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A Change of Heart: A Christian Romance (The Callaghans & McFaddens Book 1)

Page 8

by Kimberly Rae Jordan

  Everyone seemed bound and determined to welcome Ethan into every area of their life. She hadn’t been surprised at all to see Ethan and Sierra seated with her folks when she and Tami had arrived at church earlier that day. They had turned down an invitation to go out to the family home for lunch, but now it looked like she would be spending her afternoon with them.

  “I guess I’m not going to get out of this, am I?” Makayla asked as she stood up, smoothing her hands over her hips.

  “Nope. It’s all been decided, and you’re going along too.” Tami got up off the bed and headed for the doorway. “We leave in ten minutes. Don’t be late.”

  Makayla let out a sigh as she went to check to make sure that her makeup was okay, and her hair was still neat and tidy in its French twist. She snagged a pair of oversized sunglasses from the top of her dresser then grabbed her purse from the chair by the door. There was no use protesting the plans that had already been made. It wasn’t that unusual for a group of them to get together to do something on a Sunday afternoon. She enjoyed going to the Forks, and she knew that the others were just doing their best to help Ethan and Sierra adjust to their new city.


  D etermined to enjoy the afternoon regardless, Makayla locked up the apartment and headed down to the main floor. As she had suspected, that was where the others had gathered to wait. Tami, Grace, and Franklin were there along with Bennett, Mitch, Ethan, and Sierra. The young girl’s face lit up when she spotted her coming down the stairs.

  “Hi, Makayla,” Sierra greeted her shyly when Makayla joined them.

  Makayla returned the greeting along with a quick one arm hug around the girl’s shoulders then Bennett spoke up to organize the rides to the Forks. Mitch and Tami volunteered to ride with Grace and Franklin while Ethan and Sierra would ride with Bennett and Makayla. Knowing that the girl would likely want to ride with her brother and was still most comfortable with Makayla, she wasn’t surprised with the way the rides ended up.

  It wasn’t until they had all gathered at the meeting point at the Forks that Makayla realized that Tristan, Sammi, Danica, and Devon were also coming along.

  “Where’s Dalton?” Makayla asked when Danica and Devon walked up to where she stood with Sierra.

  “Oh, he and Devon were working on a new video when I decided to come with Sammi and Tristan. I invited them along, but Dalton wanted to finish editing it.” Danica took a minute to introduce Devon to Sierra and Ethan then asked, “Can we go to Sugar Mountain?”

  “What’s Sugar Mountain?” Sierra glanced around then looked at Danica.

  “It’s something you need to experience,” Danica told her with a grin.

  Makayla wasn’t surprised that everyone agreed to go. She walked alongside Tami as they headed back through the parking lot to where two refurbished train cars sat. Danica and Devon led the way up into the train while Makayla was acutely aware of Ethan’s presence behind her.

  Sierra’s exclamations of excitement pretty much echoed how Makayla had felt the first time she’d stepped inside the train car and seen the rows of candy. Where there would’ve been seats on the train at one time, now there were bins and bins of all different kinds of candies.

  Though she told herself that the last thing she needed was more sweets, Makayla couldn’t stop herself from picking up a couple of different kinds. Of course, both were chocolate and had nuts. Her absolute favorite.

  She noticed that Ethan was looking carefully at each bin. It wasn’t long before he paused in front of one in particular and began to fill a bag. As Makayla edged closer, she noticed that the bag contained the red and green wrapped candies that looked like strawberries. Though her mind told her to disregard his actions, Makayla felt her heart swell at the thought of the affection he held for his sister that made him buy that particular candy.

  Once they’d finished at the candy place, they made their way to the main building. It had been about six months since Makayla had last been at the Forks and not much had really changed, but she enjoyed seeing Sierra and Danica popping in and out of stores together.

  As she watched the girls together, Makayla wondered where Sierra would end up going to school. Danica and Dalton went to a private Christian school, but she doubted that Sierra would be attending the same one.

