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Rainn on My Parade

Page 20

by LoRee Peery

  “Good for Adeana Harris.” Geneva wanted a lifetime of listening to the sound of Rainn’s voice, even if the subject jerked at her heartstrings over his hurt.

  “What cinched the whole thing was when Mia kept asking for you and cried herself to sleep.” He encircled Geneva’s arms, held at her sides, and she leaned in to rest her head against his heart.

  She wanted to stay right there for the rest of her days.

  “So, I’ll keep custody. I want to adopt Mia legally.” He cupped the back of Geneva’s neck. “Now, do you have something to say?”

  “I’m sorry. Fear made me say foolish things. I admit it. I’m afraid. I’m going to grow old before you do. How are you going to support Mia?”

  Rainn scowled but didn’t comment. He surveyed the room. Then he squeezed her shoulder and leaned low. “The Lord has things under control. Think the doings can go on without you for a few minutes?”

  She scanned the room. Everyone was having a good time. Mia and Lanae were deep in some kind of conversation. When Lanae waved, Geneva knew no one in the room would care if she wasn’t present.

  “Sure. What do you have in mind?”

  “I have something for you. Let’s slip out.”

  The door clicked shut. He turned her face up with a gentle finger under her chin. His kiss held promise, gentleness, security, love. Then he took her hand and led her down the walk.

  Rainn unlocked his SUV with a familiar click from his key fob. He held the back door open, indicating for Geneva to climb inside.

  She slid to the opposite side of the bench seat and he followed. Rainn reached into the front seat and handed her a bubble wrapped package.

  She had a little trouble with the clear tape, but enjoyed the poignant silence as she sought the treasure inside. The beauty of the art glass sun catcher brought tears. Her hands flew to her mouth and no words came forth to express how Rainn’s gift touched her.

  When her heart calmed, and she didn’t think she’d break down and cry, Geneva traced a finger over the cross in the center. Spicy autumn colors, greens, and purples. “You do know my favorite colors.”

  “Well, the browns and gold and greens are like your beautiful eyes. I know you like the color purple. I’ve taken a liking to it as well, because to me, purple represents passion. And Geneva, you are passionate about so many things. You’re passionate about life, your creative expression. You’re dedicated to family, and I believe, passionate about your life in Christ.”

  Geneva cleared her throat. “Earlier, when I tried to push you away, I thought if I worked up a good steam, my anger would hurt less than your tenderness. I love you so much. And I want to feel completion because of that love. But back to the fear I mentioned. It’s not just the difference in our ages. And how people react.”

  Their knees bumped when they faced one another in the narrow space between them. He ran both hands from her wrists to her elbows, sending shooting awareness throughout her system.

  “I won’t dwell on the age difference again. I thought I had come to terms with it, accepting you and me together as God’s will. Then something would happen and I’d let it bother me again. I was wrong in not really giving it to God. I’d pick up that bone and gnaw on it some more.”

  “Thank the Lord we can put the age thing behind us!”

  The inside of his vehicle shrunk. Geneva’s whole world was filled with Rainn. Her fingers rested against the inside of his wrists and she felt his pulse jump. He held onto her arms above the elbow, rubbing his thumbs in a gentle caress.

  Geneva couldn’t keep it in any longer. “If I end up incomplete in the bedroom again—” she groaned. “Sorry once more. And about so many things. I wanted to tell you, but never found the words about Bret—”

  His grip tightened. “Wait a minute. I’m a different man than your husband was.”

  “Don’t I know it. But, Rainn, I want to feel all a woman can feel when you hold me. I was short-changed the first time around. I couldn’t stand believing that you only needed me to help with Mia.”

  He shook his head, and started to release her. She grabbed his forearms, regretting the presentation of another dispute.

  “Neva, honey. You’re getting all mixed up. Doesn’t faith begin with an awesome fear at the idea of a Godless life? It’s a whole new way of life, putting ourselves in the hands of God. I’ll never forget the first time I scored and broke a piece of glass. It was scary. I didn’t know if I’d cut myself or shatter the glass and ruin the design. But I trusted my instincts as an artist, and had faith in the tools I used.”

  He paused.

  “Any artisan probably feels that way. I’ve cut through my share of fabric designs, or stitched wrong, or measured wrong, and had to toss out costly quilt fabric.” She hoped it sounded like she understood where he was coming from.

