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Alien Revelation

Page 17

by Nicole Krizek

  Conall expected him to leave, but he didn’t. They all stayed like that for as long as it took for the doctor to clean her leg and encourage the skin to heal. The next time Conall looked, the skin of her wound was closed.

  “I’m done,” the doctor announced. He stood and moved closer to Onalee’s head to speak to her.

  “You’re going to be just fine. I’ve sealed the wound, and now your body’s natural healing will take over. You need to refrain from using your leg muscles for the next three days, so I’m going to put a restrictor on your thigh to make sure you don’t accidentally engage the muscles.”

  The older male slid a white mesh tube up Onalee’s leg and settled it over her thigh. Once in place, it constricted until it held her snuggly.

  “I’m also leaving you with a pain patch, and orders to get rest,” the doctor added.

  “What’s a pain patch?” Conall asked Brogan quietly.

  “It stays on the skin and slowly administers a pain inhibitor into the bloodstream.”

  The doctor turned to the men. “Make sure she stays in bed, and doesn’t put pressure on her leg while the muscles knit back together. Nothing but healthy food and lots of rest. If there’s a problem, you can reach me at the same comm as before. Any questions?”

  They both shook their heads.

  “Looks like you’ll be staying here,” Brogan told her with a smile. Her eyes went wide, and flew from him to Conall.

  “For how long?” she asked.

  The men looked at the doctor. He was packing away his equipment, but heard her question. “I’d say for at least two or three days. The less movement your leg has, the better you’ll heal.”

  She looked at Conall with concern on her face. “Is that okay? It’s a terrible inconvenience.”

  He waved away her concern. “No’ at all. If you weren’t already here, I’d insist on it.”

  Brogan agreed as his wristunit beeped again. He ignored it and told her, “There’s no better place for you to be.”

  “Alright,” she reluctantly agreed.

  The doctor applied the pain patch to her thigh through the wide mesh, and gave her another injection. “This is going to help you sleep.”

  “What is it?” Brogan asked.

  The doctor rattled off a name that Conall didn’t understand. Luckily Brogan did. He grunted and nodded.

  “It’s also going to make you a little loopy, so that’ll be fun for the rest of us,” he told Onalee.

  “That’s not funny,” she chided.

  “It’s going to be once the drug kicks in,” Brogan retorted.

  The doctor had finished packing his tools away and begun to head towards the door, when Brogan told Onalee, “I have to leave too. I’m needed at the palace.”

  Her face fell, but she nodded.

  “I promise that I’ll be back as soon as I can,” Brogan added.

  He bent and kissed her forehead tenderly before moving off of the bed, careful not to jostle her.

  “I’m going to walk them out, okay?” Conall asked Onalee. “I’ll be right back when I’m done.”

  “Alright,” she answered.

  Conall didn’t want to leave her, but needed to talk to Brogan alone for a moment. He felt better when Clare and Oliver converged on the bed.

  He led the doctor and Brogan through the house, and both he and Brogan bowed to the doctor as he got inside his transport and pulled away.

  It was just the two of them standing outside, the emergency shuttle sitting in the circular driveway. Conall knew that Brogan needed to leave, but he had the sudden impulse to ask him to stay.

  “I’m glad you were there today,” Conall told him. “I’ve never been through anything like that.”

  “I’m glad too, although I think you did well under pressure,” Brogan told him.

  “Yeah, but you were the one that got us out of there. I didn’t even know about the escape shuttles. If you hadn’t acted fast…”

  Conall’s throat closed for a moment as the reality of their situation hit him with full force. He and Onalee had been in an open area while terrorists shot deadly weapons into the crowd. She’d been hit. Luckily, she was going to be alright, but what if she’d been wounded in a more deadly way? What if he’d lost her?

  “It’s alright,” Brogan consoled him as he pulled him into a hug. “It was terrifying for all of us. But it’s over now. We’re safe, and Onalee is going to make a full recovery.”

