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With the Band (With the Band #1)

Page 20

by Natasha Preston

He groans in my ear. “So fucking hot when you beg. Touch yourself with me, baby.”


  This would never have happened with Xander. He would never have even asked me to, but also, I didn’t feel this confident before. It’s like Kitt extinguishes any inhibitions I have the moment he kisses me. I love it. I love that I can ask for whatever I want, and he’ll give it to me. And not only will he grant my every wish, but it also turns him on, too.

  Without another thought, I lower my hand and touch myself. His fingers guiding mine is twice as erotic, and I feel like I’m going to explode the second his finger brushes mine.

  “God, Texas,” he groans.

  It sends a bolt of pleasure from my toes to my core.

  “Kitt, I’m close.”

  I grind myself on our hands, and Kitt presses his erection into my leg, breathing hard and biting down on my shoulder.

  “Shit, that’s it.” My body shudders, and my eyes fall shut. “Kitt, I can’t…”

  “Let go. Come for me,” he rasps, arching his hips against my butt.

  I feel the dampness at the end of his cock, and that’s what sends me over the edge. I ride out my orgasm on our interlaced fingers.

  When my body goes slack, he pulls back. His eyes are dark with lust. “There is no need for anyone to leave this room until I’ve made you come—twice more.”

  “Oh, really, Mr Hotshot?”

  “I’ll give you my hotshot.”

  “Ew.” I laugh, shoving his chest.

  He rolls above me. “You love it.”

  I love you.

  “Remind me why I like you again?” I say, narrowing my eyes.

  He raises an eyebrow as he looks down south and licks his bottom lip. “I’m about to.”

  Sweet. Jesus.

  “You should do it soon. I really, really can’t remember.”

  Chuckling, he shakes his head as his tongue darts out and caresses my collarbone. I tilt my head to give him better access and let out a moan. Spurred on by my reaction, Kitt’s hands are suddenly everywhere—in my hair, over my breasts, across my stomach, down the inside of my thigh.

  I can’t keep up, and it sends my mind spinning. All I feel is pleasure, and I never want it to end.

  I squirm against the intense pulsing and close my eyes. “Kitt, please.” I’m so turned on that I’m actually uncomfortable. I need him, his mouth, his fingers again—anything—right now.

  His chest vibrates against mine, like he’s laughing, but he doesn’t make a sound, probably because he’s busy taking my hardened nipple into his mouth.

  “Relax. I’m going to take care of you now.”

  He pushes himself inside me, and my eyes roll back.

  I’m still flushed when I meet Peyton for breakfast, and her smile tells me she’s noticed.

  “Really? You’re giving me that look?”

  “No judgement, remember?” she says before taking a sip of her coffee.

  She’s already poured me a large mug, and I waste no time. Morning sex with Kitt is my preferred way of waking up properly, but you can’t beat coffee either.

  “I’m not. I don’t really understand how you go from never to one-nighter though. And I get that you want to take charge, and it’s your body, yada, yada, yada, but huh?”

  “Cooper is gorgeous and his body…” She pretends to fan her face.

  “No, I get it. He is a beautiful man with a body carved from sin itself, but I’ve never gone ahead and slept with him.”

  “That’s because you’ve been in love with Kitt since forever.”

  I’ll give her that.

  “As long as you know what you’re doing, Pey.”

  “I do.”

  She doesn’t.

  “And that is?”

  “Sex. We had sex, and that’s it. Don’t get me wrong, he was unbelievable, and I don’t regret it, but I do know that I don’t want a casual fling. It’s not for me, especially since I no longer get much of a private life. Plus, doing something so intimate with Cooper more than once is a surefire way to get your heart broken. Doesn’t really appeal.”

  “So, you just had sex once?”

  She blushes and half hides her face by taking a longer sip of coffee.

  “Oh my God, Pey, how many times?”

  “Four,” Cooper says proudly, sitting down beside Peyton.

  Bloody hell, where did he come from?

  My blushing bestie looks away and closes her eyes.