  “You know that reaching-for-the-mountain-top-when-you’re-in-the-valley feeling? You think I don’t have fear that I’ll mess up Mia’s life forever? That she would have been better off with my parents after all? And you. Do you think I know the first thing about being a husband and father?”

  “You’re filled with instinct, Rainn. You’re already an excellent father. And I imagine you’ll make an A-one hubby. Faith and family and fear are all tied up then, wouldn’t you say?”

  “And our Heavenly Father requires us to trust Him, because of love. Don’t you think because of our love, that we have to trust one another? I’m willing to go on this earthly adventure together. How about you?”

  Tranquil at last, Geneva’s doubts settled. “I’m game. I guess it has to do with timing. And growth. I definitely needed to come to terms with the end of myself. I may live life with a go-get-’em attitude, like Lanae says, but I have just so much of me to go around. For a while there I felt like the world was kind of off kilter and I couldn’t keep up with all the demands on my time.”

  She made a face. “And, I was selfish. I had a chance to do something successful with my life so I wanted to give everything I had to Frivolities. Now I’m going to rely on the Lord to provide all the wonders he has planned for me. Frivolities and a family of my own.”

  “So then, you’ve come to terms with it all? For a creative person, you are one of the most organized people I know. And, if you’re meant to have your hand in so many pies, the Lord will give you the strength to balance those spinning plates. He’ll enable you to get done what you need to while you rest in Him.”

  She erupted with the great relief of laughter. “Pies and spinning plates?”

  “I picked up some woman-lingo from being around my mom.”

  “Woman-lingo doesn’t hurt a guy,” Geneva teased.

  “Please, don’t expect me to sell anything in your store.”

  “Nope. However, I do want that patio garden area out back. Especially if posthole digging is part of the prep.”

  He chuckled. “Think I can handle that. So, you’re willing to take a chance on my love, Neva?”

  “I’ll answer outside. It’s getting stuffy in here.”

  “Speaking of answering…” He pulled a package out from under the seat.

  They slid from the SUV. Rainn leaned against the door and pulled Geneva to his chest.

  She reached her arms around him, sighing at how well she fit against him, wrapped in his arms. Her heart was so full, she wanted to burst into song. “We don’t have a history like Moselle and Eric do. But at some point she had to take a chance on Eric’s love. So, yes Rainn, I’ll chance it. Now, what’s in your hand?”

  “A cell phone. No wife of mine is going to wander around without me being able to reach her at the push of a button.”

  “Rainn, you are so thoughtful.” She couldn’t help feeling disappointed. But then, she hadn’t come outside expecting any gift.

  Wait. She had the gift of his love.

  “Thank you for accepting my love.” Rainn closed in and settled the statement with a searing kiss, which was cut short when a noisy couple stepped outside. “I’ve bee
n sure of us from the beginning, but you need to be sure as well. I’m trying to understand that our differences include the small-town mindset.”

  “I’m part of this town. And the townspeople are my people. You are part of this town now.” She snuggled against him. It was true. Her life was his now. His life was hers. And Mia was wrapped up in both. “What’s love without belief, and trust? I repeat: I’ll take a chance on your love. I’ve run out of excuses not to. And because the Lord has shown me no reason to say no, I’ll say yes. Let’s seal this commitment with a kiss.”

  His low chuckle wrapped her in security.

  Let the whole town look on.

  Soon she was so enveloped in what havoc his kiss created, the world disappeared for a time.

  Returning to her senses, she felt complete as she never had. In his own unique way, Rainn had torn down that temporary wall she’d put up. He’d chiseled away at the mortar until the bricks crumbled. All the missing fragments of her past married life were nonexistent.

  They belonged to a different woman.

  At this given time in her life, Geneva felt she was who the Lord wanted her to be. Finally. And she was meant to spend a lifetime with Rainn.

  Rainn scooped her up and swung her around. She felt so right in his arms, as if she was light as a feather.

  He gave her no chance to catch her breath. She melted when he lifted her hands to his mouth. He kissed all ten of her fingers in turn. His precious, silky soft lips against her skin elicited tears.

  “I do have something else for you.” He straightened her fingers, and reached into his pocket.

  She recognized the little velvet box and beat him to the punch. “Wanna get married? I promise not to climb any trees without you coming alongside. I love you, Rainn Harris.”

  “I’d go anywhere with you. I love you, Geneva Elaine Carson.”

  And he slipped a big yellow diamond flanked by emeralds onto her ring finger.

  Rainn’s love washed away every lingering doubt that had paraded through her mind over the past months.

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