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Page 22

by Lisa Edward

  My mysterious stranger quickly wiped the back of his hand across his eyes and I felt my heart tug toward him. “Oh, sugar, it’ll be okay.”

  With every part of me wanting to hug the poor guy, I reluctantly tore myself away from the window to give him some privacy.

  Maybe he wanted to be alone, or maybe the next time I saw him I wouldn’t be such a chicken, and I would talk to him, or at least return his acknowledgement.

  Dragging myself out of bed, I quickly showered, then threw on my warm sweatpants and my old-as-the-hills but favorite sloppy yellow sweater before setting up my laptop outside on the back deck. I had given myself a little pep talk in the shower and imagined any self-doubt being washed down the drain.

  The air was eerily still as I logged on, the sun only just starting to peek above the horizon. I flicked the hair tie from my wrist, pulling my long chestnut hair back into a messy ponytail, twisting it into a bun, sliding a pencil through the mass to hold it in place. I pushed my glasses farther up the bridge of my nose and stretched my neck from side to side. I was ready.

  The flashing cursor at the top of the blank page on my laptop tormented me. I pictured a little man inside the laptop, repeatedly flipping me off with every blink.

  Okay, I can do this. I lifted my middle finger defiantly at my laptop. “Right back at ya, asshole.”

  Looking out at the beach from the veranda, I decided baby steps were the way to go. So many times in the last seven years I had made up stories in my head about people I saw on the street passing by. But now that I was sitting in front of the computer, the pressure of having to write was weighing on me. I needed to write what I saw to discover whether or not the words would flow before attempting to tackle anything too complicated.

  With hands poised, I started…The sky welcomed the rising sun as its light transformed the inky blackness of night into a myriad of color.

  Resting my arms on the veranda railing, I looked along the sand, searching for inspiration. In the distance there was a dog running along the water’s edge, taking maybe a dozen bounds forward, then turning to race back to his owner. It was Max, and following behind at an easy jog was Beard Guy. I raised my head, pulling my glasses down my nose so I could peer over the top of them. Now this was better. It was certainly more interesting than writing about the rising sun. In the name of research, I sat transfixed as Max and Beard Guy stopped a short distance up the beach, in line with the house that was next door to mine.

  Beard Guy dropped his towel, then sat on the sand gazing out at the abyss of the vast ocean. Max sidled over, resting his head on the guy’s shoulder.

  “Today is going to be a good day, Maxie. I can feel it,” he said in what sounded like a deep English accent, his voice carrying in the still of the dawn. Max’s ears twitched and he edged closer, almost climbing into his owner’s lap. “It’s okay, buddy. Today is not the day.”

  There was something ominous about that statement, and I wondered what he had planned that wasn’t for today. Now that I’d heard more than a couple of words from him, I concluded that the accent was most definitely British, and a very well-spoken, panty-melting British at that. Slouching in my chair to remain out of view, I strained to hear more as images of James Bond leapt to mind. I’d always had a thing for guys with accents; it somehow made them sexier because it also made them mysterious. Being from a faraway land conjured up so many questions and fantasies that as a writer, and as a woman, needed to be explored. At that very second, I decided that my main male character, Fireman Mac, would be British.

  The English hottie stood and kicked off his tennis shoes, then pulled his hoodie over his head, dropping it beside the towel. The water would be absolutely freezing, but it looked as though he was planning on going for a swim. He removed his T-shirt next, exposing a well-toned, lean frame. With every article of clothing that was shed, I sat up straighter like a meerkat sentry, taking in as much detail of his perfectly proportioned body as I could commit to memory. He looked from side to side quickly and I instinctively pulled my head down so I could see between the wooden rails. Once the coast was clear, he dropped his shorts, exposing the most perfectly rounded bare ass I’d ever seen. My eyes bugged, but I stayed down, not wanting to alert him to my presence.

  With a “Come on, boy,” he raced to the water with Max in tow, and they both bounded through the shallows and disappeared under the crystal-clear surface.

