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Vampire's Pet

Page 4

by amy o'connor

  Darn it! She was thoroughly enjoying feeling like some die-away heroine in a bad historical romance. As she thought, her tongue flicked out to moisten her lips. His breath hitched.

  She did it again, her mouth parting as her tongue traced a languid line around her lips. The constant deep rumble of his breathing was close to her ear, and had been an almost imperceptible background as he strode along the sidewalk. It had definitely faltered. This time she was certain.

  Gwen glanced up to his face, wondering what she’d read there. A slight flicker in the skin under one eye was the only real change. She licked her lips again, purposely leaving a damp trail. Through half-closed eyes, she saw his lips tighten, then watched in fascination as he forced the muscles to relax. One at a time, the tiny muscles around his mouth loosened until he once again looked faintly amused with the world.

  He seemed to wear that expression a lot, she mused, wondering just how hard it would be to render him senseless with lust. And how difficult was it going to be to convince him to take her home and ravage her? He’d possibly even debauch her if she asked nicely.

  Her own lips twitched at the thought. She had no idea what debauchery was, but it sounded good. If she was going to do something so scandalous for the first — and possibly the only — time in her life, then she may as well do it properly.

  So, how to go about goading him into letting out his inner caveman? She wanted him to toss her over his shoulder and drag her home with him — the social niceties be damned!

  A gurgle of laughter broke out and she glanced up guiltily. He’d exchanged his coolly amused look for one of polite curiosity.

  “Stress,” she offered, giggling helplessly at his raised eyebrows. All she could think about was how it was positively her duty to teach this man how to loosen up.

  Yep, it was definitely the stress that was getting to her.

  * * * *

  Todd’s hand tightened on her bottom. Did she have any idea at all of just how provocative that lip-licking was? Not only had she sent his blood pressure soaring way beyond what was sensible, her own blood was rushing through her body so loudly it hurt.

  It would serve her right if he did take her home with him. Not only was he hungry enough that it had been a struggle to not let his incisors slide down, but he could smell her arousal clearly. She was his. Bought and paid for. He even had a receipt to prove it.

  He bent his head, snuffling against her neck, and his tongue flicked out, tasting her skin. So soft! He licked again, a long, wet swipe that traced the length of her vein, his tongue vibrating in time with her blood.

  The butterfly-light touch of her fingers against his neck brought him back to his senses. They were in the middle of a busy street. He’d stopped in the middle of the side-walk, forcing the few other pedestrians to sidle around them. Luckily, none of them seemed to have taken offense at his public display. Still…

  Head still bent, he opened his eyes and stared down at the pavement. Waves of heat rippled upwards, almost as fierce as the rays of the sun that were trying to spear through his shirt. It wasn’t like he was going to burst into flame, but he did get sunburned extremely easily. And if he got too sunburned, he certainly wouldn’t be able to take her home and ravish her. For a second, he imagined her expression if he asked her to rub aloe vera gel all over him. It was messy stuff. She’d have to get naked to do it.

  He looked up, intrigued at the thought. It was a shame he’d decided to drive her straight home. Untouched, he reminded himself. He was going to do the honorable thing, and that meant no tasting. No more licking, even.

  Thank goodness the parking garage was only another few steps away. Smelling her blood and her arousal was bad enough, but to have her squashed against his chest like this was hell.

  She shifted as he strode into the shade, and his sigh of relief to be out of the scalding sun turned to a groan. Unknowingly, she’d rested the hand she’d punctured earlier against his chest. Right below his nose.

  He jiggled her to the side, groping for his car keys. Her hand reached higher, grabbing his shoulder for support as she lurched. Her bottom bumped against his groin, and his cock swelled. Damn! If she kept tempting him like this, he’d have no choice — his fangs would be out and sunk into her neck before she knew what hit her. Then he’d sink himself deep into her body and get some relief for his other problem. He’d make sure she enjoyed herself too…

  Todd wrenched the car door open and deposited her none-to-gently on the front seat. She landed with a gasp which quickly turned to a giggle.

