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Angel in Scarlet: A Bound and Determined Novel

Page 15

by Lavinia Kent

  “You flatter as always.”

  “Is truth flattery?”

  She could not resist the chuckle. “I do not remember you being so charming, Lord Thorton.”

  “Let us simply say I have decided it is time I decided to pursue life again.”

  Does he mean pursue a wife? Something in his gaze gave her just that impression as it swept up her body, lingering for only the briefest of seconds at the neckline of her gown. For a moment she regretted her choice and longed for something of a more modest cut. She had dressed for Colton and not considered what others would think.

  Thorton’s eyes lifted to hers. “And you have always seemed full of life to me, Miss Ripon.”

  Not only did he mean to pursue a wife, he meant to pursue her. “I am sure I am no different from any other lady of my age.”

  “I am sure that is not true. I have spent the last months observing you and the others in your circle, and I can assure you that you are quite unique. I admit that I was a trifle worried you might be spending too much time with those who might cast a bad influence upon you, but that seems to have changed more recently.”

  Who was he talking about? Her mother would never have let her spend time with anyone who might be a “bad influence.” And in her recent experience surely she was the bad influence, corrupting poor Lord Colton with her evil demands—although she certainly didn’t object to any corrupting Colton cared to do.

  “Would you care to share the thought that leads to such a delightful smile?”

  Oh dear, no, she would not. “I was just looking forward to the evening ahead.” Perhaps that wasn’t even such a lie, although she doubted that Lord Thorton would ever imagine the things running through her mind.

  What did Colton have in mind for this night? He’d sounded so confident that he could manage to find a way for them to be together, but she didn’t see how.

  And what would he do if he did manage? What would he demand of her?

  “There’s that smile again.” Lord Thorton had leaned closer and she could feel his hot breath upon her cheek. A slight shiver took her, and not the one of delight that Colton caused in similar circumstances. “I will have to make sure that your night is as pleasant as your dream.” He gave her a nod of farewell and walked across the room to greet her mother as she entered.

  “You do look lovely, my dear Miss Ripon,” Lady Perse said as she came up from behind. Her gaze also paused on Angela’s bosom. “And such a sophisticated gown for a simple country party.”

  “I am quite sure that no party you throw could ever be described as simple, Lady Perse.”

  “That may be true, but…Oh, look, Lady Johnson has already recovered from her journey. I am afraid that she is not a good traveler, and I was not sure that she would be joining us this evening.” She leaned closer. “She suffers from a sour stomach and often cannot eat for hours after even a short ride in a carriage. I do hope that she is wise to come down. I would hate for any mishap to occur during dinner. I will have to be sure that her dishes are only lightly sauced. Please do excuse me for a moment.”

  And then she was alone and could draw in as deep a breath as her gown would afford. If she was careful, everything would stay just where it was supposed to. It would not do to have a breast pop out during dinner, although it might add to the excitement.

  “Isn’t that a delightful giggle.” This time the warm breath brought the desired tingle of excitement.

  She turned her face and gazed up at those dark eyes she knew so well. “I seem to be in high spirits this evening.”

  “And why would that be?”

  “I’ve been promised a treat, and ever since I was a little girl I’ve loved anticipation.”

  “I’ve begun to realize that. I am quite good at building anticipation.”

  She could only imagine. The tingle spread. Or perhaps she couldn’t imagine. It was hard to think about what Colton could be planning in such a situation. But that thought only made her quiver.

  “Yes, I see you do like anticipation.”

  “What are you planning?”

  “And ruin the surprise?” His eyes gazed down at her neckline, where it was possible to see the peaks of her hard nipples pressing against the fabric. “I’d hate to ruin the fun you are having waiting.”


  “No buts. You will wait because I want you to wait.”

  That certainly did nothing to calm her. What was it about his tone of command that set her all alight? She’d never liked being ordered about, but when Colton gave even the smallest hint that she was his to control…“I will do whatever you wish,” she whispered back.

  “There you are, Angela,” her mother said, striding across the room. “I’ve been having the most wonderful conversation about you with Lord Thorton.” She glanced at Colton somewhat dismissively. “He seems to understand just what a treasure you are. He is quite hoping that he will be seated near you at dinner. Would you like me to have a word with Lady Perse?”

  “We would not want to upset her table arrangements, Mother.”

  “Oh, I do know that, particularly when she’s already been complaining about unexpected additions and having to even up the numbers. I do believe that she’s asked her companion, Miss Pratcher, to join us. I do hope the woman is actually entertaining. It can be frightful if one ends up seated with someone who doesn’t know how to hold a civilized conversation.” Her mother glared at Colton.

  Oh dear, her mother clearly was not in a forgiving mood. Perhaps Angela should have done a better job of containing her disappointment and hurt when Colton had acted so cruelly at the end of the season. If only she had known that cruel edge emerged only when he was doing something he thought he should but did not want to.

  It was not a good habit, but one she was sure could be changed over time.

  Over time? That was not a thought she should be having.

