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The Prince's Texas Bride

Page 7

by Victoria Chancellor

  Of course, Alexi Ladislas would never see her family home. They had less than a day left together. Tomorrow afternoon she’d attend her graduation ceremony and he’d go back to being a prince.

  Her good friend “Mack” would be gone forever. The thought saddened her, but also pushed her out of the car. If they had only hours left, they’d better make the best of them.

  Inside the B and B, they were met by a middle-aged man who looked as though he’d spent most of his life in a uniform. His graying hair was cut military-short, and his posture made him look impressive in khakis and a teal polo shirt.

  “Good afternoon,” he said pleasantly. “Welcome to Piney Glen House.”

  “We were wondering if you have any rooms available for tonight,” Kerry asked.

  “I have four available. Saturday is our busiest day, but Friday is slower.”

  “Great,” Alexi drawled as he draped an arm around her shoulders. “Which is your best room?”

  “That would be the Randall Suite. Would you like to take a look?”

  “Sure,” Kerry said.

  “Follow me,” the military man said as they started up the stairs. “By the way, my name is James Brody. My wife, Ellen, works part-time at the hospital in Crockett, but she’ll be home later this afternoon.”

  Kerry smiled in awe at the carved mahogany banister, elaborate floral wallpaper and old framed portraits on the stairwell. “Your house is beautiful.”

  “Thank you. When I retired from the navy, I promised my wife we’d live as far inland as she wanted. Running this B and B has been great for both of us.” He walked around a beautifully furnished sitting area at the top of the stairs. “Here’s the suite. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  Kerry looked at Alexi, who smiled as he waited for her to enter first. She barely contained a sigh of appreciation when she viewed the suite.

  A queen-size four-poster bed dominated the room. A wedding ring quilt in rose, green and cream covered the mattress, while a lace bedskirt brushed the wide plank floor. The curtains matched the lace ruffle, while the valances coordinated with the wallpaper. Below, beadboard wainscoting wrapped the room in warm wood, all the way up to the carved fireplace and mantel. Marble surrounded the opening, which was filled with a beautiful spring bouquet. Everywhere she looked, she noticed interesting, decorative accessories.

  “This room is named after Colonel Randall, a Spanish-American War veteran who settled around here with his large family. All these photos are of his children and grandchildren,” Mr. Brody said as he pointed out a few of the portaits and framed medals.

  A large chaise lounge angled out from the corner, where the gardens were visible beyond the second-floor balcony. This was the most peaceful room she’d ever seen, and the most romantic setting she could have imagined.

  “It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

  “You have other rooms?” Alexi asked.

  “Yes, but this one is the largest, plus it has a big whirlpool tub in the bathroom, through those French doors.”

  “Do we need to look at another room, Kerry?”

  She felt her eyes widen at his question. She knew what he was asking; did she want to share this room, this bed, even the whirlpool tub? Her gaze went to the chaise lounge. If things didn’t work out, she could sleep there.

  Looking at Alexi, so comfortable in his jeans and blue plaid shirt, so confident of his place in the world, she thought things were going to work out just fine.

  “This room will be fine,” she answered softly.

  “We’ll take this suite,” Alexi said with a grin.

  James Brody nodded, folding his hands behind his back. “Have you two been married long?”

  Her gaze flew to Alexi, whose expression seemed to say “I told you so.” She turned back to Mr. Brody. “Oh, we’re not—”

  “We’re engaged,” Alexi said, stopping her confession with a shocker of his own. “I sure hope that you don’t mind we’re not married yet,” he drawled, giving the military man a big grin.

  “No, no, that’s fine. I just thought, looking at the two of you, that you were already a couple.”

  “That’s a nice thing to say, Mr. Brody,” Kerry said.

  “Why don’t you relax, darlin’? I’ll run out to the car and get our bags.”

  Kerry didn’t have to be asked twice. With a sigh she collapsed onto the chaise lounge. Well, she’d made a decision…of sorts. She was going to share this room with her prince. One night, she reminded herself. Then back to the real world. Back to the life she’d worked so hard to achieve. A well-paying job, her own apartment and the opportunity to have a professional career.

