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A Change of Heart: A Christian Romance (The Callaghans & McFaddens Book 1)

Page 23

by Kimberly Rae Jordan

  “Sure. I can do that.” Makayla took the keys he held out to her and rounded the hood to get to the driver’s side.

  Belatedly, Ethan realized he probably should have gotten the door for her. With a sigh, he climbed in and buckled his seatbelt as Makayla started up the truck. As they drove, she talked to him a bit about the hospital, letting him know that it was where Tami and Sammi both worked. He knew she was trying to distract him for the duration of the drive, and while he appreciated the attempt, it wasn’t working very well. She must have figured that out because soon she stopped talking and concentrated on driving.

  Clenching his hands into fists to try to stop them from shaking, Ethan prayed the rest of the way to the hospital that Sierra would be okay and that somehow this nightmare would end.


  W hen Makayla finally got back to her apartment, she barely had the energy to change into something more comfortable before falling into bed and passing out. When she awoke several hours later, it took her a few minutes to figure out the time and then what day it was.

  As the memory of the events of the past twenty-four hours came back to her, Makayla flopped back against the pillows and let out a long breath. It had been close to two o’clock in the afternoon before she had finally left the hospital. She’d stayed—fighting to keep from falling asleep in the waiting room—until the doctor told them they had decided to keep Sierra overnight. Thankfully, her mom and dad had shown up to stay with Ethan, and, as a definite answer to prayer, Sierra had ended up on Tami’s floor at the Children’s Hospital so Tami was able to help with updates and explanations.

  Makayla would have liked to stay longer, but she had been running on about three hours sleep in the past thirty hours. And while Bennett and Mitch could cover for Ethan as long as he needed them to, there were a few things she needed to take care of with her own job.

  While she’d still been at the hospital, the social worker had told Ethan he had temporary guardianship of Sierra. It appeared that with everything that had occurred with their father, and with Elle giving no indication that she was interested in making sure that her husband had no access to their daughter, they were more than happy to allow Sierra to remain with Ethan for the time being. When Ethan had relayed this information to Bennett, he’d phoned James right away to see if there was any way to start the proceedings for permanent custody.

  The joy on Sierra’s battered face when she’d realize she was going home with Ethan had tugged at Makayla’s heartstrings. She understood now, as she had from the moment Sierra had appeared in the doorway of her office, that these two were a package deal. And surprisingly, she had absolutely no problem with that.

  Though Makayla was still tired, she knew she needed to get up if she had any hope of sleeping again later that night. She checked her phone to see if there were any messages from Ethan or Sierra, but her screen showed nothing. Disappointed, Makayla swung her feet over the edge of the bed, pushing back the covers.

  She left her room and went in search of something to ease the grumbling in her stomach. The low murmur of the television came from the living room where Tami sat with her feet propped up on the coffee table as she watched some cooking show.

  Her friend craned her neck over the back of the couch and said, “There is lasagna in the fridge for you. Your mom stopped by a couple of hours ago to drop it off.”

  Since her mom’s lasagna was one of her most absolute favorite foods in the world, Makayla continued to the kitchen without any further comment to Tami. She put a large piece on a plate, stuck it in the microwave and then looked around the kitchen for the French bread she hoped her mom had also included.

  “The French bread’s in the bag on the island,” Tami called as if she could read Makayla’s mind.

  Makayla filled her glass with water and set two pieces of the French bread on her plate along with a fork and carried it into the living room. She sat in the corner opposite Tami and picked up a pillow to rest in her lap to put the hot plate on. Tami muted the television when Makayla bent her head to say a quick prayer for the food.

  “So wow. That was a little bit of excitement for you guys,” Tami said as she turned toward Makayla, tucking her feet underneath her.

  As she ate, Tami filled her in on the latest update on how Sierra was doing. Makayla was glad to hear that she was doing well and would likely be released the next day.

  “I’m sure Ethan was relieved to hear that.”

  “Speaking of which…” Tami began with a smirk curving her lips. “Would it be wrong to assume that perhaps you and Mr. Ethan Collins have grown a little closer throughout all of this?”

  “What are you?” Makayla leaned over to put her plate on the coffee table. “A mind reader or something?”

  “Let me guess. You are trying to figure out how much you want to tell me about whatever it is that happened between you two.”

  And that exchange of words was why Makayla was so grateful to have a best friend who knew her as well as Tami did. “I guess I should probably just tell you everything, eh?”

  “You know it,” Tami declared with a grin.

  Makayla hesitated still, not because she didn’t want to share everything with Tami, but now that she was a few steps removed from the emotion of the situation and Ethan was as well, she couldn’t help but wonder if things between them would be different. Would the closeness that had developed through the previous night continue on in the cold light of day? She knew that she wanted it to, but Ethan had been in an emotionally vulnerable place. Maybe he wouldn’t feel the same way now that everything had calmed down. Plus, he had a clearly traumatized young woman on his hands. No doubt that would—and should—be his focus.

  Instead of keeping it to herself, Makayla took advantage of her best friend and poured it all out. The closeness she’d felt with him. Their agreement to talk once everything was settled. And now her worry was that maybe things weren’t going to go the way she’d hoped.

