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Red Moth

Page 30

by Sam Eastland

  ‘Name?’ asked the sergeant, tapping a pencil against his thumbnail while he awaited the reply.

  ‘Stefanov, Rifleman.’

  ‘Ste . . . fa . . . nov.’ The sergeant scrawled the name into his book. Then he glanced up at the rifleman’s dirty and ill-fitting uniform, whose various components had been scrounged from the battlefield when Stefanov crossed through the German lines. ‘Are you delivering a message?’

  ‘I was delivering a prisoner,’ replied Stefanov.

  The sergeant tilted his head to one side, looking past Stefanov towards the entrance. ‘And where is this prisoner? Have you lost him?’

  Stefanov explained what had happened.

  ‘Wait a minute!’ said the sergeant. ‘You’re the one who captured that German general.’

  ‘I believe he is a colonel, not a general. His name is Gustav Engel.’

  ‘That’s the one! Here, I have something for you.’ The sergeant lifted a crisp white envelope from a tray on his desk and handed it to Stefanov. ‘These are your reassignment papers, and take a look at whose signature is on them.’

  Stefanov opened the envelope and peered at the scribble. ‘I can’t read it.’

  The sergeant leaned forward across his desk. ‘Stalin,’ he whispered. ‘You’re some kind of hero now, let me tell you.’ Slowly, the sergeant settled back into his chair.

  ‘Then I had better leave now,’ replied Stefanov. ‘According to these papers, my train leaves in two hours.’

  ‘Before you leave the city,’ said the sergeant, ‘you must report to Major Kirov.’


  ‘Assistant to Inspector Pekkala.’

  ‘Does the major know what happened?’

  ‘Everybody does,’ replied the sergeant, ‘but Kirov wants to hear first hand from the last man who saw Pekkala alive.’

  Some time later, having climbed the five flights of stairs to Kirov’s office, Stefanov wiped the sweat from his forehead and raised his fist to knock upon the door. But before his knuckles even struck the wood, the door swung open and Major Kirov, his face pale and eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep, loomed over him.

  ‘You must be Stefanov‚’ he said.

  Stefanov breathed in deeply, ready to give his report. But he never got the chance.

  ‘Are you certain it was him?’ demanded Kirov, his fingers trembling as he picked at the buttons of his tunic.

  ‘I saw his body with my own eyes, Comrade Major.’

  ‘I heard there was a fire.’

  ‘Yes, Comrade Major.’

  ‘The body was burned.’


  ‘Then how do you know it was Pekkala?’

  Stefanov reached into the pocket of his breeches and drew out the Webley revolver, its barrel bent by the force of rounds exploding in the cylinder. The Webley’s bluing had been burnt away, leaving the grey dullness of raw steel. Only the brass grips seemed unaffected by the fire. He handed the weapon to Kirov.

  Kirov stared at the gun in amazement, as if he could not comprehend what force on earth could have reduced Pekkala’s gun to such a state.

  ‘There was also this,’ said Stefanov, as he held out the remains of Pekkala’s pass book.

  Setting the Webley aside, Kirov took hold of the identity book. As he opened it to look inside, the ashes of Pekkala’s Shadow Pass flickered down on to the floor. ‘There was nothing else?’

  ‘Nothing but bones. I’m sorry, Comrade Major.’

  Kirov sighed and nodded.

  ‘With your permission, Comrade Major, I have a train to catch. I’ve been reassigned to the 45th Anti-Aircraft Battalion and my transport leaves in half an hour.’

  ‘Where are they sending you?’ asked Kirov.

  ‘To the city of Stalingrad, Comrade Major.’

  ‘You should be safe there. After what you have been through, no one could grudge you that.’

  ‘The same thought had occurred to me,’ admitted Stefanov.

  ‘Go now,’ said Kirov, ‘and thank you.’

  Stefanov saluted smartly, spun on his heel and departed.

  On his way down the stairs, he passed a woman going up. She was carrying a folded paper bag and a thermos.

  She was already on the fourth floor and slightly out of breath.

  As the woman stood aside to let him pass, Stefanov caught her eye and he felt his heart stumble in his chest. He could smell the fresh piroshky she was carrying in the bag. Onions. Mushrooms. Pastry. At the third floor landing, Stefanov paused and looked at her again, before he set off down another flight of stairs.

  She was still standing in the same spot where he had passed her. She had unfolded the top of the paper bag and was peering inside it, as if worried that she might have forgotten something.

  Either she felt Stefanov’s stare, or else she wondered why the heavy tread of his boots had suddenly come to a halt, because she glanced down at him. She blushed and smiled and carried on up the stairs.

  In that moment, Stefanov thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He wondered if he’d ever meet a girl who would bring him fresh piroshky that she’d made with her own hands. Maybe, he thought, there is one waiting for me somewhere in the streets of Stalingrad.

  Arriving at the fifth floor, Elizaveta saw that the door to Kirov’s office was already open. She knocked on the door frame instead and stepped into the room.

  Kirov was standing at his desk, shoulders hunched and his knuckles resting on the wooden surface. Between his fists lay Pekkala’s gun and remnants of the burned identity book.

