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Page 24

by Lauren Jade Case

  “This house,” the queen scanned the cramped room, standing in the centre of it, “is perky and petite.”

  “It’s home,” Natalia’s father emphasised.

  The queen’s eyes sought him. “Tony.”

  “Primrose.” Natalia looked at the woman she shared a name with and saw her sneer. “I see my granddaughter finally knows who she is.”

  He nodded. “She does.”

  “And she’s following in her mother’s footsteps.”

  “Natalia follows no one,” he argued. “She does what she wants, and, as her father, I support her.”

  The Fairy Queen rounded on Natalia icily. “I know I wasn’t at your trial in Atlantis, dear. My other daughter, my heir, was getting married. Schedules clashed. Most Fairies were there, so you might not have known. Though I hear you did fine on your own. But is this really what you want?” Her face softened, the sharp edge to her voice dispersing, and somehow that unnerved Natalia more. “You could come back with me?”

  “Come back with you?” Natalia questioned.

  “Primrose,” Tony hissed.

  She ignored him. “I can offer you a place in my castle. You are a Princess, after all. Gods forbid something should happen to my my daughter, you are the next heir.”

  Noah unashamedly started gawking again.

  Natalia, however, didn’t take her eyes off her grandmother. “No, but thanks.”

  The Queen pulled back. “You would rather fight those nasty beasts,” she spat the word, “and slash with swords and get dirty?”

  “That’s my Purpose as a Creature.”

  “But you have a choice. A choice that the Council would abide by without stripping you of your gifts if you left it. Let someone else do the work.”

  Natalia tried not to let her annoyance show. “When I first found out I was a Fairy, I thought long and hard about what I wanted. In the end, I decided that this is it. I want to follow my Purpose, just like any other Creature. It’s in my blood.”

  “You are also a Princess. That’s in your blood too, child.”

  “If I decided to leave, that would pass the work to someone else. One other Fairy, or Witch, or Mermaid, would have to step up and fight those beasts. How is that fair? Why should I relinquish the responsibility to live in a castle? I fought hard for what I have. If everyone left to take the easy choice, there would be no one to fight back and the worlds would be destroyed. So, thank you, but no thank you.”

  Natalia waited. Her skin crawled with sweat though her mouth was dry. Her heart pounded so ferociously she worried it might stop completely.

  She’d just defied her grandmother and the Fairy Queen. She didn’t know which was worse.

  “You are brave, like how a Fairy should be. Though you weren’t blessed with charm.” The Queen sneered and turned to Natalia’s father. “This is your fault,” she accused. “The child is confused.”

  Tony stepped forwards, a fierce look on his face. “You heard Natalia. She’s anything but confused. And she is not a child.”

  The Queen shook her head in clear disgust. “How did my daughter fall for you, Human?” She said the word like a curse. Her eyes travelled onto Katherine. “And I see you’re about to disgrace her further by being with a half-breed.”

  Natalia stepped around her grandmother, unable to conceal her anger any longer. “My father is the best dad I could’ve asked for. He’s taken care of me for eighteen years with barely any help. He’s done nothing but love and support what I want, constantly putting me first. And Katherine has too. She’s baked my birthday cakes, talked me through periods, given me presents at Christmas, and has been there when my dad couldn’t. Where have you been? Oh yes. Not here. Sitting in some palace with your still-alive daughter. So I suggest you back off because this is my family, and you aren’t.”

  “Yes.” The Queen’s eyes locked onto Natalia, and there was more captured within them than there was any semblance of emotion on her entire face. “But if they’ve done so much, why have I not gotten word on your wings yet?”

  Natalia’s mouth opened and no words came.

  There was one thing still holding her back. She could have all the approval from the Council she liked but it meant nothing. Not that wings could make a person, but part of her was still missing. They should’ve appeared by now, and though she was aware of the itch between her shoulder blades, nothing came of it.