  Conall nodded against Brogan’s shoulder, and hugged the male back. He wasn’t used to being comforted by another man, but he pushed the awkwardness aside and embraced the feeling. Brogan’s body was solid, a strength that Conall drew from. He felt enveloped by the male. And it was wonderful.

  Before he knew it, Brogan pulled back slightly. “Is it alright if I come back later?” he asked quietly.

  Conall nodded. “Of course.”

  The male placed a single kiss on Conall’s temple, then disengaged from him and climbed into the small emergency transport.

  “I’ll see you after we get a handle on this mess,” he called as the door slid closed.

  Conall watched the transport speed away. He headed back into the house, feeling slightly renewed, and ready to be the caretaker, instead of the one needing care.


  Brogan opened the Guard Shack’s door, and was instantly struck by its familiar controlled chaos. The hub was a blur of activity, as everyone moved quickly to gather information on the attack and secure a plan.

  On the far left wall, inside a conference room, he saw a meeting already in progress with some of the division leaders. Iliona was standing in for him, the same as others whose lieutenants hadn’t yet made it back to the Guard Shack.

  Brogan headed towards the meeting room, and was surprised to see King Deian seated among the top Guard officers.

  Brogan entered, and claimed his seat from Iliona. She handed him her tablet with notes, and he scanned the document to see what had already been discussed. He hadn’t missed much.

  –King Lukas was still in surgery, and they didn’t have a prognosis yet. He’d been hit with an energy blast to his sternum, and there was fear that pieces of bone had punctured his lungs.

  That explains why Deian looks pale and has lines of worry marring his features, Brogan thought.

  –The other royals, including King Racknar, Queen Lyn’Ola, and Princess Torei had been hit by debris and shrapnel, but had been treated successfully, and were now faring well.

  –Jayda had been looked over by doctors, who concluded that she and the baby were fine, but would still be monitored for the next few days.

  –So far there had been ten terrorists killed on the ship, and two arrested.

  “How is Miss Cormikan?” Director Haas asked Brogan, bringing his attention to his commander.

  “Much better, sir. We were able to get her medical attention as soon as we landed on the planet. The doctor was able to heal the wound, and is optimistic that she won’t have any lasting side effects.”

  Director Haas nodded. “At least that’s one piece of good news. We’ve lost too many people from this attack already.”

  He turned back to the rest of the gathered Guards, accessed something on his tablet, and gestured towards the table. In the center, a three-dimensional image of a weapon appeared.

  “We just received a preliminary report from the Defense, which states that the weapons the terrorists used are unique,” Director Haas stated. “They don’t appear to have been stolen, like we’d originally assumed, but rather they were built using replicated components. They’re enroute to one of the Defense’s laboratories, so hopefully we’ll have more information soon.”

  Director Haas continued.

  “The Anti-Earther Movement hasn’t claimed credit for this attack yet, but we believe that it’s just a matter of time. For now, the Defense is going to take point on the investigation. We’re going to do what we’re best at: protecting the royal family.”

  Deian c
leared his throat. “You seem sure that this attack was focused on Lukas because they don’t want an Earther as High King. If that’s the case, what about the other Earthers living on Arath? Do you believe them to be in danger, as well? Are you doing anything to protect them?”

  Brogan suddenly became nauseous and lightheaded. Were they aiming their attack on all Earthers? If so, he’d just left Conall and his family unprotected in their home.

  Director Haas nodded. “That is a good point. Are the MacLeods the only other Earthers we have currently living on Arath?”

  Someone gave the affirmative.

  One of the other lieutenants spoke up. “Sir, if I may? We also have dozens of Earthers scheduled to arrive from Aeonas in a week.”

  The director thought for a silent moment before he decided.

  “Alright, this is what we’re going to do: contact the Arathian Defense and suggest putting a temporary hold on immigrating Earthers, until we have more intelligence about the attack and know if they’ll be safe.”

