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HIS GIN AND JUICE (The Cocktail Girls)

Page 5

by Alexx Andria

  Lars scoffed at Boston's assessment, saying, "Okay, thanks Dr. Phil. Stick to your day job. Just because I don't want to be a total dick doesn't mean I'm afraid of falling in love. I don't want her catching feelings that I'm not able to return, that's all. Like I said, she's a good girl."

  "I've never known you to care what kind of girl they are."

  Lars couldn't argue that point because it was true. "Yeah, well, she's different. I can't explain why but...yeah, she's something else."

  "I fought my feelings for Jules. Hell, I was a cruel prick — so much so that she ran away from me — and then I almost lost her for good. Take it from me, don't be such a selfish asshole that you close your eyes to what's right in front of you."

  "Boston, I just met the woman," Lars drawled, trying to drill some sense into his buddy. For a smart man, sometimes he was dumb as fuck. "I'm not in love with her. I'm just intrigued. Maybe briefly infatuated but I'm not about to drop to my knee and beg for her hand. Jesus Christ, if your business career stalls out you can always freelance write for the Hallmark channel. Are you sure you've got balls in your shorts or are you packing ovaries?"

  "Go ahead and mock me. You're already lost, brother. I can see it. Don't bullshit a bullshitter, man. The change has already happened and it's going to eat at you until you give in."

  "Well, isn't that a rousing recommendation...yeah, no thanks."

  Boston chuckled and rose from his chair. "Fine, be that way," he said, grabbing his briefcase. "You say you're not into her like that, fine. Do me one do you feel when you think of someone else touching her skin, tasting her, knowing her in all ways?"

  An immediate growl surfaced in his chest and his eyes must've given him away for Boston started laughing, saying on his way out, "You're hooked, man. Jules and I can't wait to meet her."

  Kennedy was distracted. It was hard to focus on work when you'd given your two week's notice and you had plenty of cash sitting in the bank so you didn't really need this job anymore.

  Yeah, her motivation was shit to put up with crap but she hadn't wanted to put her fellow cocktail waitresses in a bad spot so she'd given Max two weeks to fill her position.

  After some drunk had just pinched her ass as she walked by, she was really wishing she'd just said, "Sayonara, bitches" and hopped a plane to Hawaii for some much-needed R&R.

  As she passed Mia, she whispered, "Watch out for Mr. Grabby Hands on table two. He about tried to stick his fingers up my ass the last time I walked by."

  "Thanks for the heads up." Mia nodded and shook her head, annoyed. When Mia passed by table two she gave him a wide berth. Kennedy smiled, realizing out of all the girls, she wished she'd gotten to know Mia better. In another life, they were probably friends.

  By the end of the evening, she was tired and ready for home. After she finished her closing duties, she clocked out and went out the back door to find Lars waiting for her, standing beside a sleek black Towncar.

  She tamped down the immediate flutter in her belly and tempered the bright smile that threatened. God, she was ridiculously happy to see him.

  "Are you lost?" she asked.

  "Depends on who you ask," he replied with a lazy smile that created psycho butterflies in her stomach. "Can I give you a ride?"

  "I was going to call an Uber," she said.

  "Consider me your personal Uber."

  "You don't have to do that."

  "I know."

  She knew what would happen if she got into his car. A part of her didn't care. Kennedy shouldered her purse and walked past Lars to climb into his car. He followed, sliding in beside her.

  Kennedy barely had time to gasp when he pulled her into his lap, causing her to straddle him. She lifted the hem of her tight dress over her hips to accommodate his thighs. Grinning, she said, "This never would've happened in an Uber ride."

  Lars growled and latched his mouth to hers while gripping her ass with both hands, grinding himself against her wet slit. It'd been three days since she'd been in Lars' hotel room but it felt like an eternity. Not to mention how long it'd felt since she had him inside her. Perched on top of his cock, she was ready to slip that hard length inside her, no matter that there was virtually no privacy.

  All that mattered was being with Lars, feeling his touch, tasting his kiss. She didn't want to overthink anything, she just wanted to lose herself in pleasure.

  "Did you miss me?" he asked, his voice a sensual caress against the sensitive shell of her ear. His fingers found her damp slit and pushing aside the thin material of her panties, slipped inside her wet core. "Ahhhh, seems you did."

  She whimpered against the sweet intrusion of his fingers and rubbed herself against him, seeking that friction. "Did you miss me?" Kennedy countered with a breathless grin and all he had to do was pop those fingers in his mouth to show her how much. He licked her juices clean and then kissed her hard.

  God, there was something so hot about tasting herself on his lips. It turned her on in ways that should've been shockingly disgusting but with Lars, it was simply natural and hot as fuck.

  The hard ridge of his cock pressed urgently against her and she groaned as she rubbed herself against him like a cat in heat.

  Lars shocked her when he popped her off his lap and laid her on the leather seat, throwing her leg over his shoulder as he sank between her legs to eat her like a man starved.

