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Vampire's Pet

Page 7

by amy o'connor

  Gwyneth gasped. Her hand flew to her throat.

  Todd forced his mouth into a lazy smile, and raised an enquiring eyebrow. He never forgot himself around other human women, just her. Scaring her like that was unforgivable, and he didn’t understand why the predator kept slipping out when he was around her.

  “You startled me.” Her skin was slowly turning pink, the blush creeping steadily upwards from somewhere under her blouse.

  “Sorry.” He shrugged and turned his attention back to the stove, dropping a knob of butter into a pan and stirring it around until it sizzled. “I realize you hardly know me, but I really don’t bite. I wouldn’t have minded at all if you’d just told me you didn’t like chili.”

  Todd had to hide a grin when he realized what he’d said. Some slang just wasn’t designed to be used by vampires. Shoving the thought firmly aside, he pushed carefully at her mind, wishing for the umpteenth time that he could see what she was thinking. Life was so much easier when the prey behaved as expected. “Why did you lie?”

  He pretended disinterest, turning back to the refrigerator and cracking half a dozen eggs into a stainless steel bowl, one at a time. He added a dollop of cream, a pinch of salt, and still the silence stretched. He held up the tall wooden pepper mill and raised an interrogatory eyebrow. She shook her head, her eyes seeming to search his in the instant he allowed them to meet. He returned his attention to the egg mix.

  Living as long as he had, he’d learned patience. And he wanted her answer. For whatever daft reason, he cared about this little red-headed human and the thought that she might be scared of him — of his reaction to her if he was honest — was making him uncomfortable. If he’d considered having his conscience constantly pricking at him was bad enough, he’d not even thought to take into account how awful it felt to know she didn’t trust him.

  Which was probably very sensible on her part, all things considered. His inner predator may have settled down somewhat, but he knew it was just waiting the chance to leap up and assert itself.

  And why not let it out?

  Because he refused to let go his hard-won self-discipline; the same discipline that had allowed him to survive for centuries — undetected — when so many others of his kind had not. He wasn’t a cold blooded killer, but he knew it wasn’t a large step between taking enough blood for survival and not caring about whether or not the victim lived or died.

  So, he’d keep a firm hold on his self-control, refused to allow the predator out to play, and would work out what he was going to do about this human if it killed him. He smiled wryly, covering the involuntary twitch of his lips by quickly looking away, pretending he needed to watch what he was doing as he poured the mixture into the hot pan then added a handful of rather forcefully crushed coriander. He just wished he knew exactly what he was supposed to do about a woman whose mind he couldn’t read!

  Todd looked up again, his face set, and caught her eyes with his. He may not have been able to read her mind, but it seemed he could still control a victim. At his silent command her eyes locked helplessly on his, her pupils dilating as he purposely pulled her deeper into his thrall.

  “Why did you lie?” There was no pretense at polite enquiry this time, just the sheer power of his mind rapping out a demand.

  Gwyneth blinked.

  He held her gaze, refusing to allow her to escape. Her eyes softened as she stared back at him, and her lips parted. She tried to look away. He increased the pressure, mentally wrapping silken cords around and around her thoughts, binding her to him for as long as it took to get an answer.

  Still defiant, he felt her surge of feminine energy as she battled against him, looking for a way to avoid his net. Finally, seemingly against her will, she relaxed, shrugged slightly and drooped into her seat. Todd released the breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding. It was hard to believe she’d been so difficult to control. Mentally, she was very like his grandmother.

  His eyes narrowed. His grandmother had been human before she’d met his grandfather. Pop had turned her, knowing she was the one he was destined to be with. Destiny. Todd shuddered. He hated that word.

  “My parents were killed when I was young.” Gwyneth’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “I moved in with my aunt and uncle, and their daughter, Dora. They were very kind.”

  “But they didn’t want you.” Todd said it matter-of-factly, picking the thought straight from her mind. Surprised at his success, he tried again, but her natural barriers were back at full strength. Nothing. He scowled, annoyed with his lack of ability when it came to her.

