Life of Automobile, The
Page 49
Land Rover ref1, ref2
landau ref1
landaulets ref1
Laurin, Václav ref1
Lawrence, T.E. ref1, ref2
Lawson, Harry ref1, ref2
Le Corbusier ref1
Le Quément, Patrick ref1, ref2, ref3
Ledwinka, Hans ref1, ref2
Lefèbvre, André ref1, ref2
Leland, Henry M. ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Lenoir, Étienne ref1
Léon Bolée ref1
Levassor, Émile ref1
Levitt, Dorothy ref1
Lexington Motor Company ref1
Leyland see British Leyland
limousine ref1
Lingotto plan (Italy) ref1
Locomobile Company of America ref1
Locomotive Acts (1861/1865) ref1
Loewy, Raymond ref1, ref2, ref3
London congestion charge ref1
Longbridge factory ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Lord, Leonard ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Lordstown plant (Pennsylvania) ref1
Lotus, purchase of by GM ref1
Lotus-Cortina ref1
Love Bug, The ref1
Luthe, Claus ref1
Lutz, Bob ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Lyons, Sir William ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
M1 ref1, ref2
Macclesfield, Earl of ref1, ref2
McDonald’s ref1
McNamara, Robert ref1, ref2
Malaysia ref1
malls ref1
Marr, Walter ref1, ref2
Maruti ref1
Maserati ref1, ref2
Mason Car Company ref1
Mason, George W. ref1
mass production ref1, ref2
Matra ref1
Maxim, Sir Hiram ref1
Maxwell Motor Company ref1
Maybach, Wilhelm ref1, ref2
Mays, J. ref1
Mazda ref1
Mercedes ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
190 ref1
300 range ref1
600 ref1, ref2
Bluetec diesel system ref1
building plant at Vance ref1
and Grand Prix racing ref1
S-Class ref1
sold to dictators and monarchs ref1
see also Daimler/Daimler-Benz
Messerschmitt ref1
Mexican War (1914) ref1
MG (Morris Garages) ref1
Midget ref1
Rover ref1
TC Midget ref1
XPower SV ref1
MG6 ref1
MGB ref1
Michelin ref1, ref2
Michelin, Edouard ref1
Michelin, Marcel ref1
Michelin, Pierre ref1
Michelotti, Giovanni ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Michigan ref1
Millecento ref1
Miller, Arjay ref1
Mini ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Mini Cooper ref1
Mitchell, Bill ref1, ref2
Model T see Ford Motor Company
Montagu, Lord ref1
Montgomery, General ref1
Moon, Keith ref1
Morgan, Garrett ref1
Morgan, J. Pierpont ref1
Moro, Aldo ref1
Morris, Frederick ref1
Morris Motors ref1, ref2, ref3
Cowley ref1
Eight ref1
Marina ref1, ref2
‘merger’ with Austin to form BMC ref1, ref2, ref3
MGA ref1, ref2
Minor ref1, ref2, ref3
shadow factories during war ref1
and tank construction ref1
Morris, William (Lord Nuffield) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
anti-intellectual bias ref1, ref2
attitude towards workers ref1
background ref1
bicycle business ref1
car-making philosophy ref1
character ref1
charitable causes ref1
creation of Pressed Steel Company ref1
death ref1
dissatisfaction with Labour Party ref1
Empire Morris ref1
founds new college at Oxford University ref1
lack of involvement with BMC ref1
and Lord ref1, ref2
and marketing ref1
and mass-production ref1
and MG ref1
and politics ref1
retirement ref1
and Second World War ref1
setbacks ref1
and transformation of Oxford ref1
Moskvitch ref1
Mosley, Sir Oswald ref1
Moss, Stirling ref1
motels ref1, ref2
motor accidents, first ref1
Motor Car Act (1903) ref1
motor cities ref1
motor coach, invention of first ref1
motor terms ref1
Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Act (1965) ref1
motorcycle, creation of first ref1
motorway services ref1
Motown ref1, ref2
Moulton, Alex ref1
Mulally, Alan ref1
Muller, Victor ref1
multi-storey car parks ref1
Mumford, Lewis ref1
Murdoch, William ref1
Murphy, Edward M. ref1
Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) ref1
Musgrove, Harold ref1, ref2
Mussolini, Benito ref1, ref2, ref3
Nader, Ralph
Unsafe at Any Speed ref1, ref2
Nash, Charles ref1, ref2
Nasser, Jacques ref1
National City Lines ref1
Nazi Germany ref1, ref2
car manufacturing ref1
car ownership ref1
manufacturing of KdF-Wagen (Volkswagen) ref1, ref2
motorway construction ref1
tank production ref1
see also Hitler, Adolf
New Jersey Turnpike ref1
New United Motors Manufacturing Inc. (NUMMI) ref1
Nian Qashqai ref1
Nissan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
240Z ref1
350Z ref1
debts ref1
Figaro ref1