  But that was all next week. Tonight was her treat. A graduation present from Alexi.

  Did he realize he might be her real treat?

  Before her daydreams got out of hand, he arrived back in the room with their bags. “This really is a lovely place, and it seems we have the whole house to ourselves. No one is booked until tomorrow.”

  “Great.” She could make all the noise she wanted to when she…Stop it right there, she reminded herself. She hadn’t decided 100 percent that she and Alexi would be sharing that four-poster bed.

  “Mr. Brody said that there’s a good restaurant within walking distance. I don’t know about you, but I could use a nice stroll. I rather miss the beach.”

  “I do, too. I always like to leave before I get tired of it. That way, it’s always so nice to return for a visit.”

  Alexi sat on the end of the chaise, placing his arm along her extended legs. “You have such a refreshing way of looking at life. Most of the people I know schedule holidays at the beach because they always go there, or their friends will be there, or some other reason. I doubt many of them think about leaving before they grow tired of the experience.”

  “When you don’t have a lot of money, I think you look at things differently. In our family, my mother tried to make things fun. She convinced us that watching videos and dressing up as our favorite Disney characters was more fun than visiting the theme parks because of the crowds. And every Friday we had competitions to see which one of us could make the most delicious and innovative meal out of macaroni and cheese.”

  “Your mother sounds like a wonderful woman.”

  “She is, and she’s really excited to get your autograph for her collection.”

  “Perhaps I can meet her when we return tomorrow.”

  “I—I’m not sure. I have to call before the ceremony to see where we’re going to meet.”

  “And I’ll have to check with Gwendolyn to see how we’re going to exchange identities.”

  “Of course.” Kerry drew her feet up to her chest. “Let’s just see how it goes tomorrow.” Suddenly she felt her real life intruding into her trip. Into her fantasy.

  Alexi seemed to sense her mood. “Then no more talk of what will happen tomorrow. That’s a long way off. We need to explore the rest of the house, then take a walk to the restaurant.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Alexi stood and reached down. Kerry took his hand and swung to her feet. He looked at her intently.

  “You’re not upset that I made up the story about us being engaged, are you?”

  “No, of course not. It was just a little fib. I’m sure it made Mr. Brody feel better to think we’re an engaged couple. If he knew we’d only known each other three days, he might be a little less enthusiastic about us staying here.”

  “Three days,” he echoed, shaking his head. “It seems longer.”

  Kerry nodded, suddenly remembering how she’d met Alexi, kissing him when she thought he was Hank, agreeing to let him run off with her to Galveston. What must he think of her? That she did this kind of thing regularly? That a one-night stand was no big deal to her?

  These feelings he evoked in her…they were a very big deal.

  Forcing a smile, she tugged him toward the door. “Let’s look around. I’ve never been in a bed-and-breakfast before.”

  “I’m su
re every one is different,” he said as they walked into the hallway. He stopped her before they entered the room across from theirs. “Are you sure you’re fine? You seem a bit…quiet.”

  “And here I was trying my best to be entertaining.”

  “Now, Kerry, that’s not what I meant.”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. Maybe I’m a little overwhelmed by all this,” she said, arching her hand around them. “Maybe I’m remembering who you are and who I am and why we shouldn’t be here, but we are.”

  “Maybe you should stop thinking about those things. The truth is, we’re here. I, for one, am glad I’m here and not someplace else.”

  “I’m glad I’m here with you,” she whispered.

  “Then let’s have a smashing good evening.”

  Chapter Five

  They went to dinner at a small Italian restaurant. When they arrived, the waiter was lighting votive candles, and the low lighting emphasized the faux finished plaster walls decorated with silk grape vines and clusters. There were only six tables inside and two on the small front patio, but luckily they were too early for the dinner “crowd,” if such a thing existed in this town. Still, it was Friday night, and lots of people went to dinner to celebrate the start of the weekend.