  “I can certainly see why you’d be concerned,” Tami said after Makayla had finished spilling her guts. “When emotions are running high, we can feel things that might not otherwise be there. But I suppose only time will tell.”

  While Makayla would’ve liked a resoundingly positive response from Tami, the reason she appreciated her friendship with the woman so much was that she could always trust her friend to tell her the truth. And Tami was right. Only time would tell.

  Unfortunately, as the days passed, it appeared that it would indeed take time for anything to transpire between her and Ethan. Though Makayla was eager to talk to him, his attention was firmly focused on Sierra. Makayla understood that, but each day that passed with no significant interaction with him, the hope she’d had that the time they’d spent together had meant something began to dim. She saw him at work, but only in passing, and he never appeared to have time for anything more than a quick smile.

  Makayla’s heart sank when she got to her desk on Friday and realized that for the first time in several weeks, there was no pile of candy waiting for her. She slumped into her chair, telling herself that it wasn’t a big surprise. After all, everything else that had been going on had been a big distraction. But as usual, that part of her mind that she hated so much began to take over, turning everything that was bright and beautiful into something gray and dull.

  It was quickly becoming apparent that the connection she’d felt so strongly was all one-sided or at least nowhere near as strong for Ethan as it was for her. He’d taken what she’d offered while in the midst of the turmoil, but now that things had settled down and he had Sierra back, he didn’t need her any longer. Makayla didn’t regret supporting Ethan the way she had, but her heart longed to feel that she had been worth having that connection returned.

  Makayla didn’t want to make it all about herself, so, for now, she had to just set it all aside. Focus on Sierra and be there for the young lady just like she’d been before that horrible night. And forget the connection she thought she felt with Eth
an. Forget the feelings that had been coming to life within her. Forget it all and go back to how things were before she let her feelings get the better of her. She could do it. After all, she was a pro at hiding her feelings from most people.

  That night, her resolve was tested for the first time when everyone came over to her and Tami’s apartment for dinner and some games. Ethan and Sierra showed up along with the rest of the gang. Even Dalton came with Danica. The apartment was full, making Makayla think that perhaps they should have held this out at the house. But no one else seemed to mind the close quarters as plates were filled with food and conversation flowed easily.

  Makayla kept a smile on her face, trying her best to be her normal self. Her current motto was to fake it ‘til she made it. She didn’t know how long it would take, but until she was confident that her emotions were back to what they should be, she would just have to act like she was already there.

  She spent a few minutes speaking with Sierra, truly relieved that the girl was back safe and sound with Ethan even if her face still showed signs of the trauma she’d endured. But the happiness on the young girl’s face eclipsed even the faded bruises she bore. Sierra didn’t hang around long, though. She gave Makayla a quick hug before going back to her seat between Dalton and Danica.

  Because everyone had brought something to contribute food wise, there was minimal clean up after they were done eating. Erin had brought a ton of cupcakes, and Danica had arrived with a large pan of brownies that their mother had made. Once people had their dessert, they began debating which sports game they were going to play on the Wii. With no strong feelings either way, Makayla went to the kitchen to clean up what little there was left while waiting for them to decide.

  “Hi, Makayla.”

  Makayla straightened then closed the fridge door when she spotted Ethan next to the coffee pot. Mentally assuring herself that she could do this, she smiled as she said, “Hey, Ethan. I’m glad you and Sierra were able to make it tonight.”

  “Thanks for the invitation. I was glad when Sierra said that she was up to coming.”

  Makayla wasn’t sure who had invited him and Sierra, but it certainly hadn’t been her. In fact, she’d been a bit aggravated when Tami had told her what she’d lined up for their Friday night. It didn’t escape her notice that Tami had waited until everyone had been invited before telling her. Makayla’s plans had been to change into some comfy clothes and hunker down with a good book or watch a movie on Netflix.

  “She seems to be doing very well. I’m glad it’s all worked out.”

  Ethan nodded. “I want to thank you for your help during that time. I’m not sure what I would have done without you and Bennett.”

  “I’m sure that you would’ve done just fine on your own, but I know that Bennett is also glad that we were able to help you out.” Makayla’s heart ached, but she kept a smile on her face. “After all, that’s what friends are for.”

  Ethan’s brows drew together as he slowly nodded, but before he could say anything further, a yell from the living room drew their attention.

  “It sounds like they’ve decided on what they’re going to play,” Makayla said, gripping the dishtowel in her hands. “Guess we better join them so we don’t miss out.”

  Again, Ethan nodded then left the kitchen with his coffee cup in hand. Makayla knew she couldn’t stay in the kitchen for the rest of the evening, so she finished cleaning up then joined the others in the living room. She ended up not playing but tried her best to appear as if she was into everything that was going on. And when everyone finally left shortly before midnight, Makayla let out a sigh of relief.

  Though Tami seemed to want to talk, Makayla managed to brush her off, claiming a tiredness that was not entirely fake. It had been a long week and a half, both emotionally and physically. The only thing she wanted to do was to fall into bed and not wake up until her body had gotten all the rest it needed.


