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The Predator: Part Two (The Predator Series Book 2)

Page 29

by Brooke May

  Chamberlain doesn’t turn around until I wrap my arms around him. “Come on; we were having a good time. Don’t let this ruin it.” I kiss his cheek as his head comes down to rest against my shoulder.

  “Can we go home now? I need you in my arms in the safety of our home.”

  “Sure.” I rub a hand up his marble-hard back. “Go get the car ready and I’ll grab Marissa.” Reluctantly, he releases me. “Hey.” He looks back. “Let it go. We found our way. Don’t let the things that happened in the past drag you down. It will make you old before your time, and I plan on having you around for a really long time.” I smile sweetly at him.

  He takes a deep breath and nods. “Katie, you’re …” He shakes his head, and his eyes look sad. “You’re just like my mom; full of kindness and so much good. I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Now, let’s get home.” I pat his butt and send him on his way. When I collect Marissa, who gave up on the swing and is now in the sandbox, I look at Gwen sitting on a bench. I give her another tight smile, and she returns with her own. I’m actually glad this happened. Maybe now Chamberlain will stop dwelling on the past and look into our future more.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I SET MY phone back down and turn my focus to my computer. I’ve been alone all of ten minutes now. Marissa had fallen asleep on my lap while watching a movie, and I was trying to get through all the fan mail, so I managed to get her up and in her room without waking her. I returned, shut the movie off, and got to work.

  I know that keeping my plan under wraps is driving Katie crazy, but I don’t want her to try to talk me out of what I want to do. I know for certain once I do it, her family won’t be bothering us ever again.

  Scrolling through the dozens of messages from fans, I have to stop and scrub my face. They range from why in the world I would support a man such as Douglas Cunningham to questioning why we are just now showing a connection to one another. I look down at the piece of paper that I’m preparing my statement for the press on.

  “I can’t wait for this to be over.” I scroll through a few more and come to a stop at an email from the league’s women’s division. I open it, even though it already has been read; Katie and I share this account. Something I’m glad she doesn’t mind. I’m not paranoid at all about her hiding things from me because that isn’t who she is, but it is a relief that we are so open with one another.

  I need to see something good even if I already know what this email says. Knowing that we are helping Beth achieve something in her life that she seems to want feels great. I hope I am a good enough mentor to her. She’s made some great progress already with her training. And I know she has been talking to Helena a lot.


  We are pleased to share the news that Beth Martin has passed all drug tests, physical examinations, and meets all the requirements to enter the women’s featherweight division with our boxing league.

  We look forward to our meeting with her, Chamberlain, and yourself in a few days.


  This was dated last week before our meeting and the Quik Punch meeting. I smile; a faint one, but I don’t have one on my face. Beth is going to be amazing to watch in the ring. I know Scott is really gunning to be the first corner man for her, and I’m not pushing it. I shut the computer down, place my paper inside it, and get up. I need to get my bag packed for our little getaway.

  I’m glad Katie got in my face last night and told me she was planning a break from everything. I love the feisty side of her that comes out from time to time, especially in the bedroom. She was always so quiet, and now, hell, she’s wild in the bedroom.

  “Chamberlain.” Katie walks out of the hallway, stops, tilts her head, and rests her hands on her hips. “Are you packed?”

  “Five minutes.” I hold up my hand and throw her my most convincing, reassuring look. I’m a guy; it doesn’t take me long to pack some clothes and other shit I may need.

  “All right.” She rolls those beautiful lips of hers. “I’m going to load the car up and then come wake up Marissa so we can leave.”

  “Okay, I’ll be down behind you.” I can’t resist her. I walk over to pull her against me, loving the way her body forms to mine perfectly and making sure she can feel every hard part of me, and lean down to kiss her. Just as I move my tongue against her mouth to force it open, Marissa comes barreling out and runs right into my shins. I swear her naptime is diminishing.

