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Sheikh's Purchased Princess

Page 7

by Sophia Lynn

  “Good morning,” she said softly, but in response, he only touched her hair, trailing a gentle finger down her face. There was something oddly possessive yet tender about the movement, as if they had done this for years.

  “I dreamed of you,” he said, his voice a quiet rumble. “I dreamed of waking up to you. Is it strange to have a dream of waking?”

  “I heard once it is good luck,” she murmured.

  Without thinking of what she was doing, she reached up to trace her fingertips down the side of his face, echoing his touch. She could feel the softness of his skin, the brush of stubble under her fingers, his pulse beating out the rhythm of life under her gentle touch.

  Afterward, she wasn’t sure who had moved first. All she knew was that the space between them shrank to nothing as they were pulled towards one another. There was a kind of gravity here that could not be denied, and she was tired of fighting it. His mouth on hers was gentle, but there was no stopping what was between them this time. She couldn't imagine stopping it.

  The kiss went on and on. Emily pressed against Adnan, that feeling of warmth and safety mingled with the first sparks of a pleasure she knew was hers for the taking. It had danced between them for so long, and now that it was actually coming, she was afraid that she might burn to a crisp underneath it.

  With a soft groan of appreciation, Adnan rolled her underneath him. He carried his weight on his elbows to keep from crushing her; instead, it only made her more aware of him, his body, the sheer bulk of his strength.

  “I can't believe how good you feel,” he murmured, looking down at her. “I want to devour you…”

  “I want you to devour me,” she whispered, and it was as if she had released a beast off his chain.

  Suddenly, his mouth was on hers, rough and claiming, and when she reached up to touch his face, he pinned her arms to the bed beside her. Instead of making her frightened, it only aroused her more deeply, making her press up against him with need.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured between kisses. “So utterly perfect and so utterly mine…”

  He wasn't content to just kiss her mouth. Instead, his lips moved to her throat and then down to the gentle rise of her breasts. It was as if her flesh remembered how good he felt. She could feel those tingles of pleasure start again, traveling to the very core of her. His touch seemed to wake her up in a way that she had never considered before, and all she could do was moan and press herself up against him.

  “I have wanted to do this for so long,” he murmured. “I worry that I cannot be as gentle as you need.”

  “I don't need you to be gentle. I just need you,” Emily murmured, and her reward was a hand that slid down her side, over the curve of her hip. Adnan worked his way down her body, kissing her soft skin as he went. She could hear his rush of words, praising the softness of her skin, the sweetness of flesh. She wanted nothing more than to touch him, to make him feel what she was feeling, but his expert touch raised her pleasure to such a height that it was all she could think of. She could do nothing but writhe under him as he kissed the flat plane of her belly, the rounded curves of her thighs.

  She barely knew what he was doing when he coaxed her legs open, parting them gently so that he could reach the heat of her desire.

  Emily hazily thought that he might touch her as he did before, running his fingers along her inner thighs and higher, but when she felt his mouth graze over her mound, she whimpered with shock, trying to close her legs.

  “You… you can't!” she murmured in surprise, looking down at him with her eyes as wide as saucers. She had an idea what he intended to do, but somehow, her mind short-circuited.

  “Why not?” he asked, glancing up at her.

  “Because…because…” She sputtered, but it was more than just embarrassment. The more she thought of his mouth there, the more she felt the heat of their passion rise up between them. There were wisps holding her back, wisps of other girls telling her that there were things that good girls didn't do, her lack of experience with what her own body wanted, but they burned away, proving themselves to be the ephemeral and frail things that they had always been.

  “This belongs to me,” he said, cupping one large hand over the flesh between her legs. “This is all mine, and if I am harming you, I will cease. However…if it does not harm you, and I want it, I will do it. Do you understand me?”

  His possessive words rang like a bell, sending an echo of need through her body. As the echo passed, it took with it all of her fear and worry, and then all she could do was nod, her mouth dry.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Yes… I understand.”

  “Will this harm you?”

  Her response was quick and completely without hesitation. “No.”

  His grin was wolfish, white and bright, and it sent a thrill of pleasure up her spine even as he bent his head between her legs.

  At the first touch of his mouth to her flesh, she bucked up in his hands. She hadn't intended to, but what he was doing felt so intense, so intimate, that she couldn't stop herself. Even the pleasure he’d brought her with his fingers the other night paled in comparison to how intimate this felt. For a moment, she thought that she wouldn't be able to relax into it, to feel the things that he wanted her to feel, but then when he kissed her gently on her lower belly, sweetly and with comfort, she knew she could.

  He started slowly, passing the flat of his tongue up and down her slit as if he had all the time in the world. Emily gave herself up to the soft waves of pleasure that rolled over her, not even realizing how wet she was becoming until his tongue slid a little deeper.

  “You taste amazing,” he murmured, “like the nectar promised in the paradise of the pagans…”

  She tried to reply to that, but then he shifted upward, and his seeking mouth found her clit. She gasped, sure that it had never been so sensitive or so ready. The moment his tongue passed over that sensitive nubbin, her eyes flew open and her body arched up to meet him. When Adnan laughed, she could feel the vibration through her entire body.