  Gwyneth smiled, her lips bending in a tiny crease. “Not really. But they took me in. So…” She drew a deep breath, “I’ve always tried to be agreeable.”

  Todd pulled away from her mind, letting his imaginary bindings evaporate. Poor little kid.

  “You’re an intelligent, beautiful woman with a successful business you run on your own. I saw the spread about you in the local newspaper a couple of months ago — “ he grinned as she blushed, “ — and it implied that you were an independent and self-sufficient person.”

  “Um…” She attempted a wan smile. “I lied?”

  “Well, don’t bother lying to me, woman.” Todd was gruff, his heart bursting. Was it pity for the poor little kid she’d been, the one who still automatically did what she thought was most likely to make people want her? Or was it that she’d actually trusted him enough to admit to a not-very-happy childhood?

  “Woman?” Gwyneth attempted to look intimidating. “I’ll have a bit of respect here, thank you very much.” She ruined it by giggling, and he smiled back, ridiculously happy.

  This was so not the way a vampire was supposed to behave. Actually, he’d argue that it wasn’t the way he was supposed to feel either. His grandparents had acted kinda sappy, but no one else in the family had ever approved. Was this what they’d felt then?

  He flipped the fragrant omelet deftly onto a plate then turned away, ostensibly looking to make sure the gas had turned off fully. He didn’t want to look at her shining eyes. The last thing he needed was to turn into a great dolt like his Pop had been.

  One minute he was battling to keep his predatory nature leashed, the next he was fighting off the warm and fuzzies… He shook his head in self-disgust. Go figure!

  “Omelet’s ready.”

  “Thanks.” He glanced back at her, surprised when she hopped off her stool and dragged it up to the counter. “Well, you weren’t planning on going into the dining room just for an omelet, were you?” she teased, smiling sunnily. “Sheesh.”

  “Apparently not.” Any other woman he’d brought home had expected the full luxury treatment, yet this particular guest was making herself at home and rooting around in the kitchen drawers looking for cutlery. That was some difference.

  Todd pulled a pair of glasses from the shelf and set them on the counter. “Would you care for a glass of wine? I can offer you a 1997 Chablis which should go nicely with the eggs.”


  “Yes?” Todd attempted to sound threatening, but it was hard not to laugh. She was hopping from one foot to the other, her face screwed up as she attempted to do something totally against her nature.

  Gwyneth’s words came out in a rush. “I don’t suppose you have a Dr Pepper, do you? I’d, uh, much prefer that.”

  Todd growled, then burst out laughing as she squeaked in alarm. “Of course I do, you ninny.” He pulled a couple of cans from the fridge, popping the top of one before handing it over. He winked. “You’re kind of cute when you’re agitated, you know.”

  It was just too easy to make her blush, and he had at least another day and a half to work out just why that fact was so very, very fascinating. Perhaps it was something to do with the way he could literally hear the blood rushing through her veins as it headed towards her cheeks?

  Or maybe it’s just because — for once — you’re actually having fun…

  Todd stomped down hard on the thought. Perhaps
he didn’t really want to know after all. He was starting to sound and act suspiciously like his Pop.

  * * * *

  Gwen tried not to fiddle with her cutlery. She wasn’t very successful. She tried looking out the window instead. For a moment, at least, she hoped it would draw her attention away from the too-compelling man sitting opposite.

  Even the view from the kitchen was fabulous: from this height you couldn’t see the roads that circled the building, only the huge expanse of green parkland disappearing into the horizon. Shadows had fallen while they’d eaten, and the trees and gardens were disappearing into the gloom. Despite the air conditioned apartment, she could feel the way the atmosphere had changed. Most probably, it was just a storm racing in from somewhere out at sea. But it was oppressive.