  From what Ethan had said, it sounded like Sierra’s parents didn’t go much beyond the absolute minimum of what parenting demanded. But she could see that Ethan went out of his way to make up what was lacking on the parents’ part as best he could, and Makayla found herself admiring him for that.


  Ethan watched as Sierra disappeared into another store with the youngest Callaghan sister. Starting at the candy place, Ethan had found himself in possession of several bags. Sierra wasn’t one to ask for too many things, but there had definitely been a few items that had snagged her attention. Even though his bank account was more depleted than he was comfortable with, Ethan had indulged her this one time.

  “Thank you for including us in your afternoon,” Ethan said to Bennett as they lingered outside yet another store to wait on the females of the group.

  “We’re glad to have you along.” Bennett clapped him on the shoulder. “We usually try to do something Sunday afternoons a couple of times a month.”

  Ethan found himself wondering again about this family group that he and Sierra had ended up a part of—or at least on the fringes of. This closeness that they all shared with each other was something totally foreign to him, and he found he had a strange yearning to do what he had to in order to remain part of it. But as much as he wanted that, he wanted the security of the job more. Though he’d never turn down the opportunity to bring Sierra out like this, his focus had to remain on learning—and keeping—his job.

  “Ethan,” Sierra called to him from just inside the latest store they’d stopped at. “Can you come look at something here?”

  With an indulgent smile, Ethan stepped into the store and went to where Sierra stood near a glass case. Danica stood next to her as did Makayla. The two sisters were bent over the case looking at something. Ethan came to a stop next to his sister, very aware of Makayla’s presence at his side.

  “What have you found, Sierra?” Ethan asked.

  Makayla straightened and looked up at him. Her blue eyes were framed with long dark lashes, and for once they seemed free of any sort of wariness. Ethan hoped it was a sign that she was beginning to accept his presence, but he couldn’t allow himself to be distracted by the thought of anything else.

  “Aren’t these adorable, Kayla?” Makayla turned away from Ethan and bent to look at something Danica was pointing at. “Blown glass figurines of your favorite candy!”

  Sierra immediately abandoned whatever she was planning to show Ethan and moved to where Danica and Makayla stood. “Look at all those glass chocolate kisses. Those are so cool.”

  Danica cast a look at her older sister. “You need to buy one.”

  “I don’t think so,” Makayla said as she straightened and stepped back.

  “Oh, you definitely need to buy one,” Sierra said then she looked at Ethan. “Don’t you think so, Ethan? They’re so cute.”

  Ethan found himself the object of three sets of blue gazes. He was used to being subjected to Sierra’s pleading look, but now he had Danica’s aimed at him as well. Makayla’s gaze was serious for a moment before he saw a glint of humor there and in the subtle lift of one corner of her mouth.

  “I think if she wants one she should certainly buy one,” Ethan said, attempting to appease each of the three women standing in front of him. Makayla turned back to the display while Danica and Sierra continued to look at him as if expecting something more from him.

  He held Sierra’s gaze but didn’t say anything more. Finally, the teen gave a huff and moved closer to Danica with a shrug of her shoulders, turning her attention back to Makayla.

  Ethan was determined to not get roped into whatever the two teens had in mind for him and Makayla. It h
adn’t really occurred to him that the two girls might have set their minds to matching making, though it shouldn’t have surprised him. Over the past year, Sierra had been on his case about finding a girlfriend, and then when he had gotten one, she had urged him to break up with her. Now it appeared that she was going to find one for him herself, and clearly she had her sights set on Makayla. It was obvious from the moment the two had met that Sierra had been drawn to the other woman.

  Kinda the same way he had.

  At least Sierra could pursue her friendship with Makayla. Ethan had to ignore the feelings that had stirred to life the first time he’d seen her. And he was doing it to secure his future and Sierra’s. He would do anything to make sure that happened, and if it meant not testing the waters with Makayla McFadden, then so be it.

  Besides, they’d just met. How could what he was feeling be anything but surface attraction? Even Ethan knew that any type of relationship needed more than that.


