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Forbidden Quest

Page 4

by Alaina Stanford

  Several small dilapidated cottages lined the arrow dirt road that ran through the center of the tiny village. Each shack consisted of just enough wood and straw to keep a light rain from penetrating the exterior. Across from the tiny homes stood a large hovel which served as the local inn. The two-story wooden structure was in severe disrepair, although apparently still functioned.

  "Maybe Hopper should stay out of sight.” Jack suggested, hesitantly, "He might draw unwanted attention."

  “What about Nicole?" Sarah answered defensively. "I don't see any elves . . ."

  "If we spend all our time arguing about what to do we'll never get anything accomplished. I'm going in." Nicole said casually then moved forward swiftly, leaving them all behind.

  "Hopper, stay here with Sarah," Jack ordered, as he jumped over a fallen log and

  dashed after Nicole.

  The remnant of a sign hung above the entrance of largest dwelling. The word 'Inn' was crudely scratched on both sides.

  "Well, I don't see any 'condemned' notices, so I guess it's safe to enter." Jack grinned wondering what kept the so called 'Inn' from crushing the small stable next door as it appeared to be leaning on it for support. As they neared, Jack realized the stables were actually in worse repair than the Inn itself. Yet Nicole walked right past the Inn and headed toward the small stables. Moving to the entrance, Nicole smiled in greeting at a filthy young boy dressed in rags and mud. The boy. not more than twelve ignored them and continued to work feverishly scraping muck from the hoof of a white mare.

  Jack called to the boy as he came up beside Nicole. "Are you in charge here?"

  "Yep." The boy answered without so much as a glance in their direction.

  "We’re here to . . . well we are suppose to . . ." Jack stumbled, looking for the right words.

  "You've got something for us boy." Nicole said. She smiled wickedly and extended her hand toward the child. "We're in a hurry, so let's have it."

  "Have what?" The boy dropped the horse's leg and straightened up, staring intently at Nicole.

  "You've got our supplies and money boy. Hand them over and be quick about it." Nicole answered, her eyes sparkling in the dim light of the stables. The boy stood unmoving, his eyes wide, mouth agape staring at Nicole.

  "We don't want any trouble." Jack added with a smile, stepping in front of Nicole. "We just want what we've got coming." Jack knew those were the wrong words as soon as he told them. He stepped back a pace expecting a gang of cutthroats to jump out of the rafters and 'give it to them'.

  "A tall, really old man, dropped off some stuff a while back." The boy glanced at Jack. "If you can tell me what the two looked like that were with him, you can have the it."

  "How about a tiny dark-eyed man and a delicious blonde nymph." Jack said with a wink at Nicole.

  The boy's eyes narrowed centering back on Nicole. "Elves don't usually work for humans.”

  "That's none of your concern boy." Nicole snapped with controlled glee. "Now get those supplies."

  "And a map." Jack added. He stepped toward the boy to offer assistance and jerked back after the overwhelming stench of the stables reached him.

  "There's horses in the back corral, you should head out there and get what ya need. I’ll get your supplies from the Inn Keeper." The boy answered, pointing toward the far end of the stables. "Where's the others? They dead already?"

  "They're around." Jack answered. Taking a deep breath he followed Nicole toward the far end of the stables calling after her, "How did you know this was the right place?"

  "It's all part of the game. It can't be too difficult right at the start or we'd get discouraged. Besides, how are we going to defend ourselves if we don't have any weapons or get anywhere without horses?"

  "Like in a video game. The first thing you do is check your weapons." Jack answered as he shoved open the stable door and rushed outside to take a deep breath of fresh air. The back corral was a large grassy area containing half a dozen horses of various health and age. The remains of a wooden fence surrounded the small corral. It was just tall and sturdy enough to discourage the horses from bolting.

  "Hopper's going to need a large horse and we should find something mild mannered for Sarah." Jack dictated. He gingerly opened the rickety gate and headed into the corral. "Do you know how to ride?"

  "No idea." Nicole answered cheerfully. "But I'm sure I can figure it out." She pushed past him and cooed to a speckled gray stallion. The horse answered with a gentle whinny and trotted over to her. Nicole took hold of its mane, leapt onto its bare back and galloped off across the field.