  I couldn’t help giggling to myself. Well at least you seem to be happier this mornin’, sugar.

  The morning was so still, the beach deserted. From my vantage point, I could see them swimming out deeper and deeper, the splashing with each stroke echoing back to shore. The guy stopped and in the distance I could hear him conversing with Max to go back if he was tired. They kept swimming farther and farther out into the depths, and I sat up straighter, straining my eyes over my glasses to keep them in sight.

  My stomach fluttered nervously. I wasn’t a strong swimmer, so to go that far out would certainly mean the end of me; I would never make it back in. As they disappeared from view, I scoured the beach for another living soul and wondered if I should call 911 for a rescue. Finally they turned back toward shore, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

  With labored breaths, both man and beast quickly made their way up the sand to the man’s clothes and towel, which he wrapped around his shoulders but left his bottom half exposed. He shivered and pulled the towel tighter, then shook his head, his hair spraying droplets in an arc around him. For a moment I wished I’d brought my binoculars as I strained to get a better view.

  Crouching down, I watched, transfixed, as he dried himself off, and Max shook the water from his coat, mimicking his master.

  Almost in slow motion, my balance wavered and I reached with an outstretched hand to catch myself on the chair. My hand caught the edge of the seat and pushed it backwards, making a loud scraping noise against the wooden deck.


  I peered through the railings of the veranda to see Max racing across the sand toward me.

  Double crap!

  Slowly, I crouched back up on my haunches, below the railing. I heard Max panting as his head poked around the corner.

  “Go away, Max. Go on, shoo,” I whisper-yelled, trying to send him back the way he’d come. It wasn’t working. He came closer, his tail wagging as he nuzzled his nose into my hand for a pat.

  A shadow crossed my line of vision and I raised my head. Watching me intently was a pair of gleaming deep blue eyes.

  “I see you’ve already met my wingman, Max,” he said with a cheeky grin. “It’s good to finally meet you.” His voice was deep and smooth and rich. I bet panties dropped everywhere he went from that velvety tone alone.

  He had wrapped the towel around his hips and was tucking the corner in to hold it secure. My eyes were at the perfect level to see exactly what was going on, but I quickly diverted them.

  I picked myself up from the floor and slowly stood. Now that I had been caught, I couldn’t make eye contact, instead opting to tuck a strand of wayward hair behind my ear and stare stupidly at my feet.

  “I’m Adam, Adam Walker.” He stretched out his hand as he lowered his head to meet my eyes. “Don’t tell me you’re going to pretend not to see me again.”

  I had to meet his gaze. It would be rude to keep wishing that this whole situation were just a bad dream that I would soon wake from.

  Taking his hand, I introduced myself. “I’m Evelyn, Evelyn Rivers…um, well, actually it’s Harrison but I’m changin’ it back to Rivers.”

  “Wow. That’s the longest name I’ve ever heard, Evelyn Rivers Um Well Actually It’s Harrison but I’m Changing It Back to Rivers.” He grinned, immediately making me feel self-conscious, before turning toward the beach and where he had just been drying himself off. “You’ve got a good view from here.”

  Heat rose in my cheeks, the cold air doing nothing to calm the bright red I knew I had just turned.

  He chuckled, taking great
delight in watching me squirm. “A great view of the point and the lighthouse, I meant.” He indicated to the left, past what I assumed was his house. “My place is set back a bit, so the house next door blocks part of the rock face.”

  Max’s wet coat brushed against me and I leaned down, patting him lightly on the head. “Hiya, Max, you little snitch. Did you have a good swim?” I asked as his tail wagged frantically.

  Adam laughed, and I met his eyes. He seemed totally at ease with my perving on him earlier and not the least bit concerned with the fact that he was wrapped only in a towel.

  Water dripped from his hair, landing on his shoulder and running down his chest. It was like poetry in motion. His head tilted to one side as he scrutinized my face, watching me watching him.

  Max moved to the back door, whining to go inside.

  “Would you like to come in, sugar? You must be cold as ice, Adam…Adam Walker.” I smirked, cocking one eyebrow. “Is that similar to Bond, James Bond?”