  The next morning, Ethan found himself taking extra time and care with his appearance. As he stared at himself in the mirror over the sink after his shower, he realized he needed to go for a haircut soon, or the hair that curved against his collar would be brushing his shoulders. He spritzed on a bit of cologne even as he told himself that this meeting was no different than any others.

  But the fact that it had taken him way longer than usual to choose his shirt and tie for the day, pretty much made a liar out of him. Still, he felt the need to impress Makayla with his professionalism, and if that included dressing more the part, then that was what he would do. In the end, he settled for dark gray slacks, a long sleeve dark blue button down shirt, and a paisley tie in shades of blues and greens that Sierra had assured him would go well with the shirt when she’d gone shopping with him a few days earlier.

  He still wasn’t completely comfortable with the new dress code he was obliged to wear given his position in the company, and there were days he missed being able to go to work in jeans and a T-shirt. But this was what he had wanted to do—dress code notwithstanding—so he was going to suck it up and dress accordingly.

  After slipping a belt through the loops of his pants, Ethan picked up his wallet, cell phone, and watch from the dresser. He slid the wallet into his rear pocket and attached the cell phone case to his belt. Leaving his room, he noticed that Sierra’s door was open. He was fastening his watch around his wrist as he walked into the kitchen and found her there.

  “What are you doing up so early?” Ethan asked as he took the bowl of oatmeal she slid toward him. He arched a brow at her as he took in the plate of cut-up fruit that also sat on the counter between them. And when she handed him a cup of coffee, he began to wonder what she’d done or if she was going to be hitting him up for money.

  Sierra shrugged. “I was awake, so I thought I’d make you some breakfast before you go to work today.”

  She gave him a totally innocent look that Ethan didn’t buy for one second. “Are you wanting some money? Or did you get into trouble somehow when I wasn’t looking?”

  “Nope. Just thought that you might enjoy a nice filling breakfast before you go to work.” She gave him a smile. “You know you can be a bit cranky when you haven’t eaten.”

  Ethan glanced around. “Are we part of a Snickers commercial or something?” He wasn’t one for watching too much TV, but even he had seen those commercials during the hockey or football game he enjoyed watching on occasion.

  Sierra laughed out loud at his question. “Not at all. But now that you mention it, you’d make a pretty good actor for that commercial. Like I said, you do get a little cranky when you’re hungry.”

  “Is this your way of trying to make sure that I don’t get testy during my meeting with Makayla this morning?” Ethan asked as he settled onto a stool they’d found at the thrift store on Saturday. He leaned over the counter to take a spoonful of the oatmeal, pressing a hand against his tie to keep it from getting stained.

  “Maybe.” Sierra picked up her glass of milk and took a sip. “It’s just after yesterday I really, really hope that you can keep this job. I like all of them a lot.”

  Ethan really, really hoped he could keep the job too, but he knew it was going to take more than a bowl of oatmeal and some fruit to help him do that. Yes, he had a meeting with Makayla that morning, but him keeping the job weighed on more than just that.

  “Are you planning to come to the office for the afternoon?” Ethan asked as he took his bowl to the sink. He leaned against the counter to finish his coffee while he waited for her to answer.

  “I’d like to. Will it be okay?” Sierra asked.

  “They’ve said it’s fine, as long as you’re okay with hanging out in the lunchroom if I have a meeting or something.”

  Sierra looked at him for a moment then said, “Have you talked to Dad again?”

  Ethan fought to keep the scowl off his face at the mention of their father. “Yes. He called me when they got back from their vacation.” He wasn’t sure why Sierra had waited this long to ask about them, but Ethan hadn’t brought it up either. “To be honest, it seems like Dad and your mom are more than willing to let you hang with me for most the summer. As long as that’s okay with you.”

  Sierra nodded vigorously. “You know I’d stay with you all the time if they’d let me. And if it was okay with you.”