  The Queen smiled like she’d won a game only she’d been playing. “I shall take my leave,” she announced. “My offer, young Fairy, remains. My castle doors will open for when you decide to choose differently.”

  Natalia glared. “I won’t.”

  “We shall see.”

  The woman let herself out, the door clicking closed behind her.

  Everyone in the room dropped their shoulders, their energy leached from their bodies. Natalia worried her father’s birthday was besmirched by her grandmother’s untimely and unwanted appearance, and then felt guilty as she came over feeling more concerned about her lack of wings.

  Where are they?


  Noah walked alongside Natalia, their pace somewhere short of a sprint, but in the sun, it was comfortable enough.

  Katherine had sent them away the minute work was over, closing up herself. Noah hadn’t been working there long but appreciated every hour. He’d struggled to find work before and now, thanks to Katherine, never had to worry again.

  They walked up Main Street and down Opal Street. Opal House stood tall and proud upon its hill.

  “Imagine if Zoe knew I was coming here,” he said. Zoe was his younger sister. In the past, they’d thought and joked about what was inside Opal House. Now he knew, and definitely wasn’t disappointed. “She’d lose it, completely.”

  “She loses it with everything.”

  A laugh left his lips. “I’ll tell her you said that, so don’t expect a Christmas card this year. Even if I do agree.”

  Natalia laughed as she knocked. The Mermaid, Peri, opened the door. The gentle breeze shifted her hair about her neck, a few strands sticking on her painted blue lips.

  “Nice to see you again, amore,” Peri said as she moved aside.

  Natalia didn’t respond and Noah looked up to realise Peri’s eyes were on him. “Me?”

  “Sì, amore.” Peri’s smile was warm. “And you’re sempre,” she shook her head and clicked her fingers several times, “always welcome here.”

  “Thank you,” he said, unsure of what else to say.

  Peri’s attention transferred to Natalia. “Everyone’s downstairs,” she said.

  Natalia shrugged off her jacket, hanging it up. “What about you?”

  “I’ve been benched.” Out of nowhere, Peri slid her arm around Noah’s waist. “But I’ll have this one for company.”

  “Why?” Noah looked to Natalia for help.

  Natalia smiled, clearly enjoying this, and opened the door on the underside of the stairs. “I asked Peri to teach you some basics.”

  “We don’t have too if you don’t want,” Peri insisted. “But it’s better than being completely benched.”

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” Natalia said before slipping away.

  Noah hadn’t really spent time around Creatures and only had Natalia for reference. That meant Natalia was right. That now he knew this other world existed, he’d need to know more. Why wouldn’t he continue to be special when he was being handed the opportunity? He was only learning.

  I’m not planning on actually fighting.

  Peri steered him away. He hoped he hadn’t just thrown himself into the deep end. But if he had, he supposed he better learn to swim, and fast, because this was his life now. And a Mermaid was pulling him through the waters.


  Jasper sat cross-legged on the floor between his siblings. Their parents were due home in the next few hours, and by the sounds of the door to the basement opening, Natalia had arrived. A waft of smoke drifted to them first and Natalia appe
ared moments later.

  Why the smoke? he wondered. Why does she smell of it?

  “Who benched Peri?” she said by a way of greeting.

  Archie made a face resembling a mi between a grimace and a frown. “Technically, I did,” he admitted. He stood and brushed his jeans despite easily being able to rid the crinkles with magic. “I suggested it. Peri doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to, but she agreed. She’s still keeping up with minor training though.” He looked to the ceiling. For a big guy, Archie easily became flustered and embarrassed. Jasper loved teasing him for it. “I just wanted her and our little fish to be safe.”

  Alex sighed. “I still can’t believe I’m going to be an aunt.”

  Jasper flicked her hair. “You’ve got the greys to support your position as crazy aunt.”

  Alex swatted him, leaving a lasting sting. “At least I won’t be the hagged old Witch.”

  “I still can’t believe I’m going to be a dad.” Archie rubbed the back of his neck.