  “It’s a variation on Walker, Adam Walker, actually.” His grin widened into a full-blown beaming smile. He was quite breathtaking to behold. “But you’re more than welcome to keep calling me sugar.”

  I pulled the door open and Max barreled through.

  “I guess we’re going in.” Adam smiled as he held the door for me. “After you.”

  He was so at ease, walking into my house wrapped in a towel, that I had to remind myself we had only just met. Scurrying in, I quickly busied myself scrunching up newspaper and stacking the fireplace with kindling and logs while Adam gazed around the room. Max sniffed at everything that was within reach before finding the rug by the hearth to be the most comfortable place to flop down.

  “Here, allow me.” Adam squatted beside me, the movement making his towel flap open dangerously high. I quickly averted my eyes, then took a sneaky look back down. The towel was only just covering the good bits, as the muscles in his legs flexed to support his weight and hold him stable.

  I racked my brain, trying to think of something to say, but it had been a very long time since I had been this close to an attractive man, and never this close to a nearly naked one, other than Charles. Being with Charles had never given me these butterflies; he was comfortable to be around, like a friend you felt safe with. This guy made me want to run away and launch myself at him all at the same time.

  Adam looked down at his lack of clothing. “We’d better head home. I need to get dressed.” He moved for the door. “Come on, buddy, let’s go.”

  Max’s tail thumped once. His eyes opened for a moment, then closed again.

  “Come on, Maxie.” Adam patted his thigh. “Max. Come.”

  I stifled my snigger as Max settled in, relishing the comfort of the rug and open fire after his swim in the freezing water.

  “He can stay here. It’s no trouble,” I offered. “I can bring him over later or…”

  “I’ll come back in a little while after I get some clothes on.” His eyes swept over me. “I’ll see you soon, Buttercup.”

  The door closed and Adam’s broad back descended the stairs to the beach and disappeared around the corner.

  Did he just call me Buttercup?

  Pre-order Broken coming October, 2016

  Writing this book brought back so many wonderful memories for me.

  When I was growing up, dance classes, calisthenics classes and gymnastics, filled every spare minute of my time. I loved the exhaustion you felt after treading the boards for hours, and the sheer exhilaration of donning the makeup and costumes and performing for an audience.

  I don’t know where most of the girls who I danced with for all those years are now, but I know if any of them needed me, I’d be there for them. We were like family.

  But now I have a new family – my book world family. I’d like to thank all the wonderful people who support what I do in this industry. Who message me when I go MIA in my writing cave to make sure I’m okay. Who share their joys and lives with me like we’re old friends.

  There will always be drama in a community this large, but I know the people who I’m surrounded by are steadfast and loyal and I’ll keep in touch with them for the rest of my life.

  So to all of you who have taken the time to get to know me. Who have shared a review of my work and told a friend about one of my books. To those who comment on my posts and send good, positive vibes my way. I love each and every one of you.

  Thank you, Lisa xx

  Songbird (#1, Songbird)

  Every relationship changes you, some for the better, others can shatter your confidence and almost destroy you.

  For the musically talented, twenty-four year old Tara O’Connell, her relationship with Stephen almost broke her, until Tara found the strength to leave.

  Now she is on the road to discovering that it is never too late to pursue your dreams and follow your heart.

  As Tara’s self-belief grows, she meets two men she is instantly drawn to who will change her life forever.

  Corporal Riley Hammond is a soldier in the Australian Military Special Forces. With his smiling sapphire blue eyes, Tara falls for him instantly. He is thoughtful and caring, and gives her the support and love she needs.

  While Cole Michaels is the overconfident singer in a popular local band. His charisma, emerald green eyes, tattoos and piercing, have girls falling at his feet. But while Cole pushes Tara’s buttons, he also pushes her to reach for the stars.

  Both men couldn’t be more polar opposites, but both offer Tara different qualities that she needs to fulfil her destiny.