  Oh, who was she trying to kid was nervous as hell about just what was going to happen after dinner! It wasn’t like she had any experience at this kind of game. And she didn’t like being nervous. Apart from the bits of her life her family still tended to interfere with, she liked to be in charge. She’d taught herself to be assertive in her business. She mostly even managed it in her personal life these days — most of the time, anyway. Recognizing that her aunt purposely manipulated her feelings of inadequacy didn’t make it ay easier to change the habits of a lifetime. It was humiliating when those conciliating manners flowed out into the real world. She wanted Todd to like her, and sucking up to him with pretty manners wasn’t going to achieve it. She was fairly sure every eligible woman in the area under the age of ninety or so would happily take him, and his wallet, home with them.

  And why did she want him to like her anyway? Sure, his behavior towards her had been impeccable — until he got her home. And she certainly hadn’t protested about his ripping her clothes off so she couldn’t exactly criticize him for taking what she offered. After all, he was a man. And men liked sex. She had to keep reminding herself this was just a fling — a single weekend away from the real world of responsibilities and charities and work and… boredom.

  Her fork rattled against the empty plate as she flung it down. The ping of silver on expensive china had her raising her eyes guiltily upwards — whatever would he think of her childish little fit of pique? And it wasn’t even like he knew what caused it.

  Todd was smiling, the tiny creases around his eyes gentling his expression. He was sprawled back in his seat, his legs spread in the most masculine way possible. Even his hands were relaxed, balanced comfortably on the edge of the bench.

  Damn the man knew how to look good!

  And sitting there like that, her view of his lower body cut off by the table, it was all too easy to imagine him naked. He hadn’t bothered to put a shirt on for dinner. Gwen glanced out the window again at the clouds that were gathering overhead. A single bird battled against the wind, one minute plummeting, the next being tossed effortlessly upwards. Inside too, the atmosphere was thickening. Electric.

  She touched her tongue to her lips. “Sorry.”

  He shrugged, the slight movement making his muscled chest move in the most fascinating way. What would it be like to have her hands on his skin when he moved like that? To feel the heat that radiated from him, to have the illusion, if only for a moment, of having control of his strength.

  “Nothing to be sorry for,” he pointed out amiably. “You just dropped your fork.”

  Gwen attempted a dry-lipped smile. “True. Old habits…”

  “Yeah.” He followed the direction of her eyes and looked out the window. “Storm’s coming in fast.”

  “Uh huh.”

  She cringed. How dumb did she sound? Monosyllabic answers, no conversation. She’d bet he was wishing he’d brought home one of the plastic beauties, trained in the art of idle conversation practically from the cradle. And he’d chosen a pharmacist instead. Now, if he felt like discussing the latest improvements in blood pressure medications, then she was his girl. But small talk? Nope.

  Todd stood up, stretching gracefully. The more she watched him move, the more addicted she became. Gwen was finding it harder and harder to keep her eyes to herself. She so wanted to reach out and touch. Was his skin hard or soft? Smooth or rough?


  She jumped, so caught up in her daydreams she hadn’t noticed him moving around the counter to stand beside her. Didn’t the man ever make a noise?


  He laughed as she hesitated, a rich rumble of amusement that seemed to trickle through her blood to collect in a hot pool somewhere in her tummy. Damn him, it wasn’t funny! It was hard to be nervous though, with that beautiful sound echoing in her ears. And the butterflies in her stomach had certainly changed since he’d laughed at her. Now they were anticipatory rather than dreading.

  “I could toss you over my shoulder, lock you in my bedroom, strip you naked, and have my wicked way with you,” he pointed out, his eyes dancing. “Or we could go get comfortable in the living room and watch the storm come in.”

  A tiny smile fought to escape. Her lips twitched. Gwen gave up and grinned. “I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to choose — “

  Thunder cracked straight overhead and she jumped again, still nervous as a kitten despite his honest good humor. He was the first man who’d been able to override her nervousness with a few well-chosen words, but he wasn’t yet perfect. His hands reached out to steady her before she could topple from the stool and she blushed, thoroughly annoyed at herself. Not only was he going to think she was tongue-tied, but clumsy too.