  Not prepared for her attack, I fall back and take Katie with me. I grunt as Katie lands on me and crushes a certain part of me. “Daddy, let’s go!” Marissa jumps on my chest after Katie sits up and is now straddling that certain part that wants her very badly. “Come on, Daddy!” Marissa beats on my chest. After we told her about the cottage and all the fun things we are going to do there, she’s been focused on getting out of here. Just like her mom.

  “Okay.” I laugh. “Let me up, and I’ll go throw a bag together.”

  “Are you three not ready yet?” Scott barks. I look up at him before I get up as he is exiting the elevator.

  “You look like a kid in my clothes.” I can’t stop the laughter. Sure, he’s built—he has to be to spar with me—but I’m still a good couple of sizes bigger than he is.

  “Suck me.” He grabs his junk. Marissa is perplexed; she has no clue if he needs to pay the pig or not. I want to tell her to go get it and piss him off more, but this is his plan to get us out of Boston unseen. “At least I don’t look as ridonkulous as wildfire.”

  “Ridonkulous?” Katie raises a brow to his word crafting.

  “Yeah, it’s the only word I could come up with that would fit how she looks.” He smiles that cheesy as hell one of his when he thinks he’s funny.

  “At least, I fill out K.C.’s clothes,” Beth shouts from the kitchen. I didn’t even hear her come in. “Beef up, you pansy.”

  Scott grinds his teeth as he glares over at her. I finally get off the floor and see Beth sitting on the counter. “Holy sh—”

  “I know,” she grumbles, tossing her blond hair she now has over her shoulder. “Franks and his ideas.” She rolls her eyes.

  Katie is beside me, trying to control her laughter from bubbling up.

  “Hush it, Lawrence.” Beth hops down and shoots daggers at Katie. “Are we going to do this or what? This wig itches.” She scratches her head, waiting for an answer with an annoyed look.

  “Once Chamberlain gets his bag packed.” Katie shoots me the mom look; the one that no matter how old you are it still makes you whimper out of fear.

  “Yes, boss.” I take myself up the stairs, two at a time, and find my gym bag sitting on the bed already. I walk to it, lift it, and grin. She packed it for me. I toss it over my shoulder. “You didn’t have … to.” I’m talking to myself when I walk back out. The living room is empty and same with the kitchen because they already went down.

  That was quick.

  Pushing the button, I wait for the elevator to climb back up for me but decide to take the back stairs instead. I make it down just as Scott with the hood of my hoodie over his head and my sunglasses on, and Beth, her wig hair pulled around her face and Katie’s shades on, gets into the Challenger and nods to us.

  I nod back and toss my bag into the back of Katie’s SUV and get into the driver’s seat. Tinted windows dark enough that no one can tell who is in it. Beth and Scott take off, and we sit and wait for the all clear from Fiona who is upstairs watching from her window.

  “It isn’t normally like this.” I lean back against the headrest and glance over at my beautiful wife and then at my equally beautiful daughter.

  “I know.” She pats my hand, resting on the center console. “The sooner we deal with my parents, the better.”

  “When we leave?” Marissa whines from the backseat.

  Looking back at her, my heart melts at how sweet she is. “Soon, princess, we have to wait till Grandma Fiona says it is okay.”

  “Fine.” She p

  It takes five minutes until Katie’s phone buzzes. “We are good to go.” Her smile shines at me as I pull my shades down.

  “Who’s ready to have some fun?” I cheer, the girls joining me as I pull out of the garage and get us the hell out of Boston.



  “No problem; it was awesome to finally get a chance to drive the Challenger again.” Scott’s reply is pulsing with energy. Since I got the car fixed up, no one, and I mean no one, has gotten behind the wheel but me.

  “As long as you didn’t scratch it,” I warn.

  “Don’t worry. I handled it so well; the ride was as smooth as butter.”

  I shake my head and glance over at Katie; her nose is deep in some paperwork for Beth. Then I look in the rearview mirror at Marissa; she’s sound asleep, again. I’m surprised the panda bear still has all its legs, ears, and eyes with how much she handles it. I rarely see her without it.

