wodensfang, ‘I am a

  Sea Dragon…’

  Hiccup gasped. ‘YOU??? A Seadragonus

  Giganticus Maximus???’

  ‘That’s s-s-silly!’ squeaked Toothless.

  ‘You’re even smaller than T-t-toothless! How can

  you possibly be a Sea Dragon?’

  ‘There are many silly things that turn out to be

  true, Toothless,’ said the Wodensfang, smiling.

  ‘Sea Dragons start out small,’ the Wodensfang

  continued in Norse, ‘but they grow to immense

  size, like the fat full moon. And then they wane


  ‘Once upon a time, Hiccup, a thousand or so

  years ago, when I was young and about the size of

  a Sabre-Tooth Driver Dragon, I met your ancestor,

  Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the First, and I gave

  him the Dragon Jewel and trusted him with the

  Jewel’s Secret.’

  ‘You told me this,’ said Hiccup.

  ‘I did,’ said the Wodensfang. ‘I told you how

  Hiccup the First used the Secret of the Jewel to

  gain power over dragons, and train them.

  ‘But what I did not tell you was that in return

  for the Secret, Hiccup the First put a Mark upon


  ‘He put a Mark upon himself on the side

  of his forehead. It was a Mark in the shape of a

  dragon made out of his blood and the blood of

  his dragon-brother. My blood. The Mark was

  the symbol of a promise, that the two of us were

  brothers, that we thought as one, that we would die

  for one another.

  ‘As symbols will, it also became the symbol of

  the Kingdom of the Wilderwest. All the Warriors

  wore the symbol, blazing on their foreheads, so they

  were known as the Dragon-Riders.

  ‘The Mark was known as the Dragonmark.’

  The young humans in the cave gasped in


  ‘So the Mark was originally called the

  Dragonmark in the first place!’ exclaimed Fishlegs.

  Snotlout was very still, but his eyes were open.

  He was listening.

  Hiccup touched the Mark, blazing purple on

  his forehead.

  ‘So the first Dragonmark,’ Hiccup whispered,

  ‘was made out of your blood, Wodensfang?’

  The Wodensfang nodded.

  ‘For over a thousand years, it seemed like I had

  made the right decision to entrust the Secret of the

  Jewel to the humans. The Kingdom of the Wilderwest

  was a place of peace and prosperity, in which dragons

  and humans lived in harmony with one another. The

  Secret was passed down from generation to generation,

  and its power was not abused. I grew huge as a

  mountainside, so large and splendid that I had to live

  in the ocean for a while.

  ‘Ah… It was a golden age…’ sighed the


  ‘Even as I began to shrink into my old age, many

  hundreds of years ago, I was still content that I had

  founded a new dynasty, a dynasty of happiness that

  would last forever… and then…’

  ‘And then?’ Hiccup whispered.

  ‘And then, it seemed like I might have made a

  mistake in entrusting the Secret of the Dragon Jewel

  to the humans after all. You see, not all humans are as

  good as Hiccup the First.

  ‘About a century ago, when I had shrunk to the

  size of a Viking hunting dog, a new King inherited the

  Throne. He was too young really… about your age.

  ‘His name was Speedfast,’ said the Wodensfang.

  ‘Speedfast was not a bad character as a boy, but he

  was quick of temper and he had a tendency to bully his


  ‘This is the boy that reminds me so much of

  Snotlout here. He even looks like him. Like Snotlout,

  this boy refused to take the Dragonmark when he came

  of age.

  ‘ “A King is brother to no man or dragon,” said

  the boy, arrogantly. “The dragons shall take the Mark,

  to show loyalty to their King, but I shall not take it.”

  ‘That was all it took.

  ‘The Mark that had been the symbol of

  brotherhood between man and dragon, became a

  symbol of enslavement.

  ‘For where the King went, his followers went too.

  The Boy-Warrior, the future of their Tribe, refused

  to take the Mark, and in time the older generation

  became ashamed of the tattoo that had been a source

  of such pride, and wore their helmets low upon their


  ‘And so it was with everything else. One by one,

  all the achievements of Hiccup the First were spoilt

  and ruined.

  ‘And I… well, looking back, I do not think that I

  helped matters.

  ‘For I did judge Speedfast harshly, then and now.

  ‘I nagged him constantly about what he was

  doing. I told him he was betraying the memory of his

  ancestors. I scolded him, morning, noon and night.

  ‘There is one particular time that I remember.

  ‘Speedfast was sleeping in the King’s bed. No

  one was supposed to disturb him. But I did not follow

  those rules. Why should I? I was his great-grea

  great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather’s


  ‘I flew in the window, perched on the bedhead,

  and waited for him to wake.

  ‘He opened his eyes, and there I was, stern and


  ‘ “Why are you here?” said Speedfast, yawning,

  his handsome face instantly resentful.

  ‘He spoke in Dragonese, the language he had

  learnt since babyhood.

  ‘ “You know why I am here,” I said gravely.

  “You refuse to take the Mark. You use the

  Secret, entrusted to your father, to enslave my

  dragon-brothers. You have just passed a Law

  making slavery of humans legal again. You mark

  them with the Mark, which you now call the


  ‘ “Your ancestors spent their lives building

  the Kingdom of the Wilderwest. Are you to

  throw that all away? You are betraying the work

  of men greater than you are…”

  ‘The boy’s face was as red as his hair.

  ‘ “And I shall be a greater man than my

  ancestors ever were!” Speedfast shouted back

  at me. “How dare you talk to me of betrayal! I

  shall make this titchy Kingdom of the Wilderwest

  a truly great empire, one that stretches to the

  very edges of the Rus to the east, and down to

  the borders of Rome in the south. I will re-take

  the land that my ancestors lost when that cursed

  Hiccup the First was born, the rich farmlands of

  the east, rather than these rocky island nothings.

  ‘ “Even now I am building a great city on

  the island of Tomorrow, a city that shall rival

  Rome in glory and in power. But for that I need

  slave-power, dragon slaves and human slaves. So

  do not talk to me of betrayal! Tomorrow shall

  prove what a truly great king I shall be.”

  ‘I scolded him again, too harshly perhaps.

  I said that he would never be as great a man as

  his ancestors, and a lot of other stern and severe


  ‘Speedfast put his hands over his ears.

  “Silence!” he screamed. “I am banning the

  speaking of your devil language, Dragonese! Then

  I will not have to hear your forked-tongue nagging


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