Juke ref1
Leaf ref1
merger with Renault ref1, ref2
opens factory in Britain ref1
origins ref1
Sunderland plant ref1
under Ghosn’s tenure ref1
Z cars ref1, ref2
Nordhoff, Heinz Heinrich ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Nozaki, Satoru ref1
NSU ref1
Ro80 ref1
Nuffield College ref1
Nuffield Foundation ref1
Nuffield, Lord see Morris, William
Nuffield Mechanization and Aero ref1
Oertzen, Baron Klaus-Detlof von ref1
oil companies ref1
oil crisis
1973 ref1, ref2
1979 ref1
Olds, Ransom Eli ref1
Oldsmobiles ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Tornadi ref1
O’Neill, Finbarr ref1
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) ref1
Opel ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
and GM ref1
Kadett ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
postwar production ref1
subservience to Nazi regime ref1
Opel, Wilhelm von ref1
Oxford ref1
Oxford University ref1
Pacer ref1
Packard Motor Company ref1, ref2, ref3
Pain, Denis ref1
Panhard et Levassor ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Panhard, René ref1
Paris–Bordeaux race, 1895 ref1
Paris–Madrid race, 1903 ref1
Patton, General ref1
pedestrian deaths, Second World War ref1
nbsp; Peking–Paris race, 1907 ref1
Pennsylvania Turnpike ref1
people carriers (multi-purpose vehicle) ref1
Perot, Ross ref1
Perry, Percival Lea Dewhurst ref1
Petersen, Donald ref1
petrol rationing ref1, ref2
petrol stations ref1
petrol-powered motor vehicle, invention of first ref1, ref2
Petroleum (Consolidation) Act (1928) ref1
Petterson, Pelle ref1
Peugeot ref1, ref2
504 ref1
purchase of Citroën ref1, ref2
Quadrillette ref1, ref2
shuts Ryton and Stoke factories ref1
Peugeot, Armand ref1
Peugeot-Citroën ref1
Peugeot, Jean-Pierre ref1
Phoenix Four ref1
Piëch, Ferdinand ref1
Pigozzi, Henri ref1
Pininfarina ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Pininfarina, Sergio ref1, ref2
Pirelli ref1, ref2
Pischetsrieder, Bernd ref1, ref2
Plymouth see Chrysler
Pollock, Fergus ref1
Pontiacs ref1, ref2
GTO ref1
Tempest ref1
Porsche ref1
356 ref1
550 ref1
911 ref1, ref2, ref3
Cayenne ref1
and electric car ref1
and hybrid car ref1
Panamera ref1
and Volkswagen ref1, ref2
Porsche, Ferdinand ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
arrest, imprisonment and release ref1
background and career ref1
as chairman of Panzer Commission during war ref1
character ref1
death ref1
founding of own firm ref1
and Hitler ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
and ‘people’s car’ ref1, ref2
power steering ref1
Presley, Elvis ref1, ref2
Pressed Steel Company ref1
Probst, Karl ref1
Proton ref1
public transport, US ref1
Quadricycle ref1
Quai de Javel plant ref1
Quandt, Herbert ref1, ref2
Qvale Mangusta ref1, ref2
Rabe, Karl ref1
Radclyffe, Colonel Charles ref1, ref2
Range Rover ref1, ref2
Red Brigades ref1
4CV ref1, ref2, ref3
4 ref1
5 ref1
8 ref1
16 ref1
assassination of Besse ref1
Avantime ref1
Dauphine ref1
Espace ref1
founding ref1
merger with Nissan ref1, ref2
nationalization of ref1, ref2
postwar production ref1
privatization of ref1, ref2
purchase of Volvo ref1
takeover of AMC ref1
under Le Quément’s tenure ref1
Vel Satis ref1
Renault, Christine ref1
Renault, Louis ref1, ref2
anti-Semitic and pro-German politics ref1
arrest of and imprisonment after war ref1, ref2
business methods ref1
character ref1, ref2
and Citroën ref1
collaboration with Germans ref1
death ref1, ref2, ref3
and First World War ref1
home life ref1
and marketing ref1
and politics ref1
and Second World War ref1
Renault, Marcel ref1
REO ref1
Riccardo, John ref1
Riley, William ref1
Rivera, Diego ref1
road fund licence (1921) ref1
road networks ref1
Britain ref1
France ref1
Nazi Germany ref1
United States ref1, ref2
road safety ref1, ref2, ref3
Robinson, Derek ref1
Roche, James ref1
Rolls, C.S. ref1
Rolls-Royce ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
acquisition of Bentley Motors ref1
in BMW’s hands ref1
collapse of ref1
Phantom ref1
Phantom II ref1
radiator ref1
Silver Ghost ref1, ref2
Silver Shadow ref1
Spirit of Ecstasy mascot ref1
Romiti, Cesare ref1
Rommel ref1
Roosevelt, Franklin D. ref1, ref2, ref3
Rootes ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
and Hillman Imp ref1
losses ref1