  Kennedy threaded her fingers through his dark hair, gripping him tight as he sucked her clit and teased her without mercy, driving her toward that edge only to pull back and start over.

  "Lars!" she gasped as she came hard, gushing against his mouth as he fingered and tongued fucked her pussy, leaving her a shaking mess, breathing hard and suddenly very aware that she'd just came in the backseat of a Towncar with a complete stranger behind the wheel.

  "I love the sound you make when you cum," he said, blushing as he helped her sit up. She ran a hand through her disheveled hair, realizing with a sly smile that they were still a ways from his hotel. She plucked at the button on his jeans and reached in to grasp the hard length. Lars grinned and slid down the seat, giving her better access to his cock. He sucked in a harsh breath as her mouth closed over the thick, mushroom head, her tongue teasing the rim.

  His hands caressed her scalp, tightening as she hit a sensitive spot, giving her not-so-subtle cues where to focus her attention, where to tease, where to come back to. Within moments, Lars was at her mercy, losing himself to her mouth, barely able to hold back as she drove him mad.

  "Ohh God," he moaned, warning, "I'm going to cum!"

  But Kennedy wanted his essence, wanted him to fill her mouth, losing himself in the same way that she surrendered to him. She wanted to know that she also held the power to drop Lars to his knees. Seconds later, he gushed into her mouth and she swallowed the salty cream like a greedy cat lapping at stolen milk. The head pulsed against her throat and she sucked him dry, leaving his cock jerking softly as she tenderly laved the head clean.

  Then she rose and kissed him as hard as he'd kissed her.

  It was primal and dirty — the best fucking kiss ever.

  And somehow it sealed them together in ways that they could feel in their souls, even if neither had asked nor wanted.

  It simply was.

  Words weren't necessary at that point. They both were struggling with the magnitude of what'd happened between them.

  As if some magic ribbon had twined them together with invisible thread that was stronger than anything tangible.

  It was like being hit with a thunderbolt, leaving them both charred and on fire.

  When they arrived at Lars' hotel room, she slipped her hand into his and they went straight to the bedroom where Lars wasted no time in stripping her bare so he could fuck her raw.

  As it should be.

  Kennedy fell asleep in Lars' arms, succumbing to the exhaustion that'd left them both stunned and at peace.

  Chapter Six

  Lars woke early and couldn't go b
ack to sleep. Everything felt perfectly natural, from Kennedy in his arms to the scent of her hair on his pillow, which was exactly why he knew he had to get away.

  Easing himself out of the bed, he left her sleeping to stand by the window, gazing out at the washed-out Vegas scene that looked like a used up hooker after a night spent working the streets. He'd never truly been a fan of Vegas, it stank too much of the vices it celebrated in the dark and lit up with the glow of the neon signs promising glitz, glamour and at the very least a good time but damn, if Vegas didn't feel like a goddamn metaphor for his own life.

  If Kennedy knew how rotten he truly ruined he was, she'd run far and fast and he wouldn't blame her one bit.

  Hell, he'd probably help her pack.

  Lars didn't want to hurt her. He wouldn't be so selfish as to hold onto someone who deserved better than what he had to offer.

  Yet, he'd made zero moves to actually push her away.

  The thought made him cranky.

  Even worse, the thought of someone else holding his girl made him want to commit an act of violence. He'd never felt more territorial about a human being than he felt about Kennedy.

  Which put him in unenviable position. Do the right thing and lose his fucking mind or be selfish and possibly break her heart in a million pieces when inevitably things went to shit.

  What was he thinking? He never should've been outside that bar last night. He'd known that from the start, from the moment he'd given the driver the address, he'd known it was a bad fucking idea but the closer he got to the destination the faster his heart had beat and by the time she'd popped from that door, his fate — and hers — had been sealed.

  Was that the reality of their situation — the ultimate truth that neither were strong enough to admit but too enmeshed to ignore?

  Maybe none of this was anything they could avoid. It certainly felt like fate or some such shit that he'd never believed in until this moment.

  God, he didn't want Boston to be right. Was this fucking love? Jesus, please no. He didn't want his heart involved. Hearts were fickle and annoying.

  But even just glancing at Kennedy, his insides went gooey and he wanted to instantly gather her in his arms, make love to her all morning and leave her exhausted and worn out from his attention.

  Hell, he wanted to put a fucking baby in that belly.

  Goddamn, now he knew he'd lost his ever-loving mind. A motherfucking baby?

  But yeah, the idea appealed to him on a level he hadn't even known existed in his brain.

  That was some Level 13 shit that to this point had been hidden, like a fucking Easter egg in a game, from his view.

  He wiped at the sudden sweat popping along his hairline. Was this for real? He'd never experienced anything so disturbing.

  Lars rubbed at his stomach, grimacing at the butterflies making him want to vomit. Yeah, if this was love, it felt disconcertingly similar to the beginning of the flu.

  Just end it — make a clean break.


  He couldn't. Wouldn't.

  He wanted her.