  "The inherent trait stuff at work again." Jack grinned. The same horrible stench from the stables suddenly reappeared. Jack turned around to find the stable boy staring past him at Nicole's retreating form.

  "I got your stuff." He announced, his eyes frozen on the beautiful exotic elf. “You have ta find the falls. There's a cave under it that's got what ya need. After that ya head for the valley on the other side of the mountain."

  "And then?" Jack backed away, searching casually for breathable air.

  "Not for me ta say." The boy never took his eyes from Nicole. "She's a woodland, you know." He whispered, looking at Jack out of the corner of his eyes. Without another word the boy tossed Jack a small assortment of pouches then darted quickly inside the stables. Glancing briefly at Nicole's retreating form, Jack turned and followed.

  "Wait!" He reluctantly entered the stables after the boy, "Is this it?"

  "Yeah." The boy replied as he began to scatter straw around an empty stall.

  "Where's our weapons?"

  "Inn Keeper's got 'em. Says you got to pay."

  "I see." Jack frowned, and opened one of the larger pouches. He dumped the contents into his hand and was rewarded with a small pile of gold coins. Four of the other bags contained over a dozen coins each, all gold. The remaining pouch held a small animal pelt with a map scrawled on the soft inside skin. Holding out half a dozen of the coins to the boy, he asked, "Will this be enough?"

  "Half a bag's too much, but he's gonna want more." The boy stopped working and

  Studied him. "Why you askin' me? Ain't you bought weapons afore?"

  "I've . . . always made my own." Jack smiled brightly at the disgusting youth and tried to look convincing. Jack glanced back out the door and saw Nicole still galloping around the corral on the speckled gray. "I don't know what's gotten into her." He said as he turned back to the boy. "Tell . . . the elf I've gone to the Inn. And see if you can get her to saddle the horses."

  "Them woodlands is wild." The boy looked at him shaking his head.

  "Just tell her I'm at the Inn." Jack growled, heading for the front entrance. The boy nodded and glanced nervously toward the back door.

  The interior of the Inn reminded Jack of Dr. Strong's Clinic, dark, stuffy and something just didn’t smell right. The main room consisted of a scattering of tables made from long wooden planks propped up on what appeared to be tree stumps with smaller versions serving as benches. The tables still held the remains of the previous night. Dirty mugs, dishes and a couple of patrons snored among the clutter.

  “Now this is my kind of place, earthy atmosphere and the smell of stale beer.” Jack declared as he headed for the bar, shoulders back, puffed chest out in what he thought to be true barbarian style. He was ready for action. "Inn keep, you have my weapons." He announced in a low, snarling whisper.

  "Ya ain't gettin' 'em 'till ya pay." Came the reply from a large, fat man standing behind a slightly higher version of the tables that surrounded him. The barkeep leaned over the rotting gray wood of his makeshift bar and scowled openly at Jack. The man was incredibly filthy, his stench surpassed the stable boys by tenfold. His clothes contained stains on top of stains, which covered his shirt so completely Jack was certain it hadn't begun its service to its husky owner as a darker shade of brown it now appeared.

  Jack stopped a few paces short of the bar not wanting to bathe in the stench again.
He took several gold coins from one of the bags and tossed them on the counter. Then Jack scowled back at the Inn Keeper. "That should cover it."

  "Not hardly." The old man leaned forward.

  Jack grinned wickedly realizing he had mistaken the dirt on the old man's head for hair. "I can see we are at an impasse. Perhaps once I examine the goods, I could be persuaded to greater generosity.”

  "In the storage closet." The man smiled back, revealing a mouthful of black rotted teeth as then motioned toward the far end of the bar.

  Jack cringed, he tried to flash an evil smile before he turned and headed toward the

  small door located deeper into the heart of the tavern.

  Nicole galloped to the southern end of the corral, pushing the speckled stallion to his top speed. As they neared the highest stretch of fence, Nicole leaned forward and whispered to the gentle steed. "Over the wall to freedom my friend." She smiled wickedly, "And l'll take you on a great adventure."