  As Tara continues the journey she will discover, fate can offer you more than one path. Her fate is in her own hands, and the choices she makes will shape her life forever.

  Continue reading Songbird here.

  Songbird Caged (#2, Songbird)

  Tara has made a promise.

  A promise to wait six months for Riley to come home from his tour of duty, so they can be together.

  But as secrets and lies are uncovered, it leads Tara to question their commitment, and she is finding it difficult to keep that promise.

  The distance between them is growing, and only one person can fill the void, Tara’s best friend Cole.

  As Cole tries to support Tara, he is struggling with demons of his own, that threaten to tear him away from the life he has built for himself.

  After devastating news is received, who will be there to pick up the pieces?

  Continue reading Songbird Caged here.

  Songbird Freed (#3, Songbird)

  My name is Tara O’Connell, and I’ve always believed we control our own fate. That life is a journey with many roads, and the choices we make can shape our future.

  Life has presented me with two paths and I’ve chosen one.

  Was it right? Did I make the best decision?

  After the uncertainty of the last twelve months, my destiny is now crystal-clear to me. I have a man I love more than words can express, a thriving business, and the best friends anyone could ask for. But just when I thought I could put the turmoil of my past behind me and move on, a life-changing phone call has rocked me to the core and turned my life upside-down once more.

  To make matters worse, influences outside my control have taken hold and are shattering my perfect world.

  But some things are worth fighting for.

  Dreams can come true and I’ll do everything in my power to make them happen. But dreams can also be smashed into tiny pieces, and no matter how hard we fight or how hard we wish for something to be, sometimes with the hand we’ve been dealt, we can never win.

  Continue reading Songbird Freed here.

  Duty of Care

  For Toni Masters, moving from a small country town to the city, to pursue her nursing career, is a dream come true. But her first day on North Ward is not what she had hoped for.

  Toni’s first patient encounter is with twenty-six year old Michael Davidson, or Harley as he is known to his friends. Harley is difficult and miser
able being stuck in a hospital bed, and only seems happy when he has the nurses running in circles. But all Harley’s efforts to antagonize the new nurse, only make Toni push back and give as good as she gets.

  A mutual respect is born along with a growing attraction, and Toni vows to do all she can to make Harley’s stay in North Ward as comfortable as possible.

  But how far will Toni take her duty of care?

  Continue reading Duty of Care here.

  Hook & Ladder 69

  Meet the brave men and women of Station 69, serving the citizens of St. Louis while igniting hearts along the way. Eighteen authors have joined forces to bring you their sizzling stories – some sweet, some five alarm hot – but all for a great cause. Follow the antics and adventures of these sexy firefighters in what promises to be one of the hottest summers yet!

  This delectable book begs the question: Can anyone resist a hero in uniform?

  Written by: Emme Burton, M.C. Cerny, Sarah M. Cradit, Michelle Dare, Jami Denise, L.B. Dunbar, Lisa Edward, Lia Fairchild, Mary Catherine Gebhard, Z.B. Heller, Glenna Maynard, Kristen Hope Mazzola, Morgan Jane Mitchell, Emerson Shaw, Kacey Shea, M. Stratton, Madison Street, Felicia Tatum.

  Continue reading Hook & Ladder 69 here.

  Lisa Edward is the author of The Songbird trilogy, the novella Duty of Care and a contributor to the collation of short stories in Hook & Ladder 69.

  While Lisa has called Melbourne Australia home for her entire life, she has lived and worked in England, and travelled through most parts of Europe and the United States. She loves nothing more than spending time with her beautiful daughter, or curling up into the early hours of the morning with a great novel. By day, Lisa works in the analytical IT field, so relishes the opportunity to foster her creative side through writing. Her deep appreciation for literature was nurtured from a young age, being taught to respect books and get lost in their stories. She enjoys reading honest and realistic novels that are relatable, thought provoking and leave a lasting impression. She can’t write without music playing, using the emotions from different songs to invoke those of her characters. Lisa takes inspiration from her own life experiences, the people around her and those she has met in her travels.


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