  He turned to Brogan. “Brogan, you’ve built a rapport with the MacLeods, who are the only other Earthers currently planetside. You and your team are assigned to cover them for the time being.”

  Brogan nodded, trying to not seem too eager, while his heart began beating faster with anticipation. He wanted to gather his crew and equipment, and get back to the house as quickly as he could.

  His anxiety spiked when another lieutenant began to question their Director.

  “Sir, is now the time to be reassigning an entire unit? Shouldn’t we have everyone here covering the royal family?”

  Brogan was tempted to leap across the table and punch the male in his face.

  The Director, luckily, held firm. “We can spare them. The Queen’s parents have decided to stay here for the time being, so the majority of the Guard units at their palace have been relocated. We’re going to have more than enough help.”

  The lieutenant wasn’t convinced. “Isn’t it safer to split up the royal family right now? If someone wanted to target them, the worst place they can be is all together.”

  “Would you like to try to get them to leave?” Deian asked in a voice sterner than Brogan had ever heard from the male.

  The lieutenant quieted, and Deian’s eyes roamed the room, making it clear that he was speaking to each and every one of them.

  “Jayda’s parents have decided that they’re staying here until further notice. Instead of trying to talk them out of the decision, I think you need to take advantage of the extra Guards and make the most of it. Unless one of you would like to inform King Racknar that you disapprove of his decision?”

  Silence permeated the room, and the Director nodded in agreement.

  “It’s settled then. Brogan, you and your team have been reassigned for now. If we detect a higher threat than what we’re anticipating, I’ll send you more men.”

  Brogan nodded once. “Yes, sir.”

  “Alright, moving on…”

  The rest of the meeting didn’t directly apply to his new mission, so Brogan focused on preparing a list of things his team would need. He didn’t want to waste any time. The sooner he could get his team to the MacLeods and set up, the better they’d be protected.

  They needed supplies, but getting them amidst the chaos of the past couple of hours would not be an easy feat. Resources would be stretched thin, since there was a huge influx of Guards descending on their location.

  Brogan’s concerns were realized when messages from his team began to come in. The replicators were being stretched to the max, so getting the supplies they needed would take some time…

  … Time he didn’t want to waste.


  Onalee woke up with much difficulty. Her head felt foggy, and her mouth was bone dry. She opened her eyes and squinted to block out the early morning sunlight that filtered through gaps in the drapes. She didn’t recognize the room, but certainly knew the male sitting in the chair beside her bed.

  Conall held a tablet, scrolling through what seemed to be page after page of information. He was wearing the same clothes he’d worn onboard the Lurizian ship, but now they were torn and dirty. There were dark circles under his eyes, and his skin was more pale than usual. He looked exhausted, and like he’d been through hell.

  She cleared her throat to talk, and his head whipped up.

  “Oh, thank God,” he breathed, before he set the tablet down and took her hand. “How are you feeling?”

  “Okay,” she rasped through her burning throat.

  She winced, and he grabbed a glass of water off of the nearby table. He helped her lift her head, and brought it to her lips. The liquid helped ease the dryness and discomfort.

  “Can I get you anything?” he asked.

  She took quick stock of her body, and realized that all she needed was a trip to the toilet.

  “I need to use the cleansing room,” she told him, knowing that pink colored her cheeks.

  He didn’t seem bothered by her request. He stood and moved the chair back so they’d have room to maneuver. She quickly checked to make sure that her clothing was in place, but her outfit was gone. Instead, she wore an unfamiliar, short, satiny dress.

  She should have been concerned that she’d been dressed by someone—that someone had seen her naked—but she was relieved. She had memories of her dress, scorched and sticky with her blood, and had to give herself a mental shake.

  Onalee moved the blankets aside, causing Conall to pause for a moment as her body was bared. She watched him look her up and down, and was grateful for the pretty fabric. He only looked for a moment before he slid his arms under her knees and back, and lifted her off of the bed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on.