  “I will have to apologize to Lady Perse if I have done something so uncouth as to upset her table,” Colton said, drawing her thoughts back to him—or at least away from thought of him and the future.

  “I am sure my mother didn’t mean…” Angela began.

  “Well, you did place her in a most uncomfortable position,” her mother said, squaring her shoulders.

  “Yes, I have always heard that having an extra unmarried man presents such a difficulty,” Colton replied, his voice even and polite, but his eyes filled with inner glee as they met hers.

  An extra man? Was he referring to the fiasco with Granderson? He wouldn’t do that in public, would he? Yes, evidently he would. Well, if he could be just a bit devilish, so could she. “Yes, an extra man is an insurmountable problem for some. I’ve always much preferred even numbers.”

  He turned fully to her. “And do you have much experience with such things, Miss Ripon? I would not have thought you would yet…have arranged your own tables.”

  Her mother stepped forward, perhaps not understanding whatever it was that flew between them but not liking it either. “I don’t believe my daughter’s tables are any concern of yours. You made that quite clear this summer.”

  “Perhaps I had not yet developed a proper appreciation of the potential she had to set a good table.”

  “Oh, hush!” her mother exclaimed. “Don’t think I don’t know when something improper is being said, just because I am not of your set, Lord Colton. Now, I would thank you to go and bother some other guest.” She turned her back on him.

  He stood there for a moment, then gave Angela a wink over her mother’s shoulder before turning to speak with Lady Johnson.

  “Was that really called for, Mother?” Angela asked. “You have always counseled me never to be rude in public—or indeed in private.”

  “I am afraid that when it comes to you, my dear, I am quite the mama lion. I will protect you from any who seek to injure you.”

  And what if I don’t want protection? “Mother, I am quite able to protect myself.”

  “Nonsense. If that
were true, you would not have cried for a full week when he did not propose when he ought to have. I don’t know what he thinks he is doing trying to seek you out now. I am most suspicious that he decided to attend this party.”

  “I did not cry for a week, and he is a neighbor of Lady Perse—hardly suspicious.”

  “Who happened to be in London until two days ago.”


  “And don’t think I don’t know he is the one who sent that pretty little mare for you to ride. I am not quite sure that was even proper, but I had decided to overlook the matter, as he did provide Miss Pratcher as a proper chaperone. But to have him show up here—and be assured, you were seen walking back to the house on his arm. I don’t know what he is about, but I do not like it. If he had a true interest in you, he would have done the right thing at the right time.”

  “You mean propose?”

  “Exactly. He is after something far less honest now.” Her mother did everything but stamp her foot to mark how serious she was.

  “Perhaps he just wants to be civil, Mother. He did not realize how deeply I allowed my affections to become attached. He is only being friendly.”

  “ ‘Friendly’—that’s one word for it.”


  “I am far more experienced than you, Daughter. That man was looking at you as if he was going to reach out and pluck your breasts right out of your dress.”

  “Mother,” Angela said again, with some vehemence.

  “Well, he was.”

  And he probably had been—perhaps he might later. A delicious heat raced through her. A moment ago she’d been regretting her choice of dress, but if Colton had been staring in such a way that her mother noticed…“Then perhaps he is regretting his actions at the end of the summer and is reconsidering.” Oh drat, she should not have said that.

  “Do you think so? Has he hinted that he is actually serious?”

  What to say to that? If she said no, then her mother would watch them like a hawk, to be sure that Angela was not hurt again, but if she said yes, then her mother would be expecting an announcement before the end of the week. “I am not sure. I have never understood how the man thinks, as you should well know.”

  “True.” Her mother turned and stared at Colton, as he laughed politely at some comment by Lady Johnson. “Perhaps I should…No, I remain convinced that he will only bring trouble to you. Stay away from him.”

  “But surely I cannot be so impolite as to avoid him while we are here. It would cause Lady Perse even more difficulties. I am sure most of the activities are for us as a group.”

  “Still, I do not wish to see you alone with him when it is avoidable. If he wishes to speak, you can easily include someone else in the conversation. And you must be sure that you are always with others. It is not good for you to wander alone anyway.”

  “If you are referring to this afternoon, I was always within sight of the house.”

  “I am aware of that, and still you managed to get into trouble.”

  “I would hardly call a walk on Lord Colton’s arm in plain sight trouble.”

  “Yet you are arguing with me now. That man has always upset you, and he is doing it again now. I do not wish you to speak with him more than you must.” And then her mother’s tone softened. “It broke my heart too, to see you so miserable. Stay away from him. You do not need that pain again.”

  Chapter 13

  Small tables had been set up on the terrace so that the guests could sit in the cool of the evening air and listen to the tenor that Lady Perse had hired to entertain them this night. Angela sat at one of the farthest tables and enjoyed the brief moment of solitude. She had been sandwiched between Lord Thorton and Lord Johnson for dinner, and while the one had continually hinted that her mother thought they would get along very well together, the other had discussed nothing except the new litter of puppies his prime bitch had just had and how they didn’t look quite right. He’d almost come out and said that he was quite sure that some mongrel had fathered them, before he’d caught himself and considered to whom he was talking. Both conversations had given her the start of a headache.