  “Plus, I think I won some points with Beth.”

  “Oh, how’s that?”

  “My charm finally wore her down.”

  Yeah, right.

  I roll my eyes at him; he’s hopeless.

  “I’m sure,” I say dryly. “I’ll talk to you in a couple of days.”

  “Going radio silent?”

  “Yeah, I figured it would help us relax some more.”

  “Good idea.”

  “That means, please, don’t come up.”

  “Fine,” he huffs, but I know he doesn’t mind. This time gives him an opportunity to have Beth more to himself because she can’t run from him. “See what fun you are.”

  “You’ll get over it.”

  “Maybe I’ll come in a different way,” he says offhandedly, and I’m done with this phone call.

  “And that’s the end of this call. See you later, Scott.” I hang up and power down my phone. Katie already did that with hers once we hit the outskirts of Boston.

  “Everything okay?” She doesn’t even look up from her paperwork.

  “Yeah, Scott’s just being …”

  “Scott?” She puts her papers together and puts them back in her folder.

  “He thinks he has Beth within his grasp.”

  “Ha!” Katie barks. “Not likely, she …” Katie stops and frowns. “Never mind.”

  “No, what’s going on?”

  She looks over at me. “Girl stuff; don’t worry your handsome little head about it.”

  “Baby,” I say quietly. “My head may be handsome, but you know damn well it isn’t little.” Her eyes widen as I give her my most seductive look, with a wink thrown in, and then focus back on the road.

  Blushing, she looks away, making sure her hair covers her face. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” I grab her hand and lift it to kiss her palm before settling it on my lap. “Where’s my hellcat?”

  “Hiding until I know her daughter is good and asleep, tucked in bed.”

  “She is …”

  “Daddy, what’s a hellcat?” I jolt.

  Holy shit! When did she wake up?

  “Looks like there is still a lot you need to learn.”

  “Just because I don’t have a freaky ESP thing when it comes to my daughter?” I look at her in disbelief. Katie’s face is the whole “Really? Are you going to argue with that?” look. “Okay, so I need to figure that out.”


  “Yes, Marissa?”

  “When I get a brofer or siser?”


  I swerve, and the sound of a hand slapping to the dashboard sounds through the cab of the SUV. “Chamberlain!” Katie shrieks.

  “Sorry,” I mutter and swallow. “Marissa, Mommy and I –” I look at Katie, pleading for help.

  “You’re doing well on your own.” Her grin is evil.

  Oh, she’s paying for this later.

  “We are working on it, okay?”

  “How?” She cocks her little head, the picture of innocents.

  “Umm …” Katie is still refusing to give me any aid or take over this awkward conversation for me.

  How the hell do I do this!

  “Well, you see, Marissa, when a mommy and daddy really love each other, they decide they want a baby.”

  She frowns at me. “How?” she repeats.

  “Yeah Daddy, how?” I’m going to spank that round ass of hers if Katie doesn’t know what’s good for her.

  “They find someone else who has a baby and spit in their hands.”

  Katie shrieks, “What?” the same time Marissa asks, “Why?”

  “Well, you see, a new baby needs the genes from their mommy and daddy. You can get that through spit.”

  “Otay.” Marissa leans on her hands, completely transfixed with my bullshit story.

  “You wipe it on the baby’s forehead and then let it sit there till midnight.”

  “What happens then?”

  Katie’s going to kill me for this one, but I’ve got nothing else. “That baby will have the genes in them until the new mommy and daddy decide when the time is right to have their baby. And when the time is right, they get the baby wet, but only after midnight and after the baby has eaten something. And BOOM!” I slap the steering wheel. “You get a new baby.”

  Katie’s mouth falls open while Marissa continues, “Have you found a baby?”

  “No, Mommy and I are looking for a special one.”

  “Could you do it with me?”

  “Nah, princess, you’re too big now.”