  Ethan reached out to pull Sierra’s ponytail. “It’s always okay with me, sunshine. It was just more difficult in Calgary because my apartment only had one bedroom. You know the second bedroom here is for you, so whenever you need it, it’s yours.”

  Sierra lifted her phone and looked at the display. “You’d better get going if you don’t want to be late.”

  Ethan glanced at his watch and nodded. “I’ll be back for you around noon.”

  “Oh, and roll up those sleeves,” Sierra said as she stepped to his side and reached for his arm. “Leaving them down will just make you sweat, and that’s the last thing you need.”

  Ethan waited patiently as Sierra carefully rolled his sleeves to his elbows, making sure that they matched. When she pronounced him perfect, he smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Thanks, sunshine.”

  As he stepped out of the apartment building a few minutes later, Ethan took a deep breath of the morning air. The day would no doubt warm up, but the cool morning temperatures at this time of year were still refreshing.

  Climbing in his truck, Ethan noticed that while Bennett’s and Mitch’s vehicles were both gone, Makayla’s was still in her parking spot. At least he wasn’t going to be late for their meeting if she wasn’t even at the office yet.

  The meeting was making him a bit nervous, but it wasn’t entirely because he was meeting with Makayla. It was another part of the job that was totally foreign to him, and he just hoped that he didn’t screw it up too much.

  When he got to the office, he went straight to his desk and settled in to read his email before his nine o’clock meeting with Makayla. Each day of the previous week he’d gained a bit more confidence than the day before, but there was no doubt that he had a lot more still to learn. Most days he spent the afternoons with Bennett talking about current and upcoming jobs as well as going over anything Ethan had questions about. He had discovered that Bennett was spending most mornings with Steve since there were still things that the older man needed to pass on to his son. Ethan hoped more than anything that he was helping to make a smooth transition as Steve phased himself out of his responsibilities at the company.


  J ust before nine, an alert popped up on his screen to remind him of his meeting with Makayla. Ethan took the time to grab a notepad and pen as well as refill his coffee cup before heading to her office. She looked up as soon as he appeared in her doorway and motioned for him to come in.

  “Good morning,” she said as she got to her feet with a smile. She snagged a coffee cup from beside her monitor. “I’m just going to go get myself a cup, and I’ll be right back
. I got tied up in some emails and didn’t have a chance to get coffee yet.”

  Ethan nodded and stepped back as she came around the desk and headed to the door. He caught a whiff of a subtle floral scent as she walked past him. As usual, she was dressed as the epitome of a businesswoman. Ethan wondered if she ever truly relaxed. Even the few times he’d seen her outside of the office, she’d still worn makeup and had her hair up in that twist she seemed to favor. He understood the need for her appearance within the office, but outside of it, he would’ve thought she’d relax more.

  When she came back to the office, she gestured for him to have a seat and then went back to her own. “This might have been more comfortable to do in the boardroom, but I need access to my files, and it’s just easier to do that on my own computer.”

  After sitting down, Ethan set his coffee mug and notepad on the edge of her desk. He watched as she swung one of her monitors to face him. As far as he could tell, all the desks in the office had a set of dual monitors. It had taken him a little bit to get used to, but now Ethan could definitely see the benefit.

  Makayla took a sip of her coffee as she worked her mouse with her free hand. Ethan watched as programs opened and closed on the monitor in front of him. As she set her mug down, she turned to look at him. There was a smile on her face, but having seen the smile she reserved for her friends and family, Ethan knew that this was her professional one.

  “What I’m going to show you here today is more to just familiarize you with this side of the business. You won’t ever have to do the payroll entries yourself, but you’ll need to be reviewing the files that come in to approve them. Sometimes, I’ll also have questions for you if something comes up that doesn’t make sense.”

  Over the next hour, Ethan listened and made notes as Makayla explained how their human resources worked with regards to paying employees. He already knew that they had two different groups of people who worked for C&M Builders. Those who were direct employees of the company and were paid as such, and the contractors and their crews who were paid separately.


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