  O n Sunday evening, Ethan found himself making the short walk from his apartment to Bennett’s. He paused outside the door, took a few steps back toward his apartment then spun back around, his hands clenched. Taking a deep breath, Ethan lifted his hand and knocked on Bennett’s door.

  “Hey, Ethan,” Bennett said with a smile when he opened the door. “What can I do for you?”

  Ethan rubbed his palms against his jeans. “I wonder if I could talk to you for a few minutes.”

  “Sure thing.” Bennett stepped back from the door to give him room to enter.

  Ethan glanced around as he stepped into the man’s apartment. This was the first time he remembered being inside Bennett’s place. It was nicely decorated with dark furniture and subtle colors on the walls. It was definitely different than the more sparsely decorated place he shared with Sierra. He hoped that would change some now that they knew for sure that they would be staying in the apartment.

  “Have a seat,” Bennett said as he gestured to the couch. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  Ethan sat down on the couch. “A soda would be nice. Thanks.”

  It wasn’t long before Bennett joined him, handing him a soda can as he settled into the corner opposite Ethan with another one for himself. Curiosity was clear on his face as he pulled the tab to open his drink.

  “So what’s on your mind?” Bennett asked, as if aware that Ethan needed the prompting.

  It was at times like these that the gap between him and Bennett was very apparent. Though they were the same age, the life Bennett had lived had given him a confidence that Ethan admired and wished he had. Bennett seemed to possess an overall confidence that was never shaken by anything. Ethan, on the other hand, found he had a more selective confidence. When it came to certain aspects of his job, he was very confident in his skills and his ability to do the work. He was even becoming more confident in the new things he’d had to learn since coming to Winnipeg.

  But the one thing he struggled with was how to approach Makayla. Her response to him on Friday night had left him confused and wondering if he misinterpreted what had transpired between them during the time Sierra was missing and all the other times leading up to that point. Being uncertain of how to approach her, plus having to deal with Sierra’s issues as well as the social worker, Ethan hadn’t had a chance to figure out what he needed to do. When he’d finally decided that he’d try to talk to her Friday night, the response she’d given him had been anything but encouraging.

  So here he was at her brother’s apartment, hoping the man could give him some insight into the situation and maybe some advice on what to do.

  Ethan focused on the can in his hands for a moment before looking up at Bennett. “I’m just wondering if you might be able to help me…understand Makayla.”

  Bennett’s eyes widened briefly then he grinned. “Well, I’m not sure any of us truly understand Makayla. She’s a pretty complex person,” Bennett said then he lifted an eyebrow. “What exactly do you need help understanding about her?”

  Ethan rolled the cold can back and forth between his hands. “I guess I’m just wondering about something she said when everything was going down with Sierra. I sort of got the impression that perhaps she was interested…in me, but now I’m not so sure.” Ethan took a drink of the soda, suddenly finding his throat parched. “I just don’t want to make things awkward by assuming something that isn’t there.”

  Bennett stared at him, his gaze unreadable. “Makayla has never confided in me about things like that. You might have better luck talking to Tami or Grace. However, the question I have for you is, are you interested in her?”

  Ethan had figured that should have been pretty clear, but he nodded. “But is that all right? I mean, I don’t know how you all feel about workplace romances.”

  “Well, we are a family business, so that’s not necessarily a problem. I would say though that if you’re just planning to casually date, then it’s probably not the best idea.”

  Ethan nodded. “I understand that. I’m not intere
sted in casually dating Makayla, but I also don’t want to make things awkward around the office if she’s not interested at all.”

  “Sometimes you just have to take the risk,” Bennett said, his voice soft. “If you’ve prayed about this and feel this is what God has for you, then you need to take that next step. Don’t let fear hold you back. Makayla deserves someone who loves her and accepts her for who she is. I know that she might confuse you right now, but if she trusts you, she’ll open her heart to you completely. And I think you might be just the man for her. I think you understand her more than you give yourself credit for. So maybe you need to just listen to your heart and go for it.”

  Ethan felt a flood of relief at Bennett’s words. That the man would think he was good enough for his sister meant the world to Ethan. He only hoped that he could measure up to those expectations.

  After they had talked a bit more, touching on the situation with Sierra, Ethan headed back to his apartment. Somehow he had to figure out a way to show Makayla exactly how much she meant to him. It wasn’t just a case of him asking her out on a date. In some ways, he felt that he was already way past that stage. He knew his heart, and he knew what he wanted. He just prayed that Makayla’s heart was in line with his.

  Ethan hurried into the office, hoping that Makayla hadn’t left for the day. After he’d left Bennett’s two nights ago, he’d spent a lot of time trying to figure out what to do. He felt like he needed more than just asking her out for dinner. And when a memory sparked an idea…he’d grabbed hold and ran with it. That had included calling in help because there was no way he’d be able to pull it off on his own.

  He had a few goals for the evening, but most importantly, he wanted Makayla to know that he listened when she talked and that he cared about what was important to her.


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