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A Change of Heart: A Christian Romance (The Callaghans & McFaddens Book 1)

Page 10

by Kimberly Rae Jordan

  Again, it was just one more taste of something he could never have imagined in his own life. Though he and Sierra had attended church regularly in Calgary, it had been a fairly large church, and he’d never really gotten as involved in the lives of people there as this group clearly had with each other.

  As they all gathered to pray, Ethan spotted Makayla for the first time. After Bennett had said grace for the food, Lee moved over to where she stood and began to talk with her. Ethan didn’t like the knot in his stomach that formed at the sight of the two of them together. He had no claim on her and knew that he never would, but that didn’t stop him from feeling like Lee was poaching on something that belonged to him.

  “Here’s a plate for you,” Tami said as she handed him a thick Styrofoam plate. “You’ll find a little bit of everything. Sometimes we’ll have a theme for the food, but we decided it would be easiest to just go potluck style tonight.”

  Ethan followed Tami through the line, his stomach suddenly rumbling at the sight and aroma of so much delicious food. There seemed to be a lot of it, so Ethan didn’t hesitate to take a little bit of everything. He wasn’t really a fussy eater, though his meals were usually pretty basic. That was more because of laziness and not knowing how to cook anything else than it was out of preference.

  Once his plate was filled, Ethan looked around for a place to sit. In addition to the usual living room furniture, several chairs had been scattered around the room with TV trays next to them. Ethan settled onto one of the chairs and placed his drink on the end table beside him.

  As conversation flowed around him, Ethan focused on his food. All of it was delicious, and he found himself considering expanding his repertoire of recipes. But then was it really worth it to make all that effort just for himself or even for him and Sierra? He couldn’t see himself ever hosting something like this.

  As the chairs around him filled, he found himself drawn into a conversation with James and his wife.

  “Bennett mentioned that you’re new to the city and are working for the Callaghans’ company,” the man commented. “How are you doing with all those changes?”

  Ethan took a sip of his drink to wash down a particularly spicy bite of food and said, “It has been a bit of an adjustment. I lived my whole life in Calgary, so coming here has been a big change. But Bennett and his family have helped to make the process a lot smoother. I’m really enjoying working for C&M Builders.”

  “They’re a good company,” James agreed. “They have an excellent reputation in the city for being honest and fairly priced. They built our home for us, and we’ve had no problems whatsoever with their work.”

  “I’ve only been there a short time, but already I’ve seen how important it is to them that quality products and quality service are given to the customer.” Ethan finished another bite of food before asking, “So what is it that you do?”

  “I’m a lawyer,” James said. “And Erin owns a bakery.”

  “That’s quite a combination of careers,” Ethan commented. “What type of law do you practice?”

  “I specialize in family law. My dad wanted me to go into criminal law, but I just couldn’t see myself doing that. Family law is definitely where my heart is.”

  Ethan wondered if James might be able to help him with the situation with Sierra. He was tempted to ask him right then, but even with his limited knowledge of social etiquette, he knew it wasn’t polite to bring up business in a setting like that.

  Instead, he asked, “Do you happen to have a business card? I have a situation that maybe you could give me some advice on. Would it be okay if I called to make an appointment to speak with you?”

  He hoped that James understood that he didn’t expect any special treatment just because he was a friend of Bennett’s. More than anything, Ethan just wanted someone that he could trust, and he was willing to pay whatever it took to get that.

  James gave him a surprised look, but then he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He handed Ethan a card and said, “I’ll be happy to help you however I can.”

  As Ethan slid the card into the pocket of his shorts, Erin grinned and handed him one of hers as well. “Stop in some time and I’ll give you a free cupcake.”

  James smiled and looked indulgently at his wife. “I would definitely take her up on that offer, Ethan. She makes cupcakes that are to die for.”

  The conversation moved on from their jobs, and soon Ethan found that he had more things in common with James than he might have imagined. It was a bit hard to comprehend that at twenty-eight years of age, Ethan really didn’t have anyone he considered a best friend.

  Although, for a few months when he’d been twenty-two, he’d thought he had one. Dan Kingston had started working for Bob and he and Ethan had hung out together. It had been Dan who’d introduced him to church and eventually the faith he clung to, even today. But then Dan had moved on, and they’d lost touch, and he hadn’t found that type of friendship again. Until moving to Winnipeg. As he talked with James and watched the people around him converse with each other, Ethan wondered what it would take to build his own group of friends.

  It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy hanging around with the Callaghan-McFadden family, but he didn’t want them to feel that they had to be responsible for his social life in addition to his work. He needed to find friends for himself, but he just wasn’t sure how to go about doing that.

  In Calgary, he’d worked long and hard days which had left him tired and in no mood to socialize most evenings. And then on the weekends, he’d been focused on Sierra and doing what she wanted to do. He was realizing now that perhaps he hadn’t needed to focus so much on her. She would’ve been able to fend for herself if he’d wanted to go out with a friend or two on a Friday or Saturday night. At least in the last couple of years. He wouldn’t have left her on her own when she’d been younger. He would feel completely comfortable leaving her by herself, especially since she knew the other people in the building if she needed help.