  “I can walk, I think,” she told him.

  He shook his head. “Nope, doctor’s orders. No putting pressure on the leg for three days. Get used to being carried everywhere.”

  Onalee didn’t argue, but drew the line when he set her down, right onto the toilet, and didn’t move away. Instead, he crouched at her side, as if he needed to catch her.

  “I can do this part alone,” she told him.

  “You probably can, but I’m no’ chancing it. Doc said that if you move the leg, it will disrupt the healing process.”

  Onalee rolled her eyes. “Oh, for goodness sake, you can leave me alone a moment. I’m not going to move or try to get up without you.”

  He still looked dubious, so she softened her tone.

  “Conall, I haven’t had anyone in the bathroom with me since I was a young child. I don’t think I can even go with you in here, and the longer you argue, the more chances I have of moving.”

  She knew when she finally won. He sighed and stood.

  “Fine. I’ll be right outside the door, so call when you’re done.”

  “I will,” she told him.

  “You’re lucky Brogan’s not here,” he mumbled as he pulled the door closed.

  She smiled, and wondered where the other male was. He’s probably still busy at the palace, she decided. He was sure to be occupied for the next few weeks, while the Guards sorted out what had happened, who had attacked the ship, and why.

  She quickly did her business and flushed, then called out to Conall like she’d promised. She knew that if she didn’t, she’d never get him to leave her alone ever again.

  Conall came back in, and carefully gathered her back into his arms. At least something positive stemmed from her getting shot.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d needed to be taken care of. She rarely got sick, and had never injured herself. But even then, she couldn’t picture Forkan carrying her to the bathroom. He’d probably have one of the household staff do it.

  Onalee gasped. Forkan!

  “Have you talked to Forkan?” she asked Conall urgently. “Do you know if he’s okay? Does he know where I am?”

  Conall gently laid her down on the bed, and sat at her side on the mattress. She grabbed his arm,
and he placed his palm on hers.

  “Yes, to all of that.”

  She visibly relaxed, and he continued.

  “I contacted him shortly after the doctor and Brogan left last night, when my mother kicked me out of your room. He didn’t get hurt, and will be here to see you sometime this morning.”

  “Thank you for doing that,” she told him sincerely. She was incredibly relieved to hear that her brother was alright. He was the only family she had. “Why did Clare kick you out of the room?”

  Conall cleared his throat, stood, and pulled the covers back over her. “She… ahhh… your dress was ruined, so she and Ashlyn changed your clothes. I hope that’s alright. Mum didn’t want you to stay in what you were wearing.”

  “Did my dress look anything like your shirt?” Onalee joked.

  Conall looked at his own clothes as if it were the first time he’d seen them.

  “Oh, aye, it did look like this. I guess I should go change.”

  “It doesn’t bother me.”

  “Well… I should shower too.”

  As he went to leave, an incoming message beeped on the bedroom’s vid screen. The name “Forkan Cormikan” was clear, even from where Onalee lay across the room on the bed. Conall went over and initiated the feed.

  “Morning, Forkan,” he greeted. “Onalee’s awake. Would you like to talk to her?”

  “Good morning, Conall. Yes, please. I’ve been worried sick about her all night.”

  Conall brought the vid screen closer to the foot of Onalee’s bed so that she could see him clearly.

  “Hello, Forkan,” she greeted.

  “Onalee, I’m so glad you’re alright!” Forkan exclaimed with relief. “I tried to call your comm last night after the attack, but you didn’t answer. I feared the worst, until Conall contacted me to tell me that you’d gotten off of the ship.”

  “I’m alright, Forkan,” she reassured him. “The doctor gave me something to help me sleep, that’s all. I feel much better now.”

  Forkan’s relieved expression fell. “Yes, Conall said something about a doctor tending to you, but there was so much going on at the house last night that no one could give me a clear answer. What happened to you?”


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