  Jasper stood beside him. “You have five months to get used to the idea, because it’s happening.” He turned to the girls. “But now that the Fairy is here, we can at least distract you for half an hour.”

  Natalia narrowed her eyes accusingly. “You’re not going to tie me up again, are you?”

  Jasper snorted as Alex demanded Natalia stand against the wall. The boys didn’t need instructions; they’d planned what was going to happen.

  Archie linked his hands with Jasper and they locked eyes. Some magic required two or more Witches to complete it. This was one of those occasions. This summoning spell wasn’t exactly on the side of easy, and they weren’t just summoning a new training space or equipment. And some spells, though rare now, needed to be voiced.

  They spoke together, almost in the same voice.

  “I can show the Earth. I can hold you together. Come to us through space. We summon you here-ever.”

  The air around the brother’s grew clammy, the oxygen seeming to disperse from the room, but they held on.

  Pink and green light pooled around them, which quickly shifted to a dark brown. The force trying to tear their hands apart was immense, so much so that Jasper had to dig his nails into Archie’s hands just to keep them attached. A billow of white smoke plumed and a smell of sulphur rose. Humans often associated the phenomenon with ghosts, but ghosts weren’t actually real, there was no evidence for them. This was going to be something inherently more dangerous and less well-mannered.

  “I feel it,” Jasper announced.

  And as he did, he was forced apart from his brother.

  His body skidded against the floor, the wood tearing his exposed skin in several places. Alex rushed to him, helping him sit, and Natalia had done the same for Archie. But getting the brother’s to sit was the least of their issues.

  In the centre of the room was a Monster.

  It smiled with teeth of yellow and black. Its skin shifted constantly, the blue like water, but there was a gleam to it, like diamonds were embedded within. To Jasper, it smelled like frozen ice, but some Creatures smelt vanilla.

  Without a warning, as the Monster neared Alex and Jasper, silver raced towards its body. And missed. Jasper glanced behind him where the weapon clattered. He stood shakily and walked to it, picking it up, before approaching Natalia and holding her bronze blade out.

  “Ten for effort,” he said. “But a one for aim.”

  “There’s no time for jokes,” she hissed through gritted teeth.

  Natalia seized the blade and jutted it out as if she could will it to become a long-sword. Some Fairy blades did allow for physical changes, like Peri’s trident did, but his gift didn’t have those abilities.

  The Monster turned until the tip of the blade was pressed against its midsection, where the bottom of the ribcage would be.

  “Why is no one else freaking out?” Natalia asked, her eyes unmoving. She shook with nerves yet she didn’t bow or waver to them, and Jasper was impressed.

  The Monster grinned the best it could. “We’re acquaintances.”

  Natalia blanched. “What?”

  Jasper touched Natalia’s hand and forced her to lower the weapon. She obeyed reluctantly, even when he put his back to the Monster to prove he was in no immediate danger. He remained holding her wrist but not to keep her in place, his reasoning was more selfish.

  “Sometimes,” he said, “there are intelligent Monsters, high-level ones usually, who become aware and realise their actions are wrong, that more exists than needless destruction. It happens rarely, but when it does, they can appeal to the Creature Council. After tests, many hours in court, and investigations, the Council sometimes decides that the Monsters are genuine.”

  “And so, what? They join this side?” she questioned.

  “Pretty much.”


  “They’re constantly monitored by the Council to make sure they really are being truthful and do see the error of their ways.”

  “It’s annoying,” the Monster said without malice, “but worth it.”

  Jasper still didn’t move. “They can be helpful in training. Or in giving us information about other Monsters we may not be aware of or haven’t seen for a long time. Sometimes they even fight the bigger fight with us.”

  The Monster stepped around Jasper, forcing Natalia to face it, and for Jasper to let go of her. The Monster held out its hand. “I’m Kei,” it introduced.

  Natalia blinked, almost in recognition. “You bumped into Peri in Atlantis, at the Flower Parade.”

  Kei shrugged, unbothered. “I might’ve.”