  After everyone had finished eating, the food was put away, and desserts were brought out. Ethan was glad to see that instead of small luncheon size plates, they’d left the big ones out on the table. He didn’t get sweets too often, so he planned to indulge in the bounty that was set out before him. He definitely planned to take one each of the cookies and brownies that Sierra had brought. But when he saw a box with cupcakes in them, he knew he probably should snag one of those before they were gone too.

  Once everyone had dessert, and coffee and tea had been distributed, the movie started. Ethan hadn’t asked Sierra specifically what they would be watching for their dinner and a movie night, but he’d figured it would be a new release of some sort. Because of that, he was a bit surprised when the movie The Princess Bride began to play.

  His surprise didn’t stop there, however. Soon, people around him began to recite lines along with the actors on the screen. Having never seen the movie himself, Ethan found his gaze moving back and forth between the screen where it was playing and the people around him who were reciting lines. Several people, Mitch among them, were cracking up at some of the others. And though he was surprised to see Bennett playing along, he was even more surprised when he saw Sierra participating. Clearly, she had watched the movie at least once at some point in her fourteen years.

  Ethan thought he’d feel awkward not being able to recite any of the lines, but no one mentioned it so he sat back and enjoyed his dessert and the entertainment. There wasn’t much that brought real laughter out of Ethan but seeing Bennett recite the lines of the female lead made him chuckle. He happened to look over at Sierra in mid-laugh and saw her watching him, a big grin on her face.

  It was then that Ethan realized that Sierra worried about him as much as he worried about her. No doubt she was as happy to see a smile on his face as he was to see one on hers. Maybe this move would end up being the best thing that had ever happened to them. It certainly hadn’t felt that way initially, but now, sitting t
here surrounded by laughter and friendship, Ethan felt himself fully embrace the changes that had come his way in the past few months.

  The only thing that was putting a damper on his evening was the sight of Lee and Makayla together. It seemed that no matter where Makayla sat, Lee was there beside her. Ethan didn’t know why it hadn’t occurred to him that she might already have a boyfriend. It wasn’t like they had had any long talks about their personal life during which she might have clued him into that fact. But it was clear that she and Lee had some sort of close relationship whether it be friendship or something more.

  It was a good reminder for Ethan to keep his focus on his job. He still felt as if Makayla was someone special, but maybe she just wasn’t someone special for him. That thought dimmed the smile on his face, and Ethan got to his feet and walked the perimeter of the group to dump his empty plate into the garbage and to grab a refill on his coffee.

  He stared out the window in the kitchen as he took a sip of coffee. The view from Makayla’s window was the same as the view from his, just from a slightly higher angle. They were fortunate to face a small park that sat across the street from the apartment building.

  “Did you find what you needed okay?”


  E than swung around at the sound of Makayla’s voice. He lifted his cup to show her. “Yep. I take it black, so all I had to find was the coffee pot.”

  Makayla looked at him for a moment before smiling. “I’m sure you must think we’re all a bit crazy, but we like to find ways to have fun when we get together for dinner. It’s probably a bit overwhelming for someone here for the first time.”

  “It wasn’t what I was expecting,” Ethan confessed. “When Sierra said dinner and a movie, I was kind of assuming the movie would be one that was in the theaters not so long ago.”

  Makayla nodded. “We do actually go to the movies sometimes as a group, but for these nights, we kinda prefer something interactive instead of just sitting quietly watching something on the screen. There are nights we do dinner and the Wii or dinner and board games.”

  “Dinner and the Wii?” Ethan cupped his coffee mug in his hands.

  “Yep. We usually do something like bowling, but we’ve been known to play Mario Kart or some other racing game too. The bottom line is, we just try to find things to do that are fun and casual and don’t cost a lot of money.”

  Ethan found it hard to believe that this group of people needed to watch their pennies when it came to entertainment, but he couldn’t deny that the social evenings Makayla described certainly sounded more enjoyable than just going to a movie.

  “Don’t get me wrong. We do go out as well, and not just to the movies. We’ve also gone bowling and skating.” Makayla tilted her head as her blue eyes regarded him. “I hope you’ll feel comfortable enough to continue to join us. And Sierra too. As you can see, we keep the entertainment G-rated, so she’d always be welcome to come along.”

  “Thank you for the invitation. I really appreciate how you, Bennett and your family have included Sierra and me in so many of your activities. It has certainly made the move here to Winnipeg a lot easier.”

  “The last time we made a major move, I was six years old. I still remember how challenging that was for me. A new house. A new school. And not too long after that a new family. So while I don’t understand the challenges of moving as an adult, I know that even as a child it wasn’t easy.” Makayla’s gaze drifted in the direction of the group. “What school will Sierra be going to in the fall?”

  Ethan sighed. “I’m not sure. I need to look into it a little bit more. It’s on my to-do list because I’m pretty sure it isn’t on her parents’.”

  As Ethan watched the group, Lee glanced in their direction then pushed to his feet. Not surprisingly, the tall man headed toward them. There was nothing but friendliness on Lee’s face as he joined them. Of course, if he were already certain of how Makayla felt about him, he wouldn’t regard Ethan as a threat.