  “I think the thunder’s trying to tell you something.” Todd’s grin broadened. “Besides, who said I won’t have my wicked way with you after watching the storm? I love storms,” he added simply, “Especially out over the sea.”

  “The dishes?”

  He raised a single eyebrow, infuriatingly male. “Are you trying to be nice again? I do hope not.” His voice was silky, almost menacing if she hadn’t seen the way his eyes were still gleaming. On second thoughts though, it was a fairly anticipatory gleam, and rather off-putting. It reminded her of the way she’d once seen a leopard staring down at a vulture-covered carcass, as if he was considering if he’d manage both the carcass and the birds. The leopard had been expecting a feast. What was Todd expecting?

  “You’re not trying to be nice, are you?” he repeated, his hands burning into her waist.

  She wriggled, but his hands didn’t move. He’d effectively anchored to the seat. Gwen tried looking up at him from under her lashes, blatantly coy. It didn’t work. His hands stayed implacably in place.

  She snorted. “Alright. I was trying to be nice. Let me go and I promise to be horrible.”

  “Nope.” He smiled, the feral gleam in his eyes now wholly unmistakable. He was enjoying himself. “I did warn you…”

  Before she could gather her thoughts to protest, Gwen found herself scooped up and draped upside down over his shoulder, her arms hanging limply down his back. Unthinking, she grabbed for support, her fingers clinging desperately to the waistband of his sweats. The world spun disconcertingly, and the light-fitting appeared to be dancing on the floor. Gwen hiccupped and tried to lever herself up.

  “Nuh uh.” He swatted lightly at her clutching fingers. “Trust me.”

  Trust him?? No chance!

  Her scrabbling fingers slipped, the sweats sagged and she watched in mortification as they dropped down to bunch around his knees.

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk.” He shook his head as he continued walking, shaking the pants from his feet as he went. “You just had to find out whether I was a jocks man or a boxers man, didn’t you?” He chuckled, and let the kitchen door swing closed behind them.

  His words hardly registered, her stunned gaze was fixed on the taut buttocks that were right in front of her horrified gaze. His ass was stunning — rounded and firm — and she was getting a very up-close-and-personal view of his extremely naked butt.

  She swallowed convulsively, and scrunched her fingers into fists to keep from reaching ou
t and touching. And she’d thought the naked chest had been tempting. His ass was one of the best she’d seen.

  And just a few little inches away.

  Should she?

  She shook her head, and her braid bounced off her nose and bumped against his butt. He didn’t even seem to notice. Shit! He was stark naked and nonchalantly carting her through his house, en route to his bedroom. Apparently, he’d changed his mind and was going to have his wicked way with her before they watched the storm.

  But this time, she realized, he was the one who was naked, and she was still fully dressed. Theoretically, that put her in the position of power.

  Well, as powerful as she could be when she was slung helplessly over his shoulder…

  Still tentative, she uncurled her hands and reached out for the firm muscles that were so temptingly within reach. His skin was soft, and as warm as she’d expected it to be. She ran experimental fingers a fraction lower, her thumb scraping teasingly against the smooth male flesh. A tiny tremble in the muscles high up his back was the only indication he’d even noticed her tentative exploration. Hmmm…

  He smelled so good. With her nose so close to his naked back, she was enveloped in a cloud of hot, musky male. For a moment she wondered if he could smell her just as clearly, then dismissed the thought as irrelevant. She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs, and reached between his legs.

  * * * *

  Self-control for Vampires 101.

  If she kept on with what she was doing, then he was about to fail — miserably. She couldn’t have any idea of just what those careful little forays of her fingers were doing to him. And the way her plait bumped against his ass, swung between his legs as he walked, tickled him… On cue, it scraped against his butt, her soft hair the flutter of fairy wings on his harder skin. He shuddered.

  Dropping his sweats to tease her may not have been such a good idea after all. It was hard to believe but his quiet little mouse appeared to have claws; teensy, weensy, inexperienced ones it was true, but claws just the same. And she was practicing flexing them on him! So much for him thinking it would be ‘nice’ to help her climb out of her protective shell…


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