  Alex had met Kei first when they’d been going through their respective processes with the Council. After Kei had been cleared, because she’d remained in contact with Alex, she had said to call on her if anyone in the family needed. Archie and Jasper had been learning the summoning spell, coincidently at the same time – it allowed Creatures to bring forth Monsters that were within the same plane of existence – though they next to never used it in case they didn’t tap into the right Monster’s wavelengths.

  “I’m a Geminis,” Kei added. The blue of her skin transformed until she had olive skin, and was suddenly wearing a white body-suit.

  Natalia looked briefly at Jasper, the confusion evident in her eyes. “Geminis Monsters come in two variations,” he explained. “There are those who feel and look like ice and those who feel and look like fire, though neither of them can control these things. However, they can manipulate thin, sharp materials, like cut stone or glass, in the same way you control your blade. Some can manipulate rope and wood too.”

  Realisation dawned on Natalia’s face. “I’ve met one!” she exclaimed. Her brown eyes dropped, her cheeks dusting with bronze. “I was attacked by one before.” Jasper sensed there was more, but Natalia remained silent.

  Kei unexpectedly ran a hand along Jasper’s neck causing his hairs to stand. “Are we here to talk, or to fight?” she asked, her voice low and a little sultry. “I don’t want to walk away without seeing some action.”

  Jasper smiled and moved behind Natalia. “Let’s practise your throw,” he suggested.

  “Blades cannot hurt me,” Kei said.

  “Trident’s can’t either, can they?” Natalia asked out of nowhere.

  “No weapon can. I can only be hurt by magic or Fairy dust,” Kei answered. “If blown into my eyes, your dust will blind me. If I breathe it in, it will turn my insides to ice that will never melt, or it would raise the fire in another until they can no longer cool.” She eyed Natalia’s blade, placing her hands on her angular hips. “Though it could not hurt to use me as your practise dummy or target.”

  “What about us?” Alex said from behind, indicating to her and Archie who’d been waiting idly by.

  “We can test her fighting skill without a blade after. That will be fun for all.”

  Kei’s grin was tormenting, even to Jasper who’d seen it plenty of times. Natalia, however, shivered and Jasper pul
led her against his chest instinctively, as if to keep her safe.

  Jasper had been close to Natalia before, but never this close. It was almost tantalising. His heart shuddered. There was a want, a desire in him to be near her. It was a feeling he’d only ever felt once before, once he’d established a connection, and that’d been short lived. Natalia made him feel it again, and more.

  “Do you trust me?” Jasper whispered into Natalia’s ear. She shivered slightly.

  She didn’t verbally respond but her body reacted agreeably when he raised her arm for her, the blade in hand. He moved her grip around the handle, loosening it. Then Jasper let go of her hand, moving his hand to her hip.

  Kei continued to grin and even clapped when Natalia threw the blade directly into Kei’s chest.


  The sight of pizza as a welcome one.

  Natalia ached all over. She’d trained for about an hour with her blade, throwing it at the Monster, Kei. Eventually they’d moved onto practise fighting with it and then got rid of the weapons completely.

  It was safe to say Natalia had gotten the short straw in that draw. While everyone else had magic or an ability, Natalia barely had her dust. The more she trained, the more she realised Fairies in general were down on their luck unless their dust could harm or their blades could work. Though they did have wings. Or, they should.

  She grabbed a plate, loaded it with as many slices as she dared take, and slumped at the long table. Peri sat gently beside her, Archie opposite, and Noah across from Natalia. Natalia barely spoke to them as she ate, the dull aches keeping most of her attention.

  “Do you know what you’re having? Have you got any names planned?” Sarah asked as she sat at the head of the table, tucking her dress beneath her. She and James had just arrived home from Atlantis, but they’d received the news of the pregnancy over the phone. Apparently Peri and Archie couldn’t wait the extra few hours.

  “I don’t want to know,” declared Archie. Then his eyes lifted to Peri. “Unless you want to?”


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