  Because I’m her best friend, I’m going to thoroughly enjoy this. “Good morning, Cooper.”

  He flashes me a grin and throws his arm over the back of Peyton’s chair. “Good morning indeed, Texas. How did you sleep?”

  From the look in his eyes, I know he’s spoken to Kitt already. Cooper knows.

  “I didn’t sleep much, Coop. Too busy having hot sex. I hear you were in a similar situation.”

  Peyton groans and gives me a hard stare. I don’t even care. She would so do the same thing.

  “Had a hot chick riding me like a cowgirl all night.”

  “All right,” Peyton snaps. “We are not talking about this.”

  “Well, you might not, but Tex and I are.”

  “You really should have considered whom you were sleeping with before,” I add, pouring some coffee into Cooper’s mug.

  “I’ll remember that next time—if there were going to be a next time.”

  “We did agree on one night, but I’d change my shagging rule if you wanted to go again,” Cooper says, leaning a little more toward her.

  He’s very much in her personal space now, but she straightens her spine, not letting him get to her.

  “No, thank you. I won’t be needing a repeat.”

  She smiles victoriously, but I know it’s far too premature to think she’s won against him just yet. This is Jack Cooper.

  “Of course you don’t need a repeat. You proved many times that I worked you over good and proper. I have scratch and bite marks to prove it.”

  And there we go.

  She turns to me. “How do you put up with him?”

  “I tend not to sleep with him.”

  Cooper laughs and looks back to Pey, waiting.

  “I hate you both.”

  “You didn’t hate me a couple of hours ago,” he brags.

  “Yes, I did. It was a pity shag.”

  Coop shrugs it off. “I got sex. I don’t care.”

  Yep, he rarely loses.

  “Anyway,” he says before draining his coffee all at once, “I’ll leave you to talk about my outstanding performance in the bedroom. Kitt wants us to go over a song he wrote for the new album.”

  They’ve not even finished the tour for this one yet, and Kitt is working on the next. He’s never not thinking, never not typing lyrics on his phone or scribbling them in a notebook—except when he’s in bed with me.

  “Bye, Coop.”

  He gives me a wink and wiggles his eyebrows at Peyton before heading toward the lifts.

  “That was interesting.”

  Peyton glares. “For you maybe.”

  “You knew the guy before. The gloating can’t be a surprise.”

  “Ugh, I know. Seriously, the next guy I sleep with is going to be my husband. I’m never having casual again. I’m done with it.”

  “Yeah, right.” I roll my eyes.

  “I’m not kidding. I’m a born-again virgin. Sex just leads to having people like Cooper talking about the marks you leave behind. It should be more than that.”

  “I’ll bet you five hundred grand that you’ll give in to Coop again.”

  Her blonde eyebrows shoot up. “I’ll take that bet, my friend.”

  Either way, it’ll be worth it.

  “How was Kitt?”

  “Perfect. We’re good now. Everything is great, and as soon as we’re back in England, we’ll tell my dad. We’re going to let him see us grow closer, so it’s not such a shock when we tell him we’re together.”

  She tilts her hea
d, and I can tell what she’s thinking, but this will work out. It will.




  I force myself to do something while Texas is out with Peyton because, frankly, I’m like a lovesick puppy, and I’m pissing myself off.

  How can you miss someone you’ve only been separated from for an hour?

  It doesn’t make sense. But love rarely does.

  Falling for Texas has made me throw my morals right out the window. I didn’t exactly have an abundance of them before, but now, I’m betraying Mark and lying to everyone who matters to me. And though it makes me sound like a wanker, I don’t care. I’m with her, and that’s what matters.

  They’re going shopping, so that means I probably won’t see her again until much later. Milo and Coop probably want to be out, lining up tonight’s shag, but I’m making them work. Milo is into it and happy to be here though, so I don’t feel guilty. Coop…well, after last night, he’s just happy.

