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Finding Willow (Hers)

Page 19

by Dawn Robertson

  “What Ana’s trying to say here, is that her shift ends in exactly one hour and since I’ll be sticking around to watch the brat—” Holly inclines her head in Sam’s direction, who is watching our interaction like it’s his favourite episode of SpongeBob Square Pants “—she’d be delighted to take you down to the river and show you her bonfire.”

  “Holly!” I chastise.

  “You sure … uh, Ana, was it? I wouldn’t wanna put you out.”

  “Ana loves putting out,” Holly chirrups.

  She is having way too much fun with this.

  “Holly!” I say again, much louder this time.

  “What? He knows I’m kidding.” She turns to Ole’ Melty Eyes. “Right?”

  He runs his hand through his hair. I can practically feel the freak out going on inside his head. Any more from Holly and this guy’s going to Kawasaki out of town, as fast as his wheels can take him. “Yeah, of course.”

  I sigh and give both him and my self-esteem an out, “I could just draw you a map, if you like?”

  “No. I want you to take me.” His brows knit together and the dimples pop out when he laughs at what he just said, but he doesn’t make any attempt to rectify it. In fact, the smile he gives me is downright cheeky and full of challenge. I smile back, thinking he has no idea what he just walked into.

  He thrusts a hand out in front of me and says, “Elijah Cade.”

  “Ana.” I take his proffered hand. It’s warm but not sweaty, calloused, and it engulfs mine completely.

  “You got a last name, Ana?”

  “Nope, just Ana.”

  His eyebrow quirks and the smile he pairs with it is as smug as smiles come. “Well, just Ana, you and I will be seeing a lot of each other from now on.”

  “Is that so?”

  “I’m gonna be working just across the street, and I’m gonna need a place to eat.” I know he’s provoking me, any idiot could see that, and yet the way his voice lowers and his dark eyes seem to hood over when he says the word “eat” makes me want to offer up myself as an all-night buffet.

  I hear Holly gasp and I know I’m in trouble. Holly’s very rarely shocked by anything. I don’t know if it’s what Elijah said, or the way I’m so obviously drooling over him, but the fact that she’s gasping is so not good. I look away from Melty Eyes, but I’m afraid I’ll need a cold shower before I can calm down enough to keep my inner hussy at bay. “Really? I wasn’t even aware that Big Bob was looking for another mechanic.”

  He looks surprised. Surprised and suddenly wary. “You know him?”

  “You could say that.”

  “Tell me then, what have I gotta do to impress him? I really need to hold down this job.”

  “Okay, here’s the thing. Big Bob’s really big on pretty boys, so make sure you smile. Don’t wear a shirt while you’re working, and he’s partially deaf so you’ll need to talk REALLY LOUD!”

  “You’re shitting me, right?”

  “Afraid not. Mr Boss Man is a partially deaf, raving homosexual. Still want the job?”

  Holly stares at me in horror from across the room and mouths, “What are you doing?”

  “Yeah, of course,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. He is clearly uncomfortable. “I mean, it’s not like I’m going to be stripping or anything.”

  “Just your shirt. But something tells me you’re used to people staring at your bare chest anyway.”

  His lips quirk into a slow smile and there’s a moment when I can tell we’re both thinking the same thing: Elijah without a shirt. Okay, well, I’m thinking of Elijah without a shirt and from the way he’s smirking at me, I’m pretty certain his mind is on missing articles of clothing too.

  “Tell you what, Elijah Cade, why don’t you have a seat and I’ll bring you some pie on the house.”

  “That’d be great.”

  “Sweet or savoury?”

  “Sweet,” he deadpans. “Definitely sweet.”

  “Sweet it is.”

  Shortly after Elijah sits down, Sammy sidles up beside him and they jump head first into a lengthy discussion about the bike Elijah rides. Sam’s quick to point out that his older model bike has nothing on a Fat Boy. He even folds his arms over his chest and frowns the way our dad would.

  Holly pinches my arm while I’m preparing Elijah’s pie. I’ve really got to get a new best friend, one who’s against physical violence.

  “Wanna tell me what that was about?” she whispers.

  “Just having a little fun, is all.”

  “A little fun? Ana, there’s fun and then there’s suicidal. You just told him your dad was gay and enjoyed seeing his employees prance around half-naked. That might work here; he did knock up the evil bitch stepmum, after all, but at the garage? Bob’s going to annihilate this kid.”

  “I know, but think how fun it will be to watch him walking around shirtless and yelling at my dad all summer.”

  “You are a bad, bad girl, Ana Belle,” she whispers conspiratorially.

  “So they keeping telling me,” I answer back, but even I hear how the smile has left my voice.

  I set the pie down before Elijah and Sam’s eyes go saucer wide. “No way. You gave him a thlice of Ana Cabana thuprithe pie?”

  “Yep. If you pack up your things I’ll get you a slice and a milkshake.”

  “Can Elijah have a milkthake too?”

  “If Elijah wants a milkshake?”

  “Oh, Elijah wants a milkshake.” He smiles and the dimples come out swinging. I just wanna sit down and admire the holy mother of hotness that is decrepit-bike-riding, tattoo-sleeved, dimple-popping, Elijah Cade.

  He’s staring at me expectantly. It’s obvious he’s spoken and, in all my fan-girling, I’ve completely missed it.

  “I’m sorry, what?”

  “Vanilla. The milkshake. Can you make it vanilla? It’s my favourite.” He winks and shovels more pie into his mouth.

  Without another word I stalk back to the kitchen. My heart is in my throat, trying as best it can to abandon this sinking ship. What the hell was I thinking, flirting with a guy like that? He’s going to be working for my dad, which means I’ll see him every day. And probably sooner rather than later he’ll figure out that I tricked him. He’ll more than likely hear the rumours about me. Maybe he already has, and that’s why he’s coming on so strong. Elijah Cade is the last thing I need.

  I can hear him and Sam talking out in the diner. The milkshake machine stops whirring and the noise of Holly slamming down the metal cups on the table in front of the boys reaches my ears.

  “There’s your vanilla milkshake,” she snaps. Her footsteps pound toward me.

  “Uh, thanks,” Elijah calls after her.

  “My mumth a huthy,” Sammy pipes up and I cringe and curse Holly under my breath.




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