  The stallion shivered in response. Surging forward, it cleared the fence. Straining with the effort yet landing silently on the grass in the meadow beyond. Nicole's shout of praise was cut short as the snorting challenge of a large, black stallion reached her ears. The speckled gray screamed in panic, backing away from the charging beast. Nicole could feel the young stallion's fear as she fought to control him. Rearing in an attempt to free itself of its master the small stallion shot forward trying to race back toward the fence.

  Unprepared for the sudden movement, Nicole fell onto the grass. Rolling with the impact, she arose quickly, effortlessly as the pounding hooves approached quickly. Nicole spun to face the advancing stallion. She thrust out her arms and called to the beast without thinking. "Hold! We mean no challenge!" A small voice inside her screamed in panic as she moved forward trying to place herself between the stallion and its prey. The black beast slowed slightly, then changed directly at Nicole.

  Stunned at the immense height and beauty of the animal, Nicole felt no fear. She could only stare in awe. The stallion came to a sudden halt inches before her. It pawed and stomped on the ground as it watched for her response. Standing silently before it, Nicole stared into its dark eyes. ''I know someone who is perfect for you." Nicole whispered reaching out to touch its nose. "You are so much more beautiful than he, more beautiful than any horse I have ever seen."

  The stallion allowed her touch and calmed to her soothing voice. "You are magnificent.” She continued as she moved closer to stroke the stallion's throat. "This is not the life for you, shut away from the rest of the world. You should be free to wander like the wind." Surprised at her own words, Nicole's smile deepened. "That shall be your name, Wind.”

  "He ain't part of the deal and he ain't for sale," Came a small voice behind her. Nicole turned to find the stable boy opening a small gate in the fence. She smiled as the speckled gray pushed quickly past him back into the first corral. "I know." She answered, as she met his gaze.

  "How?" The boy's eyes narrowed as he closed the gate, defensively placing it between them.

  "No one can own the wind." Nicole stated simply. “Look around.” The fence that enclosed the large meadow was much taller than the first but just as old and in disrepair. The tree line ran across the length of the corral opposite the stables. "He has allowed you to feed and care for him while he waited for us."

  "That so?" The boy grinned shaking his head suspiciously.

  "Do you really think this patch of run down fence could hold him?" Nicole answered, casually stroking the mane of the giant steed.

  "It has so far." The boy answered defiantly.

  "Has it?" Nicole released the stallion. Without a word the black beast turned and headed for the boy. Clutching the fence in alarm, he gasped as the horse crossed the short distance and leapt over his head with ease.

  “That's not fair!" He shouted at Nicole. "You told 'em to do that."

  "He's been doing it all along." Nicole laughed, "That chubby mare over there is

  going to give you a beautiful black foal."

  "You're a trouble maker!" The boy spat, ducking quickly as the stallion jumped

  back over the tall fence to stand beside Nicole. "That stallion ain't let a soul near 'em in

  the last three months! You bewitched 'em! All you woodlands are wild just like the trolls and nymphs! "

  “Woodlands?" Nicole frowned.

  "Oh, I know who you are. You're one of them all right. Woodland Elf, sister to the forest nymphs. Yer one with the animals, they flock to ye. Do yer ever biddin’. Not like the true elves with your magic spells and all. Well, don't try any of your magic on me! It ain't gonna work, I ain't no one's slave!" He screamed and ran back to the stables stumbling the entire way in his terrified haste to escape.

  Moving around the end of the bar, Jack opened the only thing in the tavern that appeared intact, the tall wooden door of the storage closet. The small room held several racks filled with an assortment of weapons and what appeared to be climbing equipment. The dim light from the main room landed on a long intricately carved double-sided broad sword. Just as Jack reached for it, a shout came from behind.

  Jack spun to see three elfin warriors running toward him. Each wore the same dark green body armor as he and Nicole, only adorned with weapons. Each raised their swords above their golden heads as they rushed toward him. Snatching the broad sword, Jack freed it from its sheath and met the blows of the attacking soldiers without hesitation, his spirits soaring. Now it was his turn inherent traits to surface.