  “Oh, otay.”

  “Chamberlain,” Katie hisses my name.


  “I cannot believe you just compared a baby to a Gremlin!” She slaps my arm.

  “Well, when they are being a little monster, they sure are.”

  Chapter Forty


  I RELISH IN the peace surrounding us. I am in the hammock behind the cottage, listening to nature around me. This is just what I needed. I don’t feel as wound up like I did before we got here. We’ve had a blast the past couple of days; swimming, hiking, and exploring as a family.

  We went to the Bish Bash Falls and took new pictures; ones including Marissa. Katie suggested we make it a tradition to come back whenever we get the opportunity and take new pictures while Marissa and any future kids grow. I really like that idea. The picture she took of us here the last time is worn and never leaves my wallet unless to look at it. She was beautiful, carefree, and until we were reunited, the look I didn’t know was one of pure love.

  Now, she is even more beautiful and still filled with so much love. I crack one eye open when I hear giggling to the right of me. My girls are sitting by the cottage with a pile of flowers between them as they make crowns. I don’t need to see them to know they are doing that because I’m wearing the first one they made.

  Scott would give me so much shit if he knew I was wearing a flower crown, but I don’t give a flying fuck. My little girl made it for me and asked me to wear it, so I’m wearing it. I am the king. They had collected a variety of flowers for the crowns; Indian Blankets, Virginia Bluebells, Chicories, and Pinkfairies are just some I know are in their pile.

  “Here, Mommy,” Marissa’s bright, cheerful voice has a smile on my face in a flash.

  “Thank you, baby doll. It’s beautiful.”

  “Just like you.”

  “Aww.” I hear kissing sounds and push the foot hanging off the side to swing myself some more.


  “We need to make yours now.”

  “Just like you’s and Daddy’s?”

  “Sure, just like ours.”

  Again, I’m glad Katie suggested we come here. No one outside our family knows where we are, and knowing the media is back in Boston, away from my family, relaxes me. I have it all figured out now on what exactly I’m going to do with her parents, and I know for certain after it’s done, they will have absolutely nothing to do with us. I cough a laugh and keep t
he self-satisfied smile on my face as I swing.

  We are leaving in the morning, and I’m not looking forward to going back to Boston. I’d much rather stay here and keep my family to myself, but we have to return. Katie has work to do with Beth’s career, and I need to focus on getting ready for next season and keeping my championship.

  “Daddy!” Marissa jumps on top of me, and Katie falls next to me, taking me by complete surprise. They were so quiet. “You ‘wake, Daddy?”

  “Yes.” I move up a little and arrange myself so they can both lie down with me comfortably. “I’m just lying here listening to you two.” Seeing her own little flower crown, I run the back of my index finger down Marissa’s chubby cheek. “I see you have your crown now, princess.”

  “Just like you and Mommy,” she states proudly and then slams down on my chest to hug me. “Don’t wanna go home.” She pouts against me.

  “We’ll come back soon.” Katie soothes her, rubbing a hand down her back.

  “NO!” Marissa continues to pout.

  “I think someone is getting sleepy,” Katie says in a singsong voice.

  “Good thing we already ate, and she’s clean.” I kiss them both. “Come on, girls.” I sit all three of us up; Katie stands first and goes to take Marissa from me. “I’ve got her.”

  “Okay.” She reaches up and kisses me instead of taking our daughter.

  “Let’s get to bed.”

  “No,” Marissa says sleepily and rubs her eyes. “Imma not tired.”

  I laugh. I know she is only three, but I’ve come to realize that when she is tired, she doesn’t make any sense. “I’ll let you sleep in bed with Mommy and me tonight for our last night.”

  “No.” She yawns. I carry her inside and find Katie was already two steps ahead of me. She has her pjs in hand along with her Brave toothbrush and a hair tie.

  “Come on, let’s get you to bed.” I kiss her and proceed to help Katie change her since she doesn’t want to leave my arms.


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