Sunbeam Alpine ref1
takeover by Chrysler ref1, ref2
Rootes, Billy ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Rootes, Reggie ref1
Rouge River plan (Dearborn) ref1, ref2, ref3
Route ref1, ref2
Rover ref1, ref2
75 ref1, ref2
800 ref1
2000 (P6) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
3500 ref1
BMW pulls out of ref1
buying of rights to name by Tata ref1
collapse of ref1
Eight ref1
final collapse ref1, ref2
MGF ref1
and Phoenix Consortium ref1
purchase of by BMW ref1, ref2, ref3
SD1 ref1
shadow plants during war ref1
sold to BAe ref1
TF ref1
Z range ref1
Royal Automobile Club (RAC) ref1
Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) ref1
Royal Lancer ref1
Royal Naval Armoured Car Division ref1
Royce, F.H. ref1, ref2
Russia ref1, ref2
Ryder, Sydney ref1
Saab ref1
Saint, The ref1
saloon ref1
Saturn Corporation ref1
Schrempp, Jürgen ref1
Schreyer, Peter ref1
Seat ref1
seat belts ref1, ref2
Second World War ref1, ref2, ref3
cars used as essential transport and symbol of rank ref1
decrease on car use ref1
pedestrian deaths ref1
sedan ref1
shadow factories ref1, ref2
Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) ref1, ref2, ref3
Shell ref1
Shell Guides ref1
shooting brake ref1, ref2
shopping malls ref1
Sidgreaves, Arthur ref1
Simca ref1
Simms, Frederick ref1
Sinatra, Frank ref1
Sinclair C5 ref1
Singh, Sir Jai ref1
Six Day War (1973) ref1
Skelton, Betty ref1
Škoda ref1, ref2, ref3
Octavia ref1
purchase of by Volkswagen ref1
shedding of plain image ref1
vRS ref1
Škoda, Emil ref1
Sloan, Alfred P. ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
advertising and marketing ref1
background ref1
character and personal life ref1
and Durant ref1
and exports ref1
and Hitler ref1
introduction of annual upgrade at GM ref1
politics ref1
relationship with Earl ref1
remodelling of GM’s structure ref1
Smart car ref1
Smith, Martin ref1
Smith, Roger Bonham ref1, ref2
Society for the Protection of Pedestrians (SPP) ref1, ref2
Sorenson, Charles ref1
Spain ref1
speed limit, Britain ref1, ref2
Speer, Albert ref1
Spider ref1
Spitfires ref1, ref2
sports cars ref1, ref2,
sports utility vehicles see SUVs
Spyker ref1
Stadt des Kdf-Wagens, bombing of ref1
Standard Motors ref1, ref2
Superior ref1
Vanguard ref1, ref2
Standard-Triumph ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Starlight ref1
station wagon ref1, ref2
STD Motors ref1
steam cars ref1
steam power ref1, ref2
Steinbeck, John ref1
Stephenson, C.W. ref1
Stephenson, Nick ref1, ref2
Stevens, Brooks ref1
Stokes, Donald ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Storrow, James ref1, ref2
Studebaker ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Subaru ref1
360 ref1
suburbs ref1, ref2
Sunbeam ref1, ref2
Alpine ref1
Rapier ref1
SUVs (sports utility vehicles) ref1, ref2, ref3
crossovers ref1
Swallow Sidecars (later Jaguar) ref1
Talbot Express van ref1
tanks ref1, ref2
Tata Motors ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Tatra ref1
T97 ref1
Taylor, Frederick ref1
Teague, Richard ref1
Temple, Julien ref1
Thomas, Miles ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Thornton, Eleanor ref1
Thunderbird see Ford Motor Company
Thwaite, B.H. ref1
Tjaarda, John ref1
tonneau ref1
Top Gear ref1, ref2
Towers, John ref1, ref2
Townsend, Lynn ref1, ref2
Toyoda, Akio ref1
Toyota ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
2000GT ref1
Camry ref1
Corolla ref1
Corona ref1
corporate creed ref1
Cygnet ref1
growth and expansion ref1, ref2
Land Cruiser ref1
Lexus ref1, ref2
losses ref1
MR2 ref1
opens factory in Britain ref1
origins ref1
partnership with GM ref1, ref2
Prius ref1
recall scandals (2009/10) ref1, ref2
under Akio’s tenure ref1
Trabant ref1, ref2
Traction Avant ref1
traffic lights ref1
transmission systems ref1
Travelodge ref1
Trevithick, Richard ref1
Triumph ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
2000 ref1, ref2, ref3
Dolomite ref1
Herald ref1
Spitfire ref1
Stag ref1
TR2 ref1
TR7 ref1, ref2, ref3
Turnbull, George ref1
tyres, tubeless ref1
United Automobile Workers Union (UAW) ref1, ref2, ref3
United Motors Corporation ref1
United States
car ownership ref1, ref2, ref3
car production ref1, ref2, ref3
Golden Age of car production ref1
impact of oil crisis ref1