  “Am I that heavy? Your poor back, having to carry me like that!”

  “Sorry.” His voice sounded strained. “I, uh, slipped.”

  “Sure.” She flashed a sunny smile upwards, at the same time stretching her legs out in front of her.

  The tailored skirt had hiked up and, paired with her awkward landing, was perfectly showing off the length of her silk-clad legs. Legs that seemed to go on forever. His gaze started at her toes and skimmed up and up, all the way to…

  No! He forced his gaze back to her ankle. She obviously hadn’t realized she was flashing her panties. A gentleman wouldn’t look.

  A gentleman? Him? Before he could control it, a sardonic smile flashed across his face.

  Gwyneth twisted her ankle from side to side, her head cocked as she considered it. The overhead lighting hardly made an impression on the gloom of the garage, but it did reflect very nicely off her sheer stockings.

  “I think it’s okay,” she ventured after a moment. “I only twisted it.”

  Todd hunkered down, uncaring of the filth on the floor. From this angle he had an even better view of her panties. It was an effort to drag his eyes back to the ankle he held lightly in his hand. He wanted to know what color her panties were, and it was hard to tell. Something dark, he thought. Forest green, perhaps? That would look fabulous against her brilliant copper hair and creamy-pale skin.

  His thumb feathered over her ankle, tracing gentle circles until he was rewarded with a light shudder that made her skin tremble against his fingers. At least he wasn’t the only one who was turned on right now. It was just a shame that he was a gentleman.

  “Are you sure it’s okay?” He lifted her leg slightly, inspecting the ankle for swelling or the early signs of bruising.

  “Maybe it does need a little attention.” Her voice was husky, a siren’s call to his already overwrought senses. “Perhaps you should take me home with you — just for observation, of course,” she suggested.

  Every muscle in his body tautened, and he rocked back on his heels until he could see her face. She’d pushed her sunglasses onto her head as they’d entered the underground area and her eyes were clearly visible, nearly on a level with his. Slumberous eyes. Her eyelashes lowered and she dropped her gaze. It was the classic trick of a temptress, yet a tinge of pink colored her cheeks at the same time. If she was a seductress, she wasn’t a very experienced one.


  “I…” He shook his head and tried not to sound gruff. “I already told you I don’t expect anything like that from you.”

  She looked up from under heavy-lidded eyes. “But I want to.”

  His self-control was wavering. It was hard enough convincing himself to do the right thing anyway, but when she was begging him to have her… He made a last desperate effort, ignoring the strident demands his body was sending out.

  Todd smiled. Condescendingly. If he was lucky, she wouldn’t even be able to see how it was cracking at the edges with the strain of repeatedly saying “no”.

  “Oh.” Her lips trembled. “You really don’t want me.”

  The confused hurt in her eyes shattered his self control.

  “Of course I want you, honey.” He gripped her wrist, tugging until she looked at him.

  “Really?” She brightened. “You’ll take me home and… and…”

  “Seduce you?” he offered, a genuine grin creasing his lips.

  She blushed, a vivid p
ink that clashed horribly with her hair, and nodded.

  “Right then.” He bent forward, scooping up her legs and briskly depositing them in the car. “Let’s go.”

  She settled back onto the leather upholstery, her unconsciously wriggling shoulders thrusting her breasts out. At least he thought it was unconscious. It didn’t take much to imagine her naked, and the car seat resembled his sofa in everything but size. A burst of need raced through him. He couldn’t wait until he got home.

  He sunk to his knees, leaned forward, and pushed her back into the seat. A totally feminine moan of satisfaction escaped her lips on a sigh, then his mouth settled firmly over hers, claiming her.

  Her heart raced, thudding against his chest, and the scent of her musky arousal surrounded him, filling the car. She squirmed under him, her legs falling slightly apart, and he pressed closer. He wanted her to understand that she was trapped. She was his.