  “Oh, I see what pleases you,” he crooned. “Only lie still, lie still, little love, and I will give you what you like best…”

  She whimpered, tossing her head from side to side. His mouth was maddening, and even when she tried to lie still, she found that she couldn't. Without her will, her body moved up toward him, needing and wanting more.

  Finally, with a soft laugh, Adnan's hands came down on her hips. She had a moment to reflect on how strong he really was; no matter how she twisted or writhed, she could not break free. Then his mouth was on her again, and this time, there was no escaping.

  She couldn't move, and so she moaned. The pleasure built up higher and hotter as he worked with all the patience of a skilled artisan, now lapping at her clit, now grazing it with the sharp of his teeth. The first time he touched his teeth to her most sensitive flesh, she whimpered, but then the slight edge of pain made her groan with need.

  He sped up his motions, but it was nowhere near as fast as she wanted, as she needed. She couldn't move, but she could fist her hands in his hair, trying to drive him forward.

  “Please, please, Adnan, please, I need you…”

  Her words sent a deep shudder through his large body, but if it made him work her harder, she couldn't tell. Instead, he continued at his own pace, creating a crest of pleasure that she could barely believe.

  When the first shudders began, they shook her to her core. Then, no matter what she thought or wanted, they were cascading over her, a pleasure and heat so intense that she was helpless to do anything but allow it to carry her higher and faster. Soon she was shouting with her pleasure, but Adnan didn’t stop. One part of her noticed that he was gentling his motion but keeping it going, extending her pleasure. The other parts of her were simply overwhelmed with sensation, helpless to do anything but experience it.

  “Oh, Adnan, Adnan, please!”

  “Beautiful girl, this is all for you, all for you, so perfect…”
br />   Slowly, ever so slowly, the pleasure he had created for her died down, receding like the waves from the beach. In the end, she was left panting and sobbing on the bed, raw and open in a way she had never been before. Her entire body was trembling. No one had ever made her feel like that before.

  Blindly, she reached for Adnan's hand, and he squeezed her hand gently before bringing it up for a gentle kiss.

  “You are beautiful in your pleasure,” he rumbled, “but now, Emily, I am going to take you.”

  She was so overwhelmed with the sensations that he had given to her that she didn't understand what he meant at first. When the words finally penetrated her haze of pleasure, her heart beat faster.

  “I want to,” she said softly, “Only…I’m not sure I know how.”

  The look he gave her was beautifully tender, and he reached up to cup her cheek in his hand.

  “I will show you,” he promised. “I will show you everything you wish to learn.”

  He leaned down to kiss her, and she could taste herself on his lips. It was a wild taste, something like the sea and something else that was entirely her, and she could see why he had wanted to do that, why it had given him pleasure.

  He took her hand in his, and as he lay down on the bed next to her, he guided her hand to his cock.

  “It is nothing to be afraid of,” he said, his voice thick with desire. “No, it is made only to pleasure you, to make you feel good, see…”

  Fascinated, she stroked her hand over his straining manhood, marveling at the silky feel of his skin, at the iron hardness that responded so readily to her lightest touch. She gasped with surprise when he closed his hand over hers, showing her how he liked to be touched and stroked. She listened to the soft groans he made, and in that moment, all she wanted to do was to please him.

  Finally, he pulled her hand away, shaking his head slightly. “You are far too desirable by half,” he rumbled ruefully. “I cannot resist you…but I had something else in mind…”

  She started to ask him what he meant, but then she was tumbled onto her back and he rose over her.

  “I need you,” he growled, his eyes as black as midnight, and he was pressing her legs apart, making her open herself for him. A ghost of the pleasure he had given her made her moan at the sudden motion, but then he was between her legs, his hips against hers and the head of his cock nudging against the skin that he had kissed so sweetly.

  She had heard about what a woman's first time could be like, with blood and pain, but before she could give the matter more than a passing thought, his mouth came down on hers again, his tongue pressing between her lips. She was so taken with his kiss that when he brought the blunt head of his manhood to her entrance, she couldn't spare it more than a passing thought.

  She lost herself to the kiss so thoroughly that when he pressed forward, it was a complete surprise. Her entire body jerked back, but there was nowhere to go. He entered her swiftly and surely, plunging his full length into her waiting body until there was no space left between them at all.

  Emily was aware her breathing had sped up. The brief stretch from his entrance was already fading, but the sensation made her look up at him. He kissed her again, this kiss almost more comforting than sensual.

  “The strangeness will pass,” he murmured. “I promise. It will pass, and then I will make you feel so good, darling, so good. I promise, I promise…”

  He held himself still over her, raining gentle kisses down on her face until her body adapted to him. Now Emily was aware of a deep and primal fullness, something that made her sigh with how good it felt. Then he started moving, and to her virginal shock, she could feel the pleasure at the core of her start to rise up again.

  “Oh…Oh, Adnan,” she whimpered, wrapping her arms around him. She couldn't believe what her body was capable of with this man, what he could draw from her.

  His motions were slow and steady, letting her grow accustomed to his girth, to the feeling of having someone joined so intimately with her. At least, his motions were slow until she gave in to instinct and wrapped her legs around his hips. She needed to do something to bring him closer to her, and when he felt that, she heard him groan.