  Something has been simmering between him and Peyton for a while, and although they’re probably not going to pursue anything, it’ll be good not to feel dirty around them. The looks they give each other should be classed as sex itself.

  I sent Tex a message a while ago, but so far, she’s not replied. I very much hope it’s because she’s busy buying underwear for me to peel off her tonight.

  “Are you sure this is how you want the chorus to go?” Milo asks after reading it through a couple of times.

  I deadpan. “No. That’s why you’re here!”

  “Is it shit?” Coop asks, not looking up from his phone.

  My educated guess is that he’s sending Peyton obscene messages and thoroughly enjoying it. The poor girl really should make better life choices.

  “No, dick,” Milo replies. “You could help, you know.”

  He chuckles. “Oh, I know.”

  I roll my eyes at Milo, and he shrugs.

  “I vote we kick him out of the band,” Milo says.

  Coop scoffs. “Then, you’d have no band.”

  “Milo, focus.”

  Since Texas has had my mind tied up in figuring her and us out, I’ve not written much. I’m still constantly jotting down random lyrics, but I’ve got nothing solid. If we want to follow this tour and the album with something epic, I need to pull my finger out.

  The show is over, and I’m back in my hotel room. Tex is messaging Peyton because, even against her better judgement, she’s with Coop right now.

  “I want to take you out tonight,” I say, wrapping Tex in my arms.

  She puts the phone down. “Yeah, I’ll just get my mask. Come on, Kitt. You know we’d never get away with that.”

  She’s right, of course. I can’t buy a pint of milk without it being photographed, and neither can she. We can’t risk going out on a proper date, not until we’ve told Mark. He can’t hear it from anyone else. We owe him that much.

  “Actually”—letting go of her, I step back, and she pouts—“give me a couple of hours, and then come to my suite at one.”

  Tilting her head with intrigue, she asks, “What are you going to be doing that you need me to leave and come back at one a.m.?”

  “You’ll see later.”

  “But I don’t like surprises.”

  “You’ll love this one.” I give her a quick kiss because if I don’t get my lips off hers straight away, I’ll never get out of here, and I want to do something for her. So far in our relationship, I haven’t taken her out to dinner. We’ve had a lot of room service on a lot of beds, but that’s it.

  Some things will have to be the same—room service—but I want to make it special, romantic.

  I leave her room, head down the corridor and call Hank. He’ll know what to do. It’s his job to know what to do. Well, it’s not, but he’s very good at this sort of shit since he’s been married since he was eighteen.

  He answers on the second ring. “Everything okay? You need to go out?”

  “No, I need a favour. It’s for Tex.”

  “Go on,” he says.

  “We can’t go to a restaurant because Mark doesn’t…”

  “You want me to set something up in your room?”

  “Er, not exactly. I want you to tell me how to do it.” I mean, I have the number for room service and the local pizza place, but I kind of need tonight to be more special than that. “What’s good around here? I want decent food brought in, and I want something to make the suite not look like a hotel suite.”

  “I don’t think they’ll let you change the interior, man,” he teases.

  “I can fire you, you know.”

  “Oh, come on. It’s good to see you whipped, but I’m not going to miss an opportunity to take the piss.”


  “Leave it to me. I’ll message you with some options.”

  “Thanks,” I reply before ending the call.

  It takes an hour and a half to hang the fairly light curtains all around the room, fill every surface with roses, set up a playlist for the evening, and look through a menu to see what I think Tex will want.

  I’ve never done anything like this before, and I honestly didn’t see myself doing it until my late twenties—when I planned on settling down—but she is so worth it. The plans I made are happening a lot sooner, but I wouldn’t change anything. I’d rather feel this way for longer than screw around for another six years or so.

  Texas terrifies me because she makes me want everything right now. Marriage, house, kids—I’d do it now. Logically, I know better. We’re in the early stages of our relationship, and I have a ton going on, things I can’t bail on and don’t want to.

  Doing anything other than singing in this band isn’t an option for me, and Filthy Sound still needs a fuckload of my time and attention.