  For now she would take the moment of quiet, although she still wanted to know what Colton had planned. She glanced across at him as he sat talking to Lady Perse. Why had she never realized that the two were more than acquaintances? They chatted and laughed like old family friends before turning to the music. It was impossible to turn her gaze away from Colton. Every move he made seemed so much bigger, more important, than anyone else’s.

  He caught her staring and the corners of his mouth tilted up. He ran a single finger across the linen tablecloth, and she could feel it tracing across her collarbone. He dipped his finger into the champagne, and her nipples hardened with the sudden chill—and when he brought it to his lips…

  Her knees pressed together, and it was work not to pant.

  He’d been right about the anticipation. Her whole body felt ready to explode, and all he had to do was look at her.

  What was he planning?

  His eyes suddenly moved from her to the house and up. She followed his gaze. He was staring at the high stone balcony just off the music room. She looked back at him. He nodded to her and then up at the balcony.

  Did he want her to go there?

  A more vigorous nod.

  Yes, he did.

  She rose obediently and walked to her mother, whispering that she wanted a better view, wanted to appreciate the night-sky vista while listening to the vocals. Her mother gave her a questioning look but did not gainsay her.

  With some trepidation, she walked into the house and up to the music room and then out to the balcony. The door had been left slightly ajar. Colton must have been up here earlier. The stone wall rose slightly above her waist. She leaned against it, peering out at the night. It was a spectacular view. Even if this was all Colton had planned for her, it would be worth it.

  She glanced down. Colton was still speaking with Lady Perse. Her mother looked up and Angela waved.

  She closed her eyes and listened to the music, letting herself relax and enjoy.

  Music had never been her passion, but this moment was near perfect: the cool air, the sense of endless space, the—

  Something brushed her ankle. Startled, she jumped.

  “Shh, just be still.”


  “Be still.” This time, command filled his voice.

  She glanced down. Colton sat beside her feet on the stone floor of the balcony, well hidden from those below.

  “Keep facing the stone wall. Spread your legs slightly.”

  With a swallow, she obeyed. It should not have been possible for him to be so filled with authority while sitting below her on the stones, but…“What?”

  “Do not speak unless I tell you to.”

  Pressing her lips tight, she inched her legs farther apart.

  His fingers settled on her stockings, just above the ankle, and then…then slowly, oh so slowly, they inched their way up, pausing at the backs of her knees to trace the most delicious patterns.

  Colton was touching her. He was finally touching her.

  And it was so much more than she had ever dreamed.

  She’d imagined it as she touched herself, thinking of Colton and her French lieutenant, but never—never…God, that was good. How could it be so much better than…A small gasp escaped as he caught the top of her stockings, brushing the tender skin of her inner thighs, pulling open the ties; then, inch by inch, he pulled them down, baring her flesh to the cool of the night air.

  “Good girl, very good girl,” he whispered. “I’d like to make you take off your slippers, to stand on the cold stone, to fully appreciate how vulnerable you are, but given that someone might decide to join us, I shall let you keep them—for now.”

  His words made her shiver. And then his lips were against the inside of her knee, nibbling, kissing. It was hard to stand still. She wanted to move, to reach down
and stroke his hair, to hold him to her.

  “Tell me what is happening below.”


  “What is Lady Johnson doing?”

  “Lady Johnson? You want me to…”

  “Do not question me.” The heat of his breath brushed her inner thigh and higher.

  She stared down. Don’t think about…Ahh, that was tender. She’d never known that…Where was Lady Johnson? There, talking to Lady Perse. “She’s changed seats. She’s whispering something to Lady Perse. Probably something about what time breakfast is and whether she will be up before one.”

  His lips moved higher. “Spread more.”

  With a slight shiver, she complied.

  He lifted her skirts, and the full chill of the evening air hit her, cooling her and inflaming her in one moment.

  “Move farther from the wall; bend slightly, leaning over it. Yes, rest your weight on your elbows. Arch your back, just so. Very, very nice.” He moved away a bit and she felt him do something at the back of her hips. Knotting her skirts up somehow?

  There was a scraping and she glanced down to see that he was now sitting against the wall of the house, staring at her behind—and not only at her behind. He was staring right between her legs. She started to close them.

  “No. Move them wider. And wider still. Do you know you glisten in the moonlight? Are you wet for me, Angela? Is it thoughts of what I will do to you that has your juices marking your upper thighs?”


  “No, I do not want you to actually answer. Just keep looking down at the gathering; watch and enjoy the music—as I enjoy my view. Do not look back at me again.”

  She bit down on her lip to keep from replying. She could do this, no matter how strange it felt to be gazing out over the people while Colton stared straight at her—her cunny. God, she had a man staring at her cunny and she was smiling down at the crowd.

  It should have been the least erotic thing in the world, but every inch of her burned with need and desire. Why wasn’t he touching her? Was he still looking at her? Was he touching himself?


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