  Plain and simple — his soul could very well likely end up in hell for taking what he didn't deserve but fuck it all to damnation, he wanted Kennedy and there wasn't a single thing he could say or do that would change that fact. He might be rotten to the core but maybe all the devil needed was the love of a stubborn, sassy woman to make him see the error of his ways.

  He also knew that only a devil could do what needed to be done to Allen Lew — what the man deserved for hurting Kennedy.

  Retribution would be swift and painful. A slow smile spread across his lips as he considered how he would make Lew pay.

  But that was a problem for later. For now, he knew exactly what he wanted to focus on.

  Lars pushed away from the window and returned to the bedroom where his sleeping beauty was sacked out, dead to the world, and prettier than anything he'd ever seen even as she slept with her mouth open and an arm flung over her eyes, lightly snoring.

  So there you have it. He was in love.

  Fuck you, Boston. Fuck you very much. You might've been right but I'm not double-dating with you. Ever.

  But...maybe he'd ask him to be his best man.


  That is, if he could convince his cocktail girl to be his forever girl.

  No time like the present to get started.


  Six months later...

  "I'm going to barf," Kennedy worried, the back of her hand going to her mouth as she rode the wave of nausea that threatened to send her running to the bathroom to lose the tiny bit of breakfast she'd managed to eat that morning. The wave passed and she took a tentative sip of water. She shared a look with Mia who simply giggled. "I know, I know, it's my fault for getting knocked up before my wedding but how was I supposed to know that it wouldn't so hard to get pregnant? I thought these things took a little more time. God, I'm an idiot."

  Mia pretended to smother her laughter and fluffed Kennedy's train behind her as they prepared to make that walk down the aisle. "Well, at least you're not showing yet. You look gorgeous in this dress. Can I say that your boobs are a thing of wonder? I mean, those are natural? Girl, pregnancy suits you. It's no wonder Lars can't keep his hands off you."

  At the mention of her groom-to-be, the man of her dreams, and the guilty culprit behind her current state of being, she blushed with happiness. "Yeah, Lars doesn't seem to mind that my boobs keep growing with each month. I swear he said I started glowing the minute the test turned positive."

  "I believe it. You're beautiful. He's a lucky man."

  But Kennedy felt like she was the lucky one.

  She couldn't explain it — none of how they'd met and fallen in love made any sense — but she couldn't deny that Lars had changed her life in a million different ways and none of the reasons had anything to do with the fact that he was loaded.

  Honestly, the money meant nothing. The way Lars looked at her made her feel as if she were the one worth millions and even more than that, she felt safe in his arms. No one would ever hurt her again with Lars by her side.

  He filled her heart in ways that she never thought possible.

  And he wanted to marry her.

  Their baby grew inside her.

  "Are you okay?" Mia asked, mistaking her sudden silence for cold feet.

  Kennedy looked up, wiping at the sudden tears in her eyes as she nodded without hesitation. "I'm better than okay. I'm ready to become Mrs. Lars James and I don't want to wait another minute to start my life with him."

  Mia chuckled. "Who knew how this was going to pan out? I guess some fairy tales are real," she said, smiling through her own tears. "And I freaking love fairy tales. I mean, your fairy tale is kinda country and western themed with the whole ranch in Tennessee instead of the European castle kind of thing but damn girl, you are definitely the princess in this story."

  Kennedy laughed, admitting it was true. "I can't believe Lars is excited to move home with me. He's never been a country guy but he's willing to go wherever I want and I want to go back to Tennessee."

  "He's a great guy. Let's fucking marry you already, before he realizes that you're about to turn into a hormonal mess as soon as that third trimester hits."

  "God, so true." Kennedy agreed with a giggle as they made their way to the bridal hallway where Mia hustled off to get in place, leaving Kennedy to wait for her cue.

  The music started a moment later and everything started to happen just as she envisioned with one heartbreaking detail — her daddy wasn't there to walk her down the aisle.

  Kennedy closed her eyes and whispered, "I know you're here in my heart, Daddy, but I wish you were here holding my hand." Her vision swam but she smiled knowing that her daddy would've loved Lars, not only because Lars knew how to drink like a man but because Lars loved her the way a man should love a woman — completely.

  And she was happy.

  Blissfully, epically, and blindingly happy.

  What more could this gin-drinking country girl ask for? She grinned from ear to ear as she took those first steps toward her new life. Not freaking much! Life was fucking awesome.

  Gin & Juice Recipe

  2 ounces London Dry-style gin

  1 ounce fresh lime juice

  1 1/2 ounces ruby grapefruit juice

  1/2 ounce simple syrup

  Grapefruit wedge

  Shake gin, lime juice, grapefruit juice and simple syrup with ice. Pour, with the ice, into a highball glass. Garnish with a wedge of grapefruit.



  The Cocktail Girls Series

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  June 13:

  Also by Alexx Andria

  Are you looking for more by USA Today bestselling author Alexx Andria? Check out the following titles (the titles are clickable for your convenience!)


  *Bought By The Billionaire Brothers


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