  Somehow, I have to find a way to somewhat equally balance the two most important things in my life.

  “Thanks, Hank,” I say as he finishes up straightening one of the large black curtains. With them all around the living room, it looks like night in here, and the hundreds of fairy lights are like stars.

  “Have a good night.” He gives me a wink and then leaves.

  I don’t know how he managed to pull it off, but it looks awesome.

  My palms start to dampen. I’m fucking nervous. She’d better like this.

  When did I become love’s bitch?

  I wipe my hands on my jeans as someone knocks on the door.

  I feel like I need a minute.

  There’s another knock, and I know for sure it’s Texas. No one else is that impatient.

  “Hey.” She smiles as I open up. Her eyes go wide when she looks inside. “Kitt…”

  “Come in,” I say.

  She doesn’t move, so I take her hand and tug her inside.

  “I’ve never seen you speechless, Tex. It’s unnerving and, if I’m honest, something I thought was an impossibility.”

  Tilting her head, she gives me a look, and then she’s back to being stunned. “I can’t believe you did this. I mean, Kitt Daniels can be romantic. Who knew?”

  I certainly fucking didn’t.

  “Do you like it?” I ask, rubbing circles on the back of her hand.

  She takes the whole room in—the curtains that look like a starry night, the table laid out, the food and the wine waiting. “Kitt…I love it.”

  Finally, she looks up at me. Neither one of us has said, I love you, yet, but I’m not stupid. I see it in her eyes, and I feel it by the way she’s holding me a fraction tighter than necessary.

  I want to say it now. This is the perfect time, but she looks kind of overwhelmed already. And I’m scared. My fear doesn’t come from a negative place—I know she’ll say it back—but I’m having a hard time processing just how deep my feelings for her run, and I need to catch up with my heart. That bastard is miles ahead of me.

  “Are you hungry?” I ask.

  We’re standing a good few feet away from each oth
er, still holding hands. The intensity between us is maddening. I feel her everywhere. My heart feels her everywhere. It’s thudding so hard that I’m considering calling 999.

  “I am,” she whispers, staring straight into my eyes.

  “Good, because I ordered a lot. You look beautiful, by the way.”

  She’s in a pair of those sinful leather shorts and a Filthy Sound T-shirt. Nothing is sexier than your girl wrapped in leather and your shirt.

  “If I’d known what you’ve done, I would’ve worn something…well, else.”

  “No, I think you look pretty damn perfect in that.”

  She rubs her heart. “You seriously have to stop that.”

  Fuck, I love how I make her feel.

  Stepping closer, I wrap my arms around her waist. Wherever we touch is electric. No one has ever made me feel like this. I can’t get enough.

  “I don’t want to stop.”

  She gives me a little smile that means she doesn’t want me to stop either. “What’s for dinner? And where did it come from? You didn’t cook, so…”

  “Hank found this nearby restaurant that I wished I could have taken you to. Apparently, it’s the best in the city. I had them deliver a couple of dishes.”

  “Do they usually do takeaway? And at this time?”

  I shake my head. “I pulled a few strings.”

  “Ah, you’ve definitely made it now.”

  I give her a wink.

  I have to say, it felt amazing. I’ve watched Mark, Will, and Jimmy get anything they want with one phone call, and to have that power is pretty damn cool. This is the first time that I’ve really done it. Other than to sing, I don’t want much for myself, but I don’t feel like a fucking diva if I’m asking for favours to make Tex happy.

  “Thinking of calling Ferrari tomorrow.”

  She leans into my chest and tucks her head under my chin. “Mmm, good luck with that one.”

  With her pressed against me and her breath hot and heavy on my neck, I start to feel my jeans getting tighter around the zipper.

  Texas arches her eyebrow and tilts her head as she feels me hard up against her, ready for action. “We’ve not eaten yet, Kitt.”

  “Sorry. Natural reaction when you’re around.”

  “Feed me.” She pouts, pulls back and turns away. “Then, when we’re done, I want to be really dirty everywhere in this suite.”


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