  Bought and paid for.

  He brushed away the intrusive thought. She wouldn’t be doing this just because she thought he had a right to her body. She wasn’t that sort of person. She was here because she wanted to be, not because she felt obligated.

  His arms were balanced on either side of her, the edges of the seat held in a white-knuckled grip as he fought for control. But her lips were soft under his harder mouth, warm and welcoming him in, parting eagerly for his thrusting tongue. Todd licked her lips, then traced the outline of her teeth and gums.

  He groaned into her mouth. She tasted so sweet…

  One hand pushed aside her skirt, shoving it up out of his way. Without releasing her lips, he glanced down at what he’d revealed. Her panties were dark green — feminine and lacy, a tantalizing glimpse of pale skin showing under the almost-sheer pattern. He returned his attention to her mouth, his tongue delving deep as he settled his weight against her chest. He lifted a knee and thrust it between her already spread thighs, wedging them further apart.

  Caught between his body and the seat, her every tiny movement was magnified. His car may not have been the most romantic location in the world, but it was certainly convenient.

  * * * *

  Making out in a car. Wow.

  And with a guy who looked like… Well, he looked like he belonged with some overpaid catwalk model, not with ordinary old Gwen. She smiled into the ravaging kiss, her tongue flicking out in her own cautious exploration. Who cared anyway? She’d decided on a fling, so it might as well be with a modern-day Errol Flynn.

  She’d barely even noticed when he’d raised her skirt, scrunching it up at her waist, but it was getting hard to ignore the cool breeze wafting between her legs. Even as she thought it, one large hand drifted upwards, stroking softly over her thigh until she shivered in reaction. Everywhere he touched, her skin sizzled.

  Her head lolled against the headrest, her eyelashes fluttered uselessly. She doubted she could have opened her eyes if she tried. All she could feel was the way his warmth surrounded her, pressed her back into the sleek leather, and wrapped her in a sensual haze.

  Then his hand settled firmly over her panties, cupping her pussy. She shuddered, and a soft wholly-masculine chuckle of satisfaction rumbled through his body. He was so close that the tiniest vibration passed straight from him to her — and onwards in a direct line to her tummy.

  So much for the butterflies she’d read about in the romance novels she kept hidden in her closet. This was more like a washing machine on spin cycle. And he’d hardly even touched her.

  He must surely have been reading her thoughts because he chose that exact moment to run his fingers gently over the satin of her panties, his thumb teasing at the lacy panels. Her own soft mewl of pleasure filled her ears.

  “Much as I’d like to continue this,” he murmured, his breath tickling her ear, “I think we’d be more comfortable at home.”

  Gwen forced her eyes open. The dim light of the parking garage was eye-wateringly bright after the darkness.

  She moistened her lips with her tongue. How could they be so dry? His eyes fixed on her mouth, and his own lips parted. A flare of satisfaction raced through her. Despite the fact he’d showed willing, until that moment she hadn’t realized just how much power she wielded over him.

  Slowly, carefully, she licked her lips again…

  …then squeaked in outrage as he pinched her nipple through the lightweight fabric of her blouse.

  Todd grinned and bent over her, deliberately crowding her back against the seat. His tongue swiped across her mouth, a long, wet lick. The hand that cupped her pussy tightened.

  “Fledgling testing her wings, hmm?” he asked with a smile, leaning back to watch her reaction.

  Gwen shook her head mutely.

  “No?” he raised a single eyebrow, clearly disbelieving. “Are you sure?”

  She licked her lips, a nervous gesture she barely noticed until it was too late. The hand on her pussy shifted, one finger suddenly probing deep between her legs and tracing circles around her entrance. Once again her nipple was tweaked, and she jerked upright.

  “Quite sure?” he asked again, pushing his finger slightly inside her.

  “I… uh…”

  The finger pushed deeper. Her eyes widened.