  She was celebrating too, Kerry thought as Alexi ordered a bottle of Ruffino Chianti Classico Reserva and a tray of antipasto. The smell of warm, yeasty, crusty bread filled the air, making her stomach rumble in anticipation.

  When they each had a glass of wine, she raised hers in a toast. “Here’s to the start of my new life.”

  “I do believe I can drink to that,” he said before taking a sip. “But I was going to make my own toast.”

  “Oh, to what?”

  “To whoever shook up the soft drink that exploded in the Land Rover, forcing me inside the truck stop, where I was kissed by an angel.”

  Kerry laughed. “Hardly an angel. More like a confused, slightly dippy waitress slash college student.”

  “Ah, no. College graduate. One who is starting her new life. May I say that I am ever so grateful to be included in this special occasion?”

  Kerry felt her eyes tear up. Princes could be so charming. “Yes, you may.” She reached across the table and held his hand. “I’m really, really glad you came with me.”

  “I am, too,” he said softly.

  The waiter returned, taking their order and asking how they liked the wine and the untouched antipasto. They nodded, said everything was fine, but continued to look at each other. Alexi’s eyes reflected the flickering votive candle and seemed to burn away the mirage of “good girl” she’d tried so hard to maintain.

  She was in so much trouble. She didn’t want to be a good girl any longer. Just gazing at him across the table made her knees so weak she wondered if she’d be able to walk back to the B and B. She felt all hot and squirmy, too, and she didn’t know what to do about that, either. She wished they’d already eaten dinner. She wished they were already inside the Randall Suite, with its queen-size bed and cute little steps leading up to the high mattress.

  She was having some decidedly wicked fantasies about that high, soft mattress. She just knew she’d feel like a fairy-tale princess once she was lying on top…naked. With Alexi looking at her as he was now, all hot and naughty.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she leaned back as the waiter delivered their salads. She had to behave herself a little longer. Just through dinner and more polite conversation.

  The task proved more difficult than she’d imagined. Although she’d been starving as they sat down, now she could barely eat. She couldn’t recall if the lasagna was good or not. She only knew that if she didn’t get Alexi back to the suite pretty soon and claim her reward, she was going to do something really crazy. Like kiss him in public. Like drag him into the bushes of that overgrown house they’d passed and have her wicked way with him.

  “Ready?” he asked minutes later after declining dessert and paying the check.

  “Absolutely,” she said, pushing her chair back and rising so fast, several other diners—when had they arrived?—looked at her funny.

  “In a hurry?” he asked as they walked through the front door into the pleasant warmth of the early evening.

  She forced herself to walk slowly beside him down the shaded street toward the B and B. “I suppose I’d be terribly unsophisticated if I told you I wanted to get you alone.”

  “That depends,” he said huskily, “on why.”

  “Because I keep thinking about that big, high bed. And how really, really good you look in candlelight. And how sexy your manners are, and—hey!”

  Alexi grabbed her hand and practically dragged her down the street. Kerry laughed as she struggled to keep up.

  Suddenly, her prince was in a hurry. She hoped he’d slow down later. One of his sexiest characteristics was the slow, deliberate way he did things. She wondered if he was as deliberate and thorough in bed as he was at the table.

  She figured she was about to find out.

  ALEXI WASN’T SURE what had changed Kerry’s mind. She’d only had one glass of wine, so she wasn’t intoxicated. She’d seemed hungry, but shortly after they’d sat down, she’d started looking at him as though he were a large bowl of fettucine Alfredo. Not that he minded, of course. She just hadn’t given any indication that she wanted him as much as he wanted her…until tonight.

  He couldn’t wait to get back to their suite. His desire for Kerry had grown steadily as they’d driven across the state and taken a holiday in Galveston. Her admission that she’d always wanted to stay in a bed-and-breakfast had added fuel to his slow burning fire. Now he was even more thankful they were the only people staying there tonight. He didn’t think he could tolerate hours of chitchat with others in the parlor before making their excuses and dragging her upstairs at a decent hour.