  ‘I heard about what happened to Pekkala,’ she said quietly.

  Kirov breathed in sharply and raised his head. He had been so lost in thought that he hadn’t realised she was there.

  ‘The news is all over the city,’ she continued. ‘Is Pekkala really dead?’

  ‘They found his gun, and they found his papers.’ He picked up the identity book and let it fall, shedding a trail of ashes, back on to the desk. ‘But a piece is missing, a very important piece.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ she asked.

  ‘They didn’t find the eye. The gold and enamel insignia presented to him by the Tsar on the day he became the Emerald Eye. I never saw him without it. The gun, yes, and the pass book didn’t matter to him, but the emerald eye was something sacred to Pekkala. He would never have chosen to part with the eye.’ He looked at her helplessly. ‘I can’t understand it.’

  Elizaveta raised the paper bag. ‘I brought you some lunch, but I can’t stay. Sergeant Gatkina . . .’ Before she could continue, the phone rang.

  ‘I have to answer that,’ said Kirov.

  ‘I should be going, anyway,’ she told him, as she set the paper bag and the thermos on his desk.

  ‘No,’ Kirov told her. ‘Stay. Please stay. To hell with Sergeant Gatkina. Have lunch with me. I’m sure this call will only take a minute.’ He lifted the receiver and pressed it to his ear.

  ‘Hold for Comrade Stalin!’ Poskrebychev’s shrill command drilled into Kirov’s head.

  There was a rattling at the other end. ‘Do you think it’s true?’ Stalin’s voice echoed down the line. ‘Do you really believe he is dead?’

  ‘No, Comrade Stalin.’

  ‘Neither do I,’ replied Stalin.

  ‘But if Pekkala’s still alive,’ Kirov countered, ‘then where could he possibly be?’

  ‘As of this moment, Major Kirov, it’s your job to answer that question. Find Pekkala. Bring him back to Moscow.’ Then the lines went silent as Stalin slammed down the receiver.

  With Stalin’s voice still ringing in his ears, Kirov hung up the phone.

  ‘What did he want?’ asked Elizaveta.

  ‘He has ordered me to find Pekkala.’

  ‘But he’s dead! They already found his body!’

  ‘They found a body‚ yes‚ but the corpse was badly burned.’

  ‘Then how do you explain the gun? Or his passbook?’

  ‘I can’t. I just d
on’t believe he is dead.’

  ‘What are you saying? That he faked his own death? Why would he do that?’

  ‘I don’t know.’ Kirov stared out across the rooftops of the city, to where the golden spires of the Kremlin gleamed in the afternoon sun. ‘But if he is alive out there‚ I’ll find him.’

  The Amber Room: Timeline

  1701 – Prussian sculptor Andreas Schlüter, working with Danish ivory cutter Gottfried Wolfram, creates plans for the construction of the Amber Room by the Danzig Amber Guild. The idea is approved and funded by King Friedrich I of Prussia, with the intention of installing it at his Palace in Berlin.

  1716 – Friedrich Wilhelm I, son of Friedrich I and known as the Soldier King, gives the Amber Room to Russian Tsar Peter I, as part of an exchange of gifts to celebrate a diplomatic treaty between the two countries.

  13 January 1717 – The Amber Room arrives in St Petersburg. Peter I is unable to reassemble the structure, so it is stored in boxes in the cellar of the Winter Palace.

  1717 – Empress Catherine I of Russia orders construction of the Catherine Palace as a summer residence in Pushkin, then known as Tsarskoye Selo.

  1755 – Catherine the Great orders the Amber Room to be installed in the Catherine Palace.

  1763 – Installation of the Amber Room in Catherine Palace is completed under the direction of Italian architect Carlo Rastrelli.

  22 June 1941 – German invasion of Soviet Union, codenamed Operation Barbarossa, begins.

  24 June 1941 – Palace treasures are being packed in any available container, including the former Tsar’s luggage and, in some cases, padded with pieces of the Tsar and Tsarina’s clothing.

  30 June 1941 – rail wagons containing treasure from the Catherine and Alexander Palaces depart for Siberia. Under the direction of Anatoli Urbaniak, Soviet official responsible for the evacuation of art and treasure from Pushkin, the Amber Room is concealed under layers of gauze and wallpaper.

  24 August 1941 – The walls of the Catherine and Alexander Palaces are bare.

  28 August 1941 – German Army units 10 km south of Leningrad.

  1 September 1941 – Leningrad burns.

  13 September 1941 – Pushkin under fire from German artillery.

  17 September 1941 – Fighting between German and Soviet troops on grounds of Catherine and Alexander Palaces.

  19 September 1941 – Soviet troops withdraw from Pushkin.

  c.21 September 1941 – The Amber Room is located by German army units under the command of Colonel Count Solms-Laubach.

  c.30 September 1941 – General Erich Koch orders the Amber Room to be dismantled and moved to the Prussian Fine Arts Museum in Königsberg, where it is to be placed in the care of Dr Alfred Rohde, director of art collections in the Königsberg Castle Museum.

  c.10 November 1941 – The Amber Room, packed into crates, arrives in Königsberg.