  His motions grew faster, less steady, and it only made her burn hotter for him. She wanted only to draw him in deeper, bring him in closer.

  “Adnan, I want…to…”

  He seemed to know what she wanted, because he dropped an impassioned kiss on her mouth.

  “Reach for it, little beauty. I will give it to you,” he whispered.

  She could feel herself rise up towards him, and as he demanded, she reached for the pleasure that she had so recently attained. She felt the fire run along her body again, making her shake, and now he was shaking as well, moving over her like a stallion.

  “Oh…oh, please!”

  She could barely get the words out before she began shaking apart again. Her nails dug hard into his arms, and she threw her head back as the cries spilled past her lips. This time the pleasure was less intense, but it was drawn out, making her shout with how good it was. It felt as if her entire body was shaking, beyond her control, and as she reached for Adnan, she felt him thrust into her one last time, pressing into her as deeply as he could as he spilled his heat into her. He collapsed partially on top of her, his elbows bearing the brunt of his weight as he showered her face with tired kisses.

  “You feel amazing,” she whispered, feeling strangely shy after everything they had done together. “I've never felt anything like this before.”

  “Neither have I,” whispered Adnan, stroking her hair back from her face.

  Emily wished that they could have lain like that forever, but finally, with a soft groan, Adnan had to pull back. When he left her body, she felt a strange sense of loss. He went into the bathroom. When he came back, he had a small basin full of steaming water and a washcloth.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. The hoarseness of her voice startled her. She blushed when she realized it was due to how much she had cried out for this man.

  “Taking care of you,” he said, and the tenderness of his words made her smile.

  He urged her to lie on her back, and when she did, he nudged her legs apart again.

  He intends to…bathe me? Emily thought in disbelief.

  She tried to close her legs again, but as before, Adnan simply brushed her resistance aside. Her legs opened for him. She flinched away from his first touch, but as he ran the steaming hot washcloth up her thighs and across the flesh between, all of the rigidity went out of her limbs, and she relaxed into the mattress with a sigh. He cleaned her with a kind of tenderness that made her heart ache, and in that moment, she wasn't sure that she had ever felt so safe. So cared for.

  Emily had almost drifted off before a thought occurred to her. “Oh, your shoulder!” she said, sitting up a little. “Is it all right?”

  He laughed at her, shaking his head at her worry.

  “It's fine. I'll probably take the gauze off tomorrow and just continue as I am. The medic was making more of a fuss than I was about it, certainly.”

  “Tomorrow,” she whispered quietly, struck by the idea. “What happens tomorrow?”

  The look he gave her was one that warmed her all the way down to her toes. In some ways, she wondered if it was something she had wanted to see all her life.

  “Tomorrow…well, I guess tomorrow we'll figure out what comes next.”

  She started to ask him what he meant, but he pulled her back into his arms, kissing her gently. After what they had done, she would have thought that she would of course have been too tired or too sore to continue. When his kiss sent sparks through her body again, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she had been wrong.

  This time he was slow, all of the urgency gone. A deep and abiding patience replaced it, and as she lay back, his fingers danced across her tender skin, making her rise again.

  “Let me know if this is too much,” he murmured. “I will stop whenever you te
ll me to stop…”

  “I don't think I ever want you to stop,” Emily sighed.

  “Good. Close your eyes.”

  Surprised, she did as he said. When he touched her next, his hard fingertips grazing over the plane of her belly and the erect peaks of her nipples, she shuddered at how intense it felt. With her eyes closed, everything seemed far more sensitive.

  “Could…could I do this with you too?” she asked, and he paused.

  “Do what?”

  “Cover your eyes and touch you? Would that feel good to you as well?”

  His chuckle was as dark and warm as whiskey.

  “I don’t think there is a way you can touch me that would displease me, darling one,” he said. “But for now, simply take what I am giving you.”

  She didn't know when her sighs became gasps, and she certainly wasn't aware of opening her legs for his touch. When he slid his fingers along her dampened slit, she gasped at the pleasure of it, aware of the slight soreness from their first encounter. All thoughts of pain fled, however, when he used the pad of his thumb to circle her clit, making her toss her head back on the pillow.

  “Oh! Oh god, Adnan, I want more, please…”

  “Later…” he said tightly, and she knew that if she looked, he would be rock hard again. “Right now, love, just take this pleasure. Use it. Let me make you feel good.”

  She was helpless in the face of his command. Her hips started to rock again, and soon, she was digging her heels into the mattress, raising herself up to his hand. When her pleasure exploded behind her eyes, she called his name, reaching for him with her beseeching hands.

  When Emily's calls had faded away, Adnan came to rest next to her.

  “Beautiful precious woman,” he said, and she felt a warmth awaken in her that was like nothing she had ever known before.


  Adnan couldn't remember a day like the one he had spent with Emily. They made love again, and when they became hungry, they sent for food. They talked and learned about each other. He learned of her music and how she was just finally winning clear of the starving artist status to become a successful artist. She learned about the death of his father, which had made him the sheikh and about his years with Roja in the military.


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