  But when he pushed opened the door and prepared to rush up the steps—because he didn’t imagine Kerry would enjoy the spectacle of him carrying her to their room—they were met with a smiling James Brody and his wife.

  “How was dinner?”

  “Wonderful,” he said quickly.

  “Great,” Kerry said at the same time, sounding breathless. He’d probably rushed her a bit much, but she’d seemed equally anxious to get to privacy.

  “I’d like for you to meet my wife, Ellen.”

  They all shook hands and exchanged greetings, but Alexi couldn’t remember being more eager to get away from civilities, even during long receiving lines at formal state events. Of course, he didn’t have Kerry waiting for him at the end of the evening in Belegovia.

  “We thought you might like a little after-dinner wine or dessert,” Mrs. Brody offered. “We have a delicious muscat from one of our Texas vineyards.” The hopeful, inviting look on the woman’s face dashed cold water on his plans to whisk Kerry upstairs and into that big bed.

  “That’s very nice of you,” Kerry said.

  “Of course we’ll join you,” he finished.

  “Excellent!” Mr. Brody boomed, reaching for a silver tray of crystal dessert wineglasses. “Come on into the parlor. I’ll show you the restoration we’ve done on the fireplace.”

  Alexi forced a smile. He hoped the restoration wasn’t too extensive. He had a four-poster bed and a whirlpool tub calling his name.

  KERRY FORCED a yawn and smiled at the Brodys. “This has been great, but I’m getting sleepy, honey,” she said to Alexi.

  She had to restrain him from jumping off the couch. “Yes, we got up real early in Galveston this morning,” he said convincingly. “And we’ve got a busy day tomorrow. Another day on the road.”

  “That’s right. We’d better turn in.”

  “We’ve enjoyed visiting with you,” Ellen Brody said, “but I understand. What time would you like breakfast?”

  Never, Kerry felt like saying. If morning never came, she’d have more time with Alexi. They could stay in that big bed forever.

  “How about eight o’cl
ock, darlin’? Will that give us time to make the drive back to Ranger Springs?” He leaned a little closer. “With you being so tired and all, I didn’t want you to have to wake up too early.”

  Kerry knew from the sexy quality of his voice that he had plans other than sleeping late for the morning. “Eight o’clock is fine with me.”

  “We’ll see you in the morning, then,” Mr. Brody said. “Have a good night.”

  Oh, yes. She certainly hoped they did. She and Alexi rose from the sofa and, hand in hand, almost skipped up the wide staircase. As soon as they were inside their suite, the door securely shut, they burst into laughter.

  “I hope they don’t decide we need more towels,” Kerry said, clinging to Alexi’s arms.

  “Or want to tuck us in,” he added.

  Still chuckling, they stared at each other in the low light of a Tiffany-style lamp. Laughter faded as the quiet intimacy of the setting surrounded them. “Now what?” she whispered.

  “This,” he said softly, his mouth descending.

  With a sigh, Kerry rose up to meet him, her lips parted, meeting his kiss halfway. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight, ready for him to take her to new heights, ready to experience something of which their previous kisses had only hinted.

  She lost herself to the sensation of melding her body with his, pressing tighter, closer. His hands roamed her back, then lower, pressing her against his desire as he cupped her bottom. Kerry moaned into his mouth, then broke away, shaking and gasping for breath.

  “Too much?” he asked, sounding almost as shaky as she felt.

  “No…no,” she whispered, burrowing against his chest, reaching up to nuzzle his neck. His skin tasted more delicious than anything she’d eaten at dinner, and the scent of his arousal, mixed with the expensive cologne he wore, drove her wild.

  Alexi lifted her, his hands holding the back of her thighs as he encouraged her to wrap her legs around him. Kerry looped her arms around his neck and held on tight as he moved toward the bed, each step causing a delicious friction that spread through her body.

  She fell back onto the high mattress, her legs still locked around his hips. “I don’t want to let you go,” she said.


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