  Knowing Nicole would be in serious danger if he tried to escape to the stables, Jack stood his ground. After all he was a barbarian, born to battle. Surprised at the speed and strength of his movements, Jack took control of the attack. Dodging the blows of his adversaries, he lunged at the closest warrior, driving his sword deep into the young elf s belly. A look of shock and intense pain came over the warrior's golden face. Blood poured from his mouth as he sank to the floor. This took Jack by surprise, shook him to his core. The distraction nearly cost him an arm as the two remaining elfs screamed in rage and doubled their efforts.

  Unnerved, Jack lost his taste for blood and the battle turned into a defensive struggle. As Jack attempted to force the angry warriors back toward the entrance, a high pitched scream pierced the air. Nicole came crashing through a small boarded up window near the back of the tavern. Her petite form rolled as she hit the floor. Jumping to her feet, she rushed to Jack's defense armed only with the stable boys small knife. The two warriors separated. The one farthest from Jack met Nicole's incredible onslaught. Distracted by the unbelievable entrance Nicole had just made, Jack stood gawking as she joining the battle, completely unaware of the warrior's raised sword before him.

  "Jack!" Nicole screamed, dodging the second warrior's savage assault.

  Without thinking, Jack swung his sword forward and sliced open the elfs midsection as he ducked and rolled past the elf’s advance. Anger and sorrow filled the older elf’s face. He fell to the floor clutching at the pulsing flow of blood.

  "That is so disgusting!" Jack muttered, then turned to find Nicole standing above the body of the third warrior, Nicole's chest heaved as her triumphant laughter filled the tavern. Before Jack could berate her for joining a battle in progress armed only with a knife, Hopper stormed through the tavern door waving a large tree limb over his head and shouting to his friends.

  "It's over Hopper” Jack announced, soberly. Turning to the Inn Keeper, he growled, "You set us up!"

  "No!" he gasped, scrambling away as Hopper moved toward him. "I swear it! Take yer weapons and escape while there's still time!" The frightened old man threw the gold coins Jack had tossed on the counter back to them, ducked under the bar and bolted for the door.

  “Oh man! You killed these guys?" Hopper asked, astonished at the sight of the

  bloody corpses lying all around them.

  "It was us or them." Jack didn't know why he was explaining.

  "We kicked ass!" Nicole ju
mped over the slain soldier and searched

  through the closet for her weapon.

  "Hopper, it was so realistic." Jack managed tearing eyes away from the still form of the elf he'd just slaughtered. "I thought we were going to be searching for talismans, not slaughtering people." Looking at his bloody sword, Jack felt more like an amateur serial killer than someone on vacation.

  "Let's get our supplies and be on our way. You heard him there could be more coming.” Nicole said, returning from the closet with a small silver short sword. "This will do nicely, much better than that toy knife the boy gave me."

  Hopper reached in, hoisted the climbing gear onto his back, grabbed a bundle of bed rolls and moved toward the door. "I'm heading back to check on Sarah, you get the rest."

  "Nice club." Nicole called after him, laughing as she turned to snatch a large leather satchel from the closet. "The room behind the bar is probably the kitchen I’ll check for food. You grab anything else that looks interesting."

  "Niki," Jack called after her quietly as he moved back to the closet and grabbed a set of long knives and a couple of empty water skins. "How did you learn to fight like that?"

  "Same way you did.” She answered nonchalantly. "Instinct."

  "But you didn't know you could do that when you busted in."

  "I'm the elf warrior, remember? And you needed help. What was I going to do? Stand outside and oh and ah like a frightened little mouse?" She called from the kitchen.

  "Didn't it bother you when you killed that elf?" Jack moved to the doorway of the small pantry and watched as Nicole stuffed skins of wine, chunks of bread, cheese and dried meat into the satchel.

  "Why should it?" Nicole winked as she stuffed the last of the food in the satchel

  and he headed for the door. "It wasn't real, Jack."

  Hopper hit the grass with a grunt of frustration, "I'm telling you Nicole, he doesn't like me!"

  "Nonsense, Hopper, he's just testing you. Give it one more try. This time, hold on with those long legs of yours; take control, don't let him push you around." Nicole offered smiling brightly at him from atop of the speckled gray stallion.


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