  1942–44 – The Amber Room is put on public display in the Königsberg Royal Castle Museum.

  March 1944 – Pushkin retaken by Soviet Army.

  1 April 1945 – The Amber Room is packed into crates in the Knights Hall of Königsberg Castle. Plans have been made to transport the Amber Room to Saxony in central Germany, away from the Soviet advance, but by the time all arrangements have been made, no trains are available for transporting the crates.

  9 April 1945 – Soviet troops (artillery regiment) occupy Königsberg Castle.

  10 April 1945 – General Otto Lasch surrenders the city of Königsberg to Soviet Army.

  11 April 1945 – Königsberg Castle burns. Fires may have started as early as 9 April.

  13 April 1945 – Despite extensive searches in Königsberg, Soviet troops are unable to find the Amber Room.

  1945–present – Numerous subsequent investigations, both unofficial and those sponsored by the Soviet and East German governments, have failed to locate the Amber Room.

  Many theories exist as to the fate of the Amber Room:

  – It was destroyed by Allied bombing of Königsberg in April of 1945.

  – It was destroyed when the castle burned, leaving behind only a fine residue of ash, since amber is a resin and combusts at a relatively low temperature. It has been suggested that Soviet authorities did not realise that ash found in the location where the amber was thought to be hidden was in fact the remains of the Amber Room.

  – It was loaded on to a ship leaving the port of Gadynia in 1945, but the ship was sunk by Russian submarines patrolling the Baltic.

  – It was loaded into watertight containers on board an unmanned submarine with a limited fuel supply and sent into the Baltic. When the submarine ran out of fuel, it came to rest on the seabed.

  – The amber was brought to Wildtenkend salt mine in Volpriehausen, Germany, and was either buried in an explosion there or was discovered by American troops and looted.

  – It is hidden in a silver mine 100 km south of Berlin.

  – It is buried in a lagoon near the town of Neringa in Lithuania.

  – It is hidden in the Orinoco river in Venezuela.

  1983 – German cabinet maker Johann Enste discovers a chest which was once part of the Amber Room inventory.

  1992 – German police detain Hans Achtermann, son of a former German officer, on suspicion of trying to sell, through an art dealer named Keiser, one of the Florentine mosaics which once decorated the Amber Room. The officer had been a member of the German army cadre responsible for moving the Amber Room from Pushkin to Königsberg.

  31 May 2003 – At a cost of $11,350,000, the New Amber Room, a twenty-year-long reconstruction of the original, involving over 500,000 pieces of amber weighing more than six tons, funded in part by a $3.5 million donation from the German company Ruhrgas, is unveiled as part of the 300th anniversary celebrations of St Petersburg (formerly Leningrad). The Amber Room continues to receive thousands of visitors each year.

  About the Author

  Sam Eastland lives in the US and the UK. He is the grandson of a London police detective.

  Also by Sam Eastland

  Eye of the Red Tsar

  The Red Coffin

  Siberian Red

  First published in 2013

  by Faber and Faber Ltd

  Bloomsbury House

  74–77 Great Russell Street

  London WC1B 3DA

  This ebook edition first published in 2013

  All rights reserved

  © Sam Eastland, 2013

  The right of Sam Eastland to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

  This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly

  ISBN 978–0–571–27849–7

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  A thousand feet above the Russian front

  It was late at night.

  Outside Pekkala’s apartment

  Earlier that day

  As the Emka rolled beneath the archway

  Although the Museum of the Kremlin

  ‘Who is this man, Inspector?’

  Years ago, when Pekkala first started

  How exactly did you

  As they walked across the courtyard

  Exhausted from his run

  The door to Pekkala’s office burst open

  It was after dark

  The Emka skidded

  Rifleman Stefanov breathed in sharply

  On the ride back to Moscow

  Now Pekkala settled

  As moonlight glinted

rov and Pekkala

  Having crossed

  While Pekkala reported

  ‘Oh, it’s you again,’

  Late that August afternoon

  Later that day

  In the Tsar’s Secret Service

  ‘Comrade Stalin,’ said Pekkala

  Before going to see Kovalevsky

  At that same moment

  Walking up a flight

  By the time their request

  Pekkala arrived

  In the course

  With no idea how far he had to go

  It was the middle of the night

  Lieutenant Churikova

  The sun was not yet up

  Rather than return

  After a three-hour flight

  That morning


  Kirov paced back and forth

  Having left behind the town

  By the time Kirov

  Pekkala watched

  People’s Commissar Bakhturin

  With the fires

  Following the instructions

  Under the jaundiced eye

  Kirov stood at attention


  Wearily, Kirov trudged

  We’re too late

  ‘Not again!’

  With their nerves beginning to fray

  On Stalin’s desk

  ‘What treasure?’

  An hour later

  In a tiny, windowless room

  Kirov sat in his office

  Less than an hour

  One week later

  The Amber Room: Timeline

  About The Author

  By The Same Author





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