  Gwen let her eyelashes drift closed, refusing to open them even when he pinched her poor nipple more sharply. Her blood was churning. They were in a public car park, in broad daylight, and he was nonchalantly thrusting his fingers deep inside her pussy, fondling her breast and… She jumped. The pinches on her nipple were starting to get painful.

  Before she could protest, he twisted his fingers, and bent her forward over his arm. His hand was caught between her legs and he started to rub his fingers over her clit. Her head drooped onto her knees. Who cared about the fact that anyone could walk by and see them?

  Oh hell!

  Gwen tried to sit up, tried to shake off the pair of arms that had somehow wrapped themselves around her so, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t unfold herself.

  “I’m having fun,” he whispered in her ear. “Are you?” His tongue licked a wet rim around her ear, delving briefly inside to match the rhythm of his fingers in her pussy. He blew gently, chuckling wickedly as she shivered helplessly.

  “Please?” Gwen’s voice was barely audible, lost in a moan as he thrust more of his hand into her panties.

  She wanted… she wanted… Heck! She didn’t know exactly what she wanted, she just knew she did!

  “Please what?” he asked. “Please make you come?”

  She gasped as he pinched her nipple again, momentarily distracting her from his fingers between her legs.

  “What was that?” he asked silkily. “I didn’t quite hear you.”

  “I… yes!”

  “Yes, what?” The damn man sounded like he was enjoying making her plead.

  Caught as she was, unable to lift her head, she could still hear the laughter in is voice. And, strangely enough, she didn’t really mind. Todd was the first man who’d ever acted the slightest bit assertive around her. Obviously, he wasn’t at all intimidated by her money.

  “Please make…”

  Before she could finish the sentence, she felt a tiny movement under her butt. She’d been vaguely aware that he’d changed his grip so he had his hand wedged securely under her butt, but the finger that was probing her butt cheeks right now was feeling suspiciously like…

  A tiny flare of pain as his thumb wedged itself inside her ass, was followed by a dark burst of pleasure. She heard herself groan as he pulled the thumb free, the discomfort blessedly gone, only to hiss in pain as it returned, thrusting deep and remaining there.

  “What a tight little ass,” he murmured. “Bet you’ve never had a cock in there before, have you?”

  Gwen tried to answer, her words swallowed up in a groan as his thumb swiveled, almost touching the finger that was still lodged deep in her pussy.


  “No,” she gasped, and jerked hard against his hand as his f
ree hand tweaked her nipple. She’d managed to impale herself even deeper, and the waves of pleasure roiled over her.

  This was so wrong! Yet, much as she tried to tell herself that it was wrong to enjoy having a man simply take over her body like this, she couldn’t help herself. She was enjoying it.

  “What do you want?” he murmured into her hair.

  For a moment, his hands remained still.

  “Please let me come,” she asked, her voice tiny.

  She felt him smile, was sure he was grinning in pure satisfaction, yet within moments, she couldn’t have cared less. The hand jammed between her legs shifted and his fingers started to move deep inside her. One finger brushed her clit, the hand around her breast tightened. His mouth descended over hers, stealing her breath.

  The world shattered. Every sense was centered on what her body was doing, the way her blood raced, her head pounded, her limbs quivered. Then she was floating in a muzzy fog, too tired to think.

  So that was what an orgasm was like, she thought dreamily. Wow. Apparently the guys she’d been going out with had been totally ripping her off when it came to sex. Fancy having missed out on that…

  She was only vaguely aware that she was smiling when she drifted off to sleep.

  * * * *

  Oh man. That had so not been in the plan. What on earth was he thinking — or in this case, not thinking — losing control like that. He’d only just drawn back in time from taking her blood too.

  His incisors had been down, scraping erotically over her mouth as she gasped in ecstasy, and he’d just been lucky she was so lost in passion she didn’t notice. He’d been so caught up in her sexy little movements, the mewling sounds and the way she was writhing on his hand, to even think about taking control of her mind. The last thing he wanted was for her to realize what he was, and what she didn’t know couldn’t hurt her.


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