  “I’ll probably be seeing you sometime next week, Ethan,” Lee said as he refilled the mug he held.

  “Are you coming to mess up our system again?” Makayla asked with a smile.

  “Nah. Bennett has a new program he wants me to look at. It was something Tris had mentioned wanting to use for his work. So if I’m messing with anybody’s system, it’s going to be just Tristan’s.” Lee leaned back against the counter and looked at Ethan. “So how are you adjusting to Winnipeg? I would imagine it’s a bit different than Calgary.”

  “Probably the main difference I found so far is the view. I have to say that I do miss the mountains. Every day I would get at least a glimpse of them, and sometimes on the weekends, Sierra and I would drive up to Banff. I haven’t seen much of a view around here that would rival what I had in Calgary.”

  “Well, if you’re looking for beauty,” Lee began, “you just have to look at Makayla.”

  Makayla had just taken a sip of coffee and quickly covered her mouth as she sputtered in response to his comment. She set her cup down on the counter and pulled off a piece of paper towel to clean her hand, all the while glaring at Lee. “You really need to warn a girl before you make a stupid comment like that.”

  Lee shrugged, a grin on his face. “You’re just so easy to tease.”

  Before any of them could say anything further, the laughter in the living room increased considerably. Makayla grabbed her cup and headed back to the group with Lee following close behind. Ethan also moved in that direction but chose not to take his seat again as he stood behind the couch to watch the movie.

  The interaction with Makayla and then Lee hadn’t clarified anything between the two of them. He would’ve thought that there might have been a little more affection between them if they were actually dating. But it really didn’t matter, he had to remind himself, because he couldn’t get involved with her even if she was available. His focus had to stay on work and Sierra. And maybe once he was a little more sure of his job, he could see about broadening his social circle which might hopefully include a girlfriend.


  Makayla had resisted the urge to give Lee a friendly smack on the arm for his comment about her to Ethan...but just barely. She and Lee had been friends for years. They had dated very briefly about six years ago, but they had quickly decided that they were much better suited as friends. It wasn’t unusual for him to hang around with her at evenings like this, but Ethan’s presence had her viewing her interactions with Lee in a new light. Ethan might well think that the two of them were involved, and she wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about that.

  She was trying to be more friendly to him. She knew her earlier attitude toward the changes at work and to Ethan had been wrong. Seeing how well Ethan had fit in with the company, she found herself more relaxed about him taking over for Bennett as her brother stepped into their dad’s position. Still, she knew that Ethan was there on a probationary basis. She didn’t want to get too comfortable with this latest change if there was a possibility that it might not be a permanent one.

  And, of course, it always played in the back of her mind that Ethan might well be tolerating her and the others at the office simply to keep the job. He was hard to read a lot of the time, but he’d always been unfailingly polite in his interactions with her. That made it hard to know what to do with the growing fascination she felt for him.

  A couple of years earlier, she had changed her approach to dating. When she’d first graduated from high school and even into her university years, she’d chosen to casually date. In her mind, it was the best way to figure out what she wanted in a man and to see if she could find him. Unfortunately, it had ended up just being a waste of her time and emotional energy.

  It was at a singles retreat that she’d attended with Tami that she’d been challenged to rethink her approach to relationships. Immediately following that retreat, she’d stopped accepting one-on-one date invitations from men she didn’t know well. She’d decided that she wanted to get to know m
en in group social settings before agreeing to anything more intimate.

  Needless to say, her dates had dropped off considerably. Almost down to nothing. Hanging out in groups had given her a pretty good idea of whether or not she wanted to go out with a guy well before he asked her. Unfortunately, the or not had seemed to win out in most situations. Not that there was anything wrong with the guys, but they just hadn’t been what she was looking for.

  Working and socializing—not to mention being neighbors—with Ethan had helped her see qualities she appreciated in the man. It was too bad that overall their situation was complicated.

  Makayla returned to her seat and tried to get back into the movie. She was aware of Ethan standing behind the couch, coffee cup in hand. It was weird the vibes she got from him at times. Sometimes confident, other times more vulnerable. It was almost as if he had never experienced a get-together like this. Tristan’s words came to mind once again, and she wondered if maybe her little brother was right.

  After the movie had ended, people hung around talking while others helped to clean up in the kitchen. Grace and Franklin were the first to leave, and Erin and James left soon after with Lee. Then it was just the family and Ethan and Sierra.

  “Hi, Makayla.”

  Makayla looked up from the bowl of food she was wrapping to see Sierra standing on the other side of the counter. “Hey there, sweetheart. How did you enjoy the evening?”

  A big smile spread across Sierra’s face. “That was so much fun. I’ve watched the movie before, but watching it like this was so much better.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” Makayla finished with the one bowl of food and pulled another toward her. “I guess Ethan hadn’t seen the movie before, eh?”

  The smile on Sierra’s face dimmed as she shook her head. She glanced away from Makayla, and when Makayla followed the teen’s gaze she saw it was focused on Ethan as he stood talking with Mitch.


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